From 9ab9fd14f438e8d4ae22754af8a26eb2c31bdae6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: SokyranTheDragon <>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2024 20:14:07 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Added compat for Vanilla Aspirations Expanded (#461)
* Added compat for Vanilla Aspirations Expanded
The mod uses vanilla growth moment letter and dialog as its base for 2 of its own letters/dialogs.
In case of "Aspirations Fulfilled" letter/dialog, those are basically the vanilla growth moment letter/dialog with a slight changes. It's mostly handled by MP syncing, only needing the default choice handling (for which we use the vanilla growth moment default choice method).
For "Growth Moment with Aspirations" dialog (which replaces the vanilla one when a pawn reaches its last growth moment), this letter and dialog (due to extra features and no easy way to modify vanilla dialog itself) include a lot of new code, as well as copying a big chunk of the vanilla dialog's (with some changes).
The second letter required extra work to properly handle. We needed to seed the aspiration choices (similarly to how MP handles vanilla's trait and passion choices). We also need to prevent the removal of the letter when the dialog is finished, similarly to how MP does it. And finally, we needed the default choice handling for aspiration selection as well (although we use MP method to handle traits/passions).
* Include GitHub/Workshop links
Source/Mods/VanillaAspirationsExpanded.cs | 133 ++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 133 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 Source/Mods/VanillaAspirationsExpanded.cs
diff --git a/Source/Mods/VanillaAspirationsExpanded.cs b/Source/Mods/VanillaAspirationsExpanded.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1faef91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Mods/VanillaAspirationsExpanded.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using HarmonyLib;
+using Multiplayer.API;
+using RimWorld;
+using Verse;
+namespace Multiplayer.Compat;
+/// Vanilla Aspirations Expanded by Oskar Potocki, Legodude17, Sarg Bjornson
+public class VanillaAspirationsExpanded
+ #region Fields
+ // MP Compat
+ private static bool isDrawingDialog = false;
+ // List
+ private static Type aspirationDefListType;
+ // SyncDelegates
+ private static FastInvokeHandler pickRandomTraitAndPassionsMethod;
+ // ChoiceLetter_GrowthMoment_Aspirations
+ private static AccessTools.FieldRef aspirationChoicesField;
+ private static AccessTools.FieldRef aspirationGainsCountField;
+ private static FastInvokeHandler trySetAspirationChoicesMethod;
+ private static FastInvokeHandler makeAspirationChoicesMethod;
+ #endregion
+ #region Main Patch
+ public VanillaAspirationsExpanded(ModContentPack mod)
+ {
+ // Run the patches
+ MpCompatPatchLoader.LoadPatch(this);
+ // Setup list type with a generic we can't reference
+ var type = AccessTools.TypeByName("VAspirE.AspirationDef");
+ aspirationDefListType = typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(type);
+ // Access MP method
+ type = AccessTools.TypeByName("Multiplayer.Client.SyncDelegates");
+ var method = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(type, "PickRandomTraitAndPassions");
+ pickRandomTraitAndPassionsMethod = MethodInvoker.GetHandler(method);
+ // Handle aspirations fulfilled letter/dialog
+ type = AccessTools.TypeByName("VAspirE.ChoiceLetter_AspirationsFulfilled");
+ // This letter/dialog have different type, but are otherwise mostly the
+ // same as vanilla growth moment ones. MP should handle those already,
+ // and we only need to register the default choice for the letter.
+ MP.RegisterDefaultLetterChoice(method, type);
+ // Handle growth moment with aspirations letter/dialog
+ type = AccessTools.TypeByName("VAspirE.ChoiceLetter_GrowthMoment_Aspirations");
+ // Setup fields
+ aspirationChoicesField = AccessTools.FieldRefAccess(type, "aspirationChoices");
+ aspirationGainsCountField = AccessTools.FieldRefAccess(type, "aspirationGainsCount");
+ // Setup methods
+ trySetAspirationChoicesMethod = MethodInvoker.GetHandler(AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(type, "TrySetAspirationChoices"));
+ var makeAspirationChoices = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(type, "MakeAspirationChoices");
+ makeAspirationChoicesMethod = MethodInvoker.GetHandler(makeAspirationChoices);
+ // Sync methods
+ MP.RegisterSyncMethod(makeAspirationChoices);
+ // Letter timeout handling
+ MP.RegisterDefaultLetterChoice(MpMethodUtil.MethodOf(PickRandomAspirationsTraitPassions), type);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Choice letter expiry handling
+ private static void PickRandomAspirationsTraitPassions(ChoiceLetter_GrowthMoment letter)
+ {
+ // Make sure the aspirations are prepared
+ trySetAspirationChoicesMethod(letter);
+ var aspirationChoices = aspirationChoicesField(letter);
+ var aspirationCount = aspirationGainsCountField(letter);
+ // If there's any aspirations to pick from, pick some random ones.
+ if (aspirationCount > 0 && aspirationChoices != null)
+ makeAspirationChoicesMethod(letter,
+ Activator.CreateInstance(aspirationDefListType, aspirationChoices.Cast().InRandomOrder().Take(aspirationCount)));
+ // This is technically no-op due to null check, but include it just in case
+ // the mod decides to do something with it at some point (or a different mod uses it).
+ else
+ makeAspirationChoicesMethod(letter, null);
+ // MP method to pick traits and passions, which handles normal, vanilla growth moment.
+ // This will also handle closing the letter.
+ pickRandomTraitAndPassionsMethod(letter);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Seed aspiration generation RNG
+ // The letter tries to generate the options when opened. Make the picks seeded, so all players will get the same ones.
+ [MpCompatPrefix("VAspirE.ChoiceLetter_GrowthMoment_Aspirations", "TrySetAspirationChoices")]
+ private static void PreTrySetAspirationChoices(ChoiceLetter_GrowthMoment __instance)
+ => Rand.PushState(Gen.HashCombineInt(__instance.pawn.thingIDNumber, __instance.arrivalTick));
+ [MpCompatPostfix("VAspirE.ChoiceLetter_GrowthMoment_Aspirations", "TrySetAspirationChoices")]
+ private static void PostTrySetAspirationChoices()
+ => Rand.PopState();
+ #endregion
+ #region Don't close dialog when drawing it
+ // Patches to not remove the letter if it's in the process of being drawn.
+ // Rather than prefixing LetterStack.RemoveLetter we could instead change
+ // Multiplayer.IsDrawingGrowthMomentDialog.isDrawing to true/false, and let
+ // MP handle this itself. However, it's safer to do a new patch for this.
+ [MpCompatPrefix("VAspirE.Dialog_GrowthMomentChoices_Aspirations", nameof(Dialog_GrowthMomentChoices.DoWindowContents))]
+ private static void PreDoWindowContents() => isDrawingDialog = true;
+ [MpCompatFinalizer("VAspirE.Dialog_GrowthMomentChoices_Aspirations", nameof(Dialog_GrowthMomentChoices.DoWindowContents))]
+ private static void PostDoWindowContents() => isDrawingDialog = false;
+ [MpCompatPrefix(typeof(LetterStack), nameof(LetterStack.RemoveLetter))]
+ private static bool DontRemoveChoiceLetter() => !MP.IsInMultiplayer || !isDrawingDialog;
+ #endregion
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