diff --git a/Source/Mods/VanillaChristmasExpanded.cs b/Source/Mods/VanillaChristmasExpanded.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..966cc4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Mods/VanillaChristmasExpanded.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Reflection.Emit;
+using HarmonyLib;
+using Multiplayer.API;
+using Verse;
+namespace Multiplayer.Compat;
+/// Vanilla Christmas Expanded by Oskar Potocki, Sarg Bjornson, Taranchuk
+public class VanillaChristmasExpanded
+ public VanillaChristmasExpanded(ModContentPack mod)
+ {
+ LongEventHandler.ExecuteWhenFinished(LatePatch);
+ // Change graphic
+ MpCompat.RegisterLambdaMethod("VanillaChristmasExpanded.GrandFestiveTree", nameof(Building.GetGizmos), 0);
+ }
+ private static void LatePatch()
+ {
+ MpCompatPatchLoader.LoadPatch();
+ }
+ private static int ModifyScreenWidthValue(int screenWidth)
+ {
+ // Constant values taken directly from MP's code.
+ const int mpBtnMargin = 8;
+ const int mpBtnWidth = 80;
+ // If we don't offset it further the text will be covered by the
+ // indicator rectangle (its width isn't stored as a constant).
+ // Slightly winging it here with a value that doesn't fully match
+ // MP size but results in the overlay looking alright (as in, it
+ // doesn't overlap and there isn't too much of a gap between it
+ // and the MP UI).
+ const int extraOffset = 20;
+ if (MP.IsInMultiplayer)
+ return screenWidth - (mpBtnWidth + 2 * mpBtnMargin + extraOffset);
+ return screenWidth;
+ }
+ [MpCompatTranspiler("VanillaChristmasExpanded.FestiveFavorManager", "DrawUI")]
+ private static IEnumerable MoveFestiveOverlayPosition(IEnumerable instr, MethodBase baseMethod)
+ {
+ // Same issue as Vanilla Factions Insectoid 2. The overlay overlaps MP buttons. Since
+ // both overlays depend on a specific storyteller, they won't overlap with themselves.
+ // Since this mod requires a bit more offset (as it's overlapping with the rectangle
+ // "ticks behind" indicator) the same method cannot be reused as for VFEI2.
+ var target = AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(UI), nameof(UI.screenWidth));
+ var replacement = MpMethodUtil.MethodOf(ModifyScreenWidthValue);
+ var replacedCount = 0;
+ foreach (var ci in instr)
+ {
+ yield return ci;
+ if (ci.LoadsField(target))
+ {
+ yield return new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Call, replacement);
+ replacedCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ const int expected = 1;
+ if (replacedCount != expected)
+ {
+ var name = (baseMethod.DeclaringType?.Namespace).NullOrEmpty() ? baseMethod.Name : $"{baseMethod.DeclaringType!.Name}:{baseMethod.Name}";
+ Log.Warning($"Patched incorrect number of Find.CameraDriver.MapPosition calls (patched {replacedCount}, expected {expected}) for method {name}");
+ }
+ }
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