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File metadata and controls

356 lines (290 loc) · 12.7 KB


This RFC proposes two additions to the Error trait to support accessing generic forms of context from dyn Error trait objects, generalizing the pattern used in backtrace and source and allowing ecosystem iteration on error reporting infrastructure outside of the standard library. The two proposed additions are a new trait method Error::provide_context which offers TypeId-based member lookup and a new inherent fn <dyn Error>::context which makes use of an implementor's provide_context to return a typed reference directly. These additions would primarily be useful in "error reporting" contexts where we typically no longer have type information and may be composing errors from many sources.

pub trait Error {
    /// Provide an untyped reference to a member whose type matches the provided `TypeId`.
    /// Returns `None` by default, implementors are encouraged to override.
    fn provide_context(&self, ty: TypeId) -> Option<&dyn Any> {

impl dyn Error {
    /// Retrieve a reference to `T`-typed context from the error if it is available.
    pub fn context<T: Any>(&self) -> Option<&T> {


Today, there are a number of forms of context that are traditionally gathered when creating errors. These members are gathered so that a final error reporting type or function can access them and render them independently of the Display implementation for each specific error type. This allows for consistently formatted and flexible error reports. Today, there are 2 such forms of context that are traditionally gathered, backtrace and source.

However, the current approach of promoting each form of context to a fn on the Error trait doesn't leave room for forms of context that are not commonly used, or forms of context that are defined outside of the standard library.

Example use cases this enables

  • using backtrace::Backtrace instead of std::backtrace::Backtrace
  • zig-like Error Return Traces by extracting Location types from errors gathered via #[track_caller] or some similar mechanism.
  • error source trees instead of chains by accessing the source of an error as a slice of errors rather than as a single error, such as a set of errors caused when parsing a file
  • SpanTrace a backtrace like type from the tracing-error library
  • Help text such as suggestions or warnings attached to an error report

By adding a generic form of these functions that works around the restriction on generics in vtables we could support a greater diversity of error handling needs and make room for experimentation with new forms of context in error reports.

Guide-level explanation

Error handling in rust consists mainly of two steps, creation/propogation and reporting. The std::error::Error trait exists to bridge the gap between these two steps. It does so by acting as a consistent interface that all error types can implement to allow error reporting types to handle them in a consistent manner when constructing reports for end users.

The error trait accomplishes this by providing a set of methods for accessing members of dyn Error trait objects. The main member, the error message itself, is handled by the Display trait which is a requirement for implementing the Error trait. For accessing dyn Error members it provides the source function, which conventionally represents the lower level error that caused the current error. And for accessing a Backtrace of the state of the stack when an error was created it provides the backtrace function. For all other forms of context relevant to an Error Report the error trait provides the context/provide_context functions.

As an example of how to use these types to construct an error report lets explore how one could implement an error reporting type that retrieves the Location where each error in the chain was created, if it exists, and renders it as part of the chain of errors. Our end goal is to get an error report that looks something like this:

    0: Failed to read instrs from ./path/to/instrs.json
    1: No such file or directory (os error 2)

The first step is to define or use a Location type. In this example we will define our own but we could use also use std::panic::Location for example.

struct Location {
    file: &'static str,
    line: usize,

Next we need to gather the location when creating our error types.

struct ExampleError {
    source: std::io::Error,
    location: Location,
    path: PathBuf,

impl fmt::Display for ExampleError {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(fmt, "Failed to read instrs from {}", path.display())

fn read_instrs(path: &Path) -> Result<String, ExampleError> {
    std::fs::read_to_string(path).map_err(|source| {
        ExampleError {
            path: path.to_owned(),
            location: Location {
                file: file!(),
                line: line!(),

Next we need to implement the Error trait to expose these members to the Error Reporter.

impl std::error::Error for ExampleError {
    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {

    fn provide_context(&self, type_id: TypeId) -> Option<&dyn Any> {
        if id == TypeId::of::<Location>() {
        } else {

And finally, we create an error reporter that prints the error and its source recursively along with the location data if it was gathered.

struct ErrorReporter(Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>);

impl fmt::Debug for ErrorReporter {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        let mut current_error = Some(self.0.as_ref());
        let mut ind = 0;

        while let Some(error) = current_error {
            writeln!(fmt, "    {}: {}", ind, error)?;

            if let Some(location) = error.context::<Location>() {
                writeln!(fmt, "        at {}:{}", location.file, location.line)?;

            ind += 1;
            current_error = error.source();


Reference-level explanation

There are two additions necessary to the standard library to implement this proposal:

Add a function for dyn Error trait objects that will be used by error reporters to access members given a generic type. This function circumvents restrictions on generics in trait functions by being implemented for trait objects only, rather than as a member of the trait itself.

impl dyn Error {
    pub fn context<T: Any>(&self) -> Option<&T> {

With the expected usage:

// With explicit parameter passing
let spantrace = error.context::<SpanTrace>();

// With a type inference
fn get_spantrace(error: &(dyn Error + 'static)) -> Option<&SpanTrace> {

Add a member to the Error trait to provide the &dyn Any trait objects to the context fn for each member based on the type_id.

trait Error {
    /// ...

    fn provide_context(&self, id: TypeId) -> Option<&dyn Any> {

With the expected usage:

fn provide_context(&self, type_id: TypeId) -> Option<&dyn Any> {
    if id == TypeId::of::<Location>() {
    } else {


  • The API for defining how to return types is cumbersome and possibly not accessible for new rust users.
    • If the type is stored in an Option getting it converted to an &Any will probably challenge new devs, this can be made easier with documented examples covering common use cases and macros like thiserror.
} else if typeid == TypeId::of::<SpanTrace>() {
    self.span_trace.as_ref().map(|s| s as &dyn Any)
  • When you return the wrong type and the downcast fails you get None rather than a compiler error guiding you to the right return type, which can make it challenging to debug mismatches between the type you return and the type you use to check against the type_id
    • The downcast could be changed to panic when it fails
    • There is an alternative implementation that mostly avoids this issue
  • This approach cannot return slices or trait objects because of restrictions on Any
    • The alternative implementation avoids this issue
  • The context function name is currently widely used throughout the rust error handling ecosystem in libraries like anyhow and snafu as an ergonomic version of map_err. If we settle on context as the final name it will possibly break existing libraries.

Rationale and alternatives

The two alternatives I can think of are:

Do Nothing

We could not do this, and continue to add accessor functions to the Error trait whenever a new type reaches critical levels of popularity in error reporting.

If we choose to do nothing we will continue to see hacks around the current limitations on the error trait such as the Fail trait, which added the missing function access methods that didn't previously exist on the Error trait and type erasure / unnecessary boxing of errors to enable downcasting to extract members. [1].

Use an alternative to Any for passing generic types across the trait boundary

Nika Layzell has proposed an alternative implementation using a Provider type which avoids using &dyn Any. I do not necessarily think that the main suggestion is necessarily better, but it is much simpler.

With this design an implementation of the provide_context fn might instead look like:

fn provide_context<'r, 'a>(&'a self, request: Request<'r, 'a>) -> ProvideResult<'r, 'a> {
        .provide::<dyn Debug>(&self.path)

The advantages of this design are that:

  1. It supports accessing trait objects and slices
  2. If the user specifies the type they are trying to pass in explicitly they will get compiler errors when the type doesn't match.
  3. Takes advantage of deref sugar to help with conversions from wrapper types to inner types.
  4. Less verbose implementation

The disadvatages are:

  1. More verbose function signature, very lifetime heavy
  2. The Request type uses unsafe code which needs to be verified
  3. could encourage implementations where they pass the provider to source.provide first which would prevent the error reporter from knowing which error in the chain gathered each piece of context and might cause context to show up multiple times in a report.

Prior art

I do not know of any other languages whose error handling has similar facilities for accessing members when reporting errors. For the most part prior art exists within rust itself in the form of previous additions to the Error trait.

Unresolved questions

  • What should the names of these functions be?
    • context/context_ref/provide_context
    • member/member_ref
    • provide/request
  • Should we go with the implementation that uses Any or the one that supports accessing dynamically sized types like traits and slices?
  • Should there be a by value version for accessing temporaries?
    • I bring this up specifically for the case where you want to use this function to get an Option<&[&dyn Error]> out of an error, in this case its unlikely that the error behind the trait object is actually storing the errors as dyn Errors, and theres no easy way to allocate storage to store the trait objects.

Future possibilities

I'd love to see the various error creating libraries like thiserror adding support for making members exportable as context for reporters.

Also, I'm interested in adding support for Error Return Traces, similar to zigs, and I think that this accessor function might act as a critical piece of that implementation.