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Testing the Parse PHP SDK requires having a working Parse Server instance to run against. Additionally you'll need to add some cloud code to it.
To get started:
- Get Composer, the PHP package manager.
- Run "composer install" to download dependencies.
From here you have to setup an instance of parse server.
To get started quickly you can clone and run this parse server test project. It's setup with the appropriate configuration to run the php sdk test suite. Additionally it handles setting up mongodb for the server.
Alternately you can configure a compatible test server as follows:
- Setup a local Parse Server instance
- Add main.js in tests/cloudcode/cloud/ to your Parse Server configuration as a cloud code file
- Ensure your App ID, REST API Key, and Master Key match those contained in tests/Parse/Helper.php
- Add a mock push configuration, for example:
"senderId": "blank-sender-id",
"apiKey": "not-a-real-api-key"
- Add a mock email adapter configuration, for example:
"module": "parse-server-simple-mailgun-adapter",
"options": {
"apiKey": "not-a-real-api-key",
"domain": "",
"fromAddress": "[email protected]"
- Ensure the public url is correct. For a locally hosted instance this is probably
You should now be able to execute the tests, from project root folder:
The test suite is setup for code coverage if you have XDebug installed and setup. Coverage is outputted as text and as html in the phpunit-test-results/ directory within the project root.
If you do not have XDebug tests will still run, just without coverage.
Please make sure that any new functionality (or issues) you are working on are covered by tests when possible. If you have XDebug setup and can view code coverage please ensure that you do your best to completely cover any new code you are adding.