Connect to your comma device using SSH
openpilot is developed and tested on Ubuntu 20.04, which is the primary development target aside from the supported embdedded hardware. We also have a CI test to verify that openpilot builds on macOS, but the tools are untested. For the best experience, stick to Ubuntu 20.04, otherwise openpilot and the tools should work with minimal to no modifications on macOS and other Linux systems.
- Clone openpilot into your home directory:
cd ~
git clone --recurse-submodules
- Run the setup script:
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS:
- Ensure you have a working OpenCL runtime:
You can verify your OpenCL installation with the clinfo
If you do not have any working platforms, you can download drivers from your GPU vendor's site.
On Ubuntu you can just install one of the packages returned by apt search opencl-icd
- Activate the Python environment:
Execute the following command in root openpilot directory:
pipenv shell
Your shell prompt should change to something similar to (openpilot) user@machine:~/openpilot$
- Build openpilot by running SCons in the root of the openpilot directory
cd openpilot && scons -j$(nproc)
- Try out some tools!
NOTE: you can always run
to pull in new python dependencies.
Neither openpilot nor any of the tools are developed or tested on Windows, but the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) should get Windows users a similiar experience to Ubuntu. WSL 2 specifically has been reported by several users to be a seamless experience.
Follow these instructions to setup the WSL and install the Ubuntu-20.04
distribution. Once your Ubuntu WSL environment is setup, follow the Linux setup instructions to finish setting up your environment.
GUI applications do not work with WSL out of the box. You will have to either upgrade your system to Windows 11 or set up an Xorg server.
Easily plot openpilot logs with PlotJuggler, an open source tool for visualizing time series data.
Test openpilots performance in a simulated environment. The CARLA simulator allows you to set a variety of features like:
- Weather
- Environment physics
- Cars
- Traffic and pedestrians
Review video and log data from routes and stream CAN messages to your device.
Use a joystick to control your car.
- Documentation: code comments, better tutorials, etc
- Support for platforms other than Ubuntu 20.04
- Performance improvements
- More tools: anything that you think might be helpful to others.