The webclient rendering system works as described below.
Upon request, the client generates a Scene
, which is made up of a Terrain
and a World
, around a given position.
This will typically be driven by the server, when the player walks too far since their last scene generation.
In revision 435, this is represented by packet 166
, in 317 it is packet 73
The Terrain
represents the ground tiles of a scene. They are loaded from the m00_00
map files.
A Terrain
contains a 3-dimensional array of TerrainTile
which can either contain a TilePaint
or a TileModel
represents a tile with 4 corner vertices and 2 trianglesTileModel
represents a tile which contains more than the 4 corner vertices, to represent some more complex shape
The concepts of TilePaint
and TileModel
are often called underlay
and overlay
The World
represents the non-ground items making up a game scene:
- map objects (walls, etc)
- interactible objects
- players
- npcs
- items
- projectiles ?
Currently, only the terrain is rendered.
The terrain is passed through uploadTerrain
which iterates through the TerrainTiles
and adds their vertices and color information to a set of arrays.
These arrays are then passed to ThreeJS to create the mesh.