Doing conversions for you so you don’t have to google them and making code more readable.
This work was inspired by ruby gem with similar name. It is not my attention to mimic the functionality of that gem.
Boy, those French: they have a different word for everything! Steve Martin
Once you include Alchemist.js in your code you can usit it like:
var foots = Alchemist.convert(2, "m").to("foot"),
radians = Alchemist.convert(25, "degrees").to("radians"),
degrees = Alchemist.convert(25, "arcminute").to("degrees"),
ares = Alchemist.convert(2500, "square\_foot").to("ares"),
fahrenheits = Alchemist.convert(36.5, "celsius").to("fahrenheit");
- absorbed radiation dose
- gray
- grays
- Gy
- rad
- rads
- angles
- radian
- radians
- degree
- degrees
- arcminute
- arcminutes
- arcsecond
- arcseconds
- mil
- mils
- revolution
- revolutions
- circle
- circles
- right_angle
- right_angles
- grad
- grade
- gradian
- gon
- grads
- grades
- gradians
- gons
- area
- square_meter
- square_meters
- square_metre
- square_metres
- acre
- acres
- are
- ares
- a
- barn
- barns
- b
- circular_mil
- circular_mils
- hectare
- hectares
- ha
- square_foot
- square_feet
- square_inch
- square_inches
- square_mile
- square_miles
- square_yard
- square_yards
- capacitance
- farad
- farads
- F
- abfarad
- emu_of_capacitance
- abfarads
- emus_of_capacitance
- statfarad
- esu_of_capacitance
- statfarads
- esus_of_capacitance
- distance
- meter
- metres
- meters
- m
- fermi
- fermis
- micron
- microns
- chain
- chains
- inch
- inches
- in
- microinch
- microinches
- mil
- mils
- rod
- rods
- league
- leagues
- foot
- feet
- ft
- yard
- yards
- yd
- mile
- miles
- mi
- astronomical_unit
- astronomical_units
- au
- ua
- light_year
- light_years
- ly
- parsec
- parsecs
- nautical_mile
- nautical_miles
- admirality_mile
- admirality_miles
- fathom
- fathoms
- cable_length
- cable_lengths
- angstrom
- angstroms
- pica
- picas
- printer_pica
- printer_picas
- point
- points
- printer_point
- printer_points
- dose equivalent
- sievert
- sieverts
- Si
- rem
- rems
- electric charge
- coulomb
- coulombs
- C
- abcoulomb
- abcoulombs
- ampere_hour
- ampere_hours
- faraday
- faradays
- franklin
- franklins
- Fr
- statcoulomb
- statcoulombs
- electric conductance
- siemen
- siemens
- S
- mho
- abmho
- absiemen
- absiemens
- statmho
- statsiemen
- statsiemens
- electrical impedance
- ohm
- ohms
- abohm
- emu_of_resistance
- abohms
- emus_of_resistance
- statohm
- esu_of_resistance
- statohms
- esus_of_resistance
- electromotive force
- volt
- volts
- V
- abvolt
- emu_of_electric_potential
- abvolts
- emus_of_electric_potential
- statvolt
- esu_of_electric_potential
- statvolts
- esus_of_electric_potential
- energy
- joule
- joules
- J
- watt_second
- watt_seconds
- watt_hour
- watt_hours
- ton_of_tnt
- tons_of_tnt
- therm
- therms
- us_therm
- us_therms
- kilowatt_hour
- kilowatt_hours
- kilocalorie
- kilocalories
- calorie
- calories
- mean_kilocalorie
- mean_kilocalories
- mean_calorie
- mean_calories
- it_kilocalorie
- it_kilocalories
- it_calorie
- it_calories
- foot_poundal
- foot_poundals
- foot_pound_force
- erg
- ergs
- electronvolt
- electronvolts
- eV
- british_thermal_unit
- british_thermal_units
- mean_british_thermal_unit
- mean_british_thermal_units
- it_british_thermal_unit
- it_british_thermal_units
- force
- newton
- newtons
- N
- dyne
- dynes
- dyn
- kilogram_force
- kgf
- kilopond
- kiloponds
- kp
- kip
- kips
- ounce_force
- ozf
- poundal
- poundals
- pound_force
- lbf
- ton_force
- illuminance
- lux
- lx
- lumens_per_square_metre
- lumens_per_square_meter
- lumen_per_square_metre
- lumen_per_square_meter
- phot
- phots
- ph
- lumens_per_square_foot
- footcandle
- lumen_per_square_foot
- footcandles
- inductance
- henry
- henrys
- H
- abhenrys
- emus_of_inductance
- abhenry
- emu_of_inductance
- stathenrys
- esus_of_inductance
- stathenry
- esu_of_inductance
- information storage
- bit
- bits
- b
- byte
- bytes
- B
- nibbles
- nybbles
- luminous flux
- lumen
- lumens
- lm
- luminous intensity
- candela
- candelas
- cd
- magnetic flux
- webers
- Wb
- maxwells
- Mx
- unit_poles
- magnetic inductance
- tesla
- teslas
- T
- gamma
- gammas
- gauss
- Gs
- G
- mass
- gram
- gramme
- grams
- grammes
- g
- carat
- carats
- ounce
- ounces
- oz
- pennyweight
- pennyweights
- dwt
- pound
- pounds
- lb
- lbs
- troy_pound
- apothecary_pound
- troy_pounds
- apothecary_pounds
- slug
- slugs
- assay_ton
- assay_tons
- AT
- metric_ton
- metric_tons
- ton
- tons
- short_tons
- power
- watt
- watts
- W
- british_thermal_unit_per_hour
- british_thermal_units_per_hour
- it_british_thermal_unit_per_hour
- it_british_thermal_units_per_hour
- british_thermal_unit_per_second
- british_thermal_units_per_second
- it_british_thermal_unit_per_second
- it_british_thermal_units_per_second
- calorie_per_minute
- calories_per_minute
- calorie_per_second
- calories_per_second
- erg_per_second
- ergs_per_second
- foot_pound_force_per_hour
- foot_pound_force_per_minute
- foot_pound_force_per_second
- horsepower
- boiler_horsepower
- electric_horsepower
- metric_horsepower
- uk_horsepower
- water_horsepower
- kilocalorie_per_minute
- kilocalories_per_minute
- kilocalorie_per_second
- kilocalories_per_second
- ton_of_refrigeration
- tons_of_refrigeration
- pressure
- pascal
- pascals
- Pa
- atmosphere
- atmospheres
- technical_atmosphere
- technical_atmospheres
- bar
- bars
- centimeter_of_mercury
- centimeters_of_mercury
- centimeter_of_water
- centimeters_of_water
- gram_force_per_square_centimeter
- dyne_per_square_centimeter
- dynes_per_square_centimeter
- foot_of_mercury
- feet_of_mercury
- foot_of_water
- feet_of_water
- inch_of_mercury
- inches_of_mercury
- inch_of_water
- inches_of_water
- kilogram_force_per_square_centimeter
- kilogram_force_per_square_meter
- kilogram_force_per_square_millimeter
- kip_per_square_inch
- kips_per_square_inch
- ksi
- millibar
- mbar
- millibars
- mbars
- millimeter_of_mercury
- millimeters_of_mercury
- millimeter_of_water
- millimeters_of_water
- poundal_per_square_foot
- poundals_per_square_foot
- pound_force_per_square_foot
- pound_force_per_square_inch
- psi
- torr
- torrs
- radioactivity
- becquerel
- becquerels
- Bq
- curie
- curies
- Ci
- temperature
- kelvin
- K
- celsius
- centrigrade
- degree_celsius
- degree_centrigrade
- degrees_celsius
- degrees_centrigrade
- fahrenheit
- degree_fahrenheit
- degrees_fahrenheit
- rankine
- rankines
- time
- second
- seconds
- s
- minute
- minutes
- min
- sidereal_minute
- sidereal_minutes
- hour
- hours
- hr
- sidereal_hour
- sidereal_hours
- day
- days
- sidereal_day
- sidereal_days
- shake
- shakes
- year
- years
- sidereal_year
- sidereal_years
- tropical_year
- tropical_years
- volume
- litre
- liter
- litres
- liters
- l
- L
- barrel
- barrels
- bushel
- bushels
- cubic_meter
- cubic_meters
- cup
- cups
- imperial_fluid_ounce
- imperial_fluid_ounces
- ounce
- ounces
- fluid_ounce
- fluid_ounces
- imperial_gallon
- imperial_gallons
- gallon
- gallons
- imperial_gill
- imperial_gills
- gill
- gills
- gi
- pint
- pints
- liquid_pint
- liquid_pints
- quart
- quarts
- liquid_quart
- liquid_quarts
- tablespoon
- tablespoons
- teaspoon
- teaspoons
And some unusual measurements that you can find in code :-)