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compare the performance of the model in deep learning and svm to find the best way to use with sdn classify DDoS attack

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compare the performance of the model in deep learning and svm to find the best way to use with sdn classify DDoS attack

Our system

  • cuda 9.1
  • CudNN 7.0
  • openmpi 3
  • python 2
  • ubuntu 18.04 x86_64
  • GTX 1080

Data format DARPA 2009 DDoS attack dataset [1 GB (zip) :3 GB (unzip)] ref :

  • use for Attack packets dataset DARPA 2009 Scalable Network Monitoring [1.64 TB : 6.54 TB ?] ref : in email
  • use for Normal packets dataset
  • pcap file that is ascii file that contain the header and raw in packets
  • convert file pass this programs (order) Choice 1 (using scapy + scapy-http libary) prepare by
"pip install scapy"
"pip install scapy-httpscapy-http"
  1. Fullyfile.ipynb (MAC) : pcap --> txt | use command "" get a lot of detail in package, example

  2. (MAC) : pcap --> txt | use command "p.summary()" get a little detail in package, example

  3. Preprocess-intoDataFame.ipynb (Ubuntu) : txt --> csv | convert in logic part in this program to use with training model

Example some difference in dataset (not Ether)

###[ 802.3 ]### 
 dst       = 01:80:c2:00:00:00
 src       = 00:1f:ca:9e:7e:df
 len       = 38
###[ LLC ]### 
     dsap      = 0x42
     ssap      = 0x42
     ctrl      = 3
###[ Spanning Tree Protocol ]### 
        proto     = 0
        version   = 0
        bpdutype  = 0
        bpduflags = 0
        rootid    = 32768
        rootmac   = 00:21:56:ef:bc:01
        pathcost  = 0
        bridgeid  = 32768
        bridgemac = 00:21:56:ef:bc:01
        portid    = 32800
        age       = 0.0
        maxage    = 20.0
        hellotime = 2.0
        fwddelay  = 15.0
###[ Padding ]### 
           load      = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
###[ Ethernet ]### 
 dst       = 00:1e:4f:3e:45:1f
 src       = 00:1b:21:3a:79:d5
 type      = 0x806
###[ ARP ]### 
     hwtype    = 0x1
     ptype     = 0x800
     hwlen     = 6
     plen      = 4
     op        = is-at
     hwsrc     = 00:1b:21:3a:79:d5
     psrc      =
     hwdst     = 00:1e:4f:3e:45:1f
     pdst      =
###[ Padding ]### 
        load      = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
###[ Ethernet ]### 
 dst       = ab:00:00:02:00:00
 src       = 00:21:56:ef:bc:00
 type      = 0x6002
###[ Raw ]### 
      load      = '=\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x03\x03\x00\x00\x02\x00\x02!\x00\x03\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x02<\x00\x05\x00\x02\xd8\x05\x06\x00\x02\x00\x01\x07\x00\x06\x00!V\xef\xbc\x00d\x00\x01y\x90\x01\x01\x01\x91\x01\x02\xee\x05'
###[ Ethernet ]### 
 dst       = 33:33:00:01:00:03
 src       = 00:1e:4f:3e:43:19
 type      = 0x86dd
###[ IPv6 ]### 
     version   = 6
     tc        = 0
     fl        = 0
     plen      = 37
     nh        = UDP
     hlim      = 1
     src       = fe80::b6:a9b:e37d:95f3
     dst       = ff02::1:3
###[ UDP ]### 
        sport     = 55902
        dport     = hostmon
        len       = 37
        chksum    = 0x9fa2
###[ Link Local Multicast Node Resolution - Query ]### 
           id        = 54023
           qr        = 0
           opcode    = QUERY
           c         = 0
           tc        = 0
           z         = 0
           rcode     = ok
           qdcount   = 1
           ancount   = 0
           nscount   = 0
           arcount   = 0
           \qd        \
            |###[ DNS Question Record ]### 
            |  qname     = 'Unspecified.'
            |  qtype     = A
            |  qclass    = IN
           an        = None
           ns        = None
           ar        = None

Dataset (collect in the same day 20091105 )

  • for training

    • Attack packets:

    • 4856 = 1217369 packets

    • 5102 = 1470285 packets

    • Nomal packets:

    • 0448 = 1219540 packets

    • 1052 = 1216464 packets [may be select packets by random]

  • for test

    • Attack packets:
    • 5253 = 1267616 packets
    • Nomal packets:
    • 2823 = 1217463 packets
  • Problem

  • Attack dataset is mixing between attack packets and not attack packets.

  • Have to remodel and new preprocess

  • Define is DDoS Attack or not

  • [TRY] preprocess3 using window Try to find the relation of each attributes with R language (Multiple regression)

lm(formula = Status ~ Ether_or_Dot3 + MAC_src + MAC_dst + Ether_type + 
    LLC + LLC_ssap + LLC_dsap + IP_ttl + IP_version + TCP + UDP + 
    ARP + ICMP + pLen + Num_ip_pair + Ratio_ip + Num_ip_src + 
    Num_ip_dst + Ratio_port + Num_port_dst + Weight_ip + Weight_port + 
    Num_port_src + Weight_ip + Weight_port + Num_all_packets)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-1.01651 -0.00034 -0.00013  0.00001  0.99941 

Coefficients: (16 not defined because of singularities)
                           Estimate Std. Error  t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)              -5.509e-04  4.744e-03   -0.116 0.907549    
Ether_or_Dot3            -3.153e-01  5.108e-03  -61.725  < 2e-16 ***
MAC_src00:13:80:5c:32:c0 -1.195e-03  1.893e-03   -0.631 0.527962    
MAC_src00:17:3f:9c:23:76 -7.205e-02  2.097e-03  -34.366  < 2e-16 ***
MAC_src00:1a:70:14:d6:4a -4.591e-02  1.743e-03  -26.344  < 2e-16 ***
MAC_src00:1b:21:23:b9:90  4.041e-03  4.792e-04    8.434  < 2e-16 ***
MAC_src00:1b:21:3a:79:d5 -1.111e-03  3.090e-04   -3.596 0.000323 ***
MAC_src00:1b:78:1f:49:78 -4.094e-02  5.412e-03   -7.565 3.89e-14 ***
MAC_src00:1e:4f:3e:1a:ae -2.505e-01  1.910e-03 -131.132  < 2e-16 ***
MAC_src00:1e:4f:3e:43:19 -3.185e-01  2.219e-03 -143.549  < 2e-16 ***
MAC_src00:1e:4f:3e:45:1f -3.185e-01  6.033e-04 -528.046  < 2e-16 ***
MAC_src00:1f:ca:9e:7e:d8 -7.315e-05  4.819e-03   -0.015 0.987890    
MAC_src00:1f:ca:9e:7e:d9 -7.315e-05  4.819e-03   -0.015 0.987890    
MAC_src00:1f:ca:9e:7e:df -7.315e-05  4.819e-03   -0.015 0.987890    
MAC_src00:1f:ca:9e:7e:e0 -7.315e-05  4.819e-03   -0.015 0.987890    
MAC_src00:1f:ca:9e:7e:e1 -7.315e-05  4.819e-03   -0.015 0.987890    
MAC_src00:1f:ca:9e:7e:e3 -7.315e-05  4.819e-03   -0.015 0.987890    
MAC_src00:1f:ca:9e:7e:e4 -7.315e-05  4.819e-03   -0.015 0.987890    
MAC_src00:1f:ca:9e:7e:e6 -7.315e-05  4.819e-03   -0.015 0.987890    
MAC_src00:1f:ca:9e:7e:e8 -7.315e-05  4.819e-03   -0.015 0.987890    
MAC_src00:1f:ca:9e:7e:ef -7.315e-05  4.819e-03   -0.015 0.987890    
MAC_src00:21:56:ef:bc:00 -1.175e-02  1.893e-03   -6.207 5.40e-10 ***
MAC_src00:21:9b:fc:19:68         NA         NA       NA       NA    
MAC_dst00:17:3f:9c:23:76 -9.814e-02  2.790e-03  -35.177  < 2e-16 ***
MAC_dst00:1a:70:14:d6:4a -9.215e-02  2.573e-03  -35.813  < 2e-16 ***
MAC_dst00:1b:21:23:b9:90 -1.767e-02  1.891e-03   -9.347  < 2e-16 ***
MAC_dst00:1b:21:3a:79:d5 -2.214e-02  1.907e-03  -11.610  < 2e-16 ***
MAC_dst00:1e:4f:3e:1a:ae  2.488e-02  1.839e-03   13.526  < 2e-16 ***
MAC_dst00:1e:4f:3e:43:19 -1.472e-03  4.029e-03   -0.365 0.714932    
MAC_dst00:1e:4f:3e:45:1f -2.256e-02  1.909e-03  -11.822  < 2e-16 ***
MAC_dst00:21:56:ef:bc:00         NA         NA       NA       NA    
MAC_dst00:21:9b:fc:19:68 -2.649e-02  1.904e-03  -13.912  < 2e-16 ***
MAC_dst01:00:0c:cc:cc:cc         NA         NA       NA       NA    
MAC_dst01:00:5e:00:00:fb -9.776e-01  2.924e-03 -334.314  < 2e-16 ***
MAC_dst01:00:5e:00:00:fc  6.286e-01  2.843e-03  221.082  < 2e-16 ***
MAC_dst01:80:c2:00:00:00         NA         NA       NA       NA    
MAC_dst33:33:00:01:00:03  6.338e-01  2.843e-03  222.918  < 2e-16 ***
MAC_dstff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff         NA         NA       NA       NA    
Ether_type2054            4.664e-01  9.549e-04  488.400  < 2e-16 ***
Ether_type34525                  NA         NA       NA       NA    
Ether_typeN                      NA         NA       NA       NA    
LLC                              NA         NA       NA       NA    
LLC_ssap66                       NA         NA       NA       NA    
LLC_ssapN                        NA         NA       NA       NA    
LLC_dsap66                       NA         NA       NA       NA    
LLC_dsapN                        NA         NA       NA       NA    
IP_ttl                    5.231e-03  9.457e-07 5531.226  < 2e-16 ***
IP_version6                      NA         NA       NA       NA    
IP_versionN                      NA         NA       NA       NA    
TCP                      -1.385e-03  7.589e-05  -18.251  < 2e-16 ***
UDP                              NA         NA       NA       NA    
ARP                              NA         NA       NA       NA    
ICMP                      9.984e-01  5.824e-04 1714.249  < 2e-16 ***
pLen                     -8.928e-08  1.794e-08   -4.977 6.46e-07 ***
Num_ip_pair              -2.092e-06  2.828e-07   -7.399 1.38e-13 ***
Ratio_ip                 -1.311e-02  1.945e-03   -6.744 1.54e-11 ***
Num_ip_src               -1.349e-06  2.409e-07   -5.599 2.15e-08 ***
Num_ip_dst                3.384e-06  1.376e-07   24.586  < 2e-16 ***
Ratio_port                6.702e-03  1.898e-03    3.530 0.000416 ***
Num_port_dst             -2.107e-07  9.975e-09  -21.127  < 2e-16 ***
Weight_ip                 2.633e-05  3.086e-06    8.530  < 2e-16 ***
Weight_port               3.780e-05  5.383e-06    7.023 2.18e-12 ***
Num_port_src             -1.907e-07  7.215e-09  -26.434  < 2e-16 ***
Num_all_packets           6.578e-08  3.584e-09   18.354  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.006708 on 1217321 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.9978,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.9978 
F-statistic: 1.187e+07 on 47 and 1217321 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

but in this dataset is define the status value by known destination attack (problem)


  1. set value below this: start_packets = 10000 percent_attack = 2
lm(formula = Status ~ Ether_or_Dot3 + MAC_src + MAC_dst + Ether_type +
    LLC + LLC_ssap + LLC_dsap + IP_ttl + IP_version + TCP + UDP +
    ARP + ICMP + pLen + Num_ip_pair + Num_all_packets + Ratio_ip +
    Num_ip_src + Num_ip_dst + Num_port_pair + Ratio_port + Num_port_src +
    Num_port_dst + Weight_ip + Weight_port)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max
-0.48813 -0.02854  0.00050  0.02976  1.69313

Coefficients: (16 not defined because of singularities)
                           Estimate Std. Error  t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)              -3.519e-01  7.174e-02   -4.905 9.36e-07 ***
Ether_or_Dot3            -1.768e-01  7.725e-02   -2.288 0.022120 *
MAC_src00:13:80:5c:32:c0  1.764e-01  2.863e-02    6.161 7.23e-10 ***
MAC_src00:17:3f:9c:23:76 -6.266e-02  3.171e-02   -1.976 0.048145 *
MAC_src00:1a:70:14:d6:4a -9.919e-02  2.636e-02   -3.763 0.000168 ***
MAC_src00:1b:21:23:b9:90 -1.122e-01  7.247e-03  -15.485  < 2e-16 ***
MAC_src00:1b:21:3a:79:d5  5.983e-02  4.674e-03   12.800  < 2e-16 ***
MAC_src00:1b:78:1f:49:78 -4.456e-02  8.185e-02   -0.544 0.586186
MAC_src00:1e:4f:3e:1a:ae  4.170e-02  2.889e-02    1.443 0.148959
MAC_src00:1e:4f:3e:43:19  1.277e-01  3.356e-02    3.806 0.000141 ***
MAC_src00:1e:4f:3e:45:1f -5.054e-02  9.124e-03   -5.539 3.04e-08 ***
MAC_src00:1f:ca:9e:7e:d8 -7.966e-03  7.289e-02   -0.109 0.912974
MAC_src00:1f:ca:9e:7e:d9 -7.966e-03  7.289e-02   -0.109 0.912974
MAC_src00:1f:ca:9e:7e:df -7.966e-03  7.289e-02   -0.109 0.912974
MAC_src00:1f:ca:9e:7e:e0 -7.966e-03  7.289e-02   -0.109 0.912974
MAC_src00:1f:ca:9e:7e:e1 -7.966e-03  7.289e-02   -0.109 0.912974
MAC_src00:1f:ca:9e:7e:e3 -7.966e-03  7.289e-02   -0.109 0.912974
MAC_src00:1f:ca:9e:7e:e4 -7.966e-03  7.289e-02   -0.109 0.912974
MAC_src00:1f:ca:9e:7e:e6 -7.966e-03  7.289e-02   -0.109 0.912974
MAC_src00:1f:ca:9e:7e:e8 -7.966e-03  7.289e-02   -0.109 0.912974
MAC_src00:1f:ca:9e:7e:ef -7.966e-03  7.289e-02   -0.109 0.912974
MAC_src00:21:56:ef:bc:00  1.642e-01  2.863e-02    5.733 9.86e-09 ***
MAC_src00:21:9b:fc:19:68         NA         NA       NA       NA
MAC_dst00:17:3f:9c:23:76 -6.253e-02  4.220e-02   -1.482 0.138396
MAC_dst00:1a:70:14:d6:4a -2.519e-01  3.891e-02   -6.473 9.60e-11 ***
MAC_dst00:1b:21:23:b9:90  2.522e-02  2.860e-02    0.882 0.377762
MAC_dst00:1b:21:3a:79:d5 -1.292e-01  2.885e-02   -4.480 7.46e-06 ***
MAC_dst00:1e:4f:3e:1a:ae -9.057e-02  2.782e-02   -3.256 0.001130 **
MAC_dst00:1e:4f:3e:43:19 -4.267e-02  6.094e-02   -0.700 0.483774
MAC_dst00:1e:4f:3e:45:1f  5.277e-04  2.886e-02    0.018 0.985413
MAC_dst00:21:56:ef:bc:00         NA         NA       NA       NA
MAC_dst00:21:9b:fc:19:68  7.870e-02  2.880e-02    2.732 0.006286 **
MAC_dst01:00:0c:cc:cc:cc         NA         NA       NA       NA
MAC_dst01:00:5e:00:00:fb  2.802e-01  4.423e-02    6.336 2.35e-10 ***
MAC_dst01:00:5e:00:00:fc  8.139e-02  4.300e-02    1.893 0.058404 .
MAC_dst01:80:c2:00:00:00         NA         NA       NA       NA
MAC_dst33:33:00:01:00:03  8.094e-02  4.300e-02    1.882 0.059815 .
MAC_dstff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff         NA         NA       NA       NA
Ether_type2054            2.619e-01  1.444e-02   18.135  < 2e-16 ***
Ether_type34525                  NA         NA       NA       NA
Ether_typeN                      NA         NA       NA       NA
LLC                              NA         NA       NA       NA
LLC_ssap66                       NA         NA       NA       NA
LLC_ssapN                        NA         NA       NA       NA
LLC_dsap66                       NA         NA       NA       NA
LLC_dsapN                        NA         NA       NA       NA
IP_ttl                   -1.013e-04  1.432e-05   -7.070 1.55e-12 ***
IP_version6                      NA         NA       NA       NA
IP_versionN                      NA         NA       NA       NA
TCP                       1.813e-01  1.148e-03  157.940  < 2e-16 ***
UDP                              NA         NA       NA       NA
ARP                              NA         NA       NA       NA
ICMP                      4.959e-03  8.809e-03    0.563 0.573443
pLen                      5.285e-06  2.713e-07   19.482  < 2e-16 ***
Num_ip_pair              -2.905e-04  8.659e-06  -33.547  < 2e-16 ***
Num_all_packets           3.926e-05  5.437e-08  722.049  < 2e-16 ***
Ratio_ip                  4.026e+00  8.097e-02   49.718  < 2e-16 ***
Num_ip_src               -1.218e-04  3.643e-06  -33.432  < 2e-16 ***
Num_ip_dst               -3.335e-05  2.097e-06  -15.902  < 2e-16 ***
Num_port_pair             6.845e-04  7.352e-06   93.107  < 2e-16 ***
Ratio_port               -7.240e+00  8.086e-02  -89.545  < 2e-16 ***
Num_port_src             -3.392e-05  1.091e-07 -310.852  < 2e-16 ***
Num_port_dst             -4.587e-05  1.509e-07 -303.929  < 2e-16 ***
Weight_ip                 1.942e-03  4.685e-05   41.444  < 2e-16 ***
Weight_port               2.207e-03  8.223e-05   26.846  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.1015 on 1217320 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.7024,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.7023
F-statistic: 5.984e+04 on 48 and 1217320 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
  1. set value below this: start_packets = 10000 percent_attack = 1.8

  2. set value below this: start_packets = 10000 percent_attack = 2.2

Training Data


  • Training data && Test data with grouping IP, MAC, Port

SVM in Jupyter-lab

  • SVM.ipynb in path /home/panin/Desktop/workspace/Intern-work/Data-csv/SVM.ipynb
  • in localhost:12345

Try case 1

  • Dataset1
    • eval = 0.4998~0.5008

Deep learning in Jupyter-lab

  • Deep learning.ipynb in path /srv/workspace/Intern-work/Data-csv/Deep learning.ipynb
  • in localhost:8888
MAC - Groups
Assign port

Meaning in each field Ref :

LLC ssap/dsap
Ether type
Feature :

ref - with scapy-http

  • Physical [Ethernet, 802.3, others (0x6002 protocol)]
  • IP, ARP [Vesion, Len, protocol, src, dest]
  • TCP, UDP, ICMP [sport, dport] ... HTTP, Raw using Ether [one-hot] , 802.3 [one-hot], Version [one-hot : IPv4, IPv6 ...], Len, protocol [one-hot : TCP, UDP, ...], src [one-hot : with class] , dest [one-hot with class], sport [real-value] , dport [real-value] feild "other" is out because it is too low packets.

[now working]

  • Add field "MAC address : src & dest" - from PcapReader
  • Add field "port by not using dict" - use PcapReader lib from scapy to read P[IP].sport, P[IP].dport [problem]
  • field is not completely, sometime occur that IndexError, but it write a little part in file ? May be some part not have Ether field

Requirement [Ubuntu 18.04]

[Error check]


Ref: guide write git


compare the performance of the model in deep learning and svm to find the best way to use with sdn classify DDoS attack






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