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{"chunks":[{"id":"bafif_dukum","value":"# 0.5 -> luvuv_hirub\n\n## Light Fixes\n- [x] Slightly darker editor background on desktop, add `0.15` to opacity.\n- [x] Increase debounce on edit to `500ms`.\n- [x] Authorization expiration in 1 week on token.\n- [x] Turn off packet limit of 2MiB on axum.\n- [x] Extend `- ` copying on `Return` to checkboxes as well `- [ ] `\n\n[x] On formatting, add links to other pages like this `(<u32_proquint>)`, this link has different behaviours depending on where it's rendered, so we'll have a `format_safe/format_app (exported), and format_common (private) to format.js`, `format_common` does all the common formatting, and safe/app is the different behaviours. For app clicking link would change editor, for safe clicking takes u to another page.\n\n\n----\n## Actions\nmore actions (on top of copy_id)\n- [x] select/take photo, to upload to\n- [ ] ctrl v photo\n- [x] inserting special characters, like '(' or '*', or '_' while multiple characters are selected will insert at start/end of selection instead of replacing\n\n\n---\n## Image Conversion\n[x] Images are converted to `.avif` for efficient storage. And subsequent uploads on same images will yield the converted hash instead of reprocessing the image.\n\n---\n## Formalize/separate\n[x] Formalize/separate public pages. We'll use `/page/<id>` for published static pages and `/preview/<id>` for live editor on chunkapp. This also advances a Gibos project milestone.\n- [ ] **js runtime for rust**, `deno_core` as a wrapper for v8 seems like the way to go. So we're able to render `/page/<id>` on backend.\n\n----\n## Relationship Upgrade \n- No aggregated strucuture for relationship. Instead dynamic relation lookup on query.\n- For faster ref->id lookups well use a HashMap\n\n[x] Currently if a user shares a child note but not parent, other user wont be able to see it at all on the well. Fixed!\n- Get all nodes user has read access to. \n- If we're at the root also return whats shared with read but who's parent the user doesnt have read access to. So as to show orphans.\n- Ref count also has to be calculated on the spot, so for each node we gotta calculate how many others are reffing these.\n\n\nshare: public r","owner":"rubend","created":1667656511,"modified":1669667451},{"id":"bagoj_nubud","value":"# WORK -> vulij_hagah\n\n- FINISH UPDATING ACCEPTED TO CLIENT IN PROPOSALS TAB \n- FINISH DOING FOLLOW UPS FOR WFC PROPOSALS \n- DO FOLLOW UPS FOR INFO REQUEST PROPOSALS ","owner":"sara","created":1672416395,"modified":1673531754},{"id":"baniv_pufup","value":"# An example of formal systems -> fokuh_vokus\n\nA **formal system** is an _abstract structure_ used for inferring theorems from axioms according to a set of rules. \n\nThese rules, which are used for carrying out the inference of theorems from axioms, are the logical calculus of the formal system. A formal system is essentially an \"axiomatic system\".\n\nA programming language is a formal system.\n\nWhy do we have new formal machine languages invented seems like every day, but no new, completely different formal languages for other fields of human knowledge? \n\nWhy do people not push themselves to speak logical languages like [Lojban](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lojban), instead of speaking only their native one? Which is probably only _mostly_ logical.\n\n\n\n\n<table>\n<tbody>\n\n<tr>\n\t<th>\n<svg style=\"height:60px;width:120px\" height=\"2500\" preserveAspectRatio=\"xMidYMid\" viewBox=\"0 -1.428 255.582 290.108\" width=\"2222\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"><path d=\"m255.569 84.452c-.002-4.83-1.035-9.098-3.124-12.76-2.052-3.603-5.125-6.622-9.247-9.009-34.025-19.619-68.083-39.178-102.097-58.817-9.17-5.294-18.061-5.1-27.163.27-13.543 7.986-81.348 46.833-101.553 58.536-8.321 4.818-12.37 12.19-12.372 21.771-.013 39.455 0 78.91-.013 118.365 0 4.724.991 8.91 2.988 12.517 2.053 3.711 5.169 6.813 9.386 9.254 20.206 11.703 88.02 50.547 101.56 58.536 9.106 5.373 17.997 5.565 27.17.27 34.015-19.64 68.075-39.199 102.105-58.818 4.217-2.44 7.333-5.544 9.386-9.252 1.994-3.608 2.987-7.793 2.987-12.518 0 0 0-78.889-.013-118.345\" fill=\"#a179dc\"/><path d=\"m128.182 143.241-125.194 72.084c2.053 3.711 5.169 6.813 9.386 9.254 20.206 11.703 88.02 50.547 101.56 58.536 9.106 5.373 17.997 5.565 27.17.27 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2.32-.378a.72.72 0 0 0 .449-1.083l-1.373-1.907.172-.568 2.2-.823a.72.72 0 0 0 .228-1.15l-1.722-1.606.057-.584 2.003-1.24a.72.72 0 0 0 0-1.172zm5.092 3.87v-8.34h4.4v1.366q0 1.1-.012 2.792-.012 1.67-.012 2.23 0 1.646.085 2.378.085.72.293 1 .232 1.366 0 2.146-1.05.78-1.05.78-2.914v-6.743h4.365v13.657H73.25v-1.975q-.988 1.195-2.097 1.768-1.097.56-2.427.56-2.366 0-3.6-1.45-1.232-1.45-1.232-4.22zm28.618-7.914v3.317q-1.402-.585-2.707-.878-1.305-.293-2.463-.293-1.244 0-1.853.317-.597.305-.597.95 0 .524.45.805.463.28 1.646.415l.768.1q3.353.427 4.512 1.402 1.158.975 1.158 3.06 0 2.183-1.6 3.28-1.6 1.097-4.804 1.097-1.354 0-2.805-.22-1.44-.207-2.963-.634v-3.317q1.305.634 2.67.95 1.378.317 2.792.317 1.28 0 1.927-.354.646-.354.646-1.05 0-.585-.45-.866-.44-.293-1.768-.45l-.768-.098q-2.914-.366-4.085-1.354-1.17-.988-1.17-3 0-2.17 1.488-3.22 1.488-1.05 4.56-1.05 1.207 0 2.536.183 1.33.183 2.9.573zm8.976-4.305v3.878h4.5v3.122h-4.5V33.1q0 .95.378 1.293.378.33 1.5.33h2.244v3.122h-3.743q-2.585 0-3.67-1.073-1.073-1.085-1.073-3.67V27.3h-2.17v-3.122h2.17V20.3h4.365z\"/></svg>\n</th>\n</tr>\n\n</tbody>\n</table>\n\n\n## Here's an [answer I gave on reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/vzxnvc/comment/j3w6lp4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to \"C# vs Rust?\"\n\nI recently learned the language to finally answer this question from **GEB**:\n\nTo put it simply: Rust is a [**formal system**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formal_system) with a closer [**isomorphism**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isomorphism) to human language and logic than C# ever will, mainly because of it's insanely powerful borrow checker / inference system and it's balance of academic simplicity vs practical usefulness.\n\nThe community in itself is highly rational, promoting the same from the programmers and programs it creates.\n\nI find myself liberated in Rust compared to all the other programming languages I've learned before, C# being my first in Unity3D, then C++ in Arduino. \n\nPs, if you're a Web dev [Svelte](https://svelte.dev/) is an analog to Rust in the embedded environment I found.\n","owner":"rubend","created":1673444940,"modified":1673448107},{"id":"baruh_kijug","value":"# User Security -> zubat_fonal\n\n**Defines** a <u>user's security</u> and the **actions** an admin can have over a user. \n\n## UserSec o AgentSec ?\nAlguen defina esto... es lo q ve cada usuario/agente, lo que tienen para q un agente pueda ver varios agentes por debajo... escribanlo y despues lo movemos a algun otro lugar.\n\n\n---\n## All ( GET `/Users <pages>`)\n\n```\n{\n string Name\n string UserName\n string Email\n string UserType\n bool? Enable\n string Phone\n DateTime CreatedDate\n string Roles -> all roles assigned to given user\n}\n```\n\n---\n## Link\n\nLinks a user with a customer. It's important because.... And will allow us to ....\n\nGET `UserManage/<id>/link/<contact_id>`\n\nReceives <- Nothing\n\nSends -> 200 Ok\n\n---\n## \n\n# Get /UserManage Specification \n\n# UserManage Endpoint\n\n\n### GET UserManager/{id}\n```\n{\n string Name\n string UserName\n string Email\n string userType\n bool? Enable\n string Phone\n DateTime CreatedDate\n string claims -> all claims assigned to given user \n string Roles -> all roles assigned to given user\n}\n```\n\n### PUT UserManager/{id}\n```\n{\n string claims -> all claims assigned to a given user [key:value]\n string roles -> all roles assigned to a given user [value]\n}\n```\n\n### GET UserManager/roles\n```\n{\n string id \n string name \n string NormalizedName\n string ConcurrencyStamp\n}[]\n```\n\n### POST UserManager/roles\n##### input body\n```\n{\n string name \n string NormalizedName\n string ConcurrencyStamp\n}\n```\n\n### DELETE UserManager/roles/{id}\n##### input query\n```\n id -> the id of role to delete \n```\n### POST UserManage\n - undefine \n\n### GET UserManager/roles/{id}/claims\n##### input query \n```\nid -> the id of role\n``` \n```\n{\n string Id \n string ClaimType \n string ClaimValue\n}[]\n```\n\n### POST UserManager/roles/{id}/claims\n##### input query \n```\nid -> the id of role\n``` \n##### input body\n```\n{\n string ClaimType \n string ClaimValue\n}\n```\n\n### DELETE UserManager/roles/claims/{id}\n###### input query\n```\nid -> the id of claim of the role \n```\n\n\n### GET UserManager/contact\n\n```\n{\n string name\n string login \n string phone \n string email \n DateTime createDate \n}[]\n```\n\n### GET UserManager/contact/agents\n```\n{\n Guid id \n Guid ContactId \n Guid agentId \n Guid resourceId\n DateTime createDate \n string createBy \n}[]\n```\n\n### POST UserManage/assign/user/contact\n###### input body \n```\n{\n string userId \n Guid contactId\n}\n```\n\n\n### POST UserManage/assing/contact/agent\n###### input body \n```\n{\n Guid contactId \n Guid agentId \n Guid resourceId \n}\n```\n\n\n\n\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1670447286,"modified":1672759092},{"id":"batas_girun","value":"# Prototype -> vazab_bikid\n\nThere's a working version 🏹","owner":"rubend","created":1671684893,"modified":1671684893},{"id":"biduv_nalit","value":"# Abstracting Language -> lopis_muzuz\n\nMoving away from certain languages into **more abstract**, and **usually simpler**, representations and standards. \n\nSubstitutions:\n- **Record** -> **Item**\n- **Endpoint** -> **Action**\n\nCase Standard:\n- Resources: **PascalCase**: `/Users`,`/Applications`\n- Properties: **snake_case** for **Actions** and **Properties**. This was chosen for a clear distinction. Example: `/Users/link_as`, `/Applications/disable_now`\n```\n{\n\tid\n\tfull_name\n\tpage_size\n}\n```\n\n\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1671220125,"modified":1671223360},{"id":"biham_votib","value":"# Los Prietos -> kajob_bafur\n\nCompany providing technology and accounting services.\n\nMembers:\n- Ruben\n\t- Spark Lead\n- Lioska\n\t- Accountant\n- David\n\t- Accounts Assistant\n- Daniel\n\t- Spark API Lead\n- RubenD\n\t- Spark UI Lead\n\t- Spark Marketplace Lead\n\n\nshare: rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r, public r","owner":"rubend","created":1670442224,"modified":1670602194},{"id":"bogat_hulol","value":"# Volcanoes -> modil_puzab\n\n","owner":"rubend","created":1669663882,"modified":1670603880},{"id":"boras_fujal","value":"# API -> mitat_ritut\n\n.NET Api Service at SmarterASP\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1670443146,"modified":1671044516},{"id":"borul_momuv","value":"# Hey bb -> bugoh_rurar\n\nI hope you're having a good day! \n\nRegardless, I thought you'd like this [song](https://open.spotify.com/track/6Uj1ctrBOjOas8xZXGqKk4?si=LWEShE-cQcqA6004W9elQg).\n\nshare: public r,sara r","owner":"rubend","created":1669668909,"modified":1672238787},{"id":"budag_kogob","value":"# DB -> mitat_ritut\n\nMycrosoft SQL Server Hosted at SmarterASP\n\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1670443139,"modified":1672679496},{"id":"bugoh_rurar","value":"# Me bb\n\nAll things related to me bb \n\n![](media/bukok_bahip_juzak_fijoj)\n\nShare: sara r","owner":"rubend","created":1669227561,"modified":1672238848},{"id":"bujuh_zogoh","value":"# Policy -> kadag_zikuk\n\n**Finalized contract** \nbetween a [Member](chunk/jifam_vakuh) and a [Carrier](chunk/musij_notik), \nfor a [Plan](chunk/lutit_gakab), through an [Agent](chunk/fapag_ralaj).\n\n\nshare: dcruzp r, rprieto06 r, david r, public r","owner":"rubend","created":1670442577,"modified":1670531573},{"id":"dabav_dupul","value":"# 8157 -> mofid_radaf\n\nWow that number is big (the number of days since I was born), well, I am 22 so 🤷♂️\n\nAnd here I am on a sunday organizing with my life with my new **Chunk** app. \n\nMy latest release was on friday where I worked out some bugs from the huge feature of synchronization between computers. But it's been a rough 2 weeks of nonstop coding since I began, oh yeah I just looked over the rep, first commit was 10/7 so yeah I guess it was a while ago. More like 3 weeks.\n\nBut I really do feel like the last two weeks have been the roughest. \n\nThe dealbreaker feature was that godam synchronization and I feel like it's gonna be the least used fucking thing but we'll see. This weeked has been very 🤷♂️ when it comes to the app. \n\n---\nBut me **life with bb has been great**, went to hallow's ween by Denise's house yesterday night and today we're a bit hungover lmao, tbh we drank a lot, but we also had a shit ton of fun, I also played with the kids towards the end, only after I was tipsy asf lmao. Anyways, I was able to clean up around the apartment a bit, very good cleaning of the counter, went over to WholeFoods and ate dinner with her at the hot bar (cause we didn't wanna dirty the newly cleaned counter), then went to Trader Hoe's for some groceries. \n\n---\nBut not before getting into an argument (slight fight) right before cause she was mad that I hadn't taken the car to the mechanic and the AC hasn't been working for a while. \n\nDidn't the AC have some fluid and that that could be it? And I started getting frustrated with her statements because they have no real basis, and for all she knows the AC could be broken because there's a potato chip in the back seat, no, but seriously... it could be the fluid or it could be literally the moon not being aligned right. I belive it's the compressor bc sometimes AC would work and stay on, and sometimes it wouldn't turn on at all, then it just didn't turn on at all **always**. But TBH i haven't the slightest clue; all I know is how AC systems supposedely work, don't know the most common way for AC's to break down, nor _specifically_ Hyunday Sonta 2014's AC systems.","owner":"rubend","created":1671686457,"modified":1671686457},{"id":"dajiv_fuful","value":"# Authentication -> luvuv_hirub\n\n<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" fill=\"currentColor\" class=\"bi bi-hdd-rack-fill\" viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\">\n <path d=\"M2 2a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v1a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h1v2H2a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v1a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-1a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-1V7h1a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H2zm.5 3a.5.5 0 1 1 0-1 .5.5 0 0 1 0 1zm2 0a.5.5 0 1 1 0-1 .5.5 0 0 1 0 1zm-2 7a.5.5 0 1 1 0-1 .5.5 0 0 1 0 1zm2 0a.5.5 0 1 1 0-1 .5.5 0 0 1 0 1zM12 7v2H4V7h8z\"/>\n</svg>\n ↔️\n<svg fill=\"currentColor\" viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\">\n <path d=\"M3 2a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h6a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v12a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V2zm6 11a1 1 0 1 0-2 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0z\"/>\n</svg>\n <b>interaction</b> for handling a user's <b>authentication state</b>.\n\n<br/>\n<br/>\n\n---\n## Frontend: PASETO Token (`Cookie: auth=<token>`)\nA [**Platform-Agnostic SEcurity TOken (PASETO)**](https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-paragon-paseto-rfc-01.html) cookie. \n\nUsing the `v4.public` variant, meaning **v4 hashing algorithm** with **asymetric key signing**. \n\n_Currently_: generates a new key pair on server startup, meaning logged in users are be booted out if server is restarted.\n\nPASETO can be thought of as JWT with a defined and rubust hashing `alg` header. Instead of allowing the programmer to mix/match, or even remove altogether, the algorithms to use.\n\n- Generated on POST `/login` where User provides `user` and `pass` and is anwered back with a `Set-Cookie: auth=<token>` response.\n\n#### Claims\n```\nuser: <user>\nissuer: \"chunk.anty.dev\"\niat: <Rfc3339 DateTime, now >\nexp: <Rfc3339 DateTime, now + 7days >\n```\n\n## Backend: Not Before ( `not_before: <unix_timestamp>`)\nConceptualized so a user is able to **logout of all devices**. \nA benefitial non-intended effect is the invalidation of all sessions after a password reset.\n\n### Behaviour\n- **TLDR:** An aditional assertion for token validation `incoming_iat >= user's not_before`.\n- When an anonymous user sends a POST `/reset`, or logged in user sends a GET `/logout_all`, this value is set to current timestamp. Which means any subsequent requests with a previously issued token will not be valid, forcing other sessions open with this user to login again.\n\n- Changing this value closes all open `websockets` with this user.\n\n<footer>\n\nRelated:\n- [User](chunk/lalir_zarih)\n\n</footer>\n\nshare: public r","owner":"rubend","created":1670265212,"modified":1670283232},{"id":"dakuh_rakob","value":"# Distributed Computing -> munof_kusov\n\nEven just to hold all species known by humans in memory takes 10Gb. We need a way to distribute all this data, query, and shard across machines, in a way that these are self healing, which means you can add/remove nodes at will. Obviously this is a monumental task, but if well researched and planned, could be manageable.\n\nSomething similar could be [RAID](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAID) (redundant array of inexpensive disks) setups of hard Disks, but this happens on a more basic kernel level, we'd need to bring this functionality into the application level which obviously isn't trivial.\n\n## [Constellation](https://github.com/constellation-rs/constellation), last update in 2020\nA framework for Rust (nightly) that aides in the writing, debugging and deployment of distributed programs. It draws heavily from [Erlang/OTP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erlang_(programming_language)), [MPI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message_Passing_Interface), and [CSP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communicating_sequential_processes); and leverages the Rust ecosystem where it can including [serde](https://serde.rs/) + [bincode](https://github.com/servo/bincode) for network serialization, and [mio](https://github.com/tokio-rs/mio) and [futures-rs](https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/futures-rs) for asynchronous channels over TCP.\n\n## Aleph [Paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.05156.pdf),[Website](https://alephzero.org/)\n\n\nEfficient Atomic Broadcast in Asynchronous Networks\nwith Byzantine Nodes\n\n## Formal DB definition and tests\nThere are two structs currently used to store/use **Chunk**.\n```\npub struct DBData {\n pub chunks: Vec<Chunk>,\n pub users: Vec<User>,\n}\npub struct DB {\n chunks: HashMap<String, ChunkAndMeta>,\n users: HashMap<String, User>,\n\n // For faster ref->id lookups, that means we need to update this on create/remove/modify\n ref_id: HashMap<String, Vec<String>>,\n}\n```\n\n**DBData is in Disk**, while **DB is in RAM** while server is running. DB and DBData can create eachother without data loss.\n\nThe only difference between data on Disk (**DB**) and data in RAM (**DBData**) is the latter is using HashMaps to speed up lookups.\n\n\n# Stop with this, not yet\n\nMy brain can't stop thinking about this, and while it is insanely cool and will be absolutely necessary later on, it'll plainly just be a waste of energy now where other more important things more closely related to Chunk's goals need my attention.","owner":"rubend","created":1668965059,"modified":1669736424},{"id":"dazif_zizib","value":"# PTO -> zubat_fonal\n\nAutomation of requesting **Paid Time Off for Agents**.\n\n**Only Agents can create** a PTO.\n\nStatus follows the following:\n![](media/vanog_jusik_sugob_vomus)\n\nDates are in [ISO 8601](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Calendar_dates)\n\n## Holidays ( `/PTO/Holidays` )\n```\ndate: string (YYYY-MM-DD)\nname: string\n```\n\n## All ( GET `/PTO` paginated)\nRequest\n```\nagentId\nstartDate\nendDate\nstatusId\n```\nResponse\n```\nid: string\nagent: string (name)\nstartDate: string (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)\nendDate: string (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)\nhours: int\nstatus: string (name)\n\ncreatedDate: string (YYYY-MM-DD)\ncomment: string (comment on last status)\n```\n\n## Details ( GET `/PTO/<id>` )\nOnly difference between detail and paginated endpoint ^ is status is an array.\n```\n\nagent: string (name)\nstartDate: string (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)\nendDate: string (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)\nhours: int\nstatus: [{\n\tname: string\n\tcreatedDate: string\n\tcreatedBy: string\n\tcomment: string\n}]\n\ncreatedDate: string (YYYY-MM-DD)\ncomment: string (comment on last status)\n```\n\n## Request ( POST `/PTO` )\n```\nstartDate: string (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)\nendDate: string (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)\ncomment: string (comment on first status)\n```\n\n## Update ( PATCH `/PTO/<id>` )\n```\nstatusId: (TypeGeneric id)\ncomment: string (comment on first status)\n```\n\n\n## Estimate ( GET `/PTO/estimate` )\nRequest\n```\nstartDate: string (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)\nendDate: string (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)\n```\nResponse\n`-> int` (Hours of Paid time off)\n\n## Status\nTypeGeneric has EntityMeta `C9B2084C-FA79-4A2C-B09E-18702FD45958`.\n\n```\nRequested\nDenied\nApproved\nCancelled\n```\n\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, rubend w, david r","owner":"dcruzp","created":1672849985,"modified":1673970014},{"id":"dimit_vinoz","value":"# Initial Babble -> nulop_kafuj\n\n## Offline/Sync/DB\nuser accesses their data and renders wiew logic on their device, this would add offline editing which is crucial, but wed need a conflic resolution and sync logic.\n\nThis is nontrivial as it would change the way the app is thought about completely. Since we'd have wasm code running on device acting as a small database/api which accesses the big db/api for sync and collaboration using internet access.\n\nWe'd need logic identical to couchdb, the net/api is trivial.\n\nWe can do what were doing right now and keep bundle small and fast cause api/ui/data is closely coupled. Build a prototype implementation of wasm code and run tests on it right on the browser. \n\n----\nOnto an early thinking of the couchdb thought process in rust we go.\n\nHow are we doing versioning then?\n\nDocument \nid: \"basab-kiosk\" \nrev: \"<n>-<hash>\" or \"0-kglgjjskf\"\n\ncan_create \ncan_modify \ncan_delete\n\nWe can add a `rev` field to all docs, each db will have a:\nC/M/R\n- create - from nothing to something\n- modify - from something to something else\n- remove - from something to nothing\n\nOf\n- Map (of incoming, for C/M)\n - for chunk it'd be `value -> (Chunk, ChunkMeta)`\n- Auth (`(old, new) -> boolean`)\n\nAll these are supplied the logged in user as well.\n\nThink more about how we'll handle that Metadata, not sure if it should be integrated into DB logic or should be left as specific app logic. Think through more app logics to see how useful it really is.\n\nThere's also the feature of map and views on Couch, which is interesting, so u can do ChunkMeta from Chunk. They also have a reduce, whats not cool is that there is no low level control of the data, so u can't do those dynamic lookups upon querying. You'd have to make a view and query that.","owner":"rubend","created":1669649995,"modified":1669650003},{"id":"dizov_gibos","value":"# Gibos -> munof_kusov\n\nNames:\nKilo\nMunof\nGibos.dev\n\n\nWhats the goal of this business? \nTo empower tech **simplicity**, standards and **decentralization**. The idea that good software isn't one where lines of code are added but also removed, and that programmers are here to automate and simplify, not add more legs to the dinosaur. This has an inmense impact not only on maintainers but also on customers.\n\nMarketing is every busines' job, since attention is money, Gibos' job is to market themselves to other places by impressing people on top. To do that we first do market research into current offerings, now, thats very vague, so, what market are we going into? \nMy product will be a `webapp + backend`. Best bets would be less penetrated businesses technology wise but with new management that sees value in technology.\n\nWhat we need is an idea of current business logics so I can get a leg up doing pre-development on common needs, getting that right is key.\n\nLets come up with common business logics:\n- User\n- Authentication\n - Roles\n - Claims\n - Sessions\n- Data storage, synchronization\n\nThe big connondrum is why not an sql database, while SQL is a general purpose query language thats declarative and insanely popular. Thinking about your data as a structure in memory gets rid of sql by bringing that control of how the data is modeled and queried a level down to compiled code. And encourages a more efficient data modeling, bc you're in complete control of memory while also having a high level perspective and thats what Rust brings to the equation, power of high/low level by bridging the memory safety gap.","owner":"rubend","created":1667597542,"modified":1668446405},{"id":"dodil_kitig","value":"# Custom Meta -> luvuv_hirub\n\nAllowing different metadata to be customized to each note, even going as far as the note itself be defined by it's metadata.\n\nWe need to really flesh this out, because this will be a **huge undertaking** and has the potential for LOTS of use cases, which I also have to list. It would affect the entire system's infrastructure.\n\n- Catalog Of Life\n\t- A huge DB, holding it all in RAM is impractical. We need **well-defined queries** and a **relationship cache system**.\n- Github Issues/Discussions + Replies\n\t- Notes ordered by `created`. Replies would be children of `Parent Issue/Note`.\n- Messages\n\t- Conversations between users, ordered by `created`.\n- Blog (not for pages, but their metadata)\n\t- Tags involved to see what's being talked about in each. Which could indeed be other notes that define metadata to hold.\n- Spaces (notes that organize by querying notes)\n\t- Query type note.\n\n### Page Style (`style: <style_id>`)\nDefines a note that holds the CSS to use on it's children.\n\n### Colors/Visualization (`color: <value>`)\n\n\n","owner":"rubend","created":1670603548,"modified":1670603631},{"id":"dodiz_vidod","value":"# Carrier Retrival -> lopis_muzuz\n\nDescribes the process for retriving carrier Policy data.\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 w, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1670602241,"modified":1670948299},{"id":"dozan_sopal","value":"# Tasks -> hulav_gojuj\n\nThings people need to get done.\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1670442412,"modified":1670600564},{"id":"dudis_rimih","value":"# Admin -> kadag_zikuk\n\n[User](chunks/posig_pisas) with role `admin`.\n\nshare: dcruzp r, rprieto06 r, david r, rubend a, public r","owner":"dcruzp","created":1672851113,"modified":1672851426},{"id":"dunam_patus","value":"# Tutorial\n\nA notes app on steroids 💪. \n[**Chunks**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chunking_(psychology)) are linked `->` notes.\n\n---\n- Use [commonmark](https://commonmark.org/help/) to markup your notes. Bc plain text is very limiting to visualize.\n- Use on phone/desktop/laptop with a responsive webapp.\n- Collaborate with your friends\n - Just type `share: pete write` to allow pete to write to your note.\n - Or `share: john read, pete w` to allow john to only read and pete to write.\n- There are two views on the Drawer ![](https://i.postimg.cc/BbTfLcDc/image.png):\n - `📝 Notes`: where you see everything.\n - `🕳️ Well`: where you see chunks.\n - At the root level all topmost notes will be shown.\n - Click on a chunk to view it's children _example: click on `Chores` to view `Groceries`_.\n - Chunk notes like this `# Groceries -> Chores`.\n\n\n\n","owner":"test0","created":1667585284,"modified":1667585284},{"id":"dupat_mukok","value":"# Tutorial -> luvuv_hirub\n\nA notes app on steroids 💪. \n[**Chunks**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chunking_(psychology)) are linked `->` notes.\n\n---\nUse [**commonmark**](https://commonmark.org/help/) to markup your notes. Bc plain text is limiting to visualize. It's **highly recommended** you [look over this](https://commonmark.org/help/) to have an idea, it'll take 30sec for most.\n- Use on phone/desktop/laptop with a **responsive webapp**; probably the one you're already using to read this.\n- **Collaborate**\n - Type `share: pete write` on any line of your note to allow **pete to write**. Right now although writing at the same time was worked on for a week its still buggy, check out how its currently working.\n - Or `share: john read, pete w` to allow **john to only read** and **pete to write**.\n - Security is described more in depth [here](chunk/vutul_muboj).\n- **Views** ![](https://i.postimg.cc/BbTfLcDc/image.png)\n - `Well`: Chunks, a folder - file analogy\n - Chunk notes like this `# Groceries -> Chores`.\n - Click **left side** on this mode to **edit**, **right side** to drill down the well and **view its children**. _example: click right side of `Chores` to view its child `Groceries`_.\n - `Graph`: A graph.\n - Same as Well, just as a Graph.\n- **Interact**\n\t- **Upload/attach** documents (including photos, etc...) ![](media/midib_faboz_gukal_sukug)\n\t- **Copy** the note's `id` ![](media/mukok_busin_lunab_buraj)\n\t- **Publish** \n\t\t- With a **static** page link, a **standard web-page**, quick ⚡, no js required. <br/>Reloading the page displays any changes. ![](media/juguh_bunot_lovon_bobup)\n\t\t- With a **preview** page link, this one updates real-time 📝 but takes longer to load. <br/> You'd use this if you're getting **real-time feedback** on your edits from someone else. ![](media/vonib_fivup_bonuf_voros)\n\t- Place a **Reference** to other notes by using this format `chunk/<chunk_id>`.\n\n\nShare: sara r, porf r, public r\n","owner":"rubend","created":1667569082,"modified":1673409829},{"id":"durav_lojoj","value":"# Personal Dev\n\n## Active\n- Organization ⌚🎯\n- Time ⌚\n- Emotions 😶\n","owner":"rubend","created":1671686072,"modified":1671686072},{"id":"fabaz_zijop","value":"# Tick -> puhuz_talat\n\nUserspace tockos app for watch. :P","owner":"rubend","created":1667194956,"modified":1669647777},{"id":"faguj_gunig","value":"# Pagination -> lopis_muzuz\n\nPaginated endpoints follows this structure.\n\n```\n<- Query\n{\n\tpage?: [integer]\n\tpage_size?: [integer]\n}\n-> Body\n{\n\tpage: [integer]\n\tpage_size: [integer]\n\ttotal_pages: [integer]\n\ttotal_items: [integer]\n\tdata: [array]<item>\n}\n```\n\n- Default `page = 1`, `page_size = 10`. Meaning pages begin on `1`.\n\nChanges to previous iteration:\n- I removed all `url` fields.\n- And removed all status fields `succeeded`, `errors`, and `message`. Reference [Errors](chunks/ropud_kivit) document.\n- Following [Abtractions](chunk/biduv_nalit) document.\n\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1671219618,"modified":1671294711},{"id":"fajug_divat","value":"# User -> kadag_zikuk\n\nAn entity that interacts with Spark.\n```\nuser\npass\n```","owner":"rubend","created":1671223127,"modified":1671223163},{"id":"fapag_ralaj","value":"# Agent -> kadag_zikuk\n\n**Entity** authorized to \ncreate an [Application](chunk/kutog_sodof).\n\nshare: dcruzp r, rprieto06 r, david r, public r","owner":"rubend","created":1670446827,"modified":1670531569},{"id":"fifih_buhif","value":"# Commission -> kadag_zikuk\n\nA commision is a payment amount that Agency or Agent received for register and keep active a policies under a specific Insurance Carrier (Health Insurance in our case).\n\nInsurance Carriers are the companies that manage and keep policies for individuals and groups.\n\nAgency is a licenced entity with a relation with insurance carriers and marketplace. Usualy multiple agents are registred under agency\n ","owner":"rprieto06","created":1672762399,"modified":1672763060},{"id":"fisum_gatut","value":"# Fridge -> vohat_sural\n\n<div style=\"display: grid;grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr\"> \n<div>\n\n### Things\n\n1. [ ] go with mom to cotsco\n1. [ ] get rid of kombucha by 1/20/23\n1. [ ] baking saturday 1/14/23\n1. [x] go do groceries 1/12/23\n1. [ ] butter\n1. [ ] oatmilk\n1. [ ] icecream for sara (not k bars) \n1. [ ] 3000k light\n\n\n\n\n### Done\n1. [x] plastic wrap\n1. [x] eggs\n1. [x] bread\n\n</div>\n<div>\n\n### Kitties for life\n#### Peanut\n![](media/tatal_muzak_bajon_bogik)\n#### Lee\n![](media/gitub_kiton_punar_zizuh)\n#### Anastasia\n![](media/zutad_zubot_koduh_satov)\n\n</div>\n<div>\n\n## Cats on leash only for the beach\n</div>\n</div>\n\n\n\nshare: rubend a, sara w","owner":"test","created":1666977545,"modified":1673906391},{"id":"fokir_bikal","value":"# DLS PORTAL-> \n\n- ## [How to register a User](https://chunk.anty.dev/note/patop_lakuz)\n- ## [Login Process](login_process)\n\n- ## [Dashboard](dashboard)\n\n- ## Policies\n\t- [Policies](policies)\n \t- [UnPaid Policies](unpaid_policies)\n \t- [Lost Policies](lost_policies)\n- ## Direct Enrollment\n \t - [Applications](applications)\n- ## Commission\n\t- [Agent Payment](agent_payment)\n- ## Offline Form\n\t- [New Form](new_form)\n\t- [Manage](manage)\n- ## [Leads](leads)\n- ## [Customer](customer)\n- ## Administration\n \t- [Agent Manage](agent_manage)\n \t- [Agent Rates](agent_rates)\n \t- [Upload Files](upload_files)\n \t- [Reports](reports)\n- ## Security\n\t- [Security Management](https://chunk.anty.dev/note/paraf_vuhoz)\n- ## [PTO](pto)\n- ## [Clock In - Clock Out](clock)\n- ## [Pendings (Bugs and improvements)](https://chunk.anty.dev/note/pudij_javod)\n\n\n","owner":"jarmenteros","created":1669932180,"modified":1672300892},{"id":"fokuh_vokus","value":"# Research\n\n📝 on stuff i learn","owner":"rubend","created":1667853523,"modified":1668458382},{"id":"fosur_niniv","value":"# Goal -> luvuv_hirub\n\nHelp you organize your life by providing **the right abstractions** of your data to allow for [emergent behaviour](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergent_gameplay) from you, the agent/player.\n","owner":"rubend","created":1669663950,"modified":1669664390},{"id":"fukar_dumat","value":"# Separating `chunk` -> vihik_hisut\n\nSeparating","owner":"rubend","created":1671916756,"modified":1671916756},{"id":"gafun_diloj","value":"# Tutorial -> luvuv_hirub\n\nA notes app on steroids 💪. \n[**Chunks**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chunking_(psychology)) are linked `->` notes.\n\n---\nUse [**commonmark**](https://commonmark.org/help/) to markup your notes. Bc plain text is limiting to visualize. It's **highly recommended** you [look over this](https://commonmark.org/help/) to have an idea, it'll take 30sec for most.\n- Use on phone/desktop/laptop with a **responsive webapp**; probably the one you're already using to read this.\n- **Collaborate**\n - Type `share: pete write` on any line of your note to allow **pete to write**. Right now although writing at the same time was worked on for a week its still buggy, check out how its currently working.\n - Or `share: john read, pete w` to allow **john to only read** and **pete to write**.\n - Security is described more in depth [here](chunk/vutul_muboj).\n- **Views**, there's 2 views on the Drawer ![](https://i.postimg.cc/BbTfLcDc/image.png):\n - `📝 Notes`: where you see, well, notes...\n - Click any note to edit/preview.\n - `🕳️ Well`: where you see chunks.\n - At the root level all topmost notes will be shown.\n - Chunk notes like this `# Groceries -> Chores`.\n - Click **left side** on this mode to **edit**, **right side** to drill down the well and **view its children**. _example: click right side of `Chores` to view its child `Groceries`_.\n- **Interact**, you can:\n\t- **Upload/attach** documents (including photos, etc...) ![](media/midib_faboz_gukal_sukug).\n\t- **Copy** the note's `id` ![](media/mukok_busin_lunab_buraj), or public `link` ![](media/pifam_namub_tupug_kotot). The public link you can share with anyone and they'll see it if they have access, you can allow access either to everyone with `share: public read`, or a specific user `share: john read`.\n\t- **Link** other notes by using this format for a link `chunk/<chunk_id>`, example `[version 0.6's features](chunk/ninud_kakop)` will output this -> [version 0.6's features](chunk/ninud_kakop).\n\n\n\nshare: porf Read, public Read","owner":"fmarrero88","created":1671222488,"modified":1673918718},{"id":"gahak_runup","value":"# UI -> mitat_ritut\n\n- Agent Portal (React)\n\t- `staging/dls-innovation.com`\n- Self Enrollment (Svelte)\n\t- `self-enroll.anty.dev`\n\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1670443169,"modified":1671044529},{"id":"garus_bivuk","value":"# Changelog -> luvuv_hirub\n\nA user-friendly version of versions goals/fixes.\n\n## MVP1\n- **Synchronization**, all the chunks don't repaint every time you type, only the ones that changed do.\n- **UI**, beautiful on desktop, lighter on the phone + preview button because of the reduced space. Try it :) <br/>\n\n\n- **Server**, shutting down is handled and saves data to file for next startup.\n- **It looks sick on desktop**: Probably the best part lmao :) look V ![](https://i.postimg.cc/3NrdWNQg/image.png) \n\n## MVP2\n- Pasting of images on browser will upload to me server + generate a link.\n- True synchronization between client/server with WebSockets\n- You let me know :)\n- For now tho, it's looking amazing, better than what I imagined. Love u. I'll go do dishes :)\n\nShare: david r","owner":"rubend","created":1665754,"modified":1669227823},{"id":"gilib_digis","value":"# Chunk -> luvuv_hirub\n\nTo [chunk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chunking_(psychology)), a process by which individual pieces of an information **set** are bound together into ➡️ a meaningful **whole**.\n\n<div class=\"tac\" style=\"margin-block:1em\">\n\n**Chunks** are linked `->` **notes**\n\n</div>\n\nI got tired of the mess. I went looking for a solution; and they're all overengineered, like most things in this world. Which means they're hard to understand, slow to run, and don't offer the user experience **I believe** a notes app should have.\n\nSo I decided to make my own; heavily based on **functionality** and **simplicity**. Its goal is to provide **the right abstractions** of your data to allow for [emergent behaviour](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergent_gameplay) from you, the agent/player/user/human/creature/brain.\n\n\n<div class=\"tac\" style=\"margin-block:2em\">\n\n\"I want you to _feel_ like they're **your** notes.\"\n\n<div class=\"fr\" style=\"gap: 1em;justify-content:center\">\n\t<a style=\"display:inline-block; padding:.7em;border-radius:10px;border:3px solid\" href=\"/app\">\n\t\tWeb App 🌐\n\t</a>\n\t<a style=\"display:inline-block; padding:.7em;border-radius:10px;border:3px solid\" href=\"/web/app-release-signed.apk\">\n\t\tAndroid App 📱\n\t</a>\n</div>\n<div class=\"tac\" style=\"font-size:0.7em\">\n\nUI with [Svelte](https://svelte.dev/), backend in [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/)\n\n</div>\n\n[Tutorial](chunk/dupat_mukok) | [Development](chunk/gupub_gudil)\n\n</div>\n\n![notes being placed on a wall](media/manif_totog_zopad_nopol)\n\n<div style=\"text-align:center;font-size:0.7em\">\n\nPhoto by [Kelly Sikkema](https://unsplash.com/@kellysikkema)\n\n</div>\n\n<footer>By the way, this page is a note, just a \"cog in the machine\".\n\nIn fact, I could be editing this note right now; refresh the page and this sentence could be mid-writing...\n</footer>\n\n\n\nshare: public r","owner":"rubend","created":1669185116,"modified":1669923429},{"id":"gimag_zikog","value":"# Tradeoffs, tradeoffs... -> mozuv_litik\n\n\nYou live and learn, I make tradeoffs everyday. \n\nOpportunity costs spring out from every decision, no matter how small, sometimes you have to make bigger choices: like choosing to use Linux exclusively a few years ago.\n\nWas that a tradeoff of immediate to latent productivity? yes. Was it worth it? absolutely. I've yet to do that with _vim/emacs_.\n\nI've just come to the realization that the more you know the earlier on, the less those costs.\n\nApplying to Axo is part of that realization :) and I'm glad I'm writing this tonight.\n\n\n\n","owner":"rubend","created":1671686416,"modified":1671686416},{"id":"gupub_gudil","value":"# Development -> luvuv_hirub\n\n[Code](https://github.com/rubend056/chunk) <-> [Community](chunk/tapot_dopaf)\n\nDevelopment is currently highly opinionated based on my recent personal pragmatic epiphanies.\n\nUntil a [feature/issue system]() is deviced, this note will be used.\n\n- [x] [0.4](chunk/nokan_kamur)\n- [x] [0.5](chunk/bafif_dukum)\n- [x] [0.6](chunk/ninud_kakop)\n- [ ] [0.7](chunk/nuboh_nirij)\n\n---\n- [Vague](chunk/minun_figit)\n\n\nshare: public r","owner":"rubend","created":1669259715,"modified":1673451157},{"id":"gusur_vivip","value":"# Yet another -> bugoh_rurar\n\n## Crazy about cardboard\n<video controls> <source src=\"/api/media/nakos_jivug_basov_tifub\"/> </video>\n\n\n\nShare: public r","owner":"rubend","created":1673362659,"modified":1673364646},{"id":"hakab_pusuk","value":"# Clear Ideas -> hulav_gojuj\n\nA **clear idea** is so apprehended \nIt is **recognized wherever** it is met \nAnd no other will be mistaken for it.\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1671044313,"modified":1671044394},{"id":"hiluh_mubas","value":"# Issues / Messages -> vomol_rorut\n\nNotes with no children ordered by created date.\n\nAn example from Element: \n![](media/mogar_doziz_fubad_nabud)\n\nPagination, to be able to pull subsets of views.","owner":"rubend","created":1672333878,"modified":1672526621},{"id":"hisiz_lajup","value":"# Random Things -> bugoh_rurar\n\n## Words\n- SIMO, sad im missing out\n\n---\n## Links\n- [Kurtzkezart Shop](https://shop-us.kurzgesagt.org/)\n\n---\n## Accounts\n\nElement \nUser: sara0 \npass: saralovesherbb\n\n---\n## Christmas\n### Sara side\n- Dad\n- Mom\n- Ilie\n### Ruben side\n\n#### Camping\n- Dad\n- Mom\n- Sister, and boyfriend\n- Lolo\n- Nona\n- Elinor\n- Davi, Dani\n\n11 people \nBook park by end of week 11/14\n\nGifts\n- Elsa, gift\n\n---\nWhat we'd want: \n**Ruben**\n1. Laptop Case\n1. From [kurzgesagt](https://shop-us.kurzgesagt.org):\n 1. Periodic Table (done) \n 1. Evolution (done) \n 1. Biome Map(done)\n 1. Timeline Life (nice, colored 1 line one) (done) \n 1. Earth\n 1. 12,023 Calendar (done) \n 1. Large Stars\n 1. Human Density Map (done) \n 1. Human Body (done) \n\n**Frames**\n- (1) 21.3 x 39 - Timeline Life\n- (3...5) 33 x 23.4 - Periodic, Evolution, Biome... Body,Density\n\n**Sara**\n1. [Amazon List](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3SQXX54YM396O?ref_=wl_share)\n\n\nCHRISTMAS PRESENTS \n\n- ELI (DONE) \n- DANIEL \n- DAVID \n- RUBEN (DONE) \n- RUBEN PARENTS \n- ELENOR \n- LEONOR \n- GRANDPA \n- ELSA \n- MOM\n- DAD \n- ILE \n- DAVIAN (DONE) \n- DENIS (DONE) \n\n\nSCREW THINGS FOR RUBEN , Drill bits\n\nshare: sara w\n\n","owner":"rubend","created":1672095675,"modified":1672238894},{"id":"hogiv_todun","value":"# 12/30/2022-> kidav_tigum\n\n- deodorant\n- chap stick \n- mini toothpaste \n- mini mouthwash \n- ","owner":"sara","created":1672416421,"modified":1672416494},{"id":"hotim_fujid","value":"# Another noon -> bugoh_rurar\n\n![](media/tubov_zisal_lakal_dukah)\n\n![](media/vahon_lusaz_jobik_nibig)\n![](media/misud_kosoj_vitig_jolaz)\n![](media/nazuh_nazis_fasid_fomog)\n\n\nshare: public r","owner":"rubend","created":1673110896,"modified":1673366755},{"id":"hulav_gojuj","value":"# Spark -> kajob_bafur\n\nProduct built by \"[Los Prietos](chunk/biham_votib)\" for \"DLS Insurance\".\n\n- **Optimize** agent/admin job.\n- Get Governmental aproval through Marketplace.\n- Act as whitelabel and sell it other agencies, to \"DLS Insurance's\" benefit.\n\n\nshare: rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r, public r","owner":"rubend","created":1670442158,"modified":1670602422},{"id":"humag_hilof","value":"# Resource Security -> lopis_muzuz\n\nA user can see something another user owns?...\n\nMaybe a user donesn't have to **own ANYTHING**, and just gets access to certain things...\n\nIt's the whitelist/blacklist dilema. It would also depend on the resource... I guess..?\n\nPLEASE SOMEONE WRITE THIS!\n\nshare: rprieto06 w, dcruzp w","owner":"rubend","created":1670599635,"modified":1670600534},{"id":"hutur_nopak","value":"# Issues -> durav_lojoj\n\n- Drinking.\n- Trust, so things on my own.\n- Respect.","owner":"rubend","created":1673824341,"modified":1673824575},{"id":"jahah_vivif","value":"# Some afternoon... -> bugoh_rurar\n\n![](media/bufir_bigok_dasof_huduf)\nThe third coat after...\n![](media/mimot_nozir_mizun_muluh)\nSomeone asks for treats.\n![](media/jodig_gunos_dusik_tivid)\nMhm so good!\n![](media/jimab_sotoh_ruful_dajud)\nDo you have more?\n![](media/botid_vozut_famih_julan)\nThere's no more guys...\n![](media/dupuf_ligut_libaf_laluk)\nFine, we'll have a tiny sun bath.\n\nAll in the span of 5min.\n\nshare: sara r, public r","owner":"rubend","created":1672960951,"modified":1672961235},{"id":"jamab_suhag","value":"# Dandruff -> fokuh_vokus\n\nBased on this article\n\n[DANDRUFF: THE MOST COMMERCIALLY EXPLOITED SKIN DISEASE](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2887514/)\n\nConceptually, dandruff is a [dander](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desquamation?wprov=sfla1) and represents nothing more than physiologic scaling.","owner":"rubend","created":1668451227,"modified":1668608553},{"id":"jatas_voput","value":"# Containers -> munof_kusov\n\n## [Youki](https://github.com/containers/youki)\nA Rust container runtime. This is the initial entry. More research is needed.\n\nHoping can be used to break free from Docker and an oportunity to learn about the container world.\n","owner":"rubend","created":1669646727,"modified":1669666172},{"id":"jifam_vakuh","value":"# Member -> kadag_zikuk\n\n**Entity** insured under a **[Policy](chunk/bujuh_zogoh)**.\n\nsynonyms: client, customer, asegurado\n\nshare: dcruzp r, rprieto06 r, david r, public r","owner":"rubend","created":1670446743,"modified":1670531561},{"id":"jihoz_mosim","value":"# Trips\n\n✈️ to places\n\n- New York 11/7/22\n- Baltimore\n-\n\nshare: sara r","owner":"rubend","created":1668458048,"modified":1669042579},{"id":"jijos_sukud","value":"# Contacts -> zubat_fonal\n\n```\n\n```","owner":"rubend","created":1670948071,"modified":1670948095},{"id":"jitin_rilog","value":"# Generics -> budag_kogob\n\nAll Id's are Guid's. All dates are [ISO 8601](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Calendar_dates)\n\n## Type\nGroups Entities.\n```\nname\n```\n\n## TypeGroup (EntityMetadata)\nGroups Types.\n```\nname\n```\n\n## Status\nStatus for any entity.\n```\nentityId\nstatusId\ncreatedBy\ncreatedDate\ncomment\n```\n\n## Notes\n```\n\n```","owner":"dcruzp","created":1672867696,"modified":1672868522},{"id":"jofog_rurav","value":"# Messaging -> munof_kusov\n\nSomething similar to matrix.org. I have to read over the spec and other messaging specs. \n\nMaybe ietf would have a good standard.\n\nStill some more research to be done.\n","owner":"rubend","created":1665959,"modified":1668459733},{"id":"josil_tonan","value":"# Authentication -> zubat_fonal\n\nDefines authentication **actions**.\n\nAll of endpints are currently under `/identity` namespace.\n\n---\n## Login ( POST `/login`)\nLogs in a user.\n\n\n```\n<- Body\n{\n\tuser: string,\n\tpass: string,\n}\n\n-> HTTP\n200 Ok\nContent-Type: text/plain\n\n<JWT>\n```\nor ONLY `401 Unauthorized`; this is to prevent user/password matching attacks if we give additional info on the answer, example: `user doesn't exist`, etc...\n\n---\n## Register ( POST `/register`)\nCreates a new user. \n\n\nReceives <- (Body)\n```\n{\n\tuser: string,\n\temail: string,\n\tpass: string,\n\tphone?: string,\n}\n```\nSends -> `200 Ok`\n\n**Validations**\n```\nuser: `^[A-Za-z0-9_\\.@]{3,50}$`\npass: `^.{8,32}$` (Allows any character, min 8, max 32)\nemail: `(?:[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*|\"(?:[\\x01-\\x08\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f\\x21\\x23-\\x5b\\x5d-\\x7f]|\\\\[\\x01-\\x09\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x7f])*\")@(?:(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?|\\[(?:(?:(2(5[0-5]|[0-4][0-9])|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9]))\\.){3}(?:(2(5[0-5]|[0-4][0-9])|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])|[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]:(?:[\\x01-\\x08\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f\\x21-\\x5a\\x53-\\x7f]|\\\\[\\x01-\\x09\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x7f])+)\\])` \n\n// Matches US and non-US numbers\nphone: `^(\\+\\d{1,2}\\s)?\\(?\\d{3}\\)?[\\s.-]\\d{3}[\\s.-]\\d{4}$`\n```\nEmail regex from [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/201323/how-can-i-validate-an-email-address-using-a-regular-expression). \nPhone regex from [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16699007/regular-expression-to-match-standard-10-digit-phone-number).\n\n---\n## Forgot ( GET `/forgot/<username>`)\n\nSends an email to user with **link+code** so they can Reset. \n\nThis reset flow is cumbersome and complex. An alternative is provided below V.\n\nReceives <- Nothing \nSends -> `200 Ok`\n\n\n---\n## Reset ( POST `/reset`)\n\nResets the password based on a previously sent **code** to email.\n\nReceives <- (Body)\n```\n{\n\tuser: string,\n\tpass: string,\n\tcode: string\n}\n```\nSends -> `200 Ok`\n\n### A simpler alternative without a code/forgot password \nJust an alternative, what's currently implemented is UP THERE ^\n\nReceives <- (Body)\n```\n{\n\tuser: string,\n\tpass: string,\n\tpass_old: string\n}\n```\nSends -> `200 Ok`\n\nThis would check if `current password == pass_old`, and proceed to reset password to `pass`. \n- Drawback \n\t- No email 2-factor authentication\n- Benefits\n\t- Simple, no email dependency\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1670595156,"modified":1672759221},{"id":"josof_govop","value":"# MP API -> lizah_bamop\n\nMarketplace API for `JSON<->XML` \nHosted at Vultr instance `dls-attack`\n\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1670443151,"modified":1670600618},{"id":"jotop_vonir","value":"# Web Dev Manifesto -> mozuv_litik\n\nSo... you're the kind of person that likes to make stuff and solve problems.\n\nAnd you wanna make a page like this. \n\nIt seems overwhelming the amount of stuff you **think** you have to learn; and you just wanna see something **YOU made**, something to be proud of, in the next 5 min right?\n\nWell, this page will tell you exactly how. And also how to avoid all the garbage I regrettedly spent time learning and decyphering to get to where I am today.\n\nSadly I did the same thing you're doing, trying to make website in Angular/React without knowledge of HTML / CSS / JS; thinking it'll be easier and faster that way, but you know what's sadder than that. Taking a day to learn how to use the Image Component from a framework, when a `<img src=\"...\"/>` would've been enough.\n\n--- \n## Philosphy, skip if TLDR;\n\nIf you think a library, framework, or whatever will help you build your project you're right. But whatch out, because while there are many solutions out there, this wold is based on misinformation and it's only when you dig deeper that you actually find things were very simple after all. Yes I'm looking at React / Angular, and the entire Ecosystems around them.\n\nThe most valuable tools I've found have come from the humblest of places. It's the places where money isn't an incentive that hold the most value to individuals. - Myself\n\nI bet you haven't heard the term [Vendor Lock-in](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vendor_lock-in) or [Network Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_effect). You probably should click on those links right now because the phenomena is far and wide.\n\nIf you think you don't need to dabble in all areas of human knowledge to be a good developer, think again, because everything you learn affects how successful you are in every single aspect of your life. \n\nKnow that not all **knowledge** has the same **value**. Spend time learning things that'll be **useful for a lifetime**.\n\n---\n## Just f***** tell me how to make a website\n\nFine, here you go:\n\n1. Clone the template: `git clone https://github.com/rubend056/template-parcel-svelte.git`\n1. Install dependecies `yarn install`\n1. Start the thing `yarn start`\n\nThere, you have a website. Happy?\n\nNow comes the crappy part, reading the basics. Which won't take you long **if you read the right stuff**.\n\n**Good** websites to get info:\n- [Compilation](https://github.com/iamismile/web-dev-resources)\n- [Mozilla Developer Network (MDN)](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/) \n- [Web Dev](https://web.dev/)\n\n**Bad** websites to get info:\n- Random googled article/guide from certain library/framework or company.\n\n### Conclusion\nLook for **generic web standards** > **vendor solutions**, odds are _whatever you wanna do can be done in a web browser you just **don't know how yet**_.\n\nshare: public r","owner":"rubend","created":1673367322,"modified":1673407076},{"id":"kadag_zikuk","value":"# Definitions -> hulav_gojuj\n\nA **distinct idea** is one who's \n**Definition is clear**.\n \n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1670442413,"modified":1671045087},{"id":"kafak_nitob","value":"# Stable -> vazab_bikid\n\nWe have a proven product 🚀","owner":"rubend","created":1668459393,"modified":1668459429},{"id":"kajob_bafur","value":"# Work\n\nTrading ⌚ for 💰.\n\naccess: dcruzp r, rprieto06 r, david r, public r","owner":"rubend","created":1666806496,"modified":1670597912},{"id":"kamih_vutis","value":"# Task 24 API -> dozan_sopal,dazif_zizib\n\n- [x] Update Endpoints\n\t- [x] Holidays\n\t- [x] All\n\t- [x] Detail\n\t- [x] New \n\t- [x] Update \n\t- [x] Estimate\n- [x] update status logic that was edited on the feature to follow the state machine.\n- [x] update All endpoint to accept the filters defined.\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp w, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1673444693,"modified":1673989185},{"id":"kapup_givik","value":"# Meta Fields -> dodil_kitig\n\nThese fields control how information is extracted/shown from child chunks. While also allowing for arbitrary properties. \n\nAll these fields will be matched with multiline `m` option regex like so `^([a-z0-9_]+): (.*)$`; Example:\n\nMatches:\n```\nkey: value\nk: \nj: 55\nid: joke\n```\nDoesn't:\n```\naL: \ntest : \nno_dots\nno_space_after_dots:\n```\n\nKnown fields like `access` or `share` would be ignored.\n\n## Type `type: <value>`\n\n### Database `db`\nChildren will be handled like a database. The \n\nThere are no owners or created/modified.\n\n### Messages\n\n### \n","owner":"rubend","created":1670605428,"modified":1672329425},{"id":"kidav_tigum","value":"# Groceries -> mukod_pahot\n\n- Peppers\n- Tomato\n- Avocado\n- Cheese and Salami (you liked it that much lol)\n- And you next to me (i love you dummy) \n\nWill be kept forever for cuteness :)\n\nShare: sara w, public r, test r","owner":"rubend","created":1665754,"modified":1670619610},{"id":"kikit_naluk","value":"# Bread -> puvit_zukaf\n\n- yeast\n- flour","owner":"rubend","created":1673722931,"modified":1673723035},{"id":"kisib_hufuk","value":"# Waking Up -> durav_lojoj\n\nApparently I suck at this","owner":"rubend","created":1668450219,"modified":1668450229},{"id":"korol_bujas","value":"# Hawthorne -> jihoz_mosim\n\nCheck-in/out is `2/17/2023` - `2/20/2023`, Friday - Monday. \n\nWe're real excited to go :)\n\n![](media/lavif_vimag_risas_hosuj)\n![](media/varol_vamuh_fumuj_gunip)\n![](media/hojos_tugof_gakib_kihok)\n![](media/nuton_govog_gubum_sagar)\n![](media/kalan_ramoh_sohir_muvag)\n![](media/hivum_bijag_sujug_vosif)\n![](media/ravoh_lasos_posur_zopag)\n![](media/pafin_sijof_tumub_lahin)\n![](media/zurol_bidif_rivam_lujar)\n![](media/dofav_kibub_pogiz_moniz)\n\naddress: 618 Orange Avenue, Hawthorne, FL 32640\n\n## [Directions from home](https://www.openstreetmap.org/directions?engine=fossgis_osrm_car&route=25.71784%2C-80.25330%3B29.59448%2C-82.02450#map=8/27.698/-81.216), distance 551km - time 6h 28m\n\n![](media/kataz_bidur_nazaz_romum)\n\npeople: sara, rubend, daniel, david, elizabeth, luis\n\nbeds:\n- **main room** (sara, rubend), \n- a **litera** (david, daniel), \n- a **sofa bed** (eli, luis)\n\nshare: sara r, dcruzp r, david r, elizabeth r, luis r, public r","owner":"rubend","created":1673721196,"modified":1673904104},{"id":"kurub_situt","value":"# Cars -> munof_kusov\n\n## Efficiency\n- air drag coeficient\n\nThe lower this, the higher the peak efficcient speed is.\n\n- lookup scholarly","owner":"rubend","created":1667891496,"modified":1668422535},{"id":"kutog_sodof","value":"# Application -> kadag_zikuk\n\n**Request** to a [Carrier](chunk/musij_notik) for a [Policy](chunk/).\n\nshare: dcruzp r, rprieto06 r, david r, public r","owner":"rubend","created":1670442517,"modified":1670531557},{"id":"lalir_zarih","value":"# User -> luvuv_hirub\n\nAn **entity** that interacts 👆 with our application.\n\nThis outlines the **data a user requires**. \nAnd a _vague definition_ of how this data would be processed and handled.\n\n---\n## Username ( `user: string` )\nUsed to **identify** the entity. \n\nUnique to each server. Where servers are currently separated islands that don't comunnicate. This means 2 servers can have same username but not refer to the same entity.\n\nHave to match: `^[a-z0-9_]{3,10}$`\n\nand cannot contain any of these keywords:\n```\nadmin\nroot\nnote\nchunk\nshare\naccess\nread\nwrite\nlock\nunlock\npublic\n```\n\n## Password ( `pass: string` )\n\nUsed to **authenticate** the entity.\n\nThe plain password has to match `^.{6,64}$`\n\nStored in backend as a [**Password Hashing Competition (PHC) String**](https://www.password-hashing.net/) with the 2015 winner hashing algorithm [Argon 2](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/P-H-C/phc-winner-argon2/master/argon2-specs.pdf). \n\n**PHC string** as described in the [format specification](https://github.com/P-H-C/phc-string-format/blob/master/phc-sf-spec.md#specification):\n```\n$<id>[$v=<version>][$<param>=<value>(,<param>=<value>)*][$<salt>[$<hash>]]\nwhere:\n\n<id> is the symbolic name for the function\n<version> is the algorithm version\n<param> is a parameter name\n<value> is a parameter value\n<salt> is an encoding of the salt\n<hash> is an encoding of the hash output\n```\n\n## Photo ( `photo: Option<string>` (an id) )\n**Visual aid** to identify this user within the App's UI.\n\nMost of the time this will be used as a square thumbnail to limit bandwidth use on clients (requires Media cache/processing features which are yet to implemented).\n\n\n<footer>\n\nRelated documents\n- [Authentication](chunk/dajiv_fuful)\n\n</footer>\n\nshare: public r, dcruzp r","owner":"rubend","created":1669911597,"modified":1670968568},{"id":"lihol_togom","value":"# MVP -> vudof_jorom\n\n","owner":"rubend","created":1669665191,"modified":1669665194},{"id":"lizah_bamop","value":"# Marketplace -> mitat_ritut\n\nDE/EDE approval process.\n\nAgents using Benefitalign currently. Our job is to replace the submission of plans with governmental marketplace.\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1669822258,"modified":1671044524},{"id":"lopis_muzuz","value":"# Obscure Ideas -> hulav_gojuj\n\nNot a **clear idea**.\n\nA _draft space_.\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1670443561,"modified":1671138203},{"id":"luhus_lumal","value":"# Task 21 API -> dozan_sopal,baruh_kijug\n\n- [ ] `type = EntityMetadata.Name (string value)` on `GET /UserManage`\n- [ ] **Link** endpoint\n\n## Link Endpoint\n\nShould do x and y.... (someone else please write what this endpoint does...) the format is defined in Feature.\n\n\n- ```GET /UserManage``` has a new field ***TypeName*** that is the entitymetadata name that have the user. \n\n\n\n\n\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp w, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1670441924,"modified":1670947511},{"id":"lujig_masag","value":"# Contact -> lopis_muzuz\n\nWhat's a Contact? \n\nWhy is it needed? \n\nAre there alternatives?\n\nWhat are the pros and cons?\n\nshare: rprieto06 w, dcruzp w","owner":"rubend","created":1670600113,"modified":1670600160},{"id":"lutit_gakab","value":"# Plan -> kadag_zikuk\n\n**Terms** that a [Carrier](chunk/musij_notik) establishes.\n\nshare: dcruzp r, rprieto06 r, david r, public r","owner":"rubend","created":1670446676,"modified":1670531564},{"id":"luvaj_numuv","value":"# 8187 -> mofid_radaf\n\nI was a bit mad this morning when me bb told me that she forgot her laptop charger. Ik my job demands much less of me, but I still appreciate the little time I have with my projects, like this one. I indeed get consumed by it, but if I didn't think that time was well spent I wouldn't be doing it.\n\nI guess it's just annoying having to drive back when I just got back. So to make it easier on my brain and so I woulnd't get frustrated I drove back 2 hours later to give myself time to work, clean, and make some coffee. So my brain doesn't feel like I drove a straight 2 hours and get annoyed at me.\n\n---\nAside from that, I want to keep advancing the visualization features of Chunk with the **Graph** feature which was in the original idea but hasn't been fleshed out yet.","owner":"rubend","created":1669650496,"modified":1669736945},{"id":"luvuv_hirub","value":"# Chunk App -> batas_girun\n\nTo [chunk information](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chunking_%28psychology%29?wprov=sfla1), a process by which individual pieces of an information set are bound together into a meaningful whole.\n\n**Basically adding relationships/views to markdown**\n\n## Goals\n- **Simple** rules that allow **emergent behaviour**.\n- Information is **readable**, easy to zoom, pick apart, and digest, it should _feel_ like an interactable [Kurtzkezart](https://kurzgesagt.org/) video.\n- **Editing** is a click/tap away, but a history feature should be there to have your back, just in case you mess up.\n- Data reciliency, easy to **replicate**, work **offline**, **sync**, and **collaborate**. This should align with the goals of [Talebox]().\n\nIt's easy to see the crucial thing is **Chunk Data Visualization** built on top of a solid **Chunk Relationship Logic**.\n\n---\n\n## Overview\n- Dead simple text markup\n- Data relationships explicit in syntax\n- Different visualization options\n\n### Implemetation\n- CommonMark + Custom Data Relation Syntax\n- Different visualization options\n - Editing\n - **Shank/Edit** -> selected chunk + children up to 4N (1N default) an editor\n - Viewing\n - **Notes** -> chunks ordered by recent side by side\n - **Labyrinth** -> selected chunk children on a grid\n - **Graph** -> nodes in a tree\n\n## Definitions\n\n```\nChunk {\n\tvalue: string\n\tcreated: utc seconds since epoch\n\tmodified: utc seconds since epoch\n}\nUser {\n\tuser: string\n\tpass: string\n}\n```\n\n## Chunk Logic\nA mockup of how chunks should be displayed under each view. This should give us an idea of how complex the system will be.\n\nA chunk's <u>header</u> is defined [by regex](https://regexr.com/6vm4s) \n`^# *(?<title>(?: *[\\w]+)+) *(?:[-=]> *(?<relations>(?:,? *[\\w]+)+) *)?$` which extracts **title** and **relations**. \n\nWhat advantage does relating chunks give me? Well that's the whole point, chunks relating to other chunks, but instead of putting it all in a big long list, this UI will nudge the user towards keeping their children list small, 7-8 (yellow), 9+ (red). Yes, colors are important.\n\n### Notes\n\n| `# Chores` |`# Groceries -> Chores`|\n-|-\n| `# NYCTrip -> Groceries` |`# Friday -> Groceries`|\n\n```\n# Chores\n\nStuff I seriously don't like doing but I have to do anyways for my own well being and sanity.\n\n## Groceries\n\n## House Stuff\n- Clean\n- Do dishes\n```\nWhat would be the representation of the different views?\n\n### Data Structure \n- this is \n\nshare: public r","owner":"rubend","created":1665805,"modified":1669358952},{"id":"mafup_vigul","value":"# Software -> vudof_jorom\n- Minimal boot time with an open source edge compute OS.\n\nWe need a swarm of cloud nodes provisioning our public services (ex website/os/online public management) + private user owned boxes\n\n## Server\n- Management Interface\n","owner":"rubend","created":1669664903,"modified":1669664914},{"id":"magod_jusih","value":"# Agent\n\n- **Agent** -> All agent registered in the system\n\t- `LoginEmail`\n\t- `NPN (National Provider Number)`\n\t- `ContactId -> Name for this entity`\n- **Contact** -> Store all entities name `(FirstName, MiddleName, LastName)`\n- **MetadataId**-> Type of contact (`ex. Agent, Carrier, Customer…`)\n\n","owner":"jarmenteros","created":1670011080,"modified":1670017722},{"id":"malaj_nuzab","value":"# REFLECTIONS \n\nThis will be for my morning reflections. A place where I can dump out my thoughts and see what becomes of them. I hope it makes me feel less overwhelmed or in my own head throughout the day and helps me stay in the moment. \n\nToday I am feeling a few different kinds of emotions. I am excited, I am happy, I am motivated, and I am dismal \n\nEXCITED \n- I am excited about all of the adventures Ruben and I are ready to embark on and the reinforcement of the bond we share that was enhance on this trip. We were due for a bit of a refresher or a honeymoon if you will to reconnect and solidify our love. \n\nHAPPY\n- I am happy about all of the experiences and new memories from this trip we took. Every moment shared, every reflection shared, every detail is something I wouldn't change. I am also happy to be going home feeling refreshed and with a plan of action to take on life together. I am also happy to feel like I have a better footing on the world on my own. I feel like I can stand up for myself and take care of myself a lot better now more than ever. \n\nMOTIVATED \n- I am feeling motivated to go forward and change things I thought I would never change before. I am ready to reinforce better habits into my life routine. I am on a path to truly connect with the life that I know has always been intended for me. I am so open to the opportunities and abundance of happiness the universe has right there waiting for me. \n\nDISMAL\n- \n\n","owner":"sara","created":1668426454,"modified":1668427936},{"id":"masat_rozag","value":"# Tutorial -> luvuv_hirub\n\nA notes app on steroids 💪. \n[**Chunks**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chunking_(psychology)) are linked `->` notes.\n\n---\nUse [**commonmark**](https://commonmark.org/help/) to markup your notes. Bc plain text is limiting to visualize. It's **highly recommended** you [look over this](https://commonmark.org/help/) to have an idea, it'll take 30sec for most.\n- Use on phone/desktop/laptop with a **responsive webapp**; probably the one you're already using to read this.\n- **Collaborate**\n - Type `share: pete write` on any line of your note to allow **pete to write**. Right now although writing at the same time was worked on for a week its still buggy, check out how its currently working.\n - Or `share: john read, pete w` to allow **john to only read** and **pete to write**.\n - Security is described more in depth [here](chunk/vutul_muboj).\n- **Views**, there's 2 views on the Drawer ![](https://i.postimg.cc/BbTfLcDc/image.png):\n - `📝 Notes`: where you see, well, notes...\n - Click any note to edit/preview.\n - `🕳️ Well`: where you see chunks.\n - At the root level all topmost notes will be shown.\n - Chunk notes like this `# Groceries -> Chores`.\n - Click **left side** on this mode to **edit**, **right side** to drill down the well and **view its children**. _example: click right side of `Chores` to view its child `Groceries`_.\n- **Interact**, you can:\n\t- **Upload/attach** documents (including photos, etc...) ![](media/midib_faboz_gukal_sukug).\n\t- **Copy** the note's `id` ![](media/mukok_busin_lunab_buraj), or public `link` ![](media/pifam_namub_tupug_kotot). The public link you can share with anyone and they'll see it if they have access, you can allow access either to everyone with `share: public read`, or a specific user `share: john read`.\n\t- **Link** other notes by using this format for a link `chunk/<chunk_id>`, example `[version 0.6's features](chunk/ninud_kakop)` will output this -> [version 0.6's features](chunk/ninud_kakop).\n\n\n\nshare: porf Read, public Read","owner":"jarmenteros","created":1669932071,"modified":1673918718},{"id":"mibun_nivov","value":"# SRP Household -> bugoh_rurar\n\nSara Ramirez - Ruben Prieto\n\n![](media/tubov_zisal_lakal_dukah)\n\nshare: test r","owner":"rubend","created":1673401826,"modified":1673402134},{"id":"midij_fahug","value":"# 12_19_22 -> ziguk_badom\n\nI've just made the reservation `11/19/22 at 3:38pm` for `Loop OP - RV/Tent - Site #48` at **Myakka River State Park**.\n\n[Florida state park link](https://www.floridastateparks.org/parks-and-trails/myakka-river-state-park)\n\nThis will be our _status page for camping_. This page will be updated on **real-time** and was created on my [Chunk App](https://chunk.anty.dev).\n\n![](media/pavuz_balun_daraj_hugoh)\n\n![](media/hakat_limir_pivig_votif)\n\n---\n## Site #48 Photos\n![](media/gudas_komup_simuv_duvap)\n![](media/tajig_vusoz_ruhap_vitif)\n![](media/pibaz_sarub_janab_goziz)\n---\n## To reiterate the previous email\n\nQuiero pasar una semana con la familia y llevarla a acampar q hace rato por hacerlo y no he podido.\n\nPara q tengan una idea de las condiciones.\n\nBasado en la experiencia q he tenido en Hontoon Island, estos parques estatales te dejan disfrutar de la naturaleza de la mejor manera posible. La menor cantidad de luces artificiales, es casi completamente oscuro en la noche. Tienes un lugar bastante grande donde desplegar tu casa de campana, agua de una llave al lado de tu lugar, un bano con ducha compartido q esta a 60segundos de caminar. Y un rio y bosque al lado tuyo para caminar, hike, pescar, kayak, y cocinar hongos/pescados q encontremos por ahi.\n\nDije q a las 3pm los llamaria pero papa todavia esta en su clase y al parecer todos podemos estar en 1 solo tent, pq elizabeth dijo q no va a ir.\n\nPor ahora:\nLos q van: Lolo, Nona, Davi/Dani, Elinor, Lioska, Ruben, RubenD, Sara (9)\nLos q no van: Elizabeth, Luis (2)\n\nLo q teniamos pensado, los 2 carros (el grande y el mio) en el lugar, yo y sara dormimos en el tent de nosotros, 2 pueden dormir en el carro grande y se puede comprar un tent grande de 6 personas para las 5 personas restantes.\n\nLos llamo cuando papa termine su clase, esperemos q para las 6pm. Para poder finalizar esto...\n\n\n\n\nshare: public r, sara r, daniel r, rprieto06 r","owner":"rubend","created":1668890347,"modified":1670879180},{"id":"minun_figit","value":"# Vage -> luvuv_hirub\n\n\n---\n## Inheritance (`<key>: inherit`) (needs relationship cache)\nValues can be inherited from parent nodes.\n\n---\n## Groups (Security) (needs relationship cache)\nGroups, users are part of groups and if a group is given access, all users in that group have access.\n\n---\n## Search\n\nThis is becoming more and more necessary. Allows a user to lookup a string within their data.\n\n<input \nstyle=\"background:var(--background);border-radius:20px;padding:8px;padding-inline:12px;margin:0\"\nplaceholder=\"🔍 Search here...\"\n/>\n\n---\n## Media Page\nAllows you to see the status of conversion of your media and edit the modifyers on screen.\n\nFor now though. \n\n----\n## Scripting with JS/Lua\nThought about it, but nah, too complex. At least for now\n\n```js\nlet a = 5\nlet b = 32\nreturn a + b\n```\n```lua\na=4\nb=32\na+b\n```\n\n\n\n# Mobile Specific\n\n- [ ] actions on cursor after /xz/i match (to make mobile editing easy)\n - popup top right with option search, space finishes the selection with the match\n\nshare: public r","owner":"rubend","created":1668459098,"modified":1673367174},{"id":"misut_dugos","value":"# Task 22 API -> dozan_sopal,josil_tonan\n\nSorry, no, no son solo nombres los que hay que cambiar :( pero antes de hacerlo me dices si hay algo en donde no estas de acuerdo, o alguna definicion que no deberia ser asi.\n\nEsto referencia [Authentication](chunk/josil_tonan).\n\n- [x] Remove leading `/api/auth` from ALL Identity endpoints since it's redundant. Example Login endpoint should be `/identity/login`.\n- [x] Update **Login** endpoint.\n- [x] Update **Register** endpoint.\n- [x] Update **Forgot** endpoint.\n- [x] Update **Reset** endpoint.\n- [x] Update endpoint **Order** to (based on expected usage/relevance):\n\t1. Login\n\t1. Register\n\t1. Forgot\n\t1. Reset\n\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp w, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1670595534,"modified":1670947060},{"id":"mitat_ritut","value":"# Modules -> hulav_gojuj\n\nComponents of Spark\n- DB\n- API\n- UI\n- Marketplace\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1671044475,"modified":1671044582},{"id":"mizop_lufor","value":"# Todo -> mukod_pahot\n\nMove all of talebox here.\n\nFinish editing Notes App with new ideas.\n\n3058008226\n\n- [ ] Call Chase to close individual account. 1-800-935-9935\n- [ ] 5/16 min, 9/16 max head. 3/2 Length max ideally 5/4 but 3/2 is fine. ","owner":"rubend","created":1669359139,"modified":1673020172},{"id":"modil_puzab","value":"# Data Mining -> fokuh_vokus\n\nMaking inferences about these databases. ","owner":"rubend","created":1669171100,"modified":1673407116},{"id":"mofid_radaf","value":"# Daily Babble\n\n- Write whatever comes to your mind.\n- Seriously, anything...\n- Every single day. Like today 10/30/22\n- Title is: number of days since birth.","owner":"rubend","created":1667185262,"modified":1669923486},{"id":"mosuj_ponab","value":"# Separation -> dizov_gibos\n\n## Separate\nSeparate \"pages\" in backend so request directly returns html. \n\nThis separates users/businesses wanting a \"website\" from Chunk App, which is where me/employes will develop their websites on markdown. And allows me offer a clearcut html/js/css website, also reducing competition wanting to copy/modify, or diminish my work. \n\n[ ] `Needs research` \n### Static Site\nSo this app is basically a bundled `main.js + .css + .png, etc...`, we gotta make backend have a template it uses to build a standalone website based on chunks. \n### Dynamic Site _not yet_\n\n## Style\nOffer customized stylesheets/components, so sites match business color palette and pesence.\n\n---\n## Thinking From Code\n\nWe'll need a custom parcel `.html` target for every customer.\nHtml for each customer has following data:\n- Static\n\t- Title\n\t- Favorite Icon (will be cached by the browser)\n\t- Style sheet (will be cached by the browser)\n\t- Page HTML\n- Dynamic or Webapp\n\t- Webapp Manifest (optional)\n\t- bundle.js","owner":"rubend","created":1669648813,"modified":1669649494},{"id":"movab_tunog","value":"# Abstract Babble -> nulop_kafuj\n\nSo how do we solve this data connondrum?\n\nC-Cpu -> C-Ram -> C-Storage -> NET \nS-Cpu -> S-Ram -> S-Storage -> NET\n\nWhen we write a program, it's designed to CPU-RAM. Storage and Network has to be explicit, since they're high-latency resources. How do we abstract this away? so we can write software on top of not just CPU-RAM, but on CPU-RAM -> N(CPU-Ram-Storage)\n\nI want a way i can query resources","owner":"rubend","created":1669650018,"modified":1669663847},{"id":"mozuv_litik","value":"# Blog\n\nMe personal blog.\n\nI'l ✍️ stuff and it'll be shown \nnicely somewhere else.","owner":"rubend","created":1671686479,"modified":1673407048},{"id":"mukod_pahot","value":"# Todo\n\nEphemeral task list [check]","owner":"rubend","created":1667189027,"modified":1673451385},{"id":"munof_kusov","value":"# Idea -> vazab_bikid\n\n### 📚 Lab 🧫\n\nResearch has begun on these.","owner":"rubend","created":1671685788,"modified":1671685788},{"id":"mupaj_mipah","value":"# Other Chunk -> rubendwork__stuff\n\nViste feo, ya la coneccion no se tumba y si haces cambios q no puedes hacer, te da un error y va al valor anterior, antes del error.\n\n","owner":"dcruzp","created":1666899055,"modified":1666899447},{"id":"musij_notik","value":"# Carrier -> kadag_zikuk\n\n**Entity** that **offers a [Plan](chunk/lutit_gakab)**.\n\nsynonyms: Issuer, Asegurador\n\n\nshare: dcruzp r, rprieto06 r, david r, public r","owner":"rubend","created":1670442428,"modified":1670531567},{"id":"namul_lakam","value":"# Me -> mozuv_litik\n\n<img src=\"/api/media/nopur_lirim_mikan_jiduk\" style=\"height:400px;width:400px;margin:auto; margin-block: 3em; object-fit:cover;border-radius:40px\" />\n\nI enjoy making things.\n\nIf you apreciate my craft, send me [an email](mailto:[email protected]). Attention is my best generalized reinforcer.\n\nshare: public r","owner":"rubend","created":1673407484,"modified":1673450783},{"id":"nazub_jobuk","value":"# Learning -> fokuh_vokus\n\n🧠+🕰️(applying knowledge)=💰\n\nLearning has been defined:\n- Functionally: as changes in **behavior** that result from experience or..\n- Mechanistically: as changes in **the organism** that result from experience. \n\nBoth types of definitions are problematic. \n\nWe define learning as **ontogenetic adaptation**—that is, as **changes in the behavior of an organism that result from regularities in the environment of the organism**. \n\nThis functional definition not only solves the problems of other definitions, but also has important advantages for cognitive learning research.","owner":"rubend","created":1667853540,"modified":1667853850},{"id":"ninag_himuh","value":"# Lifecycle -> vazab_bikid\n\nThis dictates the lifecycle of a product \n**Idea** -> **Stable**\n\n\n","owner":"rubend","created":1671685797,"modified":1671685797},{"id":"ninud_kakop","value":"# 0.6 -> luvuv_hirub\n\n## Quick Fixes\n- [x] Return also copies `\\d+\\. `. Extending it to numbered lists.\n- [x] Check border radius drawer button.\n- [x] Add admin functionality\n\t- [x] Add `a/admin` to access\n\t- [x] Allow admin all same privileges as owner\n- [x] Add `, \", ', and < to list of characters to wrap around selection.\n- [x] Pagination on Notes view\n\t- Because Notes view would pull a huge list of all notes you have access to, now as you scroll down and they're slowly loaded.\n\n## [x] Visual Cues\n- [x] Child count (implemented as slightly larger border radius on notes with children, to declutter screen)\n- [x] Modfied time\n- [x] Access Icon (owner/share), \n\n## [x] Relationship Cache\nRewrite the relationship logic core with **Dynamic (thread-safe) References**, now structured as `DB` and `DBAuth`:\n```\npub struct DB {\n\tpub auth: db_auth::DBAuth,\n\tchunks: DBMap<String, Arc<RwLock<DBChunk>>>,\n}\npub struct DBAuth {\n\tpub users: DBMap<String, Arc<RwLock<User>>>,\n\t/**\n\t * Groups/roles\n\t */\n\tpub groups: DBMap<String, Vec<Weak<RwLock<User>>>>,\n}\n```\nChunks now act more like a **double linked nodes in a tree**:\n```\npub struct DBChunk {\n\tchunk: Chunk,\n\t\n\t/// Statically extracted properties\n\tprops: HashMap<String, Value>,\n\t\n\t/// Additional dynamic custom properties ? Obscure idea At The Moment\n\tprops_dynamic_custom: Vec<DynamicProperty>,\n\t\n\t/// Dynamic prop values defined by (User + Key) -> Value\n\tprops_per_user: HashMap<(String, String), Value>,\n\t\n\t/// parents, whoever modifies these refs, has to make sure there are no circular references\n\tpub parents: Vec<Weak<RwLock<DBChunk>>>,\n\t\n\t/// Determines wether this chunk has been linked to parents.\n\tpub linked: bool,\n\t\n\t/// children, whoever modifies these refs, has to make sure there are no circular references\n\tpub children: Vec<Weak<RwLock<DBChunk>>>,\n}\n```\n\n## Settings\n- [x] Log out of all devices, [logic here](chunk/dajiv_fuful)\n\n## [x] Graph View\nlike Notes, just that all relations are lines from one chunk to another, slightly ambitious, but we'll start with just browser divs.\n\n<div style=\"background:var(--background);border-radius:20px;height:400px;border-radius:20px;position:relative\">\n\n<div \nstyle=\"background:var(--background-alt);border-radius:20px;position:absolute;width:100px;height:100px;left:calc(50%);top:calc(50%);transform:translate(-50%,-50%)\"\n><h3 style=\"text-align:center;margin-top:0\">Root</h3></div>\n\n<div \nstyle=\"background:var(--background-alt);border-radius:20px;position:absolute;width:100px;height:100px;left:calc(50%);top:calc(50% - 120px);transform:translate(-50%,-50%)\"\n><h3 style=\"text-align:center;margin-top:0\">Biota</h3></div>\n\n</div>\n\n\n## [x] Separate\nFinish up the backend Page Renderer. There's many ways to do this:\n1. Executing the JS formatter in Rust.\n 1. With a JS interpreter.\n1. Duplicating the formatter code in Rust. (We'll have to make tests, for both JS and Rust to make sure there's a consistent output, this would be a pain to maintain, horrible indeed)\n1. Compiling JS -> WASM and running in Rust.\n1. Making Transformer in Rust, then compiling to WASM for JS consumption.\n\t1. Simply making a Rust mod/lib that can be bundled in Parcel app. \n1. Just serving a different/lighter app under `/page/<id>` that will load the note without a loading screen etc..., but again I really don't wanna do this. Because these pages could be served under completely differnt hostnames/paths/circumnstances and I wanna be able to answer back with straight up HTML.\n\nSo far **#4 seems best** since it gives more control over code execution, will allow more complexity and speed overall, even on the browser. Commonmark in rust [implementation](https://crates.io/crates/pulldown-cmark).\n\n**#2 was implemented** as a quick solution.\n\nshare: public r","owner":"rubend","created":1669643566,"modified":1672327178},{"id":"nobol_sorok","value":"# Collaborator -> luvuv_hirub\n\nSomeone that's come up with useful concepts to advance the project's goal, or made improvements over currently defined concepts/processes. \n\nHeck even this definition probably has to be improved, so you're encouraged to voice an improvement.\n\nShare: public r","owner":"rubend","created":1669355987,"modified":1669911579},{"id":"nokan_kamur","value":"# 0.4 -> luvuv_hirub\n\n**Draft Completed** \nEstimated time: **1h:30min** \nBeginnning at **9:35am** 11/3/22, \nBe done by **11:05am**\n\nActual total time: **8hrs**\n\n## Easy\n- Logout button.\n- Token cookie expires in 1 week.\n- Trash color + selected color\n- Checkbox syntax \n[ ] -> ☐ \n[x] -> ☒\n- Add icons in well/chunks sidebar\n- Adding chunk on well links with parent\n\n## Medium\n- Preview id + copy/link buttons.\n\n## Hard\n- Public preview only page.\n - Adding a second target to parcel for a light page that only loads (water.css + chunk.css) and js for (chunkToHtml) code. \n\n---\n### Vague\n- DB\n - Versioning\n - DB sync\n- Unicode search\n- New chunk generation code\n- Chunk \"side by side/tree\" edit\n- Chunk relationship querying + agregation algorithm.\n\n\nshare: public r","owner":"rubend","created":1667217687,"modified":1669227906},{"id":"nonab_nuzig","value":"# PBI#0002 - API for Security Management\n\n...\n\n`Functionality already done`\n\n...\n\n\n## Enhancements \n**#1:**\n\n\n\n\n## Bugs\n\n\n\n## Release Notes\n\n\n\n\n\n[back to main](fokir_bikal)\n\n[Edit](https://chunk.anty.dev/app)\n\n\n\n","owner":"jarmenteros","created":1670269279,"modified":1670270328},{"id":"nuboh_nirij","value":"# 0.7 -> luvuv_hirub\n\n### Quick\n- [x] `Cache-Control: max-age=31536000` on Media responses to stop browser from reloading media every time.\n\n## [ ] Search (editing)\nA page that looks for things everywhere.\n\n## [ ] Media (editing)\nA page that shows all media you've uploaded. Plus their status of conversion.\n\nshare: public r","owner":"rubend","created":1670508800,"modified":1673451145},{"id":"nulop_kafuj","value":"# Data Management -> luvuv_hirub\n\nThinking of a better distributed system.","owner":"rubend","created":1669649801,"modified":1669650045},{"id":"nusip_vufum","value":"# Task 20 UI -> dozan_sopal,baruh_kijug\n\nOn `Security -> UserManage` menu.\n\n- [x] **Type** Column uses `type` value\n- [x] Add Link Button/Modal\n- [x] Add Register Button/Modal\n\n## Link Modal\n![](media/rofih_kizin_govuk_midur)\n\n## Register Modal\n![](media/hohok_lunis_radav_mijuz)\n\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 w, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1670516375,"modified":1672809947},{"id":"padim_jolil","value":"# Services -> vudof_jorom\nThe box will have a collection of available services. These services are meant to work independently of each-other and only interact with each-other through their respective endpoints. Yes, microservices.\n\n## Stable \n- \n\n## Development\n- \n\n## Aproved\n- \n\n## Sandbox\n- Board\n- Notes\n- Files\n- GitD\n- Security\n- Dash\n- Social\n- Mail\n\n<br/>\n<br/>\n\n# Descriptions\nImplementations for each one of the available services, this would act as an initial readme for each of these repos, when they're created.\n\nEach one of these projects/services will:\n1. Expose it's own api endpoints.\n2. Be self-contained/independent.\n3. \n\n## Board (a Whiteboard)\nBoard solution, will take inspiration from [WBO](wbo.ophir.dev) to create a real-time offline-first experience.\n\n## [Chunk (Notes)](https://chunk.anty.dev)\n\n## Files\nA solution for file synchronization... similar to Dropbox, though maybe something simpler like rsync or sftp already works well enough. Maybe just a Web UI?, since all devices that aren't able to use sftp or rsync easily usually only need 1 file and are mobile user/loser devices. I still gotta ponder on this tho.\n\n## GitD\nA solution for git synchronization... similar to Github.\n\n## Dash\nPage to be served on a root path HTTP GET / from ports 80/443.\n\n### Menus\n- Services (add/remove/toggle services)\n- Storage (view total/used/left)\n- Power (view total/used/left)\n- Security \n\t- Replication\n\t- Users\n\n## Security\n","owner":"rubend","created":1669664963,"modified":1669665061},{"id":"pamup_fupin","value":"# Work Process -> lopis_muzuz\n\n1. What does user want to see, what actions can he make?\n1. How does it fit on our data, does it make sense?\n1. Define endpoints. And security.\n1. Define UI.\n1. **Pass it to programmers** and wait for them to say its working.\n1. Do QA and **make sure** its working!\n\n---\n## Document is source of truth.\n\nDONT DO ANYTHING THAT\"S NOT EXPLICIT IN DOCUMENT/TASK\n\nIf a task/feature **doesn't specify something clearly** and there's more complexity behind it, either the **feature wasn't written correctly**, or the **code has to be trimmed/simplified/scrapped/rewritten**. So talk to whoever it was that wrote it to know which of those to do.\n\n1. Expose standard endpoint behaviour with dummy data. If takes more than 24 hrs to do.\n1. UI mockup after endpoints.\n1. Test on staging.\n1. Prove its working! Take screenshots and do a quick description.\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1669824901,"modified":1670973791},{"id":"paraf_vuhoz","value":"# Security Management\n\n## User Control and Role-Security Claims\n- **AspNetUsers** -> Login Information:\n`Username, Email, Phone, ContactId`\n- **AspNetUserClaims** -> security claims:\n`UserId, ClaimType, ClaimValue`\n- **AspNetUserRoles** -> User Roles:\n\t`UserId, RoleId`\n- **AspNetRoles** -> Available roles in the system:\n\t`Id, Name`\n- **AspNetClaimRole** -> Roles relates to claims:\n\t`RoleId, ClaimId`\n\n**NOTE:** We don’t have UI for RoleClaim Management.\n\n- **SecContactAgent** -> (**Visibility**) Control all data visibility for all login user\n\t- `ContactId -> Login user`\n\t- `AgentId -> Over what agent this contact has access to`\n\t- `ResourceId -> Over what resource this contact has access to.`\n\n**Note:** \n- If `agentid` is null, login user has access over all agent information.\n- If `resourceId` is null, `contactId` has access over all resources.\n\n\nAction:\n\n- [PBI #0001 - UI for Security Management](tigad_fidij)\n- [PBI #0002 - API for Security Management](nonab_nuzig)\n\n[back to main](fokir_bikal)\n\n[Edit](https://chunk.anty.dev/app)\n\n\n","owner":"jarmenteros","created":1670010531,"modified":1670280129},{"id":"patop_lakuz","value":"# Register a user and configure it\n\n\n1. Register a user using `Swagger` ([`https://staging.dls-innovation.com/identity/swagger/index.html`](https://staging.dls-innovation.com/identity/swagger/index.html))\n2. Login using an admin account \n3. Assign role to this user (`the main role is Agent`)\n4. Go to `Agent Management` and `Create new Agent`\n5. Go directly to the database and assign the new `Agent-ContactId to AspNetUsers table`.\n6. Go to `UserManagement` and set up the `Visibility` for this user\n7. Assign `Agent` and `Resource` where user has access to.\n\nShare: rprieto06 w\n\n\n","owner":"jarmenteros","created":1670011471,"modified":1670012794},{"id":"pidaj_pufud","value":"# Technicals for Success -> dizov_gibos\n\n## Marketing\nCreate a [ ]`repertore of past work/examples` to wow leads.\n- Menu (Food, restaurants/quiosk)\n\nTake the reins of your digital business 🏇.\n\n## Our Strengths\n### Flexibility\n\nWant to change textual content? photos/videos? let us know and it'll be done as fast as we can type it out.\n\n### Speed\n\nIf you're clear about what you want, your website can be ready within the hour.\n\n### Transparent, see your website while we build it, literally.\n\nWe'll give you a 24 hour link, you can preview the site while changes are made, and you can give us feedback real-time.\n\n## Our Weakness\n\nWe don't have as many **features** as other vendors do.\n\n\n## Offerings\nWe can start charging businesses that just a want the simplest website imaginable, html with custom css. But what would they get, just an html/css file? No, they'd get support and posibilities for customizations (changes to websites do have aditional charges based on how time consuming they are) or additional features to be added at no extra cost while our feature list grows.\n\nWe can offer the simplicity and flexibility nobody else can because we're working with what \"technology has to offer\", not what \"you want technology to offer\". There's huge implications between the two methodologies. That difference is that while we'll try to do as clients wish to do, a lot of times we'll have to anwer the client with a \"that's currently not possible\", or \"we'll add that to our client wish list\". The limits to what we can offer is ever expanding (and dynamic), in fact we'll have a [ ]`features list page` clients can consult. So instead you can answer with \"the client wish list will be expanded with your wish, if you want I can email you a link to track your wish\".\n\n## Legal\nWrite up the different offerings and what benefits/liabilities customers/Gibos is entitled to.\n\nBe abundantly clear about your intentions, meaning exactly what it is that they're paying for that we're providing, things like:\n\n- A website that reflects your digital footprint, or a website that markets your current business.\n- An export feature (so website can be hosted standalone elsewhere), to prevent vendor lockin and give customer power over their data, will be provided no later than 4/1/2023.","owner":"rubend","created":1668641332,"modified":1669648837},{"id":"pijos_kavim","value":"# The one for me bb\n\n\nshare: test a, john r","owner":"rubend","created":1674505376,"modified":1674505455},{"id":"piroj_pigad","value":"# 8162 -> mofid_radaf\n\nFinished v0.4 20min ago. Now i gotta pick up a bit and pack for disney :) . At least I leave satisfied with the features of this release XD\n\n0.4 polished the editing experince, id even go as far to say that it made it usable lmao. Next release will focus on the relationship logic processing. I also wanna start working on a broader project for a future service i want to provide to businesses.","owner":"rubend","created":1667586099,"modified":1667596634},{"id":"ponir_haful","value":"# Blog -> vomol_rorut\n\nWould be able to create notes and publish them. This has the ability to make my **notes easily accessible and browsable**.\n\n\n\nWe'd need access inheritance. So anyone whose parent this is automatically has public access. \n","owner":"rubend","created":1671930977,"modified":1671930977},{"id":"posig_pisas","value":"# User -> kadag_zikuk\n\nDefines an **entity** that interacts ☝️ with [Spark](chunks/hulav_gojuj).\n\nshare: dcruzp r, rprieto06 r, david r, rubend a, public r","owner":"dcruzp","created":1672851175,"modified":1672851421},{"id":"povan_sisit","value":"# Quality Assurance PTO\n\n\n\n![](media/tolih_jofug_bunov_pomig)\n\n\n![](media/hukoz_zibum_sahoz_zadav)\n\n","owner":"jarmenteros","created":1674505585,"modified":1674505833},{"id":"pudij_javod","value":"# Pendings:\n\n\n1. After registering a user. If this user tries to login an error is sent to our emails \nError in GET /user/photo - ip:\nMessage: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n\n2. After adding a new role to a user in User Management the role list is not refreshing.\n\n3. When Agent is created missing information \n\t- DOB\n\t- EntityMetadata\n\t- Photo\n\t- In contactemail, no startdate, createdby user login, No record added on ContactEmailPurpose either.\n\nNew agent:\n\n ![](media/datat_kabom_jogah_kukig)\n![](media/fukoj_fufal_saraf_vahum)\n\n4. When user profile adds a new purpose for email, for instance, the purpose is added twice and the start date is not correct. (01/01/01)\n\n5. In some point in the process of Profile update or other the application is creating a duplicated records on Contact table.\n\n6. Add login information on USER PROFILE\n ![](media/rubik_jokih_dofor_guvap)\n\n7. Create new functionality on User Management to LINK contact with user login\n![](media/rodit_fahap_musaf_vikos)\n\nShare: rprieto06 w","owner":"jarmenteros","created":1670012984,"modified":1670017841},{"id":"puhuz_talat","value":"# Smart Watch -> munof_kusov\n\n\n[Jazda](https://jazda.org/), a bike watch project, brings [Tock OS](https://github.com/tock/tock), a Rust Embedded Operating System, support for the [SMA Q3](https://hackaday.io/project/175577-hackable-nrf52840-smart-watch) smartwatch hardware.\n\nGoal is to generalize what Jazda is doing into something anyone can use as a high performance, customizable, as much as 1 month battery smart-watch.","owner":"rubend","created":1669646728,"modified":1669647608},{"id":"puvit_zukaf","value":"# Recipes -> vohat_sural\n\n","owner":"rubend","created":1673722918,"modified":1673722926},{"id":"ravab_tudos","value":"# Relations -> luvuv_hirub\n\nRelations between chunks will need an index to speed up query times while ensuring consistency. \n\nAlthough categorized as an optimization, it simplifies logic for extraction and analysis of relevant data on parent/children relationships, which makes it even more crucial.\n\nThere are two types of data, whats **directly** extracted from Value (Meta). And whats **calculated** from `Meta + Parents + Children`, but what if we need two parent levels back or two children down?\n\n```\nchild_count \nmodified \n```\n\n\n```\nstruct GraphMeta {\n\treducers: \n}\n```\n\nSet of reducers that receive parents/children\n\n### Child Count `child_count`\n```\n(self, children) -> {children.length}\n```\n### Modified `modified`\n```\n(self, children) -> { children.fold(self.modified, |acc,c| Max ( c.modified, acc ) ) }\n```\n\n### Inherit `<key>: inherit`\nFound in any key other than known\n\nThere are **data changes**, and **relationship changes**. \nRelationship changes \n\n## Cases\n- Added new chunk (relationship change)\n\t- Chunk \n\n\n\n---\nBasing ourselves on CouchDB there's a DB, which has documents and views\n\n","owner":"rubend","created":1670606558,"modified":1670709586},{"id":"rigov_padah","value":"# Message Board -> luvuv_hirub\n\nMessage boards are notes ordered by created time\n\nExamples of message boards:\n- SMS\n- Messaging Apps: WhatsApp, Signal, Element, you name it\n- Github issues/discussions\n- Reddit pages/replies (which contain multi-nesting and aren't flat)\n\nMy goal is to create an abstraction that encompasses as many things as possible, and also allows the user to create their own. So let's break down the features of each one of these.\n\n## SMS (Short Message Service)\nHuge and pretty old standard global infrastructure for Short Message Service, it establishes a standard for comunnication between a **Mobile Station (MS), device** and a **Service Center (SC), server**.\n\nIn modern terms, \n- Device, intermittent connections to the digital network and serves as an interface for a user.\n- Server, highly available, constant uptime which serves as ","owner":"rubend","created":1669912456,"modified":1669916471},{"id":"rohij_vijig","value":"# Organize -> mukod_pahot\n- Digital\n - [x] Laptop\n - [-] Desktop\n - Go through files and put things in `~/organized` folder under a name that makes sense for you. Yes, \n**you**.\n\nLook, a lot of things are already pretty organized in the owncloud folder, so this shouldn't be too hard.\n\n---\n- Physical\n - [ ] Toolbox\n - [ ] Electronics\n - [ ] Car\n - Clean a bit.\n - Take to mechanic for AC mainly. _(Done)_\n - Figure out what you'll do with those things, physical shit is hard to manage/maintain. \n\n","owner":"rubend","created":1667192184,"modified":1670598284},{"id":"ropud_kivit","value":"# Errors -> lopis_muzuz\n\nThis is document is currently highly obscure and dependent on usage. \n\nDefines data sent back as part of an error message. This is highly dependent on [HTTP Response Codes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status) with the following behaviour.\n\n1. We mean exactly what the code describes -> copy CodeText to response body.\n\n<strike>\n\n2. We mean something slightly different -> respond with closest Code + reponse body of the more specific error.\n\n</strike>\n\nWe'll stick with **just 1 for now**, for simplicity.\n\n## Case 1 Example:\n```\n-> HTTP\n403 Forbidden\nServer: ...\nContent-Type: text/plain\nContent-Size: <size>\n\n403 Forbidden\n```\n\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1671222232,"modified":1671223313},{"id":"rurur_pipig","value":"# Ground a Feature -> hakab_pusuk\n\nHow to **ground a feature**.\n\n---\n---\n## A Definition\n\n**Distinct ideas** of what is **meant** by **each word** in Spark. \n\n- **User** is an entity that interacts with Spark.\n- **Admin** is a **user** part of the `admin` group. They have **unrestricted access**.\n\n---\n---\n## A Feature\n\nA feature is **based on definitions** and expands upon them for a **specific implementation** in Spark's stack. \n\nSpark's stack on Feature level:\n- **Hypertext Transfer Protocol ([HTTP](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html))**; is **stateless**, and **resource based** for server-client interactions using the **Uniform Resource Identifier ([URI](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3986.html))** scheme.\n- **JavaScript Object Notation ([JSON](https://www.json.org))**; a data-interchange format.\n\n**On Spark's stack**: a feature **defines actions (endpoints)** available under a resource (URI) and what **JSON data** they receive/send and/or require in their **Body**.\n\n---\n## User Feature\n\nUsers let us **control** _how_ and **if** an entity performs an **action**.\n\nA **user** can _only_ be **created**, **modfied**, or **read** by an **admin**. \n**Unless** the user is **reading** it's **own data**.\n\n#### Actions\n\n##### All ( GET `/User` with [pagination](chunk/))\n\n```\n-> Body\n{\n\tuser: string, (Username)\n}\n```\n\n##### Specific ( GET `/User/<id>`)\n\n```\n-> Body\n{\n\tuser: string, (Username)\n}\n```\n\n##### New ( POST `/User`)\n\n```\n<- Body\n{\n\tuser: string, (Username)\n\tpass: string, (Password)\n}\n```\n**Validations** for POST (which means only for new users)\n```\nuser: `^[a-z0-9_]{3,15}$` (Allows a-z, 0-9, and '_', min 3, max 15)\npass: `^.{6,32}$` (Allows any character, min 6, max 32)\n```\n\n---\n---\n## A Task ( Template )\n\nA **small conversation** with **specific developer/s** in charge of a **module** to specify changes. Maybe clarification on an aspect of the Feature specific to their module. It could be as small as a breakdown of items to do.\n\n---\nI want you to focus on X and Y.\n\nLmk if there's something that you don't understand, or that would require massive structural changes and we'll fix it. \n\n(Speak here like if you're talking to the person, it's a summary of what you want them to do and why they should spend their time doing it, THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT, don't skip talking to the developer/s.)\n\nA good Task:\n- **Doesn't require massive changes** unless it intends to do so.\n- As **short and concise as possible** as most of the logic and actions will already be in the Feature. \n\n#### Breakdown\n- How broken down these are is an **estimation** of how much **time** you think it would take them to do each item.\n\n- I would also encourage developers to **modify and add any more items** as they get into the thick of it. So **they themselves don't get lost** trying to check off item 1, when item 1 has 10 more items underneath (WRITE THEM DOWN and CHECK THEM OFF).\n\n- Multiple **smaller tasks are better** than 1 HUGE task. Aim for the first task under a feature to be a [Minimum Viable Product](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_viable_product) of the Feature, because:\n\t- You know the _Feature itself is still an **obsure idea**_, and you **don't want to push for something final** on an idea that's **still obscure** and tomorrow could be completely rewritten, that would indeed be **madness**.\n\t- In fact **if this is done, it's fatal**, the **ramifications are inmense**. If too much time is spent implementing something obscure the person/group **won't be open to changes on the idea itself** (even if they're better) because they've invested so much and **don't want to admit they wasted their time**. Be willing to **cut your losses and start over**.\n\t- It's **easy to add**, **much much harder to subtract**. Sometimes things just have to be **written from scratch**. From experience, I've never rewritten logic/code that I've regretted, because literally **ALL the time it comes out 10x simpler in 100x less time** (because most of the time as a programmer I've denied writing anything but code), you just have to know **when and what** to rewrite.\n \t- **_TLDR_**: Only **implement the parts of the Feature** that are **[CLEAR and DISTINCT](http://mrhoyestokwebsite.com/WOKs/Emotion/Useful%20Information/Clear%20and%20Distinct%20Ideas.htm)** (\"something that is **so self-evidently true** that it **cannot logically be doubted**\"), at the very least that is the goal, to come up with things that stand the test of logic and time.\n\nExample: \n- [ ] Update endpoints to conform\n- [ ] Do Logic for User Management\n- [ ] Consolidate X Entity into Y and make them inherit from Z. \n\n---\n#### Details\nAnything you want to clarify, I've gone more in-depth for each specific UI/API example below V.\n\n---\n---\n## Task 25 UI (Example)\n\nI've taken a look at the UI and I think we can condense a lot of these User Management views into 1 solution. \n\nSo let's clean up the mess happening on the Drawer and make a final User Manage page to be proud of. \n\nLmk if there's something that you don't understand, or that would require massive structural changes and we'll fix it.\n\n\n##### Breakdown\n\n- [ ] X Button/Modal\n- [ ] Y Button/Modal\n- [ ] Consolidate Page X into Z. \n\n---\n##### Details\n\n###### Modal X\n`<SKETCH>`\n###### Modal Y\n`<SKETCH>` \nYou **need** to show \"blah blah\" message after success.\n\n###### Page X Consolidation\nThis validation not here, but there...\n\n---\n---\n## Task 26 API (Example)\n\nI've taken a look at the **Endpoints** and **Entities** currently defined and I think we can condense a lot of these Endpoints into 4 actions once and for all. \n\nReally the feature has most of what you need and I've written below some comments. \n\nLmk if there's something that you don't understand, or that would require massive structural changes and we'll fix it.\n\n##### Breakdown\n\n- [ ] Update endpoints to conform\n- [ ] Do Logic for User Management\n- [ ] Consolidate X Entity into Y and make them inherit from Z. \n\n---\n##### Details\nExplanation of **backend logic** in case **business logic is too complex** and **Feature wasn't specific enough**. \n\nThe **feature's explanation is preferred** to this (for clarity and simplicity), but nontheless there could be something really specific to clarify so I leave the option.\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1670973798,"modified":1672758541},{"id":"rusat_tusur","value":"# 8158 -> mofid_radaf\n\nIt's 00:44, I'm still organizing this ssshh...\n\n---","owner":"rubend","created":1671686450,"modified":1671686450},{"id":"salak_mobiz","value":"# Task 23 UI -> josil_tonan,dozan_sopal\n\nEsto referencia [Authentication](chunk/josil_tonan).\n\n- [x] Update Login/Register/Forgot/Reset definitions. And change code accordingly.\n\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1670601296,"modified":1670602115},{"id":"sapok_putaz","value":"# Contact -> kadag_zikuk\n\nExpands a User with additional identifying information.\n```\nname\naddress\nphone\nemail\n```","owner":"rubend","created":1671223025,"modified":1671223190},{"id":"savuk_raval","value":"# Time -> munof_kusov\n\nThe way we currently think of time is such an arbitrary formal system. \n\nThe only things that make sense are days (earth sols) and years.\n\nThe months, hours, minutes, seconds doesn't really make sense, it's just arbitrary. \n\nWould you think about time differently if a system consisting of only days and years was used instead in your everyday life. Wake up in the morning, instead of a `monday 4/3/20`, it's `sol 223 of 10 years on earth`. Something with a bit more spacial sense than the arbitrary divisions we humans made in between. \n\nHow much would this actually change your behaviour?","owner":"rubend","created":1673554487,"modified":1673555364},{"id":"sinas_gimit","value":"# Separated services -> munof_kusov\n\nTo separate concerns of authentication, chat, etc... into separate apps/services.\n\nBut this has to be done in a unique way to align with Talebox's goals. \n\nI believe I've gained the skills / knowledge to pull this off nicely in the last few months.\n\nI keep having to remind myself I created my first commit on Chunk only 3 months ago, and it's felt like forever.\n\nThe main goals are to allow an encapsulation of data / functionality in a way that the service provides most features offline while interacting with local services but can gain a powerup once online, as it has access to every other service.\n\nDocker is what I'm currently using to deploy different services but it's starting to feel overneginnered for my purposes, a simpler solution MUST be out there.\n\nA service NEEDS to provide a minimal HTML page/app to offer an introduction of itself as well as basic settings that can be configured. \n\nSo what is Docker? A service that runs on a machine and accepts commands to create/run containers.\n\nTalebox is basically the offline glue that shows a basic UI to download/run these services.\n\nThe hardest part of this endeavor is gonna be to capture the essence of what each service provides and see where the split between online/offline functionality will be.","owner":"rubend","created":1672334888,"modified":1673544142},{"id":"sinij_difaz","value":"# Auth -> sinas_gimit\n\n## Essence\n\nImportant because:\n- Want to authenticate any entity into any service\n- The service that consumes the token would have to validate it's origin.\n\n\n\nOnly issue with separation is `not_before`. Since every other service would need not_before value on every request. \n\nBut tbh we can soft enforce this since tokens arent actually meant to expire until their expiration date. \n\nThe only thing we can do is let admin, or users themselves have finer controls over expiration times.\n\nThis not_before is actually pretty clunky. Lets remove it and implement a soft logout on all sessions, while keeping the not_before functionality for each user on login action.\n\nFor a soft logout a socket message with type `Logout` indicates to the browser ui it should logout. And backend app implements a logout_all endpoint to execute this action. Keeping in mind the soft logout only affects the current application.","owner":"rubend","created":1672335155,"modified":1673544285},{"id":"sofig_futit","value":"# Implementations -> luvuv_hirub\n\n### MVP0 (Complete)\nBasically a notes app\n- Chunk Logic\n- Views: Notes & Edit with 0 Children\n\n### MVP1 (Complete)\n- Create release of project **Done**\n - App containerized and hosted on `chunk.anty.dev`\n- Preview on side for PC/Phone **Done**\n - A lot of kinks in UI were fixed + this awesome blur effect on desktop, come on :)\n\n### MVP2 (Complete)\n\n\n#### Don't modify data/text/chunk on API (In Progress, just a side-effect of bad system design, a better design is being created below)\n- Should be a rule of thumb\n- Either accept or error out\n- Everything before validated title gets deleted but if multiple titles are on a chunk, and you edit first title and validaton doesn't occour it'll take second and delete everything before, bad bad IK. Idk why it made sense to do that in the first place.\n\n\n#### Standardize Chunk Validation (In Progress)\n- For simplicity we won't do this yet\n- I was already creating a JSON with the regex but now writing it, sounds a bit weird to get right.\n- I will say this would allow us to\n - Replace reference shown title, so instead of you seeing -> `Implementations -> Chunk`, you'd just see `Implementations`, this would be a real plus.\n- I now have `build/delploy/start/stop/status` commands available in nushell by sourcing `scripts/source.nu`.\n\n\n\n#### Authentication\n- Add `user` field on `Chunk` structure.\n - Because we want this data to be implicit (on chunk creation) and immutable.\n - ---\n- Check for **Access/Share** regex on chunks.\n- Login with [PASETO](https://github.com/paseto-standard/paseto-spec) tokens using the [Rust Library](https://github.com/brycx/pasetors) implementation.\n\n\n#### Synchronization\n- Web Socket connections allowing server to **push** data to client.\n- Won't care about UI sychronization until this is fleshed out better. Since this has the chance to disrupt the way I talk to server. In a good way.\n\n#### Serialization Versioning\n- Upgrading chunk data because of a struct change.\n\n#### Data Design\n- Thinking about this in terms of Data Structures. We could absolutely have a hashmap store created -> Chunk (owned), \n\n#### Take off required title.\n#### Can ref a note id.\n#### Deletion of a chunk not yours takes u off the access list.\n\n\n---\n\n## Ideas\nThings I want to include in MVP's\n\n- View\n- Emojis\n\n#### FIDO Authentication [Intro](https://webauthn.me/introduction)\n- **Registration**: Server sends challenge, hardware key generates pub/priv key pair and signs challenge, server receives public key + signed challenge.\n- **Login**: Same as registration, key pair is not generated this time, only challenge is signed by private key and sent to server.\n```\nconst credCreate = async function (e, t) {\n const r = new Uint8Array(32),\n n = new Uint8Array(32);\n \n crypto.getRandomValues(r);\n crypto.getRandomValues(n);\n\n return navigator.credentials.create({\n publicKey: {\n rp: {\n name: 'Chunk App'\n },\n user: {\n id: n,\n name: \"[email protected]\",\n displayName: \"John\"\n },\n challenge: r,\n pubKeyCredParams: [{\n type: 'public-key',\n alg: -7\n }],\n timeout: 30*1000\n }\n })\n}\n```\n\n","owner":"rubend","created":1665870,"modified":1669227827},{"id":"sofig_najob","value":"# Task 25 UI -> dozan_sopal,dazif_zizib\n\nFollowing the same structure as User Manage, create the simplest UI to interact each of the Feature's actions, except Holidays.\n\n\n\n- [x] All, comment limited to 50chars ....\n- [ ] Request, simple, only 3 fields. (Use estimate action to display how many hours they'll be using real-time)\n- [ ] Details (different fron New, since they greatly differ)\n- [ ] Update (just like a status update)\n\n![](media/vifag_mipah_vafij_musuh)\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 w, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1673444854,"modified":1673984214},{"id":"sofuh_dokud","value":"# Hardware -> vudof_jorom\n1. Small: 2x1x1 in max size.\n2. Low power: 10W MAX under load. Idle should be <1W.\n\n### Ideas\nIdeally an open architecture like OpenRISC/RISC-V but for now we'll settle for ARM:\n\n**SOC Brand**\n- [Amlogic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amlogic)\n- [Allwinner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allwinner_Technology)\n- [Rockchip](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockchip)\n\n**SBC Brand**\n- [Pine 64](https://pine64.com/)\n- [Libre Computer](https://libre.computer/)\n\n**Boards**\n- [PINE A64-LTS V2](https://pine64.com/product/pine-a64-lts/)\n- [Beaglebone Green](https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/seeed-technology-co-ltd/102010048/5965297)\n- [Rapberry Pi 4B]()\n\n\n\n\n","owner":"rubend","created":1669664873,"modified":1670192257},{"id":"somil_nugid","value":"# Collaboration -> luvuv_hirub\n\nUsers can edit the same note, at the same time.\n\n### Key Terms\n\n**Store**: A javascript module/file that defines the UI's shared state and performs network requests to **Websocket** or a plain **Fetch** depending on the operation and current state. It also attempts to reconnect to websocket after a specified timeout if connection is closed for any reason.\n\n**User Session**: A tab opened in a browser that holds UI State. A logged in user has a `user` claim on token, or if non-logged in, he's treated as `public`. A logged in user can have multiple tabs open and they would all be different **User Sessions** by this definition.\n\n**Diff**: An array that represents changes to text (by lines). Example `[\"K12\",\"Atest\",\"A\",\"K17\"]`, that means Keep first 12 lines, Add line \"test\", Add empty line \"\", Keep 17 lines. This diff is necessary to keep the cursor in the right place on other User Sessions that are updating their `<textarea>`, if value is replaced and cursor `selectionStart/End` isn't moved the browser jumps to end of `<textarea>` making live editing impossible.\n\n### Steps (on Websocket)\n\n#### Editor (User Session)\n1. User Session **opens Chunk X** for editing, **subscribes** to `chunk/<id>` and `chunk/<id>/diff`.\n1. Subscription to `chunk/<id>` makes **Store Request** `chunk/<id>` -> Server\n1. **Server sends** `chunk/<id>` -> User Session \n1. If User Session detects `<textarea>` **modifications** and does next step after **500ms** of no more modifications.\n1. **User Session sends** Chunk X's **Value** -> Server\n1. **Server sends Ok** -> User Session, which makes User Session distribute the change across the UI, except for `<textarea>` which is where the change initiated (to prevent editing hickups in case user typed anything else while this process was happening).\n\n#### Listener (User Session)\n1. After events on Editor User Session\n1. **Server sends Diff** -> _Opened_ User Sessions who's user has read access on Chunk X.\n1. **User Session** applies Diff to state at `chunk/<id>`.\n\n\nUI really is a **game of state management**. It's a pain to figure out how many states you need and how they interact. You need just exactly the right amout of states, too many and it'll be a mess to manage, too little and you know you're over-optimizing the code and taking a toll on performance itself.","owner":"rubend","created":1670509206,"modified":1670598687},{"id":"tadop_logaf","value":"# Dates -> bugoh_rurar\n\n- 1/19/21 me proposed\n- 7/4/20 sex\n- 9/22/21 she gave me ring\n","owner":"rubend","created":1668036570,"modified":1669227588},{"id":"tagif_habaz","value":"# New Chunk\n\n4","owner":"porf","created":1667841476,"modified":1667842721},{"id":"tahof_bulog","value":"# Agent Assignment -> lopis_muzuz\n\nAn agent's policies get submitted under another agent?...\n\nSimplest way to do this?\n\nIs this actually needed?\n\nshare: rprieto06 w, dcruzp w","owner":"rubend","created":1670599622,"modified":1670600213},{"id":"tahuz_hulas","value":"# Ingles\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","owner":"david","created":1667234247,"modified":1667234355},{"id":"tamur_nofab","value":"# Human Story -> luvuv_hirub\n\nUsing localstorage information about you. \n\n\n```\ndob\nname\n\n```\n\n## Born on a \n\n","owner":"rubend","created":1673292039,"modified":1673302281},{"id":"tapot_dopaf","value":"# Community -> luvuv_hirub\n\nThis table will eventually be programatically updated with all [community members](chunk/nobol_sorok).\n\n<table>\n<tr> <td> <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">Ruben Dario</a> </td> <td><img style=\"height:4em\" src=\"/api/media/maroz_bodiv_salif_sapij\"/></td> </tr>\n\n\nShare: public r","owner":"rubend","created":1669258797,"modified":1673408382},{"id":"tavir_momup","value":"# Species -> modil_puzab,vomol_rorut\n\n```\ntype: db\ndb_link: https://api.checklistbank.org/dataset/9845/export.zip?format=ColDP\nformat: {}\n```\n\n [Catalog of Life]() website in the ColDP format.\n\nThis is a visualization experiment, strain test, use case, and personal research project for Chunk.\n\nI'mma pull 500/4M species randomly. Along with their parents.\n\nThis is what we need to make quick reads of 900MB file. \n```\n// Read first line of file and put here.\nkeys: Vec<String>,\nkey_name: String,\nseparator: \n// Index by Id, tells us the data Offset in File, we read line, and parse it into BTreeMap.\nby_key: HashMap<String, u32>\n```\nReference implemenation DONE, this means we can query this File with only about 200MB of RAM usage instead of 13GB.\n\n---\n## Available keys\n```\n[\n \"id\",\n \"id_alt\",\n \"id_alt_name\",\n \"id_source\",\n \"id_parent\",\n \"id_basionym\",\n \"status\",\n \"name_scientific\",\n \"authorship\",\n \"rank\",\n \"notho\",\n \"uninomial\",\n \"name_generic\",\n \"epithet_infrageneric\",\n \"epithet_specific\",\n \"epithet_infraspecific\",\n \"epithet_cultivar\",\n \"name_phrase\",\n \"name_reference_id\",\n \"published_year\",\n \"published_page\",\n \"published_page_link\",\n \"code\",\n \"name_status\",\n \"according_to_id\",\n \"according_to_page\",\n \"according_to_page_link\",\n \"id_reference\",\n \"scrutinizer\",\n \"scrutinizer_id\",\n \"scrutinizer_date\",\n \"extinct\",\n \"temporal_range_start\",\n \"temporal_range_end\",\n \"environment\",\n \"species\",\n \"section\",\n \"subgenus\",\n \"genus\",\n \"subtribe\",\n \"tribe\",\n \"subfamily\",\n \"family\",\n \"superfamily\",\n \"suborder\",\n \"order\",\n \"subclass\",\n \"class\",\n \"subphylum\",\n \"phylum\",\n \"kingdom\",\n \"sequence_index\",\n \"branch_length\",\n \"link\",\n \"name_remarks\"\n]\n```\n","owner":"rubend","created":1668462204,"modified":1670870358},{"id":"tigad_fidij","value":"# PBI#0001 - UI for Security Management\n\n...\n\n`Functionality already done, pending update with images and process details`\n\n...\n\n\n## Enhancements \n**#1:**\n\nUpdate column \"Type\" to identify the metadata for this contact. \n\n\tField data source = EntityMetadata.Name (string value)\n \n Contact table stores information for different entities. The field \"EntityMetadataId\" identifies what entity is stored in the table. Several entities can be stored; Agents, Carriers, Customers and others.\n\n**#2:**\n\nAdd a new button to link login user with a specific contact. \n\n#### (review \"login process\" documentation to see more details)\n\nFirst time the user is registered no contact is linked to it, in this moment columns Name and Type are empty.\n\n**Validation Rules:**\n\nBy default, the new link button will be disabled when the windows loads, and will be enabled only when a table row is selected.\n\n![](media/kofoz_korib_vovij_supov)\n\n\nCreate a new window where the user can filter the type of contact or search by name and link it to the current user\n\n![](media/rofih_kizin_govuk_midur)\n\n**Validation Rules:**\n\nBy default, the link button will be disabled when the window loads, and will be enabled only when a table row is selected.\n\n**Messages and alerts:**\n\n\"Successfully linked the user xxx with the contact yyy\"\n\n\n\n**#3:**\n\nAdd a new button to register a new user...\n\nCreate a new window where the user can create the new login information.\n\n![](media/hohok_lunis_radav_mijuz)\n\n## Bugs\n\n\n\n## Release Notes\n\n\n\n\n\n[back to main](fokir_bikal)\n\n[Edit](https://chunk.anty.dev/app)\n\n\n","owner":"jarmenteros","created":1670265207,"modified":1670293865},{"id":"tisas_zoduv","value":"# Media -> munof_kusov\n\nMedia storage solution.\n\n- Saved on `data/media/<32bit_hash_proquint>`\n- So users can see all their media, there's a simple HashSet with the hashes under User {media: HashSet<String>}.\n- [x] POST `api/media` will\n - create `data/media` if it doesn't exist\n - save under `data/media/<32bit_hash_proquint>`, return error `<hash> exists` if exists already, else, return `<hash>`.\n- [x] GET `api/media/<proquint>` anyone can read.\n- [x] Images in markdown will be `\\(media/<aaaaa_aaaaa>\\)` where conversion turns `media/<>` into `api/media/<>`\n- Videos will also be saved, \n- [ ] Cache (Optimization, later)\n\t- [ ] Modifiers will go in query parameters (dependent on cache feature, wouldn't be efficient without it)\n\t\t- size: will have 3 formats\n\t\t\t- is decimal `.`, like `0.4`, relative to current size\n\t\t\t- is single integer `32`, or `100`, means `100x100`, beware if ratio is set other number could be bigger/smaller based on ratio.\n\t\t\t- is specific `333x200`\n\t\t- ratio: aspect ratio, a ratio of width/height, a u32\n\t- [ ] We need a MediaQuery struct, so we can make a hashmap of Query -> Buffer\n\n# Images\n\n## JPEG XL (2022) `.jxl` [libjlx rust wrapper](https://docs.rs/jpegxl-rs/latest/jpegxl_rs/)\nNew file format, future of images. But it's way too recent so support in browsers is virutally non-existent, we could save things in this format and convert them but... The only way we could use this is when cache is implemented, which we also need for modifiers. Let's hope we can use it soon, chrome had removed support, they just [reverted that decision](https://www.reddit.com/r/jpegxl/comments/z8y9rk/jpegxl_removal_from_chrome_has_been_reverted/). The [reddit page](https://www.reddit.com/r/jpegxl/).\n\n## AVIF `.avif` [image](https://docs.rs/image/latest/image/)\nMost supported modern image format. All images will currently be processed/used in this format.\n\nNote: too slow a conversion in current anty.dev cloud machine with 1 CPU, machine was hanging since the thread was getting blocked by the operation, so it was consequently turned off.\n\n# Videos\n\n## AV1 Codec (2018)\n[Comparison of Video Codecs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_video_codecs)\n\n\n## FMPEG [rust wrapper](https://docs.rs/ffmpeg-next/latest/ffmpeg_next/)\n","owner":"rubend","created":1668520958,"modified":1669900593},{"id":"togog_vilaf","value":"# Action Structure -> lopis_muzuz\n\nThis document is **possibly the most important** since it allows the **orchestration of action structures between all resources** in Spark.\n\n```\nAll\t\tGET\t\t/<resource> \t Paginated\nSpecific\tGET\t\t/<resource>/<id>\t\nAdd/Modify\tPUT\t\t/<resource>\t\nDelete\t\tDELETE \t/<resource>/<id>\t\n```\n\n## All (is [paginated](chunk/faguj_gunig))\n\n## Specific\nData structure **has to be identical to put** to allow UI Edits of the data.\n\n## Add/Modify (in Body)\n- If id **doesn't exist**: Add\n- If id **exists**: Modify\n\n\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1671218825,"modified":1671224735},{"id":"tojuk_firar","value":"# Tree of Life -> fokuh_vokus\n\n<img style=\"max-width:20em;margin:auto;display:block\" src=\"/api/media/zataj_novin_zitas_sikaf\">\n\n## 4.6 Byr - Earth formation 🌍\n---\n## 3.8 Byr - Algae, Earliest Plants\n\nSimple plants with no leaves or roots, many only on aquatic environments. Split into **12 groups called phyla**. The 3 most successful are green/red algae, and diatoms.\n\n<table>\n<tr><td>Red Algae</td><td><img style=\"height:5em\" src=\"/api/media/viliv_boriz_robaf_galal\"></td></tr>\n<tr><td>Green Algae</td><td><img style=\"height:5em\" src=\"/api/media/mukar_sipag_jogiz_haruz\"></td></tr>\n<tr><td>Diatoms</td><td><img style=\"height:5em\" src=\"/api/media/luroz_hidah_sogip_jilok\"></td></tr>\n</table>\n\n---\n## 0.47 Byr - Bryophytes <- Green Algae\n\nRoot-like **ryzoids**\n\nAlternating life-cycle between\n- **Gametophyte**, which have male (antheridia) and female (archeogonia) organs, sometimes on same plant. Spermatozoids fertilize the egg, a zygote is formed which becomes a sporophyte.\n- **Sporophyte**, only to release spores. Spores become gametophyte, etc...\n\nSubdivisions\n- Liverworts\n- Hornworts\n- Moses\n\n\n---\n## 0.47-0.40 Byr - Fungi and Lichens\n\n---\n## Club Mosses, Horsetails, Whisk Ferns\n\nVascular plants\n\n---\n## Ferns\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","owner":"rubend","created":1668460309,"modified":1672210665},{"id":"tuzot_movig","value":"# FEE Testing Summary -> lizah_bamop\n\n## Broker/Consumer Common\n- [x] **Non-FFE disclaimer** not shown (Needed in entire consumer flow footer)\n- [x] Plan not showing some data (On consumer/broker facing for search/detail)\n\t- [x] Issuer Name\n\t- [x] Link -> **Provider Directory**\n\t- [x] Link -> **Summary of Benefits and Coverage**\n\t- [x] Quality Rating Data\n- [x] Plan Search\n\t- [x] Issuer Name\n\t- [x] Link -> **Network**\n\t- [x] Link -> **Benefits/SBC**\n\t- [x] Quality Average\n- [x] Marketing names not being displayed correctly on Plan Detail page on Customer Facing for a number of plans.\n\t- Addressed in **Response**\n\n<img src=\"/api/media/luruk_nutin_vadig_goduv\" style=\"max-width:500px\"/>\n\n## Broker Facing\n\n- [x] APTC/CSR Missing\n\n<img src=\"/api/media/hokap_vugiz_fosof_dilad\" style=\"max-width:500px\"/>\n\n- [x] APTC Selection, allow consumers to select less than the max APTC they're approved for. \n\n<img src=\"/api/media/pukik_nivib_bodiz_givas\" style=\"max-width:500px\"/>\n\n- [x] Anty gives error on return, (perhaps because it's been tested mostly on a few trusted public ip's which I've manually whitelisted). The fix is to allow `/de/return` to be accessed by any IP.\n\n<img src=\"/api/media/hurit_pohut_padup_hobal\" style=\"max-width:500px\"/>\n\n## Consumer Facing\nAll issues were already in **Broker Facing**.\n\n\n# Disclaimer footer (edited)\nThis footer's HTML will be copy/pasted into the self-enrollment website.\n\n<footer>\n\nAttention: This website is operated by **DLS Innovation Group, Inc.** and is not the Health Insurance Marketplace® website. In offering this website, **DLS Innovation Group, Inc.** is required to comply with all applicable Federal law, including the standards established under 45 CFR 155.220(c) and (d) and standards established under 45 CFR 155.260 to protect the privacy and security of personally identifiable information. This website may not support enrollment in all Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) being offered in your state through the Health Insurance Marketplace® website. For enrollment support in all available QHP options in your state, go to the Health Insurance Marketplace® website at [HealthCare.gov](https://HealthCare.gov).\n\nAlso, you should visit the Health Insurance Marketplace® website at [HealthCare.gov](https://HealthCare.gov) if: \n- You want to enroll members of your household in separate QHPs.\n\n**DLS Innovation Group, Inc.** offers the opportunity to enroll in either QHPs or off-Marketplace coverage. Please visit [HealthCare.gov](https://HealthCare.gov) for information on the benefits of enrolling in a QHP. Off-Marketplace coverage is not eligible for the cost savings offered for coverage through the Marketplaces.\n\n</footer>\n\n# Response Draft\n\n---\n\n# Unaddressed Issues\n\n## Marketing Names\n- Broker facing portal `Issue 2 - Finding 1`\n- Consumer facing portal `Issue 2 - Finding 1`\n\nThere is no information regarding `marketing name` in JSON response from `marketplace.api.healthcare.gov` from endpoints `GET /plans/{id}` or `POST /plans/{id}`, tested with same planID as the exhibit shown `53901AZ1420119`. Only field analogous to a \"plan name\" is `name` in JSON returned which is what DLS Insurance's customer facing enrollment is currently showing for both Plan/PlanDetail pages.\n\nA search for `designated PCP` on response JSON yields the only 3 results within `benefits` array.\n\n![](media/ragah_konuv_kagaf_marig)\n\n# Addressed Issues\n\n- Disclaimer is now shown on self-enrollment footer. ![](media/situp_satuf_halik_votib)\n- Consumer facing Plan Search now showing Premium/Issuer/Metal Level/SBCs/Provider Directory/Quality Rating. ![](media/bipib_fogal_zagad_harig)\n- Consumer facing Plan Detail now showing Premium/Issuer/Metal Level/SBCs/Provider Directory/Quality Rating. ![](media/zozos_hobij_nakif_sinot) <img src=\"/api/media/bitat_zubol_fapok_nujun\"/> <img src=\"/api/media/kobuf_sopoh_fuduj_vabuf\" style=\"\"/>\n- Broker facing Plan Search now showing Premium/Issuer/Metal Level/SBCs/Provider Directory/Quality Rating. ![](media/babul_rubol_sotur_dizod) \n- Agent can select APTC to apply on submission as well as review extended plan details with `More Plan Details` button. ![](media/hukub_gurus_jitip_nomom)\n- Application detail can now see APTC applied + Responsiblity ![](media/jikig_didah_sakiv_gafif)\n- Redirection Issue has been solved for `https://anty.dev/de/return`. ![](media/gufap_zamur_sopad_zujob)\n\n# Test Applications\nAddresses were picked at random on Google Maps.\n## #0 - Josh\n```\nThe First, Josh\n3421 W Port Au Prince Ln, Phoenix, AZ 85053, Maricopa County\n01/01/1988, 333-333-3333\n```\n\n![](media/puzum_narol_budup_vojos)\n![](media/guzan_vosir_tuhus_rozaf)\n![](media/folik_mujoh_vafak_bikog)\n![](media/lanag_nalih_kakob_pakak)\n![](media/pimul_lazid_bomum_mojaz)\n![](media/fomut_rukil_mihov_burab)\n![](media/vigib_zivus_nuhos_gabaf)\n\nError is good behaviour, since application isn't eligible for Initial or Special enrollment.\n\n\n## #1 - Sabrina\n```\nThe Second, Sabrina\n421 Planters Trace Dr, Charleston, SC 29412\n01/01/1965, 333-333-3333\npregant with 1 child, hispanic, mexican, ssn 333-54-6654 ssn\n```\n\n![](media/kitad_bumal_zavik_pifos)\n![](media/raruh_mokiv_lumak_bulom)\n\nCoudn't finish application since **verification is currently unavailable** ^.\n\n## #2 - Nico\n```\nThe Third, Nico\n803 W Woodlawn Ave, Tampa, FL 33603\n01/01/1972, 333-333-3333\nwhite, no ssn\n```\n\n![](media/rajob_vizig_vikiv_jihus)\n![](media/vamas_tolon_gitug_vokos)\n![](media/ranur_dabit_balak_sonut)\n![](media/hugig_gihuh_surin_guzat)\n![](media/gogad_fugul_radod_vitob)\n![](media/fipob_judum_lusab_zufob)\n![](media/mugip_ruzot_mafon_simog)\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1669138947,"modified":1670600624},{"id":"vagoz_hobil","value":"# FFE Testing Summary 2 -> lizah_bamop\n\n# Agent Facing\n\n## 2-3 SBC [check]\nThe SBC buttons have been corrected and will now lead you to the SBC pdf.\n\n![](media/mufik_lidib_dotuz_nisir)\n![](media/mozut_vozak_sasad_fagik)\n![](media/lodaf_fupob_viram_nazuv)\n\n## 2-4 Quality Rating [check]\nNow only `global` rating is shown instead of averaging all values.\n\n![](media/zuhuz_dibul_hugif_vopab)\n![](media/kukut_lapam_barir_gudih)\n\n## 3-1 CSR Query Parameter [check]\nCSR is overriten correctly on queries to `marketplace.api.healthcare.gov`. This means **wrong plan name shown should be fixed** as per the emails shared with **Marketplace-API Help Desk** team.\n\n![](media/vosol_mison_kibam_pidod)\n![](media/nilup_tosuz_zufaj_mapar)\n\n## 4-2 CSR Displayed [check]\nCSR is now displayed on application details page. Along with APTC's for each of the applicants.\n\n![](media/zubol_kusuj_labof_ziloj)\n\n## 5-2 Tax Attestation [check]\n\n### This attestation will now be shown between APTC slider and Submit button:\n\nIn order to authorize payments of **Premium Tax Credit** you must agree to the following:\n\n1. You must file an income tax return for the benefit year, in accordance with [26 U.S.C. 6011](https://www.govinfo.gov/link/uscode/26/6011), [6012](https://www.govinfo.gov/link/uscode/26/6012), and implementing regulations.\n\n1. If you're married (within the meaning of [26 CFR 1.7703-1](https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-26/section-1.7703-1)), you will file a joint tax return for the benefit year.\n\n1. No other taxpayer will be able to claim you as a tax dependent for the benefit year.\n\n1. You will claim a personal exemption deduction on your tax return for the applicants identified as members of your family, including the tax filer and his or her spouse, in accordance with [§ 155.320(c)(3)(i)](https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-45/section-155.320#p-155.320(c)(3)(i)). \n\n![](media/kuzas_nihis_hinan_nivaf)\n\n## Observation 1 [check]\nSubmission will now succeed on silver plans. \n![](media/bajar_dahiz_vitin_zigoh)\n![](media/ruzob_tudik_hujah_lavoz)\n![](media/fusor_zudam_nuriv_gufoj)\n![](media/busum_bodaz_donus_mofik)\n![](media/rodus_sijub_hakab_bikut)\n![](media/zubif_fivov_kusur_bokab)\n\n---\n# Consumer Facing [check]\nIssues **2-3 and 2-4 are solved** as it is same funcionality that pertains to Agent Facing.\n\nshare: public r","owner":"rubend","created":1672940560,"modified":1673541043},{"id":"vaniz_gulil","value":"# My Truth -> bugoh_rurar\n\nThe day i wrote this we agreed to be interlocutors,(Wednesday 9:55pm Jan 11/23) ate chickpea nuggies and watched The Ultimatum France, ps. you'd fallen asleep next to me on the couch.\n\n---\nI rember wondering who would be my partner for life while smiling at the unknown. There were just.. so many questions and no answers. Because I knew if I was picking them, they were the only ones willing to put up with me and understand me. So it feels unreal to be next to that person right now.\n\nI truly believe there's no-one like you, and I've read quite a lot of scholarly articles. \n\nI'll love u until we sleep and never wake up.. me bb.\n\n![](media/mugij_mulos_pavus_hatuf)\n\nShare: public r","owner":"rubend","created":1673491427,"modified":1673503904},{"id":"vapib_tafuf","value":"# Learn from Failure -> mozuv_litik\n\nIn the last month I've stopped writing code to focus on organizing/improving myself. \n\nComing from the realization that while writing context-free language the computer can understand is enjoyable and almost addicting, my motivation was an escape from the situations myself/my environment forced me into. \n\nThere's really no better example of an 'analysis of system failure' than looking inwards instead of outwards as a developer/engineer/human being. \n\nI'll be flying to Ireland for the Open Source Summit Ireland this weekend. Perhaps someone from Axo will be there, I'd be delighted to meet them, contact me at [[email protected]](malito:[email protected])\n\n<!-- I'm currently organizing all my past written experiences/failures with the github.com/talebox project -->\nThe [Talebox](github.com/talebox) project aims to embody my latest knowledge/failures/experience starting as a blank slate. Because real progress starts from thinking logically and creatively :)\n","owner":"rubend","created":1671686426,"modified":1671686426},{"id":"vazab_bikid","value":"# Projects\n\n### What I live for 🤹\n\n- Trading ⌚ for ⌚","owner":"rubend","created":1667185129,"modified":1667188860},{"id":"vihik_hisut","value":"# Tasks -> luvuv_hirub\n\nThings to do","owner":"rubend","created":1671914125,"modified":1671914125},{"id":"vizav_pigov","value":"# WEDDING \n\n- GUEST COUNT \n- DATE\n- VENUE \n- COLORS \n- CLOTHES \n- RINGS\n- FOOD \n- CAKE\n- PHOTOGRAPHER \n- FLOWERS \n- GUEST BOOK \n- INVITES / SAVE THE DATE \n- SIGNS \n- ","owner":"sara","created":1673876968,"modified":1673877109},{"id":"vohat_sural","value":"# Food\n\nAll food related things. \nRecipes \nFridge things","owner":"rubend","created":1673722325,"modified":1673722825},{"id":"vomol_rorut","value":"# Use Cases -> dodil_kitig\n\n","owner":"rubend","created":1670603649,"modified":1670603750},{"id":"vorur_botuf","value":"# She likes -> bugoh_rurar\n\nLoves\n- ice cream\n- cookies\n- tacos (soft shell, the one u have to cook)\n- \n\nLikes\n- sushi\n- potstickers\n- pizza\n\n\nDoesnt like\n- Spicy food (eplosive diarreah), only a tad spicy is fine\n\nHates\n- taco hard shell","owner":"rubend","created":1671831502,"modified":1671831502},{"id":"vudof_jorom","value":"# Talebox -> munof_kusov\n\nA carefully picked stack of essential technology that's easy to understand, use, modify, and maintain.\n\nDon't you just hate when everything is made unecessarily complicated by privatization + increasingly deterministic population control with the advent of big data analitics being used for profits. Me too...\n\nSo I present: \n\nFor the nerds out there a shorter description would be: **A Private Cloud OS/Hardware/Management solution**. For which I have googled incessantly but found no easy answers. I'm still actively putting together my findings here.\n\nA **replacement for services which give you inmessurable personal value without selling you in the process**. Services that you count on every day, like idk... a notes/whiteboard app, or perhaps saving family photos, files, projects. Or maybe an open source social media platform, or a git repository.\n\nServices you know will be available even if your ISP decieded to suck that day, or a zombie outbreak happens. Because they should be **YOURS** to use whenever/wherever **YOU want**.\n\nIf anyone reading knows of a similar project please contact me and I'll happily mark this as a duplicate idea and refer to that project instead. \n\nBut I absolutely know someone else has thought of this and companies could easily flip a switch and make this available, only problem is profits won't allow it, so we're left with reverse engineering of existing services to provide data ownership at a tangible cost to the consumer (which will always be orders of magnitude lower than the intangible costs of \"free\" services from private industries).\n\n## So what exactly am I talking about?\nI'm talking about a single board computer that's $50 to purchase. You can hold in the palm of your hand and power with a measily 10W or a small solar panel. Place anywhere in your home, pull up the browser/app, and take notes, save files, social media away locally or with other boxes/servers. Yes, it's \"the cloud\", yes it's not a cloud its just that little thing that fits on your hand answering questions and solving problems. Can you take ur box on your field trip? yes. Can you take this box to your bunker? yes. Can you eat spaguetti next to the thing that's organizing your life for you, and making u a better human being because of it, yes.\n\nYes that's possible, it's been for a decade now, it's just not ideal for you to know how simple, or cheap, it is. Yes it takes time for people like me to come up with and develop these ideas. But I'll account for that in my business model.\n\n## About this document\n\nThis is a living document which (currently) only embodies my knowledge. Everyone is encouraged to contribute if you believe any part of it can be improved based on what you know.\n\nThis document and all documentation will temporarily live in github, until a service is created to host the public content.\n\n\n# Goals\n\n1. Portable\n 1. Small: fits in your hand.\n 2. Low power: running as long as daylight is available to a square foot panel.\n2. Simple\n 1. **To Use**: Progressively finer controls depending on consumer skill level.\n 2. **Maintain**: A minimal web interface.\n 3. **Replace/Clone**: Optional backups to storage devices, or another box (somewhere else, maybe the cloud).\n 4. **Expand**: Optional aditional expanded storage/processsing (swarm with sharding/parallellism).\n 5. **Modify**: It's yours, if you have physical access to it, you can do as you wish. But data can be optionally encrypted at your discretion.\n3. Useful: a fully-managed, albeit customizable, [offline service ecosystem](chunk/padim_jolil).\n\n## Immediate Goals: [MVP](chunk/lihol_togom)\n\nFurther reading: [Hardware](chunk/sofuh_dokud) and [Software](chunk/mafup_vigul)","owner":"rubend","created":1667191693,"modified":1669665302},{"id":"vurug_vimag","value":"# User -> lopis_muzuz\n\nWhat's a User?\n\nWhy is it needed? \n\nAre there alternatives?\n\nWhat are the pros and cons?\n\nshare: rprieto06 w, dcruzp w","owner":"rubend","created":1670599617,"modified":1670600167},{"id":"vutif_fidut","value":"# 12/28/2022 -> kidav_tigum\n\n- THROW AWAY BOXES \n- PUT AWAY CAMPING GEAR \n- MAKE RETURNS AT UPS AND WHOLEFOODS \n- CLEAN OUT REFRIGERATOR \n- CLOSET CLEAN OUT \n\n\n","owner":"sara","created":1672230195,"modified":1672241236},{"id":"vutul_muboj","value":"# Security -> luvuv_hirub\n\nYou can place as many `share: <user> <access>,<user> <access>,...` lines as you want, they will all be combined. \n\nThe matching is **case insensitive** and **converted to lowecase**.\n\nPossible `<access>` values:\n- `r` or `read`\n\t- can read\n- `w` or `write`\n\t- read + modify anything but a note's **Metadata**\n- `a` or `admin`\n\t- same (=) owner privileges (including deletion)\n","owner":"rubend","created":1669900932,"modified":1673070909},{"id":"vuzif_suzum","value":"# 1/12/2023 -> kidav_tigum\n\n1. [ ] avocados \n1. [ ] chicken breast or thighs \n1. [ ] corn (it can be canned) \n1. [ ] red onions (idk if we have)\n1. [ ] cherry toatoes \n1. [ ] rotini noodles \n1. [ ] basil \n1. [ ] mayo\n1. [ ] small tortillas \n1. [ ] cilantro (idk if we already have)\n1. [ ] white onions \n1. [ ] salmon \n1. [ ] cucmbers \n1. [ ] seasame seeds \n1. [ ] honey \n1. [ ] garlic \n1. [ ] rice \n1. [ ] seaweed snacks \n1. [ ] cauliflour gnocchi\n1. [ ] pesto\n1. [ ] zuchini ","owner":"sara","created":1673531313,"modified":1673531567},{"id":"ziguk_badom","value":"# Camping -> jihoz_mosim\n\nAll camping stuff\n\nshare: public r, sara r, daniel r, rprieto06 r","owner":"rubend","created":1670879081,"modified":1670879195},{"id":"zikim_bukid","value":"# Carriers -> dodiz_vidod\n\n## Policies\n\n- Get -> into DB\n- Analyze -> Lost Policies\n- Show -> in Portal\n\n## Comissions\n\n- Get -> into DB\n- Calculate Comission\n- Show -> as PDF\n\n\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1669821543,"modified":1670602314},{"id":"zilaf_nugur","value":"# Logic -> fokuh_vokus\n\n[The fixation of belief](https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Fixation_of_Belief). \n\nDrawing inferences is a long and difficult act. ","owner":"rubend","created":1670190312,"modified":1673407301},{"id":"zogub_sanak","value":"# Common -> puvit_zukaf\n\nThese ingredients are always available and it would be redundant to include them in recipes:\n\n- Water\n- Oil\n- Salt\n- Sugar\n","owner":"rubend","created":1673722972,"modified":1673723023},{"id":"zohuf_muhur","value":"# 01/16/2023 -> kidav_tigum\n\n- put away clothes\n- put laundry thats needs to be done in car \n- clear off shelves \n- clean shelves \n- orgnaize shelves \n- clean windows \n- clean doors \n- vacuum floors ","owner":"sara","created":1673871849,"modified":1673871974},{"id":"zotas_tahar","value":"# Good Reads -> fokuh_vokus\n\n[Open Advice](http://open-advice.org/Open-Advice.pdf)","owner":"rubend","created":1669199996,"modified":1669200016},{"id":"zubat_fonal","value":"# Features -> hulav_gojuj\n\nDefines overall **behaviour** + **actions**. \nUnder a **Uniform Resource Identifier**. \nWith a **JSON Structure**.\n\n- ## [How to register a User](https://chunk.anty.dev/note/patop_lakuz)\nshare: rprieto06 w, drcuzp r, public r, david r\n\n- ## [Dashboard](dashboard)\n\n- ## Policies\n\t- [Policies](policies)\n \t- [UnPaid Policies](unpaid_policies)\n \t- [Lost Policies](lost_policies)\n- ## Direct Enrollment\n \t - [Applications](applications)\n- ## Commission\n\t- [Agent Payment](agent_payment)\n- ## Offline Form\n\t- [New Form](new_form)\n\t- [Manage](manage)\n- ## [Leads](leads)\n- ## [Customer](customer)\n- ## Administration\n \t- [Agent Manage](agent_manage)\n \t- [Agent Rates](agent_rates)\n \t- [Upload Files](upload_files)\n \t- [Reports](reports)\n- ## Security\n\t- [Security Management](https://chunk.anty.dev/note/paraf_vuhoz)\n- ## [PTO](pto)\n- ## [Clock In - Clock Out](clock)\n- ## [Pendings (Bugs and improvements)](https://chunk.anty.dev/note/pudij_javod)\n\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1670443133,"modified":1671048343},{"id":"zulul_kilib","value":"# Emotions -> durav_lojoj\n\n- Anxious\n- Overwhelmed\n- Can we talk about this later\n- Tooth (safe word)\n- Upset\n- Sad","owner":"rubend","created":1671686098,"modified":1671686098},{"id":"zunij_hazap","value":"# Link User -> zubat_fonal\n\nLink a Contact with a User.\n\n1 Endpoint in API + 1 Modal in UI\n\n### Contacts ( GET `/contacts/simplified` paginated )\n```\n<- Query\n{\n\ttype?: string,\n\tname?: string,\n}\n-> Body\n{\n\tid: string,\n\tname: string,\n\ttype: string,\n\temail: string,\n}\n```\n\n### Link ( POST `/usermanage/{id}/link/{contact_id}` )\n```\n-> 200 Ok\n```\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, dcruzp r, david r\n\n","owner":"rubend","created":1671211714,"modified":1672759357},{"id":"zupop_sonib","value":"# Agent Update Specification\n \n- if the Id in any entity is null then the entity will going mark with new status \n- if the Id is not null then the identity will going mark with Modified status\n- if any record of any entity is not in the database then this entity will by delete form the database \n\n```\n{\n Id\n Npm, \n AgentTypeId,\n StatusId,\n LocationId,\n Contact: \n {\n Id \n FirstName, \n LastName,\n MiddleName,\n Photo\n Dob \n EntityMetadataId \n AddressContact: \n {\n Id \n Address, \n ZipCode,\n CountyId,\n CountryId,\n StateId, \n CityId, \n ContactAddressPurpose\n {\n Id \n AddressPurposeId\n } \n }\n ContactPhoneContact: \n {\n Id\n Phone\n ContactPhonePurpose\n {\n Id\n ContactPhonePurposeId \n }\n }\n ContactEmail:\n {\n Id \n Email \n ContactEmailPurpose:\n {\n Id \n ContactPhonePurpose \n }\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n### Procedure: \n - Get Entity from Database \n - Compare with the Entity that come form UI that should have the structure above. \n - If any entity don't exist in the database and that come from the UI, this will be inserted in the database. \n - If Any entity come with Id this entity will be update in the database , if no Entity with the given Id is on database then a errors will be throw to the UI. \n\n\n\n\n\n# UI (currently)\n\nWhich is what is currently on the [website](https://staging.dls-innovation.com/portal/#/portal/manage)\n\n![](https://i.postimg.cc/4NTMhF46/image.png)\n\nfeo si ves ese UI lo mas facil para el API seria un PUT /agent con esa informacion y q haga lo q tenga q hacer para asegurar q esa informacion valla para el DB. Y si no viene con `id` funciona como un POST, pero eso una consequencia de la manera q esta escrito, no parte de un if/else me entiendes. No debes escribirlo pensando oh, con id entonces esto, oh, sin id entonces esto. Debes escribirlo como \n```\nlet agent = id ? find_by_id : create_and_return_entity;\n\nagent.blah blah = blah\n```\n## Entiendes?\nsi . ok eso es facil . pero con esos datos sol oestan involucrados la tabla Agent y Contact y podemos seguir con esa idea. si id = null entonces es nuevo el record , sino entonces es un update. \nEn el Json de abajo . puedes llenar solo esos campos y va a funcionar de la misma manera. \n\n__Ok feo, espera, yo puedo hacerte eso super facil, en los campos <Field > en el UI yo puedo hacerte <Field name=\"agent.contact.firstName\"> y te va a usar ese campo, crear objeto tras objeto si el campo no existe, es super automatico, pero lo q me preocupa es la manera en q vas a trabajar eso, a ver, cual es tu psudocodigo ahora mismo?__\n```\nforeach entity \n entity.deleted \n\nforeach entity \n if entity new \n entity.state = new \n else \n entity.state = modified \n```\n## Para ti q es un entity? dejame terminar . \n- todo el arbold de expresion . Agent (entity)\n |-Contact (entity)\n |- ContactAddress (entity)\n |- [ContactAdressPurpose(entity) \n## Ok, ya te entiendo, ahora te respondo, tengo q ir a recoger comida\n(dale )\n\n---\nLo q entendi del pseudocode es lo q haces internamente para decirle a EntityAlgo library de .Net q te haga el query en la DB, pero cual es el pseudocode del endpoint?\n\nHago un mapping de las entidades que tengo en C# para ese modelo. y ahi aplico lo de poner todas esas entidades como borradas y despues vulvo a recorrelas para decirles las que son nuevas y las que estan modificadas. y lo mando a salvar \nel mapeo es automatico.\n\nOk, bueno, so, si yo te mando eso con la estructura aqui abajo V, tanto como para un POST/PUT tu te lo comes y haces lo q tienes q hacer no? \nClaro -> Ok\n\nOk, esto es lo q voy a hacer, te voy a llamar PUT /agent con la informacion q ya esta en el UI pero accediendo las propiedas q me dijiste aqui abajo V. Y te dejo q pruebes con el website tu API local. Tienes q asegurarte q GET /agent/{id} tenga la misma estructura porque cuando valla a editar, se va a llamar a GET {id} primero, editar, y despues PUT, ok.\n\n\n![](https://i.postimg.cc/MH8Bk0T1/image.png)\nYo ya tengo un GET /agent/{id} q trae esto\n```\nexport interface AgentSimple {\n\tid: string\n\tcontactId: string\n\tname?: string\n\tfirstName?: string\n\tmiddleName?: string\n\tlastName?: string\n}\nexport interface Agent extends AgentSimple {\n\tcreatedDate: string\n\tcreatedBy: string\n\tupdatedBy: string\n\tupdatedDate: string\n\tloginEmail: string\n\tphone: string\n\tnpn: string\n\tagentTypeName: string\n\tlocationName: string\n\tstatusName: string\n\tlocationId: string\n\tstatusId: string\n\tagentTypeId: string\n}\n```\nReescribe ese endpoint para q use el nuevo formato entonces pq aqui es donde unico q usa eso.\n\nClaro . ese get el modelo que va a retornar es el mismo con el que se ve a hacer el PUT . Dime si eso es la idea. Si, esa siempre debe ser la idea, ya q se debe hacer un `GET {id}`, editar en el UI, y despues un `PUT {id}`.\nOk \n\n## Cosas que se han hecho \n- se cambio el get para que retornara el JSON de Abajo \n- Se hizo el PUT . estou probando a ver porque no esta asociando el ContactId en la base de datos con el Id. \n(Falta ver eso) \nPor ahora solo eso . tengo que probar denuevo todo y arreglar eso . \n- te dejo saber cuando este pinchando como quiero que funcione . \n\n👍, ok pero te digo este lo vas a resolver tu.\n\n- Yo te dejo saber cuando el UI este funcionando porque para este feature tu vas a ser el que lo deje al quilo, cuando este arriba, tu lo usas desde el UI y lo dejas funcionando.\n- Cambia `npm` -> `npn` pq esta mal escrito.\n- Usa `developer_api` in LocalStorage, ponle el valor `https://localhost:5001` o lo q quieras para llamar al API y recarga la pagina y prueba el **AgentManage**.\n\n---\n\nUI / API \n - Name <=> Agent.Contact.FirstName (string)\n - Login Email <=> Agent.Contact.ContactEmail.Email (string)\n - Phone <=> Agent.Contact.ContactPhone.Phone (string)\n - NPM <=> Agent.NPM (string)\n - Location <=> Agent.LocationId (guid)A\n\n \n\n\n\n\n---\n\n```\n{\n \"id\": \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\",\n \"npm\": \"npm\",\n \"agentTypeId\": \"20802471-DBA4-4102-976C-94B296B5BB50\",\n \"statusId\": \"16D06309-F33D-489C-BB23-2151FEC4B4C1\",\n \"locationId\": \"76661BA3-8B9D-4970-B5BE-EFC03059EB9A\",\n \"contact\": \n {\n \"id\": \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\",\n \"firstName\": \"Jesus\",\n \"middleName\": \"Mujica\",\n \"lastName\": \"Almendares\",\n \"dob\": \"0001-01-01T00:00:00\",\n \"entityMetadataId\": \"9702E200-2AD1-41C5-84DC-877092D80B68\",\n \"addresses\": \n [\n {\n \"id\": \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\",\n \"zipCode\": \"33195\",\n \"countyId\": null,\n \"countryId\": \"4D24A898-79BA-4660-BFBC-D4FC69AB654D\",\n \"stateId\": \"17395FCC-2D09-469F-88D8-6C6AD4C7B8D4\",\n \"cityId\": \"13D4A25C-72AB-4070-8ED1-1E1E8A7149F1\",\n \"address\": \"13245 NW 97TH TER\",\n \"addressPurpose\": \n [\n {\n \"id\": \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\",\n \"addressPurposeId\": \"9E21CC37-411F-41CC-A3D0-4ED44BFE7A57\"\n }\n ]\n }\n ],\n \"phones\":\n {\n \"id\": \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\",\n \"phone\": 3056783421,\n \"phonePurpose\": \n [\n {\n \"id\": \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\",\n \"phonePurposeId\": \"B5D57B2B-B04F-4800-B209-0721DD931555\"\n }\n ]\n },\n \"emails\":\n [\n {\n \"id\": \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\",\n \"email\": \"[email protected]\",\n \"emailPurpose\": \n [\n {\n \"id\": \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\",\n \"EmailPurposeId\": \"9E21CC37-411F-41CC-A3D0-4ED44BFE7A57\"\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n }\n}\n```\n\n\n\n\nAccess: dcruzp R, dcruzp W","owner":"dcruzp","created":1668525045,"modified":1668555123},{"id":"zurir_zubuh","value":"# Notes -> gahak_runup\n\n## To make portal fetch localhost\n- Set `developer_api` on `LocalStorage` to `http://localhost:5001` or wherever your local app is at, then reload, keep in mind this will only work on the `staging` website. This is the code I'm using, just for reference:\n```\nexport const baseURLApi =\n\t(process.env.REACT_APP_MODE === \"staging\" && localStorage.getItem('developer_api')) || process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL\n```\n\nShare: public r, rprieto06 r, daniel r, david r","owner":"rubend","created":1669224475,"modified":1673903129}],"users":[{"user":"david","pass":"$argon2id$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$isGOTMnDavIZpkmv61Y0dQ$JWraufN9xz5yEWHNSLlmD0hMBqAFB7hEhxz2TZJ66sU","not_before":1670441852},{"user":"dcruzp","pass":"$argon2id$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$ktd8kJD32+wCQaIa0bIF6Q$jHKz/Z7bPk+mS/eE95PnnXjXGhjnh0kdOZz8PgISQUM","not_before":1670441852},{"user":"fmarrero88","pass":"$argon2id$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$7qDh4I1PSIFgKpfECXnGjw$TSD59w3sqre0HTzcEsq0Upn/jjM9mw2NCZtjqAQpudU","not_before":1671222488},{"user":"jarmenteros","pass":"$argon2id$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$skcd/zOVn5Rx5FNlqf/M6Q$DsdPM5fV33znUrNWPpCqUwGXcpdIOzGaNmlHBoLHGik","not_before":1670441852},{"user":"porf","pass":"$argon2id$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$ZMZvOhQ85w6GAKODRT8qUA$wX5k//ZxdrxQ+pMuk3cAs1NNgNkjoHeiImYBryVFxAw","not_before":1670441852},{"user":"rprieto06","pass":"$argon2id$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$4Yb5+WKZF1XZMFuiv+Lz5A$BRSsUT+lYCBb3zs6dgbMhJ8Ke2ssx1BTShiL1rqhfVE","not_before":1670441852},{"user":"rubend","pass":"$argon2id$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$ETZfVSl32yNReiPU3cYg2g$UK7h0y3hj6OtzaRImzpBcTIkO615KYNWh1RDXbJfoSE","not_before":1671433889},{"user":"sara","pass":"$argon2id$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$NcBfQ0kLvnqkSwCmzWs0Zg$LI7p/c2aFOvP4scEquZFme0rSFtCuexb9FtRxNWrL58","not_before":1670441852},{"user":"test","pass":"$argon2id$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$fmLdUhUScb3yc++5l0y1+g$Mfn9qRzwJzGta80uLPKObaRJJ0B70lUkWj9mZW7BxWI","not_before":1670441852},{"user":"test0","pass":"$argon2id$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$fh/FUzsX4rQnWCY566Ek1A$0RF7bvvk7WolNcIkl75N4/JuEO8HH2Ux2qC5daDnz94","not_before":1670441852},{"user":"test1","pass":"$argon2id$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$5VVFSceLAHCdTBddQyizIQ$jVQbpOXfbcbh9qCAH5TNlCuL9m5QaxAwen3XZcNbvP4","not_before":1670441852}],"groups":{}}