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fm create

Create a new bench.




  • BENCHNAME: Name of the bench [required]


  • -a, --apps TEXT: FrappeVerse apps to install. App should be specified in format : or .
  • --environment, --env [prod|dev]: Select bench environment type. [default:]
  • --developer-mode [enable|disable]: Toggle frappe developer mode. [default: EnableDisableOptionsEnum.disable]
  • --frappe-branch TEXT: Specify the branch name for frappe app [default: version-15]
  • --template / --no-template: Create template bench. [default: no-template]
  • --admin-pass TEXT: Default Password for the standard 'Administrator' User. This will be used as the password for the Administrator User for all new bench. [default: admin]
  • --ssl [letsencrypt|disable]: Enable https [default: SUPPORTED_SSL_TYPES.none]
  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • In a prod environment, frappe developer-mode and Admin Tools are disabled by default.
  • In a dev environment, frappe developer-mode and Admin Tools are enabled by default.
  • When the -apps flag is utilized without specifying a <branch>, the behavior is as follows:
    • If the specified app is prebaked, the prebaked version will be utilized.
    • If the specified app is not prebaked, the default branch from the repository will be used.
  • The Frappeverse apps prebaked in the Frappe Docker images include:
    1. erpnext : version-15
    2. hrms : version-15


create example.localhost bench with only frappe, version -> version-15

fm create example

create example.localhost bench with only frappe, version -> develop

fm create example --frappe-branch develop

create example.localhost bench with frappe, erpnext and hrms, version -> version-15

fm create example --apps erpnext --apps hrms

create example.localhost bench with frappe, erpnext and hrms, version -> version-15

fm create example --apps erpnext:version-15 --apps hrms:version-15

create bench with frappe, erpnext and hrms, version -> version-15, env -> prod and ssl -> letsencrypt

fm create example --apps erpnext --apps hrms --env prod --ssl letsencrypt
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