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Simple library to launch batched jobs and run grid-search over parameters seamlessly. It includes multiple schedulers such as sge, slurm and oar. Given lists of parameters, it computes a cartesian product based on sklearn.model_selection.ParameterGrid and launch one job for each combination in the parameters grid.

1. Install

To install pyjob, run:

pip install git+

2. Run

To test pyjob, you can directly run "Hello world" jobs with :

python -m pyjob.launch example/hello.tpl example/hello.yml --scheduler slurm

To try pyjob on your own experiments check Section 3, to use Anaconda environments read Section 4, to check how the "Hello World" example was built check Section 5, and to use pyjob for distributed training, check Section 7. Once set up, with only one command you will be able to submit a set of jobs defined by a template:

python --learning-rate {lr} --weight-decay {weight_decay} --dropout {dropout}

Over a grid of learning rate, weight decay and dropout parameters defined in a configuration file.

3. Create an experiment

Create a template file experiment.tpl with the command you want to run. Parameters defined using the configuration file should be put inside curly brackets {}.
Create a yaml configuration file experiment_name.yml containing the field of values of the variables between curly brackets.


python -m pyjob.launch experiment.tpl experiment.yml --scheduler slurm

You can define a set of parameters that are global to all the experiments in slurm.yml. For example the jobs logging directory job_log_dir, the job queue queue or the conda environment conda_dir you are using and so on. If one parameter is redefined by the user configuration, then it overrides the default configuration.

4. Anaconda

If you want to load conda, you first need to add conda_dir to your experiment configuration or to the scheduler configuration.

Once set you can add conda activate {env_name} to your template and update your configuration accordingly.

5. Example: Hello World

Template hello.tpl:

python -c "print('Hello {first_name} {last_name}')"

The script requires first_name and last_name to be defined.

Configuration hello.yml:

- hello
- Bob
- Maria
- Dylan
- Casares

The configuration file defines the set of values taken by first_name and last_name.

By running python -m pyjob.launch example/hello.tpl example/hello.yml --scheduler slurm, you should get an output similar to this one:

Fixed parameters:
queue: gpu_p1
qos: qos_gpu-t3
n_gpus: 1
n_cpus: 10
time: 20:00:00
job_log_dir: pyjob/
job_name: hello
first_name: Bob
last_name: Dylan
Submitted batch job 555789
first_name: Bob
last_name: Casares
Submitted batch job 555790
first_name: Maria
last_name: Dylan
Submitted batch job 555791
first_name: Maria
last_name: Casares
Submitted batch job 555792

4 jobs launched.
You can check the scripts in ~/pyjob/scripts/hello_*.slurm
You can check the logs in ~/pyjob/. A job output is stored as hello.o* and its errors as hello.e*.

6. Options

--no-sub: print the list of jobs parameters without submitting the jobs.
--show: print a template and configuration file without submitting the jobs.

7. Distributed training

You may want to run distributed training over multiples nodes on a cluster. If you are using PyTorch distributed library, the distributed processes can be initialized using a file with:


sync_file is the same synchronization file for every node while node_rank defines the global rank of a node and world_size the total number of nodes. You can change your argparse/click script to add dist_rank and world_size as arguments and adapt the template and configuration file easily:

Template distributed.tpl:

python --learning-rate {lr} --node-rank {node_rank} --world-size {world_size}

Configuration distributed.yml:

- 0.001
- 0.005
- [0, 4]
- 4

This will run each experiment using 4 nodes resulting in 8 batched jobs.