Javascript client for Contentful's Content Delivery API:
- Documentation
- Example Apps
- Tests running in node and browsers via BrowserStack
Supported browsers/environments:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- IE10
- node.js >= 0.8
In node, using npm:
npm install contentful
In a browser, using bower:
bower install contentful
# After installing, add this as a script tag:
# <script src="components/contentful/dist/contentful.min.js"></script>
Latest contentful.min.js.
Note: The next minor version release of dist/contentful.min.js
be much smaller. Please use a package manager to keep your JS
dependencies up to date and get the newest version right when it's
// Don't require if you've already included contentful as a script tag
var contentful = require('contentful');
var client = contentful.createClient({
// ID of Space
space: 'cfexampleapi',
// A valid access token within the Space
accessToken: 'b4c0n73n7fu1',
// Enable or disable SSL. Enabled by default.
secure: true
var log = console.log.bind(console); // wat
// Get Space, log);
// Get all Entries
client.entries().then(log, log);
// Get Assets using callback interface
client.entries({}, function(err, entries) {
if (err) { console.log(err); return; }
For now, please check out the Content Delivery API documentation to learn how the API and the JavaScript client work.
- .space() = get details of current space
- .contentTypes() = get content types of current space
- .entries() = get entries of current space
- ...
- Sync