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ESP32-MeshKit-Light is a smart lighting solution based on ESP-WIFI-MESH. The ESP-MeshKit solution features network configuration, upgrade, local control, device association, etc.

ESP32-MeshKit-Light consists of light bulbs with integrated ESP32 chips. The kit will help you better understand ESP-WIFI-MESH features and how to further develop ESP-Meshkit-Light. Before reading this document, please refer to ESP32-MeshKit Guide.

Note: This demo is not limited to ESP32-MeshKit-Light. It can also be used for an ESP32 module connected to an external LED.


The board integrated into ESP32-MeshKit-Light supports 5 types of PWM IO interfaces. The Light's color temperature (CW) and hue (RGB) can be adjusted with the output power of 9 W and 3.5 W respectively.

1. Inside View and Pin Layout

Inside View

2. Pin Definition

No. Name Type Description
1, 7 GND P Ground
2 CHIP_PU I Chip enabling (High: On); module internal pull-up; alternative for external enabling
3 GPIO32 I/O RTC 32K_XP (32.768 kHz crystal oscillator input); alternative for function expansion
4 GPIO33 I/O RTC 32K_XN (32.768 kHz crystal oscillator output); alternative for function expansion
5 GPIO0 I/O IC internal pull-up; alternative for function expansion
6 VDD3.3V P Power supply, 3V3
8 GPIO4 O PWM_R output control
9 GPIO16 O PWM_G output control; alternate UART interface (URXD); GPIO16 and GPIO17 can not be used in modules that are integrated with PSRAM
10 GPIO5 O PWM_B output control; alternate UART interface (UTXD)
11 GPIO23 O PWM_BR output control
12 GPIO19 O PWM_CT output control
13 GPIO22 I/O Shared by PWM; alternative for function expansion
14 GPIO15 I IC internal pull-up; alternative for function expansion
15 GIPO2 O IC internal pull-down; alternative for function expansion
16 UORXD I/O UART interface for debugging and receive end in software downloading
17 UOTXD I/O UART interface for debugging and transmit end in software downloading
19 ANT I/O External antenna output
18, 20 GND P RF ground

Statuses Represented by Light Colors

To bring ESP32-MeshKit-Light into network configuration mode, turn it off and on for three consecutive times.

Light Color Status
Yellow (breathing) Waiting to be configured, in network configuration mode.
Orange (breathing) Connecting to the router to verify the network configuration information received from ESP-Mesh App.
Green (breathing) Router information verified successfully and is being sent to other whitelisted devices
White (solid) Networked successfully
Light blue (breathing for 3 seconds) Starting to upgrade
Blue (breathing) Upgraded successfully and waiting to restart
Red (solid) Abnormal reboot

Project Overview


ESP-WIFI-MESH is a networking protocol built atop the Wi-Fi protocol. ESP-WIFI-MESH allows numerous devices (henceforth referred to as nodes) spread over a large physical area (both indoors and outdoors) to be interconnected under a single WLAN (Wireless Local-Area Network). ESP-WIFI-MESH is self-organizing and self-healing meaning the network can be built and maintained autonomously.

Light project realizes the following features:

  • Building an ESP-WIFI-MESH Network: involves selecting a root node, then forming downstream connections layer by layer until all nodes have joined the network.
  • Mesh Network Configuration: sends network configuration information to ESP-WIFI-MESH devices in a convenient and efficient manner.
  • Mesh Upgrade: implements efficient upgrading of ESP-WIFI-MESH devices via automatic retransmission of failed fragments, data compression, reverting to an earlier version and firmware check.
  • Communicating via LAN: controls ESP-WIFI-MESH network devices through App, including: device discovery, control, upgrade, etc. Prerequisite: the mobile phone and mesh network are on the same LAN.

Code Analysis

For your better understanding of the implementation of the Light project, this section provides a detailed analysis of the code used in this project.

Project Structure

├── CMakeLists.txt /* Cmake compiling parameters for the demo */
├── components /* Contains the components used by the demo */
│   └── light_driver /* light driver component */
│   └── light_handle /* light status handle component */
│   └── mesh_utils /* mesh utils component */
├── main /* Stores the main `.c` and `.h` application code files for this demo */
│   ├── Kconfig.projbuild /* Demo configuration file */
│   └── light.c /* main application codes, more info below */
├── Makefile /* Make compiling parameters for the demo */
├── partitions.csv /* Partition table file */
├── /* Quick start guide */
├── /* Quick start guide */
├── sdkconfig /* Current parameters of `make menuconfig` */
├── sdkconfig.defaults /* Default parameters of `make menuconfig` */
└── sdkconfig.old /* Previously saved parameters of `make menuconfig` */
  • light.c contains the following main application code, which is necessary to implement ESP-WIFI-MESH.
    • Code to initialize Wi-Fi stack
    • Code to initialize ESP-WIFI-MESH stack
    • Code to initialize ESP-NOW
    • Code to initialize LED driver
    • Code to configure LAN communication
    • Code to initialize trigger handler

Source Code Analysis

Once ESP32 system is initialized, app_main will be called. The following code block shows the main implementation of app_main function.

void app_main()

     * @brief Continuous power off and restart more than three times to reset the device
    if (restart_count_get() >= LIGHT_RESTART_COUNT_RESET) {
        MDF_LOGW("Erase information saved in flash");

     * @brief   1.Initialize event loop, receive event
     *          2.Initialize wifi with station mode
     *          3.Initialize espnow(ESP-NOW is a kind of connectionless WiFi communication protocol)

     * @brief Light driver initialization

     * @brief   1.Get Mwifi initialization configuration information and Mwifi AP configuration information from nvs flash.
     *          2.If there is no network configuration information in the nvs flash,
     *              obtain the network configuration information through the blufi or mconfig chain.
     *          3.Indicate the status of the device by means of a light
    if (mdf_info_load("init_config", &init_config, sizeof(mwifi_init_config_t)) == MDF_OK
            && mdf_info_load("ap_config", &ap_config, sizeof(mwifi_config_t)) == MDF_OK) {
        if (restart_is_exception()) {
            light_driver_set_rgb(255, 0, 0); /**< red */
        } else {
    } else {
        light_driver_breath_start(255, 255, 0); /**< yellow blink */
        MDF_ERROR_ASSERT(get_network_config(&init_config, &ap_config, LIGHT_TID, LIGHT_NAME));
        MDF_LOGI("mconfig, ssid: %s, password: %s, mesh_id: " MACSTR,
                 ap_config.router_ssid, ap_config.router_password,

     * @brief Configure MLink (LAN communication module)
    MDF_ERROR_ASSERT(esp_wifi_get_mac(ESP_IF_WIFI_STA, sta_mac));
    snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "light_%02x%02x", sta_mac[4], sta_mac[5]);
    MDF_ERROR_ASSERT(mlink_add_characteristic_handle(mlink_get_value, mlink_set_value));

     * @brief Initialize trigger handler
     *          while characteristic of device reaching conditions, will trigger the corresponding action.

     * @brief Initialize espnow_to_mwifi_task for forward esp-now data to the wifi mesh network.
     * esp-now data from button or other device.
    xTaskCreate(espnow_to_mwifi_task, "espnow_to_mwifi", 1024 * 3,  NULL, 1, NULL);

     * @brief Add a request handler, handling request for devices on the LAN.
    MDF_ERROR_ASSERT(mlink_set_handle("show_layer", light_show_layer));

     * @brief Initialize and start esp-mesh network according to network configuration information.

     * @brief Handling data between wifi mesh devices.
    xTaskCreate(node_handle_task, "node_handle", 8 * 1024,

     * @brief Periodically print system information.
    TimerHandle_t timer = xTimerCreate("show_system_info", 10000 / portTICK_RATE_MS,
                                       true, NULL, show_system_info_timercb);
    xTimerStart(timer, 0);

Including the following code:

  • mdf_event_loop_init(event_loop_cb): initializes event handler callback function, and all events will be sent to this function.
  • wifi_init(): initializes Wi-Fi stack.
  • mespnow_init(): initializes ESP-NOW.
  • light_driver_init(&driver_config): initializes LED driver.
  • get_network_config(&init_config, &ap_config): gets network configuration information.
  • mlink_add_device(LIGHT_TID, name, CONFIG_LIGHT_VERSION): adds a device to LAN communication module.
  • mlink_trigger_init(): initializes trigger handler module.
  • mwifi_init(&init_config): initializes ESP-WIFI-MESH stack.
  • mwifi_set_config(&ap_config): sets parameters for ESP-WIFI-MESH.
  • mwifi_start(): enables ESP-WIFI-MESH.
  • xTimerCreate("show_system_info", 10000 / portTICK_RATE_MS, true, NULL, show_system_info_timercb): creates a Timer to print system information periodically.
1. Initialize Wi-Fi Stack

This section introduces the code used to initialize Wi-Fi stack in details.

static mdf_err_t wifi_init()
    mdf_err_t ret          = nvs_flash_init();
    wifi_init_config_t cfg = WIFI_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT();

        ret = nvs_flash_init();


    MDF_ERROR_ASSERT(esp_event_loop_init(NULL, NULL));

    return MDF_OK;

Including the following code:

  • nvs_flash_init(): initializes nvs flash before enabling Wi-Fi.
  • tcpip_adapter_init(): initializes TCP/IP stack.
  • esp_wifi_init(&cfg): initializes Wi-Fi.
  • esp_wifi_start(): starts Wi-Fi according to current configuration information.
2. Get Network Configuration Information

You can get such information in three ways:

In this section we are going to introduce the last two methods:

  1. Get from Mconfig-BluFi.

Including the following code:

  • mconfig_blufi_security_init: initializes BluFi encryption.
  • esp_bt_controller_init and esp_bt_controller_enable: initialize and enable Bluetooth Controller.
  • esp_bluedroid_init and esp_bluedroid_enable: initialize and enable Bluetooth Host.
  • esp_ble_gap_register_callback: registers GAP callback function.
  • esp_blufi_register_callbacks: registers BluFi callback function.
  • esp_blufi_profile_init: initializes BluFi profile.
  1. Get from Mconfig-Chain

Mconfig-Chain splits devices into two types communicating with each other via ESP-NOW:

  • Master: a device that initiates a connection and sends network configuration information to a slave device.
  • Slave: a device that accepts a connection request from a master and sends the request for network configuration information to a master.


Including the following code:

  • esp_wifi_set_promiscuous_rx_cb(wifi_sniffer_cb): registers sniffer callback function, and listens for IEEE802.11 Wi-Fi packets nearby.
  • scan_mesh_device: scans surrounding masters.
  • mespnow_write(MESPNOW_TRANS_PIPE_MCONFIG, dest_addr, espnow_data, espnow_size, portMAX_DELAY): sends the request for network configuration information to a master.
  • mespnow_read(MESPNOW_TRANS_PIPE_MCONFIG, dest_addr, espnow_data, &espnow_size, 1000 / portTICK_RATE_MS): receives encrypted network configuration information from the master.
  • mespnow_read(MESPNOW_TRANS_PIPE_MCONFIG, src_addr, whitelist_compress_data, (size_t *)&whitelist_compress_size, 10000 / portTICK_RATE_MS): receives compressed and encrypted whitelist from the master.
  • mconfig_queue_write(&chain_data->mconfig_data, 0): sends network configuration information to the queue and marks the completion of the network configuration of the device.


Including the following code:

  • esp_wifi_set_vendor_ie(true, WIFI_VND_IE_TYPE_BEACON, WIFI_VND_IE_ID_1, &ie_data): sets IEEE802.11 vendor information element into beacon frames to identify this device as the master in mesh network configuration chain.
  • mespnow_read(MESPNOW_TRANS_PIPE_MCONFIG, src_addr, espnow_data, &espnow_size, MCONFIG_CHAIN_EXIT_DELAY / portTICK_RATE_MS): receives network configuration request from a slave.
  • mconfig_device_verify(mconfig_data->whitelist_data, mconfig_data->whitelist_size, src_addr, pubkey_pem): checks whether this slave is whitelisted, if not, the device cannot connect to this ESP-WIFI-MESH network.
  • mespnow_write(MESPNOW_TRANS_PIPE_MCONFIG, src_addr, espnow_data, (MCONFIG_RSA_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE - MCONFIG_RSA_PLAINTEXT_MAX_SIZE) + sizeof(mconfig_chain_data_t), portMAX_DELAY): sends encrypted network configuration information to the slave device.
  • mespnow_write(MESPNOW_TRANS_PIPE_MCONFIG, src_addr, whitelist_compress_data, whitelist_compress_size, portMAX_DELAY);: sends compressed and encrypted whitelist to the slave device.
3. LAN Communication Module

Including the following code:

  • mlink_add_device(LIGHT_TID, name, CONFIG_LIGHT_VERSION): adds a device.
  • mlink_add_characteristic(LIGHT_CID_STATUS, "on", CHARACTERISTIC_FORMAT_INT, CHARACTERISTIC_PERMS_RWT, 0, 3, 1): adds device characteristic information.
  • mlink_add_characteristic_handle(mlink_get_value, mlink_set_value): adds characteristic handler function for a device.
4. Trigger Handler

Including the following code:

  • mlink_trigger_init(): initializes trigger handler.
  • xTaskCreate(trigger_handle_task, "trigger_handle", 1024 * 3, NULL, 1, NULL): creates trigger handler task.
  • mlink_trigger_handle(MLINK_COMMUNICATE_MESH): conducts corresponding operation according to the trigger which is configured by App or by calling mlink_trigger_add().
5. Initialize ESP-WIFI-MESH Protocol

Including the following code:

  • mwifi_init(&init_config): initializes ESP-WIFI-MESH.
  • mwifi_set_config(&ap_config): sets ESP-WIFI-MESH configuration information.
  • mwifi_start(): launches ESP-WIFI-MESH.
6. Event Handler
  • mdf_event_loop_init(event_loop_cb): registers event callback function, and send all the events to this function.
  • An event indicates the current status of the device, for instance, the device as a root node gets IP address will trigger MDF_EVENT_MWIFI_ROOT_GOT_IP event.
static mdf_err_t event_loop_cb(mdf_event_loop_t event, void *ctx)
    MDF_LOGI("event_loop_cb, event: 0x%x", event);
    mdf_err_t ret = MDF_OK;

    switch (event) {
            MDF_LOGI("Parent is disconnected on station interface");

            if (!esp_mesh_is_root()) {

            ret = mlink_notice_deinit();
            MDF_ERROR_BREAK(ret != MDF_OK, "<%s> mlink_notice_deinit", mdf_err_to_name(ret));

            ret = mlink_httpd_stop();
            MDF_ERROR_BREAK(ret != MDF_OK, "<%s> mlink_httpd_stop", mdf_err_to_name(ret));

            MDF_LOGI("Root obtains the IP address");

            ret = mlink_notice_init();
            MDF_ERROR_BREAK(ret != MDF_OK, "<%s> mlink_notice_init", mdf_err_to_name(ret));

            uint8_t sta_mac[MWIFI_ADDR_LEN] = {0x0};
            MDF_ERROR_ASSERT(esp_wifi_get_mac(ESP_IF_WIFI_STA, sta_mac));

            ret = mlink_notice_write("http", strlen("http"), sta_mac);
            MDF_ERROR_BREAK(ret != MDF_OK, "<%s> mlink_httpd_write", mdf_err_to_name(ret));

            ret = mlink_httpd_start();
            MDF_ERROR_BREAK(ret != MDF_OK, "<%s> mlink_httpd_start", mdf_err_to_name(ret));

            if (!g_root_write_task_handle) {
                xTaskCreate(root_write_task, "root_write", 4 * 1024,
                            NULL, CONFIG_MDF_TASK_DEFAULT_PRIOTY, &g_root_write_task_handle);

            if (!g_root_read_task_handle) {
                xTaskCreate(root_read_task, "root_read", 8 * 1024,
                            NULL, CONFIG_MDF_TASK_DEFAULT_PRIOTY, &g_root_read_task_handle);


            MDF_LOGW("Restart PRO and APP CPUs");

            if (!g_event_group_trigger) {
                g_event_group_trigger = xEventGroupCreate();

            xEventGroupSetBits(g_event_group_trigger, EVENT_GROUP_TRIGGER_HANDLE);

            if ((int)ctx == MESPNOW_TRANS_PIPE_CONTROL) {
                xEventGroupSetBits(g_event_group_trigger, EVENT_GROUP_TRIGGER_RECV);



    return MDF_OK;
7. Node Task
  • xTaskCreate(request_handle_task, "request_handle", 8 * 1024, NULL, CONFIG_MDF_TASK_DEFAULT_PRIOTY, NULL);: creates node data processing task.
  • xTaskCreate(root_write_task, "root_write", 4 * 1024, NULL, CONFIG_MDF_TASK_DEFAULT_PRIOTY, &g_root_write_task_handle);: newly created root node transmits ESP-WIFI-MESH data packets to external IP network, and to various target addresses according to the data types.
  • xTaskCreate(root_read_task, "root_read", 8 * 1024, NULL, CONFIG_MDF_TASK_DEFAULT_PRIOTY, &g_root_read_task_handle): newly created root node transmits data packets from external IP network to ESP-WIFI-MESH.
  1. Root node transmits data packets from external IP network to ESP-WIFI-MESH:
  • first identify whether this node is the root;
  • read data from external IP network;
  • send data to the devices listed in address list.
static void root_read_task(void *arg)
    mdf_err_t ret               = MDF_OK;
    mlink_httpd_t *httpd_data   = NULL;
    mwifi_data_type_t data_type = {
        .compression = true,
        .communicate = MWIFI_COMMUNICATE_MULTICAST,

    MDF_LOGI("root_read_task is running");

    while (mwifi_is_connected() && esp_mesh_get_layer() == MESH_ROOT) {
        if (httpd_data) {

        ret = mlink_httpd_read(&httpd_data, portMAX_DELAY);
        MDF_ERROR_CONTINUE(ret != MDF_OK || !httpd_data, "<%s> mwifi_root_read", mdf_err_to_name(ret));
        MDF_LOGD("Root receive, addrs_num: %d, addrs_list: " MACSTR ", size: %d, data: %.*s",
                 httpd_data->addrs_num, MAC2STR(httpd_data->addrs_list),
                 httpd_data->size, httpd_data->size, httpd_data->data);

        memcpy(&data_type.custom, &httpd_data->type, sizeof(mlink_httpd_type_t));
        ret = mwifi_root_write(httpd_data->addrs_list, httpd_data->addrs_num,
                               &data_type, httpd_data->data, httpd_data->size, true);
        MDF_ERROR_CONTINUE(ret != MDF_OK, "<%s> mwifi_root_write", mdf_err_to_name(ret));

    MDF_LOGW("root_read_task is exit");

    if (httpd_data) {

    g_root_read_task_handle = NULL;
  1. Node processes ESP-WIFI-MESH data:
  • first identify whether this node has been connected to ESP-WIFI-MESH network;
  • read the target address into its own data packet;
  • check whether this data packet is a firmware upgrade packet, if so, the device will conduct firmware upgrade;
  • check whether this packet belongs to LAN communication module, if so, the node will conduct corresponding operation;
  • check whether this packet is from non-root node devices, if so, the node transmits this packet to root node.
void request_handle_task(void *arg)
    mdf_err_t ret = MDF_OK;
    uint8_t *data = NULL;
    size_t size   = MWIFI_PAYLOAD_LEN;
    mwifi_data_type_t data_type      = {0x0};
    uint8_t src_addr[MWIFI_ADDR_LEN] = {0x0};

    for (;;) {
        if (!mwifi_is_connected()) {
            vTaskDelay(100 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);

        size = MWIFI_PAYLOAD_LEN;
        ret = mwifi_read(src_addr, &data_type, &data, &size, portMAX_DELAY);
        MDF_ERROR_CONTINUE(ret != MDF_OK, "<%s> Receive a packet targeted to self over the mesh network",

        if (data_type.upgrade) {
            ret = mupgrade_handle(src_addr, data, size);
            MDF_ERROR_CONTINUE(ret != MDF_OK, "<%s> mupgrade_handle", mdf_err_to_name(ret));


        MDF_LOGI("Node receive, addr: " MACSTR ", size: %d, data: %.*s", MAC2STR(src_addr), size, size, data);

        mlink_httpd_type_t *httpd_type = (mlink_httpd_type_t *)&data_type.custom;

        ret = mlink_handle(src_addr, httpd_type, data, size);
        MDF_ERROR_CONTINUE(ret != MDF_OK, "<%s> mlink_handle", mdf_err_to_name(ret));

        if (httpd_type->from == MLINK_HTTPD_FROM_DEVICE) {
            data_type.protocol = MLINK_PROTO_NOTICE;
            ret = mwifi_write(NULL, &data_type, "status", strlen("status"), true);
            MDF_ERROR_CONTINUE(ret != MDF_OK, "<%s> mlink_handle", mdf_err_to_name(ret));
