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Batfish exposes a few public modules to hook into its routing system and other internals.

Table of contents


Import from '@mapbox/batfish/modules/route-to'.

route-to API

The following functions are named exports of '@mapbox/batfish/modules/route-to'.


routeTo(url: string): void

If url is a Batfish route, go there with client-side routing. If it's not, go there with a regular page load.


routeToPrefixed(url: string): void

Like routeTo but automatically prefixes client-side routes with your siteOrigin configuration option.

route-to examples

// Let's imagine:
// - siteBasePath === '/about/jobs/'
// - /about/jobs/writer/ is a page you made.
import { routeTo, routeToPrefixed } from '@mapbox/batfish/modules/route-to';

// Client-side routing is used.

// Client-side routing sends you to /about/jobs/writer/.

// Regular link behavior is used, since this is not a page that Batfish made.


Use this module to prefix URLs on your site according to the siteBasePath and siteOrigin you specified in your configuration, ensuring that they point to the right place both during development and in production.

Import from '@mapbox/batfish/modules/prefix-url'.

prefix-url API

The following functions are named exports of '@mapbox/batfish/modules/prefix-url'.


prefixUrl(url: string): string

Returns the URL prefixed with your siteBasePath.

If url is an absolute URL, it is returned unmodified. If url is already prefixed with your siteBasePath, it is returned unmodified.


prefixUrlAbsolute(url: string): string

Prefixes the URL with your siteOrigin and siteBasePath, returning an absolute URL.

If url is already an absolute URL, it is returned unmodified.

If you have not set siteOrigin in your configuration, this function with throw an error.

prefix-url examples

// Let's imagine:
// - siteBasePath === '/about/jobs/'
// - siteOrigin === ''
import { prefixUrl, prefixUrlAbsolute } from '@mapbox/batfish/modules/prefix-url';

// The function prefixes a URL with siteBasePath.
prefixUrl('engineer') // -> '/about/jobs/engineer'

// You can also prefix an absolute path, if you've provided siteOrigin.
prefixUrlAbsolute('engineer') // -> ''


Batfish exposes a few functions that allow you to do things when client-side route changes occur.

Import from '@mapbox/batfish/modules/route-change-listeners'.

route-change-listeners API

The following functions are named exports of @mapbox/batfish/modules/route-change-listeners.


addRouteChangeStartListener(pathname: string, listener: Function): Function;
addRouteChangeStartListener(listener: Function): Function;

Returns a function that will remove the listener — the equivalent of calling removeRouteChangeStartListener with the same arguments.

If pathname is provided (i.e. the first argument is a string), only route changes to this pathname will invoke the listener. Otherwise, all route changes will invoke the listener.

The listener function receives the incoming pathname as an argument.

The listener will be invoked immediately before the incoming page chunk starts downloading. If you return a Promise from your callback, you can use this to delay rendering of the next page (if, for example, you want to show a loading spinner for some period of time, or load some data before switching pages). After the page chunk finishes downloading, the next page will not be rendered until your retured Promise has resolved.


removeRouteChangeStartListener(pathname?: string, listener?: Function): Function;
removeRouteChangeStartListener(listener?: Function): Function;

If pathname is provided (i.e. the first argument is a string), listener will only be removed for route changes to this pathname . Otherwise, listener will be removed for all route changes.

If no listener is provided, all listeners for the matched path (either pathname or all paths) will be removed.


addRouteChangeEndListener(pathname: string, listener: Function): Function;
addRouteChangeEndListener(listener: Function): Function;

The parameters and return value are equivalent to those for addRouteChangeStartListener.

The difference is that this function will be invoked immediately after the incoming page renders. The page chunk will have downloaded, your start-listener callbacks will have been invoked, the URL will have been changed, and the page will have rendered. What you return from your callback will have no affect on page rendering.

addRouteChangeEndListener returns a function that will remove this particular listener.


removeRouteChangeEndListener(pathname?: string, listener?: Function): Function;
removeRouteChangeEndListener(listener?: Function): Function;

The parameters and return value are equivalent to those for removeRouteChangeStartListener.


Import from '@mapbox/batfish/modules/with-location'.

This module exports a higher-order component that you can use to inject an abbreviated Location object into the props of your own component.

with-location API

The function functions are named exports from '@mapbox/batfish/modules/with-location'.


withLocation(Component: React.Component): React.Component

Wraps Component in a stateless function component that passes it a location prop.

The value of location is an object with the following properties:

  • pathname: This is always available (even at build time, during static rendering) because it is provided by Batfish's router.
  • hash: This will not be available during static rendering, so check for its existence before using it.
  • search: This will not be available during static rendering, so check for its existence before using it.

Returns the wrapper component. The returned component exposes the original, wrapped component on the WrappedComponent static property.

with-location example

const withLocation = require('@mapbox/batfish/modules/with-location');

class MyPage extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <div>pathname: {this.props.location.pathname}</div>
        <div>hash: {this.props.location.hash}</div>
        <div>search: {}</div>

module.exports = withLocation(MyPage);