Development takes place on GitHub repository.
The preferred method for contributing to the project is via pull-requests (
An alternative way of contribution is using the mailing list.
Patches should be submitted for review using a GitHub pull-request.
Alternatively patches could be prepared and sent to the mailing list using git send-email
All Patches must contain a "Signed-off-by" which serves as the Developer's Certificate of Origin. For more information, please read this.
It is expected that all submitted patches are reviewed.
Comment on or reply to comments on the GitHub pull-request.
Alternatively respond to an email patch with comments and/or questions inline with the body of the message.
To indicate that a patch has been reviewed and recommended to be applied, reply to the email adding an "Acked-by" line.
The best examples are those patches which have already been
submitted, reviewed, and applied.
Please check
Alternatively please check the mailing list archives
and git log
for help.