Import blazegraph data from the blazegraph/tests folder. From the blazegraph ui click the update tab and then upload each of the .xml files in the directory.
Python 3 is required for inserting houses and inserting measurements. In addition the packages in houses/requirements.txt are required.
- Open a command shell to the Meas directory.
- Review the file which lists the feeders that are available for ingestion.
- Run ./ to generage temporary files for adding measurements.
- Run ./ to insert measurements for the feeders.
Note: Make sure the requirements from the Inserting Measurements section above are satisfied.
- Open command shell to the houses directory.
- Run ./ script to insert the houses.
There are as well as scripts available in the houses and Meas directories as well for removing those from the blazegraph database.
- Mount the blazegraph/test directory to /tmp/test
- Goto the update tab and insert the following
load <file:///tmp/test/ACEP_PSIL.xml>; load <file:///tmp/test/IEEE123_PV.xml>; load <file:///tmp/test/IEEE123.xml>; load <file:///tmp/test/IEEE13_Assets.xml>; load <file:///tmp/test/IEEE37.xml>; load <file:///tmp/test/IEEE8500.xml>; load <file:///tmp/test/EPRI_DPV_J1.xml>; load <file:///tmp/test/IEEE13.xml>; load <file:///tmp/test/IEEE8500_3subs.xml>; load <file:///tmp/test/R2_12_47_2.xml>; load <file:///tmp/test/Transactive.xml>;
- Click update button on the bottom.
- docker cp blazegraph_container:/var/lib/jetty/blazegraph.jnl ./blazegraph.jnl