Realistic Terrain Generation (RTG) is a Minecraft mod that adds a new world type which generates realistic terrain. It doesn't add new blocks. It doesn't add new mobs. It doesn't even add new biomes. It simply generates existing biomes (including those added by other mods) with more realistic-looking terrain.
- Get all vanilla biomes generating 'realistically' alongside custom biomes
- Remove custom biomes completely. This mod will eventually only generate realistic terrain for vanilla biomes and biomes that have been added by other mods.
- Add inherent support for all popular biome-adding mods (Biomes O' Plenty, ExtraBiomesXL, Highlands, Enhanced Biomes, Thaumcraft, etc.) and generic support for any mod that adds new biomes.
- Create an API to allow other mods to customise terrain generation
If you would like to contribute to this project, please take a look through the Milestones in the Issues section to see if there's anything you can help with, then comment on the issue to express your interest and explain what you'd like to do. Alternatively, you can create a new issue explaining how you'd like to help. Please note, however, that this project has a roadmap (see above), so all contributions should help to further the project down that road.
- Please use the Issues section for all crash reports, bug reports, and feature requests. If you're reporting a crash, please include the crash report generated by Minecraft (these can be found in your crash-reports folder), and describe what you were doing immediately before the crash. The more information you provide, the easier it will be to resolve the isssue.
RTG is built on Forge 1.7.10- and compiled with Gradle 2.0.
Downloads can be found in the Releases section, but please note that RTG is currently in alpha, which means that it should only be used for testing purposes. Do not attempt to load any of your existing worlds with this mod installed or you run the risk of corrupting them.
This mod is a re-branded fork of the revolutionary Realistic World Gen mod by Ted80. It was created as a new project because it will likely deviate from Ted80's original vision for RWG, and the author of this mod didn't want to interfere with that vision.