To get ready for interview preparation, all you need is good resources for data structures and algorithms. So, Following are some good resources that you should consider for preparation-
Websites to learn Data Structures And Algorithms-> 1.Udacity’s Intro to Algorithms 2.Algorithms and Data Structures by edX. 3.Data Structures and Algorithms on Udemy 4.Coursera’s Data Structures and Algorithms Specialization. 5. 8.
Books for reference -> 1.Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne 2.Cracking the Coding Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell. 3.The Algorithm Design Manual by Steven S Skiena. 4.Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy: Data Structures and Algorithmic Puzzles by Narasimha Karumanchi. 5.Advanced Data Structures” by Peter Brass.
Websites to practice Interview Questions-> 1.Leetcode 2.Interview Bit 3.Career Cup 4.GeeksForGeeks 5.Pramp
Websites to practice Competitive Coding-> 1.Codechef 2.SPOJ 3.Codeforces 4.Hackerrank 5.Hackerearth 6.Topcoder
Other Important Resources -> 1. 2. 3.