start: 2023-8-22 end: 2023-9-2
- Consistent model
- ss and sh are inconsistent on my shockz, and mod mic
- cluck keeps waking up when I don't want it to
start: 2023-9-22 end: 2024-2-27
- ac was on a lot of the time but I don't think it mattered
- Recorded with blue yeti, mod mic, and shockz 2
- Recorded new sounds: ay, cough, oo, t
- Rerecorded as the same: palette, sh, ss, yi, eh
- Rerecorded as flat tone: ah and oh
good consistency 14 unique sounds. have to combine ay with eh though. and oh with oo.
start: 2023-9-22 end: 2023-9-22
- record 3 mics
- previous model had conflicts with ay/ee/eh, and sometimes oo/oh
- love t sound from previous model. works really well.
- omit ay
- record ah, alveolar click, eh, er, guh, k, nn, oh, oo, Palate, pop, sh, ss, t, tut, yi
- new sound k VERDICT: recording k conflicts with guh too much, so revert
start: 2024-2-27 end: present recordings appended to model-p with only opencomm2 shokz this time
- append guh samples
- append nn samples
- append tut samples
- append t samples sounds: ah, alveolar click, ay, background, cough, eh, er, guh, nn, oh, oo, palate, pop, sh, ss, t, tut, yi
[L] Learning for creating model [A] for Audio net 5 for nets