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roe-dl edited this page Sep 11, 2024 · 31 revisions

English version below

Völlig unabhängig von einzelnen Wetterdiensten können mittels $presentweather Wettersymbole dargestellt werden. Symbolsätze mehrerer Anbieter werden unterstützt.

Viele Wetterdienste bieten Informationen (Karten, Vorhersagen, Warnunungen usw.) frei verfügbar an. Die Daten werden teilweise in direkt darstellbaren Formaten wie Texten und Bildern bereitgestellt, teilweise aber auch in binärer Form, die eine Decodierung und Aufbereitung beim Nutzer erfordert.

Independent of certain weather services you can display weather icons and symbols in skins by using the searchlist extension $presentweather, provided by this WeeWX extension.

A lot of weather services around the world provide information (maps, forecasts, warnings etc.) for free. Some of it can be used directly as it is in a text or image format. Others need to be converted and processed by the user.

The german weather service DWD offers several information (maps, forecasts, warnings etc.) to include in websites and home pages. Some information is available for direct display, other come in machine readable formats for post-processing by the user.

According to experience it is better not to link to the website of the DWD directly because of speed issues. Instead, download the files to your web server and provide them for your users there. Sometimes the DWD prevents the user from linking actively. Then, downloading is the only option.