Auth0 is an authentication & authorization provider. It provides Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) integration that you can use to integrate with Appsmith. Follow these steps to configure SAML integration:
{% hint style="info" %} Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is available only in the enterprise edition for self-hosted instances, and only the Superuser of your Appsmith Instance can set up SAML. {% endhint %}
- Log in to your Auth0 account and go to Applications --> select the subhead Applications --> Click Create Application. (Please create an account if you don’t have one on Auth0).
From the available options, select Regular Web Applications.
{% hint style="info" %} The default name of the application is My App. You can change it to give a suitable name to the application. {% endhint %}
- Your application will be created, and you’ll be navigated to the Application details page. Go to the Settings tab.
- Scroll down to the Application URIs section. Add the Redirect URL (Copied from Appsmith SAML Configuration Redirect URL Field) to the Allowed Callback URLs field.
Click Save Changes
To complete the SAML configuration, you’ll have to register the identity provider on Appsmith.
Appsmith provides the below options using which you can register the identity provider on Appsmith and complete the SAML Configuration. Follow the one that best suits you:
SAML metadata is an XML document that provides information required for interaction with a SAML-enabled identity or service provider. The Metadata URL is the URL metadata for SAML configuration hosted on a remote server.
{% hint style="info" %} Metadata URL is the quickest and most recommended way to set up SAML. {% endhint %}
- To obtain the Metadata URL, navigate to the Settings tab, scroll down and expand the Advanced Settings.
- Click on the Endpoints, scroll down to the SAML config fields, and copy the SAML Metadata URL.
- Navigate to Appsmith, add the Metadata URL and click
button to save the configuration.
If you don’t have a Metadata URL but have a raw SAML metadata XML document, you can choose XML to configure SAML.
- Navigate to Appsmith, click XML, add the raw XML in the
Metadata XML
field and click theSAVE & RESTART
button to save the configuration.
You can also configure SAML by providing the identity provider(IdP) data.
If you have Identity provider’s data like X509 Public Certificate
, Email
, and more, you can choose this option to configure SAML.
- Navigate to Appsmith, and click IdP Data. You can get the information from
Metadata XML
and add the content of the tags as per the below mapping table:
Appsmith Field Name | Metadata XML Tag |
Entity ID | <EntityDescriptor`` `` entityID ="" / > |
Single Sign-On URL | <SingleSignOnService/> |
X509 Public Certificate | <X509Certificate/> |
<NameIDFormat>urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format: emailAddress </NameIDFormat> |
Once you have supplied the details, click the SAVE & RESTART
button to save the configuration.
Once the server restarts with new configurations, you will see a screen showing the message ‘Authentication Successful!’.
You’ll see a login screen with the button SIGN IN WITH SAML SSO