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Deploy Appsmith on ECS cluster using EC2 instance.



1: Register With Amazon Web Services

If you already have an Amazon Web Services account, you may skip this step.

Please follow the steps detailed here in order to create an account on AWS.

2: Generate an SSH key pair

If you already have an SSH key pair for the AWS region you are operating in, you can skip this step.

Please follow the steps detailed here to generate a new key pair. You need this key to SSH into your AWS EC2 instance.

3: Create an AWS Security Group

If you already have an existing security group with ports 80, 443, 22 and 9001 open, you can skip this step.

Appsmith is a web application that requires ports 80 and 443 for HTTP access, port 22 to be accessible for SSH access, it also requires port 9001 to be accessible for the supervisord UI. Please follow the steps detailed here to create a new security group.

While creating the new security group, please follow the steps detailed here to edit the "Inbound Rules" and make ports 80, 443, 22 and 9001 accessible from anywhere.

ECS Overview


Steps to Deploy Appsmith on ECS (using EC2 Launch Type):

  1. Create an ECS Cluster
  2. Create Task and Container Definitions
  3. Create and Run an ECS Service

Note: Please switch to the old AWS console UI to follow the steps in this tutorial.

Step 1: Create an ECS Cluster

  1. Navigate to Amazon ECS and choose clusters on the side bar and select Create Cluster.

Creating Cluster in AWS ECS

2. Choose EC2 Linux + Networking, and select the next step.

3. Enter your cluster name

4. I Instance configuration:

  • Select the provisioning model as On-Demand Instance.
  • Select the server size you wish to use, and set the Number of instances as 1.
  • Select the Amazon Linux2 AMI for the EC2 AMI ID dropdown, and enter the required EBS volume size.
  • Select a Key pair. Please refer to Prerequisite 2, if you have not already created one.

Configuring the instance

5. Networking Section

  • Select the default VPC followed by selecting the first subnet from the drop-down.
  • Select the security group created in Prerequisite 3.

Configuring the Networking Section

6. Enable container insights (this gives CloudWatch monitoring and helps to debug).

7. Leave the Container instance IAM role as default (ecsInstanceRole), if you do not have one AWS will create it for you.

8. Hit the Create button. It may take a minute for your cluster to be ready.

ECS Cluster Status

Step 2: Create Task and Container Definitions

Once the cluster is created, you will need to create a task that will be run on the cluster created in Step 1.

  1. On the sidebar, choose Task Definitions and select Create new Task Definition.
  2. Choose EC2 as the launch type, and proceed to the next step.
  3. Configure task and definition
    • Enter the task definition name.
    • Leave the Task role blank.
    • Select the default Network mode

Configuration of the Task

4. Select the default Task execution IAM role (ecsTaskExecutionRole). AWS will create one for you if you do not have one.

5. Set the required task size (memory & CPU)

6. Go to the Volumes section and add a new volume. Enter the Name as appsmith_stack, set Volume type as Bind Mount, and set the Source path to /Appsmith/stacks.

Volume Configuration

7. Configure Appsmith container configuration.

  • Hit Add container button.
  • Enter the container name, and set the Image to appsmith/appsmith-ce
  • Add port mappings for the ports 80->80,443->443, 9001->9001
  • Set the Mount points Source volume to appsmith_stack and set the Container path to /appsmith-stacks

Storage Setting

  • Enable Auto-configure CloudWatch Logs for log configuration.
  • Hit Add.

Conainer Port Configuration

  • Finally, hit the Create button.

Step 3: Create and Run an ECS Service.

  1. Navigate to the clusters dashboard and click on the ECS cluster created in Step 1.
  2. On the cluster details, under the Services tab hit the create button.

Cluster Dashboard

3. Configure Service

  • Select EC2 as Launch Type
  • Select the Task Definition created in Step 2 with the latest revision.
  • Select the Cluster created in Step 1
  • Enter the service name
  • Select the REPLICA Service type
  • Set the Number of tasks to 1
  • Leave the remaining fields and sections with the default values, and proceed to the next step.

Configuring the service

4. Configure network - Proceed to the next step with the default configurations.

5. Set Auto Scaling - Proceed to the next step with the default configuration.

Setting Up Auto Scaling

6. Review the Service configurations and hit the Create Service button.

Review Section

7. The following screen will appear showing the launch status, click on the View Service button.

Launch Status Dashboard

8. You will be directed to the service detail page. Your task is listed under the Tasks tab on the cluster. refresh the table until the status is RUNNING.

Service Detail Page

9. Click on the task to get the details of your running service.

Task Dashboard

10. Finally, click on the EC2 instance id to navigate to the EC2 console with your ECS instance (which is basically an EC2 instance running the container service) listed.

EC2 Console

11. Find the public IP address or DNS name and enter it on your browser to see Appsmith's welcome page.

Note: - In this guide, If you are using the embedded MongoDB, the container persistence is tied up with the EC2 instance lifecycle.

Updating to the latest Appsmith release

  1. Navigate to the ECS cluster from the ECS dashboard.
  2. In the Services tab select the Appsmith service.
  3. On the Service page, hit the Update button.
  4. In the configure service page, set the Number of Tasks field to 0 with other configurations intact, and skip to review and launch.
  5. Wait until the new service is deployed, once done again go to the Service page and hit Update button.
  6. In the configure service page, set the Number of Tasks field to 1 and check the Force new deployment option (with other configurations intact), and skip to review and launch.


If you encounter any errors during this process, check out our guide on debugging deployment errors, if you are still facing an issue please reach out to [email protected] or join our Discord Server to directly speak to the Appsmith team!

Further Reading