This article walks you through how to build a simple Bitcoin tracker using Pixlet. It looks pretty great on a Tidbyt display, although we're admittedly biased.
You should be able to run the Pixlet CLI like so:
$ pixlet render examples/
This should in turn run
and produce a clock.webp
$ file examples/clock.webp
examples/clock.webp: RIFF (little-endian) data, Web/P image
For local development, its often convenient to run pixlet in "serve" mode:
$ pixlet serve --watch examples/
Direct your web browser to http://localhost:8080, and your rendered app will appear.
Pixlet applets are written in a simple, Python-like language called Starlark. Here's the venerable Hello World program:
load("", "render")
def main():
return render.Root(
child = render.Text("Hello, World!")
On the very first row we load the Pixlet render library, which gives
us access to Pixlet's full set of Widgets. Next is the
mandatory main()
function, which must always return a Root
Widget. In our case, we pass Root
a Text
Widget as child.
By default, Text
uses the "tb-8" font, but this can be overridden
with the font
parameter. You can read more about the available fonts
over here.
To get closer to a truly useful Pixlet app, we'll be pulling in some Bitcoin data. CoinDesk's Bitcoin Price Index API is free to use and requires no authentication. We'll use Starlib's http module to retrieve the data.
Pixlet includes several modules from the Starlib library. This is sort of a standard library for Starlark, and it's very handy when building anything but the simplest applet.
load("", "render")
load("", "http")
def main():
rep = http.get(COINDESK_PRICE_URL)
if rep.status_code != 200:
fail("Coindesk request failed with status %d", rep.status_code)
rate = rep.json()["bpi"]["USD"]["rate_float"]
return render.Root(
child = render.Text("BTC: %d USD" % rate)
If the HTTP request doesn't return the expected status code (200), we
call fail()
to halt execution of the script. Starlark provides a few
other helpful built-ins that you can read about in the starlark-go
definition. Another
built-in worth mentioning is print()
, which of course is invaluable
in debugging your Pixlet scripts.
Voilà. A perfectly functional Bitcoin price tracker.
To make our applet a bit snazzier, we headed over to Pixilart and drew this simple Bitcoin icon:
Pixlet allows us to embed graphics in our scripts through the Image
widget. We'll use Starlib's encoding/base64
module to embed the
image in our source code. Finally, to display both the price string
and the icon simultanesouly, we'll use the Row
Widget to have them
laid out side by side.
load("", "render")
load("", "http")
load("encoding/", "base64")
# Load Bitcoin icon from base64 encoded data
BTC_ICON = base64.decode("""
def main():
rep = http.get(COINDESK_PRICE_URL)
if rep.status_code != 200:
fail("CoinDesk request failed with status %d", rep.status_code)
rate = rep.json()["bpi"]["USD"]["rate_float"]
return render.Root(
child = render.Row( # Row lays out its children horizontally
children = [
render.Text("$%d" % rate),
This clearly leaves something to be desired as far as layout is concerned, but the individual elements (the icon and the price) aren't too shabby!
By default, Row
will pack its children as closely together as it
possibly can. That's often a useful behaviour, but in this case
perhaps not so much. We can instruct Row
to use as much horizontal
space as possible by passing expanded=True
, and then use the
and cross_align
parameters to adjust how the children
are spaced out. For details on these parameters, check out the full
Widget reference.
We'll also place the Row
itself in a Box
to ensure that it's
placed in the vertical center of the screen. Box
actually centers
horizontally as well, but since our Row
is expanded
that won't
load("", "render")
load("", "http")
load("encoding/", "base64")
BTC_ICON = base64.decode("""
def main():
rep = http.get(COINDESK_PRICE_URL)
if rep.status_code != 200:
fail("Coindesk request failed with status %d", rep.status_code)
rate = rep.json()["bpi"]["USD"]["rate_float"]
return render.Root(
child = render.Box( # This Box exists to provide vertical centering
expanded=True, # Use as much horizontal space as possible
main_align="space_evenly", # Controls horizontal alignment
cross_align="center", # Controls vertical alignment
children = [
render.Text("$%d" % rate),
Dont' worry if all this alignment stuff feels a bit confusing at first. It'll be a lot clearer when you've had a chance to play around with it.
Now that's a Bitcoin tracker.
Finally, let's make sure we're not spamming CoinDesk with more requests than absolutely necessary.
load("", "render")
load("", "http")
load("encoding/", "base64")
load("", "cache")
BTC_ICON = base64.decode("""
def main():
rate_cached = cache.get("btc_rate")
if rate_cached != None:
print("Hit! Displaying cached data.")
rate = int(rate_cached)
print("Miss! Calling CoinDesk API.")
rep = http.get(COINDESK_PRICE_URL)
if rep.status_code != 200:
fail("Coindesk request failed with status %d", rep.status_code)
rate = rep.json()["bpi"]["USD"]["rate_float"]
cache.set("btc_rate", str(int(rate)), ttl_seconds=240)
return render.Root(
child = render.Box(
children = [
render.Text("$%d" % rate),
Pixlet's in-memory cache only really kicks in when running pixlet in
its "server mode" (via pixlet serve <script>
). The resulting WebP
images are of course identical to what we saw before, but as we
repeately reload our browser (pointed at http://localhost:8080/
), we
see the following output from the print()
$ ./pixlet serve
listening on tcp/8080
[] Miss! Calling CoinDesk API.
[] Hit! Displaying cached data.
[] Hit! Displaying cached data.
That's the cache working as intended. We're passing ttl_seconds=240
to cache.set()
, so if we were to wait 4 minutes and then reload,
we'd see a cache miss as the old record has expired.
Take a look at the Widget reference, and start hacking!