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56cbccc · Jan 5, 2025


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File metadata and controls

160 lines (116 loc) · 4.73 KB


A ROS 2 package designed to interface with the LX-16A servo motors. This package enables control and monitoring of servo motors through ROS 2 services and topics.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Tested Configuration
  3. Package Structure
  4. Installation and Usage
  5. Interfaces
  6. LX-16A specifications
  7. License
  8. Acknowledgments


  • Servo parameter configuration (e.g., angle limits, voltage limits, temperature limits).
  • Torque enable/disable functionality.
  • Position and velocity control.
  • Retrieval of servo status and diagnostic information.
  • Dynamic discovery of connected servos.

Tested Configuration

  • ROS 2 Distribution: Humble
  • Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04
  • Hardware Interface: USB connection via BusLinker-V2.5

Package Structure

├── assets
│   ├── LX-16A_servo_motor_specifications.png
│   └──
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── package.xml
├── params
│   └── lx16a_params.yaml
├── src
│   ├──
│   └──
└── srv
    ├── GetLX16AInfo.srv
    ├── SetLX16AParams.srv
    └── SetLX16ATorque.srv

Key Components


    • Implements the main ROS 2 node (lx16a_controller) for managing LX-16A servos.
  2. Service Definitions:

    • GetLX16AInfo.srv: Retrieves detailed information about a specific servo.
    • SetLX16AParams.srv: Configures servo parameters.
    • SetLX16ATorque.srv: Enables or disables torque for a servo.
  3. Parameter File:

    • lx16a_params.yaml: Defines default parameters such as angle limits, voltage limits, and communication settings.

Installation and Usage


  • ROS 2 Humble installed on Ubuntu 22.04.
  • Python 3.x with pylx16a library.


  1. Clone the repository into your ROS 2 workspace:

    cd ~/ros2_ws/src
    git clone <repository-url> ros2_lx16a_driver
  2. Install dependencies:

    pip install pylx16a
  3. Build the package:

    cd ~/ros2_ws
    colcon build --packages-select ros2_lx16a_driver
  4. Source the workspace:

    source install/setup.bash

Running the Node

  1. Connect the LX-16A servo motors to your computer via the BusLinker-V2.5.

  2. Launch the node:

    ros2 run ros2_lx16a_driver lx16a_node
  3. Optionally, provide a parameter file:

    ros2 run ros2_lx16a_driver lx16a_node --ros-args --params-file params/lx16a_params.yaml



  • /cmd_pose_lx16a (std_msgs/Float32MultiArray): Command positions for the servos. (Each command index in the array matches the id of the commanded motor)
  • /cmd_vel_lx16a (std_msgs/Int32MultiArray): Command velocities for the servos. (Each command index in the array matches the id of the commanded motor)


  • /lx16a_get_info (GetLX16AInfo): Retrieve detailed servo information.
  • /lx16a_set_params (SetLX16AParams): Configure servo parameters.
  • /lx16a_set_torque (SetLX16ATorque): Enable or disable torque for a servo.


  • default_angle_offset (int): Default angle offset for servos (degrees).
  • default_angle_min (int): Minimum angle limit (degrees).
  • default_angle_max (int): Maximum angle limit (degrees).
  • default_voltage_min (int): Minimum voltage limit (millivolts).
  • default_voltage_max (int): Maximum voltage limit (millivolts).
  • default_temperature_limit (int): Maximum temperature limit (Celsius).
  • log_level (int): Logging verbosity level.
  • port (str): Serial port for the LX-16A bus.
  • scan_connected_servos (bool): Automatically scan for connected servos.

LX-16A specifications:

The servomotor characterization can be found in the assets folder.

The rotational speed curve as a function of voltage was derived by measuring the motor shaft speed in motor mode, under no-load conditions, with a 100% speed command, using a tachometer for precise measurement.

alt text


This package is released under the BSD 3-Clause License.


This package leverages the pylx16a library.