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129 lines (115 loc) · 5.32 KB

File metadata and controls

129 lines (115 loc) · 5.32 KB


this file contains notes for development

Directory structure

+-- resources:
|   | // resources for modular-debian
|   +-- scripts:
|   |   | // scripts to run out of chroot to allow run on preparing system
|   |   | // or to make chroot and run in the chrooted system, maybe some
|   |   | // "pre" and "post" script sctructure will be required to run
|   |   | // e.g. "pre-install-packages" and "post-install-packages"
|   |   +-- ALL:
|   |   |   | // this scripts will be run for every image, the parameters
|   |   |   | // will tell the image name
|   |   |   +-- 01-install-base-files-pre
|   |   |   |   // this *default* script installs files from resources/files
|   |   |   |   // to destination system before package installation
|   |   |   +-- 02-run-in-chroot
|   |   |   |   // this script can chroot to destination system and run there
|   |   |   |   // some script
|   |   |   +-- 03-install-packages
|   |   |   |   // this *default* script chroots to destination system and
|   |   |   |   // installs packages listed in resources/packages/*.txt
|   |   |   +-- 04-install-base-files-post
|   |   |   |   // this *default* script installs files from resources/files
|   |   |   |   // to destination system after package installation
|   |   +-- base:
|   |   |   | // scripts for *base* image
|   |   +-- base-essential:
|   |   |   | // scripts for *base-essential* image
|   |   +-- base-essential-console:
|   |   |   | // scripts for *base-essential-console* image
|   +-- files:
|   |   | // files to be copies into the image, maybe some "pre" and "post"
|   |   | // structure will be required, e.g. "pre-install-packages" and
|   |   | // "post-install-packages"
|   |   +-- installation:
|   |   |   | // files required during package installation, e.g.
|   |   |   | // /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d to disable rc.d scripts invoking
|   |   |   +-- ALL:
|   |   |   |   +-- usr:
|   |   |   |   |   +-- sbin:
|   |   |   |   |   |   +-- policy-rc.d
|   |   |   +-- base:
|   |   |   +-- base-essential:
|   |   |   +-- base-essential-console:
|   |   +-- final:
|   |   |   +-- base:
|   |   |   |   | // these files should be installed after package
|   |   |   |   | // installation (package configuration files) for runtime
|   |   |   +-- base-essential:
|   |   |   +-- base-essential-console:
|   |   +-- packages:
|   |   |   | // files with packages which should be installed in the image
|   |   |   +-- base
|   |   |   |   // this *default* file should be empty, base image should
|   |   |   |   // be base debootstrap image only, but the final decision
|   |   |   |   // is yours
|   |   |   +-- base-essential
|   |   |   |   // *default* file probably only kernel, squashfs-tools,
|   |   |   |   // aufs-tools, busybox
|   |   |   +-- base-essential-console
+-- work:
|   | // directory with working files
|   +-- work.PID:
|   |   | // working folder for running script with PID
|   |   +-- mnt:
|   |   |   | // folder for mounts
|   |   |   +-- sqfs:
|   |   |   | // folder for squashfs image mounts
|   |   |   +-- aufs:
|   |   |   | // folder for aufs mounts
|   |   +-- aufs-rw:
|   |   |   | // read-write branch for aufs
|   |   +-- sparse-images:
|   |   |   | // sparse image for aufs-rw


  • Image name format:
    • DEBIANNAME-ExtName1-ExtName2-ExtName3.ARCHITECTURE
    • e.g. wheezy-essential-console-lightx.amd64
  • Actions
    • make
      create or update single image and base images if they do not exist or are older than their base image
    • makeall
      create and/or update all base images from specified until base without some other images based on some of base images of the specified image
    • updateall
      find all existing images and recreate all them from base image (note: get current timestamp on start and recreate all images older than this timestamp)
    • makefound
      create or update all found images, for which the package file does exist in resources/files/packages
  • Procedure
    • base
      • single name stands for debian distro name (wheezy, jessie, sid, stable, ...)
      • debootstrap to create base system (note: into current FS or create big sparse file, format ext4 and mount and install to this sparse image file?)
    • base-essential, base-essential-console, base-essential-console-lightx, base{N}img-base{N-1}img-base{N-2}img-...-base2img-base1img-mainimg
      • if base1img has its base (base2img) and base1img is older than base2img, then recreate base1img
      • recurrent mountbaseimg base{I}img - if the base image of this image is not mounted, run mountbaseimg base{I+1}img, and then mount them to aufs


  • Debian package
  • Check dependencies (for non-Debian installation, e.g. prepare on Gentoo with debootstrap)

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