- build: Remove ACF10 support (7ba4ba2)
- build: Add semantic release (74e00da)
- api: Add cc, bcc, and replyto properties (0b6f6bb)
- api: Fix for cc and bcc and return messageid (#4) (ef87657)
- compat: Fix Adobe compatibility (8010118)
- *: fix: Handle multiple to addresses (f4fdab7)
- *: fix: Better gitignore directory detection (4cc5474)
- *: chore: Use OpenJDK instead of OracleJDK (9b4a284)
- *: chore: Use forgeboxStorage (ce80012)
- *: 1.5.0 (33029fb)
- *: 1.4.0 (2f699b1)
- *: Use fromName if one exists (3e153d1)
- *: Fix README for plain text emails (4e095aa)
- *: Update docs for custom args (822451b)
- *: 1.3.0 (0fe003d)
- *: Add customArgs support (234b5f7)
- *: 1.2.1 (2b0ae24)
- *: Update README with usage and configuration instructions (d33b734)
- *: 1.2.0 (1784edb)
- *: Add support for Categories (#2) (f6c21c1)
- *: 1.1.0 (276f71b)
- *: Add automatic versioning package scripts (b645e46)
- *: Added Subject to Mail packet (843484c)
- *: Add Travis CI support (b442729)
- *: Initial commit (afa54f3)
- api: Fix for cc and bcc and return messageid (#4) (ef87657)
- build: Remove ACF10 support (7ba4ba2)
- build: Add semantic release (74e00da)
- api: Add cc, bcc, and replyto properties (0b6f6bb)
- compat: Fix Adobe compatibility (8010118)