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295 lines (245 loc) · 12 KB

File metadata and controls

295 lines (245 loc) · 12 KB


YAML Configuration

kind: VaultSecretSync
  name: "example-sync"
  namespace: "default"
  dryRun: false
    address: ""
    path: "foo/bar/(.*)"
    namespace: "robertlestak/example"
      - "foo/bar/hello-[0-9]+"
      - "foo/bar/no[^abc]+"
      - "foo/bar/hello"
      - "foo/bar/no"
  - vault:
      address: ""
      path: "hello/world/$1"
      namespace: "robertlestak/example"
  - vault:
      address: ""
      path: "another/vault"
  - aws:
      name: "example-secret"
      region: "us-west-2"
      roleArn: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/role-name"
      encryptionKey: "alias/aws/secretsmanager"
      replicaRegions: ["us-east-1"]
  - github:
      repo: "example-repo"
      owner: "robertlestak"
  - gcp:
      project: "example-project"
      name: "example-secret"
  - http:
      url: ""
      method: "POST"
      headerSecret: "default/header-secret"
        Content-Type: "application/json"
      template: |
          "custom": {
            "{{ .Key }}": "{{ .Value }}"
  - event: success
    url: ""
    method: "POST"
      Content-Type: "application/json"
    template: |
        "custom": {
          "event": "{{ .Event }}",
          "message": "{{ .Message }}",
          "name": "{{ .VaultSecretSync.Name }}"
          "source.address": "{{ .VaultSecretSync.Spec.Source.Address }}"
  - event: failure
    url: ""
    method: "POST"
      Content-Type: "application/json"
    template: |
        "custom": {
          "event": "{{ .Event }}",
          "message": "{{ .Message }}",
          "name": "{{ .VaultSecretSync.Name }}"
          "source.address": "{{ .VaultSecretSync.Spec.Source.Address }}"

metadata is that can be used to identify the sync operation. Both can be ommitted, however if name is omitted, to trigger a manual sync you will first need to authenticate and access the /configs endpoint to get the auto-generated name for your respective config.

spec.source and spec.dest are the source and destination of the sync operation.

authMethod and role can be omitted to use the default global method and role, if defined. If they are specified, they will be used to authenticate to the Vault instance. Optionally, token can be provided as a mustache template referencing an environment variable. If provided, this will always override configured auth methods.

path can either be provided as a path to a single vault kv secret, or as a regex string. If regex, all matching child secrets will be synced. Wildcarding will recurse into child paths, so foo/test/(.*) will sync foo/test/foo and foo/test/foo/bar, but not foo/test2/foo. However foo/test(.*) will sync foo/test and foo/test2. You can also use capture groups to rewrite the path in the destination. For example, foo/(test)/(bar) will sync foo/test/bar and rewrite it to test/bar in the destination.

If you set source.cidr to the CIDR in which the source vault is deployed (as seen from ingestion point - so if this is a public Vault, this will be the outbound NAT/IGW), it will enable multiple source vaults to sync through a single instance of the operator. You can also set x-vault-tenant header in the log shipping config to specify the source vault from which that log is coming from.

Source Determination

By default, the Vault Audit log contains no contextual information about what Vault it is coming from. To enable this operator to connect to multiple vaults, multi-tenant source determination logic is used based on the following order of precendence.

  • X-Vault-Tenant Header: If an x-vault-tenant header is set to a Vault URL (as defined in the example fluentd config below), this will be used to perform an exact lookup against configured Vault Source Addresses.
  • X-Forwarded-For Header: If an x-forwarded-for header is set (and the x-vault-tenant is not), the operator will perform a source lookup by finding the source.cidr which contains the caller IP.
  • Remote IP Address: If both the x-vault-tenant and x-forwarded-for headers do not exist, the operator will use the caller's IP address and will perform a source lookup by finding the source.cidr which contains the caller IP.


Filters can be applied to the sync to include or exclude secrets based on either a regex pattern or a path pattern. The path filter is an explicit match, while the regex filter is a regex pattern match. If both filters are present, the secret must match both filters to be included in the sync.

      - "foo/bar/hello-[0-9]+"
      - "foo/bar/no[^abc]+"
      - "foo/bar/hello"
      - "foo/bar/no"

Destination Configuration

The destination is configured in the same way as the source, with the exception that the driver field can be specified. If no driver is specified, the default driver is vault.

Vault (Driver: vault)

The Vault destination driver will write the secret to the target Vault instance.

  - vault:
      address: ""
      path: "foo/test2/(.*)"
      namespace: ""
      authMethod: ""
      role: ""
      ttl: 1m # optional, defaults to token default lease time
      merge: false # optional, default false. false will overwrite existing secrets with values from vault, merge will merge the two, overwriting only the keys that are present in the new secret

GitHub (Driver: github)

The GitHub destination driver will write the secret to a GitHub repository or organization.

  - github:
      repo: "example-repo"
      env: "" # optional, default empty. Set to a specific environment to sync to within a repo if needed
      owner: "robertlestak" # optional, will default to the company org
      org: false # optional, default false. set to true to set org secret rather than repo secret
      merge: false # optional, default true. false will overwrite existing secrets with values from vault, merge will merge the two

Note that since GitHub secrets do not have a concept of pathing, if you are syncing a wildcard source path, the secrets will be overwritten in the destination repository with a last-write-wins strategy.

AWS Secrets Manager (Driver: aws)

The AWS destination driver will write the secret to AWS Secrets Manager.

  - aws:
      name: "example-secret"
      region: "us-west-2" # optional, default us-east-1
      roleArn: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/role-name" # optional, default empty. Set to a specific role to assume when writing to secrets manager
      encryptionKey: "alias/aws/secretsmanager" # optional, default empty. Set to a specific KMS key to use for encryption
      replicaRegions: [] # optional, default empty. Set to a list of regions to replicate the secret to

GCP Secret Manager (Driver: gcp)

The GCP destination driver will write the secret to GCP Secret Manager in the specified project.

  - gcp:
      project: "example-project"
      name: "example-secret"
      replicationLocations: [] # optional, default empty. Set to a list of regions to replicate the secret to. If empty, all regions will be used

Note that since GCP Secret Manager does not support the / character, the sync operator will replace / with - in the secret name. This generally only applies when using a wildcard source path.

HTTP (Driver: http)

The HTTP destination driver will make an HTTP request to the specified URL with the secret data as the body of the request. By default this will be a POST request with a JSON body, but the method, headers, and body can be customized. Note that this will be sending your secrets in plain text to the specified URL, so ensure that the destination is within your control and secure.

  - http:
      url: ""
      method: "POST" # optional, default POST. Set to the HTTP method to use for the request
      headerSecret: "default/header-secret" # optional, default empty. Set to the name of a kubernetes secret in the format namespace/name to use as the header KV pairs for the request
      headers: # optional, default empty. Set to a map of headers to include in the request
        Content-Type: "application/json"
      template: | # optional, default empty. Set to a template to use for the request body. The template is a Go template with the following variables available: .Key, .Value, .Namespace, .Path, .Secret, .Timestamp
          "custom": {
            "{{ .Key }}": "{{ .Value }}"


Webhooks can be configured to send a POST request to a specified URL when a sync event occurs. The event can be either success or failure, and the request will include a JSON body with information about the event. The template can be customized to include any information from the sync event.

  - event: success
    url: ""
    method: "POST" # optional, default POST. Set to the HTTP method to use for the request
    headers: # optional, default empty. Set to a map of headers to include in the request
      Content-Type: "application/json"
    template: | # optional, default empty. Set to a template to use for the request body. The template is a Go template with the following variables available: .Event, .Message, .VaultSecretSync
        "custom": {
          "event": "{{ .Event }}",
          "message": "{{ .Message }}",
          "name": "{{ .VaultSecretSync.Name }}"
          "source.address": "{{ .VaultSecretSync.Spec.Source.Address }}"
  - event: failure
    url: ""
    method: "POST" # optional, default POST. Set to the HTTP method to use for the request
    headers: # optional, default empty. Set to a map of headers to include in the request
      Content-Type: "application/json"
    template: | # optional, default empty. Set to a template to use for the request body. The template is a Go template with the following variables available: .Event, .Message, .VaultSecretSync
        "custom": {
          "event": "{{ .Event }}",
          "message": "{{ .Message }}",
          "name": "{{ .VaultSecretSync.Name }}"
          "source.address": "{{ .VaultSecretSync.Spec.Source.Address }}"



When deployed in Kubernetes, VaultSecretSync operations are exposed through the Kubernetes API. VaultSecretSync resources can be created, updated, and deleted through the Kubernetes API.

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: VaultSecretSync
  name: example
  namespace: default
    address: ""
    path: "foo/bar"
  - github:
      repo: "example-repo"
      owner: "robertlestak"
  - aws:
      name: "example-secret"
      region: "us-west-2"

Once created, the operator will begin syncing secrets from the source to the destination. You can trigger an immediate sync by annotating the VaultSecretSync resource with force-sync.

kubectl annotate vaultsecretsync example force-sync=$(date +%s) --overwrite

To sync all VaultSecretSync resources in a namespace, you can use the following command:

kubectl get vaultsecretsync -n example -o name | xargs -I {} kubectl annotate -n example {} force-sync=$(date +%s) --overwrite

To sync all VaultSecretSync resources in all namespaces, you can use the following command:

for ns in $(kubectl get ns -o name | cut -d/ -f2); do kubectl get vaultsecretsync -n $ns -o name | xargs -I {} kubectl annotate -n $ns {} force-sync=$(date +%s) --overwrite; done