Clone of Redis (server & client), written in C, that supports a subset of the features in the original Redis. My attempt at #42SkillsChallenge no.9: In-memory Database.
Instructions to build the project from source.
# clone this repository
git clone && cd redis-kw
# cd into the repository
cd redis-kw
# build the redis server (rediskw)
# build the redis client (rediskw-cli)
make client
# run the unit tests
make test
is the server's executable, while rediskw-cli
is the client's. You
can run them separately or use the utility script
to run both at
once (useful when developing).
# run the utility script
chmod +x && ./
# run the server
# run the client
cmds list:
str cmds: hash cmds: list cmds: set cmds:
- [x] set - [x] hset - [x] lpush - [x] sadd
- [x] get - [x] hget - [x] rpush - [x] srem
- [x] mset - [x] hdel - [x] lpop - [x] smembers
- [x] mget - [x] hgetall - [x] rpop - [x] sismember
- [x] incr - [x] hexists - [x] llen - [ ] scard
- [x] decr - [x] hkeys - [x] lindex - [x] smismember
- [x] incrby - [x] hvals - [x] lpos - [ ] sdiff
- [x] decrby - [x] hlen - [x] lset - [ ] sinter
- [x] strlen - [ ] hincrby - [x] lrem - [ ] sunion
- [ ] append - [x] hmget - [x] lrange - [ ] sdiffstore
- [ ] setrange - [ ] hstrlen - [ ] lpushx - [ ] sinterstore
- [ ] getrange - [ ] hsetnx - [ ] rpushx - [ ] sunionstore
- [ ] setnx - [ ] - [ ] ltrim - [ ]
- [ ] msetnx - [ ]
- [ ]
keys cmds: etc:
- [x] del - [ ] ping
- [x] exists - [x] quit
- [x] type - [x] shutdown
- [ ] rename - [ ]
- [ ]
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.