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In this repository , I have uploaded Verilog codes for various combinational and sequential circuits along with their testbenches . Now for those people who don't know about Verilog , here is a little description of the language and it's constructs -->

What is Verilog ?

Verilog is a hardware description language which is used for describing various electronic circuits and systems . Applied to electronic design , Verilog is intended to be used for verification through simulation , for timing analysis , test analysis , and for synthesis.

  • What is a testbench?

    A testbench is an environment or some piece of code which is used to verify the correctness of your design .

    A simple Verilog code and it's testbench -->

    //design of a 4 bit binary adder
    module my_full_adder( input A,
           input B,
           input CIN,
           output S,
           output COUT
           assign S = A^B^CIN;
           assign COUT = (A&B) | (CIN&(A^B));
    module four_bit_adder( 
        input [3:0] A,
        input [3:0] B,
        input C0,
        output [3:0] S,
        output C4
        wire C1,C2,C3;
        my_full_adder fa0 (A[0],B[0],C0,S[0],C1);
        my_full_adder fa1 (A[1],B[1],C1,S[1],C2);
        my_full_adder fa2 (A[2],B[2],C2,S[2],C3);
        my_full_adder fa3 (A[3],B[3],C3,S[3],C4);
    //Testbench for 4 bit binary adder
    module test_4_bit;
         reg [3:0] A;
         reg [3:0] B;
         reg C0;
         wire [3:0] S;
         wire C4;
      four_bit_adder dut(.A(A),.B(B),.C0(C0),.S(S),.C4(C4));    
         initial begin
          #10 A = 4'b0011;B=4'b0011;C0 = 1'b0; 
          #10 A = 4'b1011;B=4'b0111;C0 = 1'b1; 
    	 initial begin
           $monitor("$time A=%b,B=%b,C0=%b,S=%b,C4=%b \n",A,B,C0,S,C4);

So , If you want to learn about Verilog , go and check out the links below -->

Verilog Tutorial for beginners

Verilog Tutorial - ASIC World