To start a new major release, begin by creating and pushing a release/
branch based on develop
Example Commands
git fetch
git checkout -b release/v15 origin/develop
git push origin release/v15
Most changes should first be merged into develop
then backported to the release branch via a PR.
Example Commands to Backport a Change
git fetch
git checkout -b my-backport-branch origin/release/v15
git cherry-pick <commit SHA from develop>
git push origin my-backport-branch
You can use github actions to create a release candidate:
- Create the release candidate tag with the following format (e.g., vx.x.x-rc) ex. v11.0.0-rc.
- Push the tag and the automation will take care of the rest
You may create the RC tag directly off develop
if a release branch has not been created yet. You should use the release branch if it exists and has diverged from develop.
By following these steps, you can efficiently create a release candidate for QA and validation. In the future we will make this automatically deploy to a testnet when a -rc branch is created. Currently, raising the proposal to deploy to testnet is a manual process via GovOps repo.
To create a release simply execute the publish-release workflow and follow these steps:
- Go to this pipeline:
- Select the release branch.
- In the version input, include the version of your release.
- The major version must match what is in the upgrade handler
- The version should look like this:
- Select if you want to skip the tests by checking the checkbox for skip tests.
- Once the testing steps pass it will create a Github Issue. This Github Issue needes to be approved by one of the approvers: kingpinXD,lumtis,brewmaster012
Once the release is approved the pipeline will continue and will publish the releases with the title / version you specified in the user input.