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Jepsen Cassandra Testing

This repository contains tests to understand Cassandra guarantees and invariants in various failure modes.

It uses the Jepsen library.

The docker directory contains tools to build a Docker container suitable for running Jepsen tests. I often run this container using a command like

docker run -it --privileged -v /jepsen/directory/on/host:/host jkni/jepsen

to run Jepsen tests under development.

The Jepsen library has diverged from upstream; before running any tests, run lein install from the jepsen directory. If you're using the Docker container, you'll want to run this command inside the container, not on your host system.


Breaking distributed systems so you don't have to.

Jepsen is a Clojure library. A test is a Clojure program which uses the Jepsen library to set up a distributed system, run a bunch of operations against that system, and verify that the history of those operations makes sense. Jepsen has been used to verify everything from eventually-consistent commutative databases to linearizable coordination systems to distributed task schedulers. It can also generate graphs of performance and availability, helping you characterize how a system responds to different faults. See for examples of the sorts of analyses you can carry out with Jepsen.

Design overview

A Jepsen test runs as a Clojure program on a control node. That program uses SSH to log into a bunch of db nodes, where it sets up the distributed system you're going to test using the test's pluggable os and db.

Once the system is running, the control node spins up a set of logically single-threaded processes, each with its own client for the distributed system. A generator generates new operations for each process to perform. Processes then apply those operations to the system using their clients. The start and end of each operation is recorded in a history. While performing operations, a special nemesis process introduces faults into the system--also scheduled by the generator.

Finally, the DB and OS are torn down. Jepsen uses a checker to analyze the test's history for correctness, and to generate reports, graphs, etc. The test, history, analysis, and any supplementary results are written to the filesystem under store/<test-name>/<date>/ for later review. Symlinks to the latest results are maintained at each level for convenience.

Setting up a Jepsen environment

Your local machine needs a JVM and leiningen 2 installed. Probably want JNA for SSH auth too.

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre openjdk-8-jre-headless libjna-java

For your db nodes, you'll need some (I use five) debian boxes. I run debian jessie, but some DBs don't need the latest packages so you might get away with an older distribution, or possibly ubuntu. Each one should be accessible from the control node via SSH. By default they're named n1, n2, n3, n4, and n5, but that (along with SSH username, password, identity files, etc) is all definable in your test. The account you use on those boxes needs sudo access to set up DBs, control firewalls, etc.

Be advised that tests may mess with clocks, add apt repos, run killall -9 on processes, and generally break things, so you shouldn't, you know, point jepsen at your prod machines unless you like to live dangerously, or you wrote the test and know exactly what it's doing.

See for some of my notes on setting up LXC instances.

Running a test

Once you've got everything set up, you should be able to run cd aerospike; lein test, and it'll spit out something like

INFO  jepsen.core - Analysis invalid! (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻

{:valid? false,
 {:valid? false,
  [[190 193 194]
   [199 200 201]
   [253 255 256]

Writing a test

If you don't know Clojure, you'll want to learn some of the basics. Try Clojure From the Ground Up and Clojure for the Brave and True. Or you can reimplement Jepsen's ideas in a language you do know. Either way's fine!

Jepsen tests are (surprise!) data structures. This makes it easier to programatically compose tests out of reusable, parameterizable pieces. See jepsen.core for an overview of test structure, and jepsen.core/run for the full definition of a test.


To start a new test for a database called "meowdb", create a new project using leiningen:

lein new jepsen.meowdb

In the jepsen.meowdb directory you'll find a project.clj, which defines the project's dependencies. Add the latest version of Jepsen, and whatever JVM libraries you'll need to talk to your database.

(defproject jepsen.meowdb "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "A Jepsen test for meowdb"
  :url ""
  :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
            :url ""}
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
                 [jepsen "0.0.6"]
                 [com.meowdb/meowdb-client "1.2.3"]])

We'll build up a Jepsen test in src/jepsen/meowdb.clj and run it from test/jepsen/meowdb_test.clj. Our test namespace is gonna use jepsen.core/run! to run a test--something like this:

(ns jepsen.meowdb-test
  (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
            [jepsen.core :refer [run!]]
            [jepsen.meowdb :as meowdb]))

(def version
  "What meowdb version should we test?"

(deftest basic-test
  (is (:valid? (:results (run! (meowdb/basic-test version))))))

Now we have to write that test for meowdb. This part's a little tougher. In src/jepsen/meowdb.clj we'll suck in a bunch of useful namespaces from Jepsen,

(ns jepsen.meowdb
  "Tests for MeowDB"
  (:require [ :refer :all]
            [clojure.core.reducers :as r]
            [ :as io]
            [clojure.string :as str]
            [clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
            [knossos.op :as op]
            [jepsen [client :as client]
                    [core :as jepsen]
                    [db :as db]
                    [tests :as tests]
                    [control :as c :refer [|]]
                    [checker :as checker]
                    [nemesis :as nemesis]
                    [generator :as gen]
                    [util :refer [timeout meh]]]
            [jepsen.control.util :as cu]
            [ :as cn]
            [jepsen.os.debian :as debian]))

And define a function that takes a version and spits out a Jepsen test for it:

(defn basic-test
  "A simple test of MeowDB's safety."

That's the function we called from jepsen.meowdb-test. Let's run the test now:

$ lein test

Testing jepsen.meowdb-test
INFO  jepsen.core - nemesis done
INFO  jepsen.core - Worker 0 starting
INFO  jepsen.core - Worker 4 starting
INFO  jepsen.core - Worker 0 done
INFO  jepsen.core - Worker 4 done
INFO  jepsen.core - Worker 1 starting
INFO  jepsen.core - Worker 2 starting
INFO  jepsen.core - Worker 3 starting
INFO  jepsen.core - Worker 2 done
INFO  jepsen.core - Worker 1 done
INFO  jepsen.core - Worker 3 done
INFO  jepsen.core - Run complete, writing
INFO - Wrote /home/aphyr/jepsen/jepsen.meowdb/store/noop/20150925T133126.000-0700/history.txt
INFO - Wrote /home/aphyr/jepsen/jepsen.meowdb/store/noop/20150925T133126.000-0700/results.edn
INFO  jepsen.core - Analyzing
INFO  jepsen.core - Analysis complete
INFO - Wrote /home/aphyr/jepsen/jepsen.meowdb/store/noop/20150925T133126.000-0700/history.txt
INFO - Wrote /home/aphyr/jepsen/jepsen.meowdb/store/noop/20150925T133126.000-0700/results.edn
INFO  jepsen.core - Everything looks good! ヽ(‘ー`)ノ

{:valid? true,
 :linearizable-prefix [],
 :worlds ({:model {}, :fixed [], :pending #{}, :index 0})}

Ran 1 tests containing 1 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.

OK, that's a start.

Writing a DB

jepsen.db defines a protocol for database lifecycle management--setting up and tearing down a DB between tests. We'll add a function that constructs a DB which closes over a particular version.

(defn db
  "Sets up and tears down MeowDB"
  (reify db/DB
    (setup! [_ test node]
      (info node "set up"))

    (teardown! [_ test node]
      (info node "tore down"))))

(defn basic-test
  "A simple test of MeowDB's safety."
  (merge tests/noop-test
         {:os debian/os
          :db (db version)}))

If you re-run the tests, you'll see Jepsen tearing down, starting up, and finally tearing down the database during the test. Well, it's not actually doing anything yet, but the log lines are there. :)

Jepsen automatically invokes setup and teardown on each node concurrently. jepsen.control provides functions for shell operations, and you'll find supplementary package-management things in jepsen.os.debian. For example:

; All calls within the su macro run as root

  ; Pull a file from resources/apt-prefs and write it to the remote filesystem
  (c/exec :echo (slurp (io/resource "apt-prefs"))
          :> "/etc/apt/preferences.d/00percona.pref")

  ; Install specific versions of packages
  (debian/install {:percona-xtradb-cluster-56 version})

  ; Arbitrary shell commands
  (c/exec :service :mysql :stop))

Since this is all code, you can break up the setup and teardown functions into smaller functions. Config files and the like can be stored in resources/, and you can template them for deployment for various nodes. See the Percona test for examples.

Writing a generator

Jepsen is focused around operations, which are Clojure maps with the following mandatory keys:

{:process   Which process evaluated this operation?
 :type      One of:
              - :invoke    This operation is beginning
              - :ok        The operation completed successfully
              - :fail      We know the operation didn't happen
              - :info      The operation crashed; it may take place at any
                           future time. The process which invoked it will never
                           be re-used; jepsen.core will spawn a new process and
                           client to maintain constant concurrency.
 :f         The function we're evaluating--e.g. :read, :write, :append, :lock
 :value     The value which was read/written/appended etc.}

:f and :value are completely arbitrary; you choose what functions exist in your domain model. The only thing that matters is that the client and checker agree on operation semantics.

A generator is a single stateful object that yields :invoke operations to processes. Each process asks the generator for an operation, applies it to the client, then comes back for another operation. Once a generator returns nil, it's empty and a process won't request any more from it. See jepsen.generator for more details.

Complex test schedules are built by composing simpler generators. Functions can be generators, as can literal operations (they return themselves). You can lift a sequence of ops into a generator, or write one completely from scratch.

(defn bank-read
  "Reads the current state of all accounts without any synchronization."
  [_ _]
  {:type :invoke, :f :read})

(defn bank-transfer
  "Transfers a random amount between two randomly selected accounts."
  [test process]
  (let [n (-> test :client :n)]
    {:type  :invoke
     :f     :transfer
     :value {:from   (rand-int n)
             :to     (rand-int n)
             :amount (rand-int 5)}}))

(defn generator []
    (->> (gen/mix [bank-read bank-diff-transfer])
         (gen/stagger 1/10)
         (gen/time-limit 100))
    (gen/log "waiting for quiescence")
    (gen/sleep 10)
    (gen/clients (gen/once bank-read)))

Note that generators need not provide a process ID; it will be automatically assigned by Jepsen.

Bind your generator into your test like so:

(merge noop-test
        :generator (generator)})

Remember, generators are stateful and cannot be re-used across tests. We have to construct a fresh one for every test.

Writing a client

Clients take :invoke operations, apply them to the system being tested (e.g. by making a network call) and return a corresponding completion operation with type :ok, :fail, or :info).

Clients have a stateful lifecycle, so you can bind resources like network sockets and release them when complete. The client you pass to your test is like a pluripotent stem cell--it is never used for applying operations, but can be specialized for use by a particular process. When a process starts, it calls (client/setup! original-client test some-node), which returns a copy of the client with any necessary resources allocated.

When Jepsen is done with a client, it calls (client/teardown! client test), and you can release resources there. For example, here's the client for an Aerospike test which implements a compare-and-set register. See how setup returns a copy of the client (this) with a fresh Aerospike client attached.

(defrecord CasRegisterClient [client namespace set key]
  (setup! [this test node]
    (let [client (connect node)]
      (put! client namespace set key {:value nil})
      (assoc this :client client)))

  (invoke! [this test op]
    (with-errors op #{:read}
      (case (:f op)
        :read (assoc op
                     :type :ok,
                     :value (-> client (fetch namespace set key) :bins :value))

        :cas   (let [[v v'] (:value op)]
                 (cas! client namespace set key
                       (fn [r]
                         ; Verify that the current value is what we're cas'ing
                         ; from
                         (when (not= v (:value r))
                           (throw (ex-info "skipping cas" {})))
                         {:value v'}))
                 (assoc op :type :ok))

        :write (do (put! client namespace set key {:value (:value op)})
                   (assoc op :type :ok)))))

  (teardown! [this test]
    (close client)))

(defn cas-register-client
  "A basic CAS register on top of a single key and bin."
  (CasRegisterClient. nil "jepsen" "cats" "mew"))

Note that invoke! always returns a copy of the invocation operation but with :type :ok. The with-errors macro catches exceptions and returns :type :info instead.

A wrapper function, cas-register-client, provides some default arguments for setting up a fresh client. Add a client to your test by merging in :client (cas-register-client).

Writing a checker

See jepsen/src/jepsen/checker.clj for some example checkers; Jepsen ships with checkers for counters, eventually consistent sets, queues, and linearizable systems, as well as some visualizations--for instance, latency and throughput graphs, both as scatterplots and quantiles. You can also write your own. For instance, this one from the Percona tests verifies every successful read in the history sees the correct total balance across all accounts, and that no balance is negative.

(defn bank-checker
  "Balances must all be non-negative and sum to the model's total."
  (reify checker/Checker
    (check [this test model history]
      (let [bad-reads (->> history
                           (r/filter op/ok?)
                           (r/filter #(= :read (:f %)))
                           (r/map (fn [op]
                                  (let [balances (:value op)]
                                    (cond (not= (:n model) (count balances))
                                          {:type :wrong-n
                                           :expected (:n model)
                                           :found    (count balances)
                                           :op       op}

                                         (not= (:total model)
                                               (reduce + balances))
                                         {:type :wrong-total
                                          :expected (:total model)
                                          :found    (reduce + balances)
                                          :op       op}))))
                           (r/filter identity)
                           (into []))]
        {:valid? (empty? bad-reads)
         :bad-reads bad-reads})))

This checker needs some information about the expected behavior of the system from the test's :model--in this case, the model is just a map with a :n key with the expected number of balances, and a :total key for the expected sum. The linearizability checker uses the model to verify singlethreaded execution over a datatype. Other checkers don't use a model at all.

Checkers always return a :valid? key which is true if the test passed. You can compose multiple checkers together; the composed checker is valid if all subcheckers pass.

(merge noop-test
  :checker (checker/compose {:perf (checker/perf)
                             :bank (bank-checker)}))


JSCH auth errors

You might be hitting a jsch bug which doesn't know how to read hashed known_hosts files. Remove all keys for the DB hosts from your known_hosts file, then:

ssh-keyscan -t rsa n1 >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh-keyscan -t rsa n2 >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh-keyscan -t rsa n3 >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh-keyscan -t rsa n4 >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh-keyscan -t rsa n5 >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

to add unhashed versions of each node's hostkey to your ~/.ssh/known_hosts.