Currently, the Rust implementation is being more actively developed especially for new features.
- Standardize data format to match the Rust implementation.
- Rust implementation as the backend.
- Improve performance reporting tools.
- Level 3 Market-By-Order backtesting (WIP).
- Data fusion to provide the most frequent and granular data using different streams with different update frequencies and market depth ranges.
- Support for writing Numpy compressed files and header checking.
- Adjust feed and order latency for exchanges located in different regions if the original feed and order latency data was collected at a different site.
- Implement Binance Futures Websocket Order APIs; currently, REST APIs are used for submitting orders.
- Add Binance market depth management mode; currently, only natural refresh is supported.
- Binance COIN-m Futures/Spot/Options
- Bybit (WIP)
- Coinbase
- Kraken
- Databento for the data feed
- Trad-fi
- Support Level 3 Market-By-Order for Live Bot.
- Support external connectors through IPC for multiple bots via a unified connection.
- Increase documentation and test coverage.
- Github workflow.
- Additional queue position model or exchange model.
- Implement interface for live bot orchestration
- Develop central orchestration app
- Integrate with Telegram
- Market making example using ARMA, ARIMA, or GARCH on the underlying asset.
- Example using different skew profiles for inventory management.
- Example demonstrating latency-aware actions.
- Example demonstrating the volume clock/event clock using