# Get dependency manager
make get_tools
dep ensure -v
# Update dependencies to match the constraints and overrides above
dep ensure -update -v
# Install the app into your $GOBIN
make install
# Now you should be able to run the following commands:
nsd help
nscli help
# Initialize configuration files and genesis file
nsd init --chain-id testchain
# Copy the `Address` output here and save it for later use
nscli keys add jack
# Copy the `Address` output here and save it for later use
nscli keys add alice
# Add both accounts, with coins to the genesis file
nsd add-genesis-account $(nscli keys show jack -a) 1000nametoken,1000jackcoin
nsd add-genesis-account $(nscli keys show alice -a) 1000nametoken,1000alicecoin
# Configure your CLI to eliminate need for chain-id flag
nscli config chain-id testchain
nscli config output json
nscli config indent true
nscli config trust-node true
# First check the accounts to ensure they have funds
nscli query account $(nscli keys show jack -a)
nscli query account $(nscli keys show alice -a)
# Buy your first name using your coins from the genesis file
nscli tx nameservice buy-name jack.id 5nametoken --from jack
# Set the value for the name you just bought
nscli tx nameservice set-name jack.id --from jack
# Try out a resolve query against the name you registered
nscli query nameservice resolve jack.id
# >
# Try out a whois query against the name you just registered
nscli query nameservice whois jack.id
# > {"value":"","owner":"cosmos1l7k5tdt2qam0zecxrx78yuw447ga54dsmtpk2s","price":[{"denom":"nametoken","amount":"5"}]}
# Alice buys name from jack
nscli tx nameservice buy-name jack.id 10nametoken --from alice