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Instructions to successfully build ILEAstic from GitHub

It appears there is an issue building the ILEAstic and NOXDB applications from the initial git close using an SSH terminal.

However the build process does seem to work via a QShell terminal. Not sure wht but it works.

The open project issue is: Install gmake issue #153

Site for ILEAstic

The issue with building from an SSH terminal

  • Before trying to QSH install I tried building via a bash session via an SSH terminal. I made sure that the /QOpenSys/pkgs/bin open source packages were in my search path. However when I tried the build steps as listed on the page from SSH, the build failed based on same error as issue #53 above.

  • Based on the issue, what I learned from the #153 issue is that I could build the ILEASTIC and NOXDB app libraries from the green screen using the QShell terminal interface.
    ❗I'm not sure why this works from QShell and not SSH, but it does build.

Clone and build steps from a 5250 session for building ILEASTIC

  • First review the on the ILEAstic site for build prerequisite requirements:

  • Sign on to a 5250 command line session with a user that has permissions to build code.

  • Set the multi-threaded env variable before starting/entering the QShell terminal.

  • Start QShell terminal via STRQSH command.

  • Set your path with following export statement from within QSH terminal:

export PATH=/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin:$PATH
  • Run the following commands from the QSH terminal to clone and build the project. Same steps as the ILEAstic site uses.
mkdir /prj
cd /prj 
git -c http.sslVerify=false clone --recurse-submodules
cd ILEastic
  • If all works as expected, the ILEASTIC library should exist with the following list of objects (WRKOBJPDM ILEASTIC):
BASE64      *PGM        RPGLE       ILEastic Example Server
DATACHUNKS  *PGM        RPGLE       ILEastic Example Server
FASTCGI01   *PGM        RPGLE       ILEastic Example Server
HEADER      *PGM        RPGLE       ILEastic Example Server
HELLOWORLD  *PGM        RPGLE       ILEastic Example Server
INVALIDREQ  *PGM        RPGLE       ILEastic Example Server
JSONDATA    *PGM        RPGLE       ILEastic Example Server
JSONP       *PGM        RPGLE       ILEastic Example Server
MULTROUTES  *PGM        RPGLE       ILEastic Example Server              
NOXDBCUST   *PGM        RPGLE       ILEastic Example Server              
PLUGIN      *PGM        RPGLE       ILEastic Example Server              
QUERYSTR    *PGM        RPGLE       ILEastic Example Server              
ROUTEID     *PGM        RPGLE       ILEastic Example Server              
SCHEDULER   *PGM        RPGLE       ILEastic Example Server              
STATICFILE  *PGM        RPGLE       ILEastic Example Server              
ILEASTIC    *SRVPGM     CLE         ILEastic - programable applicationserver for ILE
ILEFASTCGI  *SRVPGM     CLE                                           
JSONXML     *SRVPGM                                                   
H           *FILE       PF-SRC                                        
QCLLESRC    *FILE       PF-SRC                                        
QRPGLEREF   *FILE       PF-SRC                                        
QSRVSRC     *FILE       PF-SRC                                        
ILEASTIC    *BNDDIR                                                   
JSONXML     *BNDDIR                                                   

Now that the ILEASTIC library exists you are ready to start building HTTP server apps with ILEastic.

Re-visit the site to continue: