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Releases: riccardoperra/codeimage

v1.0.0 - Projects

12 Nov 10:54
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This new version of CodeImage introduces Projects; a dedicated space where you can save all your code snippets.

Development of these new features have been started in the middle of july with @hackpirodev, and finally the biggest part is done 🎊.

This is why CodeImage officially pass to version 1.0.


Schermata 2022-10-11 alle 08 56 51

Projects basically allows everyone to manage their snippets and save them remotely in order to access them from everywhere.

A new homepage for every user which has the authorization to use it will appear. This mean also you will be able to share publicly your snippets. In fact, each snippet have an unique uuid associated and present in the URL which will allows everyone to watch it in read-only modality.

Here's an example;

Projects will be available FOR FREE only for authenticated users.

Authentication system


Due to the necessity of persisting the project information on a backend server, we decided to allows these features only for authenticated users.

The authentication system integrates Auth0 in order to provide a easy and fast social login (Github) with in mind the possibility to choose also others social networks login method in the future.

Save snippets remotely

CodeImage projects introduce a new service into the core application: a backend server. We have opt-in for Fastify which is for us one of the best available choice in the current state of backend development.

Using a custom backend allows us to have 100% of control of what's inside our system. We've tried several solutions like Firebase, Supabase
etc. but we preferred moving to the stack Fastify - Prisma in order to provide also a good developer expericence, better type safety and flexibility.

The backend will be currently SELF-HOSTED without gain. At the moment the goal is to provide this service for free.

Pipeline with super-powers

We've also refactored our pipeline system in order to provide better CI/CD deployments, improving timings and centralizing everything.


UI Improvements

This new version introduces also new UI improvements and small changes in order to provide a better user experience.

Schermata 2022-10-11 alle 08 54 26


October is known by developers to be the month of hacktoberfest. I would like to thank all the contributors who help us with the dedicated issues:


  • Add shade of purple theme #365
  • Add Moonlight theme #372


  • Add Panda theme #366


  • Add Vitesse dark theme #305

What's next?

Most of the expected software thought when CodeImage started are completed, so now the focus will be splitted in two parts:

  • Core development (75%)
  • New features (25%)

Here some new things that are already planned and will be released soon 😄

  • ThemeBuilder: creates new theme for both CodeImage or your editor and share it to the world
  • Embeds: embed your snippets everywhere in a SEO-friendly way.
  • codeimage-ui: the ui kit of codeimage will be released as a standalone ui kit library for SolidJS


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.21.4...v1.0.0


03 Sep 18:03
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.21.3...v0.21.4


21 Aug 12:12
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.21.2...v0.21.3


14 Jul 09:23
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Poimandres theme is finally available to CodeImage thanks to @Kalmarv #301


What's Changed


  • Adding new themes is even easier with the new generate:theme command a2ab82d

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.21.1...v0.21.2


13 Jul 16:58
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.20.0...v0.21.1

v0.21.0 - Shadows

26 Jun 20:51
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This new version of CodeImage expands the number of the editor options and the list of available themes.
There are also some improvements to the UI core in order to integrate Motion One for animations and solid-aria for overlays, dialogs and popovers.

What's new


Until now, CodeImage snippets have always used a default, non-editable, shadow. From today, thanks to @hackpirodev contribution #287, you will be able to choose from a predefined set of shadows.

Available shadows

Currently, the list of available shadows is that:

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Bottom
  • 3D effect

Note Do you want to contribute and do you think we forgot to add a drop shadow, or do you want to improve an existing one? You can create an issue in order to discuss it

Github themes

Two new themes has been added into the theme switcher. Let's introduce Github Dark and Github Light!

Github Dark theme snippet Github Light theme snippet

New Locale

Spanish language has been added to CodeImage!

Other changes

There are some graphical improvements with this new version of CodeImage:

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.20.0...v0.21.0

v0.20.0 - Optimizations

14 Jun 22:17
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This is the first CodeImage version which mainly focus on improving bundle size and page loading. v0.20.0 is the first step following the hackathon end that manage to fix a part of the choices that had been made during the first months of development

  • Most of the packages has been reorganized, dividing the build content into several chunks to be loaded lazily.
  • Thanks to Suspense, each portion of the page that need to be rendered in an asynchronous way, will show a custom skeleton loading fallback until it's ready for use.

Example of suspense loading

Note Enabling the cache, loading will be significantly faster and loading will be halved. Service worker is currently disabled
Screenshot used for the the gif above have been made using "Slow 3G" and disabled cache, so each assets including fonts were loaded the first time

What's Changed

Performance results

Desktop (before)


Desktop (After)


Mobile (before)


Mobile (After)


Full Changelog: v0.19.2...v0.20.0


11 Jun 13:19
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Bug fixes

  • fix(app): fix frame resize computed size on devices with different pixelRatio by @alexandercerutti in #277

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.19.1...v0.19.2


09 Jun 21:21
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What's new

Bug fixes

Full Changelog: v0.19.0...v0.19.1

v0.19.0 - Multiple tabs

06 Jun 21:35
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Let's introduce multiple tabs support!


What's new

Multiple tabs

Thanks to @micnic feedback #257, CodeImage will support multiple tabs on the code editor 😃.

Tabs allow you to more easily group your snippets, and send them together when you want to share them on social networks.

They are responsive and adapt to the space, they are available for both accent and non-accent themes, but are currently limited to a max of six.

Also, you can drag and drop your tabs through the bar so you can reorder them as you like.

Note If you have never done this, you can use the shortcut Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V to copy and paste them anywhere! Currently this feature is limited to one item at a time.



Theme improvements

No new themes have been added, but some of them have been improved for both the highlighing and container colors, contrast accent etc.

Also, the image export now is mostly consistent between all browsers therefore some problems related to Safari have been solved.

What's changed

Bug fixes


  • Update package dependencies by @riccardoperra in #256
  • Add @codeimage/dom-export (fork of html-to-image) in library packages by @riccardoperra in #270
  • Query param state have been temporarily disabled

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.17.2...v0.19.0