- keyboard commands
- zoom
- mask movement, arrow keys
- fit to terminal size
- resize with window
- flag for mirroring image
- build peggyFrame (header + 13x13 bytes, 2 pixels per byte)
- i2c output of peggyFrame
- GetOpt / Boost.Program_options
- check about inline utf8
- learn c++
- document beaglebone to peggy circuit -- i2c setup w/ 5.6k pullup resistors on P9_19 and P9_20, BiDi level converter.
- v4l2-ctl examples
- ncurses
- 256 color support, 8-bit tty.
- Quantization for 3-bit color too, for ANSI terms?
- command line params - size, color, fullscreen
- check if background-color with spaces is better than \u2588 FULL BLOCK (avoid utf8 requirement)
- unicode dingbats character ramp for utf8 without 256 color? :-P