- Update documentation on
. - Fetch SINAN-CHAGAS data.
- Process SINAN-CHAGAS data.
- Fix message when downloading data for all UFs.
- Treat age field
on pre-processing SINAN on old files.
- Fix error on tabNaturalidade, issue #123. Thanks @SophiaDamianoRovere and @hafermoraes for the suggestions.
- Fix FANTASIA names on CNES, issue #125.
- Add leading zeros to CNES TIPO_UNID processing.
- Fix processing of
variable onprocess_sih
function (#113). - Use read.dbc package from Github repo.
- Update TP_UNID processing on
function (PR #112).
- Import read.dbc package from CRAN.
- Remove CADGER data.
- General package adjustments for CRAN submission.
- Examples of process functions use data samples.
- Update package citation.
- All process functions uses dplyr verbs and dtplyr for fast processing.
- All process functions returns a tibble.
- Add
argument tofetch_datasus
function to create a variable calledsource
with the file name that originated the row. - Updated CBO (CNES), CADGER (CNES), EQUIPE (SIA), SIGTAB (SIA) reference tables.
- Sample data for health information systems.
- Data files with XZ compression.
- Internal tests restructured.
- Progress bar removed from
due increased processing time.
- Enhance messages of
. - Timeout the connection check when DataSUS FTP is down or not reachable.
- If there is no Internet or the DataSUS FTP is down or not reachable, the
will returnNULL
. process_sim
shows a progress bar.
- Age correction for SINAN data.
- Patch to correct Invalid multibyte string error on chikungunya processing.
- process_sia and process_sih internally uses now data.table and dtplyr
- As the package {read.dbc} is not available on CRAN, this patch uses the Github version.
- Issue #89 points out that files from SIM-EXT older than 2006 present 7-digits variable lengths for CODMUNRES and CODMUNOCOR. Those codes are now truncated to 6-digits standard by process_sim function.
- Related to #66, #84 and #86. Some files are very big to download, especially those from SIA and SIH. A timeout argument was added to the fetch_datasus with a default of 240 seconds.
- process_sinasc pull request #91 fixes issue #90, related to CODOCUPMAE variable
- Related to #79, now the function process_sia downloads an updated version from the SIGTAB table from DataSUS when nome_proced is TRUE.
- process_sinasc correct old code for missing on ESCMAE
- process_sinasc with new codes to process sex variable, avoiding missing results.
- process_cnes corrections to avoid NA introduction by coercion.
- process_sih corrects MUNIC_RES type
- fetch_datasus function uses read.dbc function with as.is set to TRUE for better performance.
- Minor bugs corrections.
- process_cnes uses {data.table} backend for performance
- read.dbc is back on CRAN
- Patch to use development version of read.dbc package.
- Bug correction that impacted download of all UFs from monthly data health systems.
- Updated codes of tabNaturalidade
- SIA-PA fetch files bug corrected.
- Bug correction to download CNES-LT files.
- Bug correction to download all UFs.
- SINAN-Dengue bug correction.
- SINASC bug correction (ESCMAE2010).
- Ages in minute unit.
- Integrated download of old, current, and preliminar data.
- Tests correction
- Typo correcntion
- Bug correction for download with newer R versions.
- Bug correction at process_sia function.
- Bug correction at process_sim function.
- Updates SINAN functions for DataSUS changes in file structures, from per UF basis to all data (BR).
- Correct SIH COD_IDADE value 5 for ages above 100 years.
- Correct codmun handling for CNEST-ST data. Issue #38
- Check local Internet connection and DataSUS FTP server availability before download.
- Argument to fetch_datasus to stop download if there is an error.
- Now is possible to download preliminar data from SIM-DO and SIM-DOFET with "SIM-DO-PRELIM" as information system at fetch_datasus.
- Download and preprocess SINAN Malaria files.
- Update functions documentation.
- Download and preprocess SINAN Zika files.
- Minor error message corrections.
- Download and preprocess SINAN Chikungunya files.
- Minor correctiont at process_sinan_dengue function.
- Documentation correction process_sinan_dengue function.
- Document and export process_sinan_dengue function.
- Fix NAT_JUR field at CNES files.
- SINAN DENGUE files download and processing.
- Complete overhaul of the package, meeting current R package standards.
- All functions revised.
- SIH code tables updated for COVID-19.
- Process CNES ST and PF.
- Added a
file to track changes to the package.