The kernel accepts an Ada program piece by piece. A piece could be:
- A sequence of context clauses:
with Ada.Text_IO;
- A sequence of declarative items to be elaborated:
Name : constant String := "World";
- A sequence of statements to be executed:
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Hello " & Name);
Hello World
Note: If one of declarative item requires a completion, then it should be in the same cell:
package P is
procedure Proc;
package body P is
procedure Proc is
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Here is Proc!");
There are also some "magic" commands:
Available line magics:
%lsmagic? %alr? %%output? %%writefile? %gargs? %cargs? %largs? %bargs?
You can use %alr
magic command to install dependencies from the
Ada Library Repository. Only shared library
projects are supported.
%alr -q with spawn
Do you want to proceed?
Using default: Yes
Do you want Alire to automatically update your project file with the new dependency solution?
Using default: Yes
Do you want Alire to remember this choice?
Using default: No
After installing a crate with %alr
you can use its units in with
with Spawn.Environments;
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Spawn.Environments.System_Environment.Contains ("PATH")'Image);