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Documentation:Advanced features |
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Up to now, we have considered examples where the implementation of data-types is either predefined ( case), or generated by a tool ( case). One interesting contribution of is to be customizable. By defining a mapping between the signature formalism (%typeterm
, %op
, etc.) and the concrete implementation, it becomes possible to perform pattern matching against any data-structure and consider subtyping.
In this section, we consider that we have a library for representing tree based data structures. On another side, to be able to use , we consider the following abstract data-type:
%typeterm Nat
%op Nat zero()
%op Nat suc(Nat)
By doing so, we have defined a sort (Nat
), and two operators (zero
and suc
). When defining a mapping, the goal consists in explaining to Tom how the considered abstract data-type is implemented, and how a term (over this signature) can be de-constructed.
For expository reasons, the ATerm library is the library used to implement terms. However, any other tree/term based library could have been used instead.
In order to define a correct mapping, we have to describe how the algebraic sort (Nat
in our example) is implemented (by the ATermAppl
class). This is done via the implement
%typeterm Nat {
implement { ATermAppl }
The second part of the mapping definition consists in defining how the symbols (zero
and suc
) are represented in memory. This is done via the is_fsym
%op Nat zero() {
is_fsym(t) { t.getName().equals("zero") }
%op Nat suc(pred:Nat) {
is_fsym(t) { t.getName().equals("suc") }
get_slot(pred,t) { (ATermAppl)t.getArgument(0) }
In addition, get_slot
describes how to retrieve a subterm of a term.
Given a term built over the ATerm library, it becomes possible to perform pattern matching as previously explained.
When using the backquote construct (‘suc(suc(zero))
for example), has to know how to build a term in memory. For this purpose, we consider an extension of the signature definition formalism: the make
%op Nat zero() {
is_fsym(t) { t.getName().equals("zero") }
make { SingletonFactory.getInstance().makeAppl(
SingletonFactory.getInstance().makeAFun("zero",0,false)) }
%op Nat suc(pred:Nat) {
is_fsym(t) { t.getName().equals("suc") }
get_slot(pred,t) { (ATermAppl)t.getArgument(0) }
make(t) { SingletonFactory.getInstance().makeAppl(
SingletonFactory.getInstance().makeAFun("suc",1,false),t) }
The makeAFun
function has three arguments: the function name, the number of arguments and a boolean that indicates if the quotes are included in the function name or not.
Given this mapping, can be used as previously: the following function implements the addition of two Peano integers:
public ATermAppl plus(ATermAppl t1, ATermAppl t2) {
%match(t2) {
zero() -> { return t1; }
suc(y) -> { return `suc(plus(t1,y)); }
return null;
Let us suppose that we have a class Person
with two getters (getFirstname
and getLastname
). In order to illustrate the signature definition formalism, we try to redefine (without using ) the abstract data type for the sort Person
The first thing to do consists in defining the sort Person
%typeterm Person {
implement { Person }
is_sort(t) { t instanceof Person }
To avoid any confusion, we use the same name twice: the sort Person
is implemented by the class Person
. When declaring an operator, we defined the behavior as shown in the previous example:
%op Person person(firstname:String, lastname:String) {
is_fsym(t) { t instanceof Person }
get_slot(firstname,t) { t.getFirstname() }
get_slot(lastname,t) { t.getLastname() }
get_default(firstname) { "Bob" }
get_default(lastname) { "Doe" }
make(t0, t1) { new Person(t0, t1) }
In this example, we illustrate another possibility offered by : being able to know whether a term is rooted by a symbol without explicitly representing this symbol. The is_fsym(t)
construct should return true
when the term t
is rooted by the algebraic operator we are currently defining. In this example, we say that the term t
is rooted by the symbol person
when the object t
is implemented by an instance of the class Person
. By doing so, we do not explicitly represent the symbol person
, even if it could have been done via the reflective capabilities of (by using Person.getClass()
for example).
We also introduce the get_default(t)
optionnal construct in this example. It allows to set a default value to one or several fields of the operator. Then, those default values can be used as follow:
//use of lastname default value
//explicit notation
Person p1 = `person[firstname="John"];
//implicit notation
Person p2 = `person("John",_);
//use of firstname default value
Person p3 = `person[lastname="Dylan"];
//use of all default values
Person p4 = `person(_,_);
In this section, we show how to describe a type hierarchy between declared sorts.
Assuming the sort Person
defined above and supposing that we have a class Woman
with three getters (getFirstname
, getLastname
and getLastsinglename
), we define the sort Woman
%typeterm Woman extends Person {
implement { Woman }
is_sort(t) { t instanceof Woman }
Once more we use the same name twice: the sort Woman
is implemented by the class Woman
which extends the class Person
. We propagate this subtype relation in by declaring that Woman
is a subsort of (i.e. extends) Person
. Note that, as in , multiple inheritance is not allowed in since a sort can not be defined twice. The supertypes of a sort are obtained by reflexive and transitive closure over the direct supertype relation.
When declaring the operator Woman
, we define its behavior:
%op Woman woman(firstname:String, lastname:String, lastsinglename:String) {
is_fsym(t) { t instanceof Woman}
get_slot(firstname,t) { t.getFirstname() }
get_slot(lastname,t) { t.getLastname() }
get_slot(lastsinglename,t) { t.getLastsinglename() }
make(t0, t1, t2) { new Woman(t0, t1, t2) }
Given this mapping, when considering a subject of sort Person
is able to match patterns having the same sort Person
or a subsort as Woman
public void print(Person p) {
%match(p) {
woman(first,last,lastsingle)-> {
if (`last != `lastsingle) {
System.out.println("woman"+ `last + " " + `first + " is married.");
person(first,last) -> {
System.out.println("person "+ `last + " " + `first);
In this section, we show how to describe a mapping for associative operators.
%typeterm TomList {
implement { ArrayList }
equals(l1,l2) { l1.equals(l2) }
Assuming that the sort Element
is already defined, we can use the %oparray
construct to define an associative operator. We also have to explain to how to compute the size of a list, and how to access a given element. This is done via get_size
and get_element
%oparray TomList conc( Element* ) {
is_fsym(t) { t instanceof ArrayList }
get_element(l,n) { (ATermAppl)l.get(n) }
get_size(l) { l.size() }
make_empty(n) { myEmpty(n) }
make_append(e,l) { myAdd(e,(ArrayList)l) }
This construct is similar to %op
except that additional information have to be given: how to build an empty list (make_empty
), and how to add an element to a given list (make_append
). The auxiliary functions are defined as follows:
private static ArrayList myAdd(Object e,ArrayList l) {
return l;
private static ArrayList myEmpty(int n) {
ArrayList res = new ArrayList(n);
return res;
Usually, we use an associative operator to represent (in a abstract way) a list data structure. There are many ways to implement a list, but the two most well-known are the use of array based list, and the use of linked-list. The previously described mapping shows how to map an abstract list to an array based implementation.
offers another similar construct %oplist
to map an associative operator to a linked-list based implementation. When using the ATerm library for example, a possible implementation could be:
%typeterm TomTerm {
implement { aterm.ATermAppl }
equals(t1, t2) { t1==t2 }
%typeterm TomList {
implement { ATermList }
equals(l1,l2) { l1==l2 }
%oplist TomList conc( TomTerm* ) {
is_fsym(t) { t instanceof aterm.ATermList }
make_empty() { aterm.pure.SingletonFactory.getInstance().makeList() }
make_insert(e,l) { l.insert(e) }
get_head(l) { (aterm.ATermAppl)l.getFirst() }
get_tail(l) { l.getNext() }
is_empty(l) { l.isEmpty() }