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OIDC Kong / Keycloak #23

victorfunes opened this issue Oct 18, 2022 · 19 comments

OIDC Kong / Keycloak #23

victorfunes opened this issue Oct 18, 2022 · 19 comments


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I am trying to use your plugin to connect keycloak 19.0.2 with kong 3.0.0, but the introspection step seems not to be working properly as Kong always returns when I try to access to an API:
"message": "Unauthorized"

When I execute the request for introspection manually from Postman, it works perfectly using basic authentication (client_id and client_secret as user and password in the header, and the token in the body), so my assumption is that Keycloak expects this structure of request.

With this purpose, I have configured the OIDC plugin (using Konga by the way) defining the value of the field "token endpoint auth method" as "client_secret_basic".

After doing this, when I try to access the API, in the logs I can see the message:

2022/10/18 07:47:48 [debug] 1378#0: *190 [lua] openidc.lua:515: call_token_endpoint(): request body for introspection endpoint call: client_secret=(my client secret)&token=(my token)&client_id=(my client id)

Apparently, client_secret_basic is behaving as client_secret_post including the client_id and client_secret in the body instead of sending this info in the header as Keycloak expects.

Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance for your support.

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ruiengana commented Oct 18, 2022 via email

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Thank you for your quick answer! I am sure I am missing something in the configuration, but I cannot find it.
I have changed it back to client_secret_post, and now I get the first error I got (this is why I tried to change to client_secret_basic):

2022/10/18 13:52:34 [error] 1379#0: *1098 [kong] init.lua:290 [oidc] /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/plugins/oidc/utils.lua:122: header must be a string, client:, server: kong, request: "GET /api/welcome HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:8000" - - [18/Oct/2022:13:52:34 +0000] "GET /api/welcome HTTP/1.1" 500 42 "-" "PostmanRuntime/7.29.2"

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ruiengana commented Oct 18, 2022 via email

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victorfunes commented Oct 19, 2022

I have the same configuration, but still get the same error.
¿Maybe it could be something related to the credentials of the Kong consumer? My config is as follows:
"created_at": 1666102576,
"tags": null,
"consumer": {
"id": "2db8f9ad-c4aa-4bae-97c3-3202dd8806a9"
"rsa_public_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIj...(lalala)...QAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----",
"secret": "oaF...(lalala)...DTdy",
"key": (Keycloak Realm RS256 Kid),
"algorithm": "RS256",
"id": "efeef11f-b844-4a5d-95fa-3b3027fe7d60"

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I copy here also the oidc plugin config for more clarity:

"created_at": 1665503433,
"name": "oidc",
"service": null,
"protocols": [
"enabled": true,
"route": null,
"config": {
"timeout": null,
"realm": "MyRealm",
"validate_scope": "no",
"client_secret": "jHW...(lalala)...BQM",
"ssl_verify": "no",
"introspection_cache_ignore": "true",
"redirect_uri": null,
"response_type": "code",
"token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_post",
"ignore_auth_filters": null,
"logout_path": "/logout",
"revoke_tokens_on_logout": "no",
"redirect_after_logout_uri": "/",
"redirect_after_logout_with_id_token_hint": "no",
"post_logout_redirect_uri": null,
"bearer_jwt_auth_allowed_auds": [
"discovery": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/MyRealm/.well-known/openid-configuration",
"skip_already_auth_requests": "no",
"scope": "openid",
"session_secret": null,
"bearer_jwt_auth_enable": "yes",
"groups_claim": "groups",
"header_names": [],
"header_claims": [],
"disable_userinfo_header": "no",
"userinfo_header_name": "X-USERINFO",
"introspection_endpoint": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/MyRealm/protocol/openid-connect/token/introspect",
"disable_access_token_header": "no",
"access_token_header_name": "X-Access-Token",
"access_token_as_bearer": "yes",
"disable_id_token_header": "no",
"id_token_header_name": "X-ID-Token",
"introspection_endpoint_auth_method": null,
"unauth_action": "deny",
"bearer_jwt_auth_signing_algs": [
"recovery_page_path": null,
"client_id": "MyClientId",
"filters": null,
"bearer_only": "yes",
"use_jwks": "no"
"consumer": null,
"tags": null,
"id": "bf1f6dec-85fb-4084-8311-9360d32f30e8"

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ruiengana commented Oct 19, 2022 via email

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Ooops! Thank you for the clarification and your quick support!
I close the ticket, and please accept my apologies for the lack of knowledge.

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victorfunes commented Oct 20, 2022

I reopen this point, as I have continued working on it and in the logs, I see the introspection call succeeds but kong answers:
"message": "An unexpected error occurred"

You can see the introspection success here:

2022/10/20 11:53:05 [debug] 1378#0: *865 [lua] openidc.lua:515: call_token_endpoint(): request body for introspection endpoint call: client_secret=DYC...p8u&client_id=Client&token=eyJ...
2022/10/20 11:53:05 [debug] 1378#0: *865 [lua] openidc.lua:434: openidc_configure_proxy(): openidc_configure_proxy : don't use http proxy
2022/10/20 11:53:05 [debug] 1378#0: *865 [lua] openidc.lua:533: call_token_endpoint(): introspection endpoint response: {"exp":1666266998,"iat":1666266698,"jti":"cce13bc7-bed1-466d-895e-9d1583040082","iss":"http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/MyRealm","aud":"account","sub":"e5f73956-9753-4ade-aad1-115b34567fed","typ":"Bearer","azp":"Client","session_state":"77b...ce15","name":"Victor Funes","given_name":"Victor","family_name":"Funes","preferred_username":"[email protected]","email":"[email protected]","email_verified":true,"acr":"1","realm_access":{"roles":["offline_access","Client_User_Role","default-roles-client","uma_authorization"]},"resource_access":{"account":{"roles":["manage-account","manage-account-links","view-profile"]}},"scope":"email profile","sid":"77b60fd0-cbfb-4643-9a33-3dc7393bce15","client_id":"Client","username":"[email protected]","active":true}

The problem is just after this step of introspection when after the authorization kong has to call to the original endpoint:

2022/10/20 11:53:05 [debug] 1378#0: *865 [lua] handler.lua:141: introspect(): OidcHandler introspect succeeded, requested path: /mock/requests
2022/10/20 11:53:05 [error] 1378#0: *865 [kong] init.lua:290 [oidc] /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/plugins/oidc/utils.lua:122: header must be a string, client:, server: kong, request: "GET /mock/requests HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:8000" - - [20/Oct/2022:11:53:05 +0000] "GET /mock/requests HTTP/1.1" 500 42 "-" "PostmanRuntime/7.29.2"

I use for testing, and I have tested the service and the route in kong before adding OIDC, working properly.
After adding the OIDC plugin and configure it, I get this error.

@victorfunes victorfunes reopened this Oct 20, 2022
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ruiengana commented Oct 20, 2022 via email

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I start the environment with docker-compose, and I already have in the environment this level of log you are requesting (KONG_LOG_LEVEL=debug) as you can see in the extract of my yaml (unless I did something wrong like a typo):

image: revomatico/docker-kong-oidc:latest
container_name: kong
restart: always
user: kong
- postgres-kong
- kong-migrations
- kong-migrations-up
- KONG_ADMIN_ERROR_LOG=/dev/stderr
- KONG_PROXY_ERROR_LOG=/dev/stderr
- "KONG_LUA_PACKAGE_PATH=/opt/?.lua;/opt/?/init.lua;;"
- "KONG_PLUGINS=bundled,oidc"
- "KONG_PROXY_LISTEN=, http2 ssl"
- KONG_DATABASE=postgres
- KONG_PG_HOST=postgres-kong
- KONG_PG_PASSWORD=kongpassword
- postgres-kong
- kong-network
- "8000:8000/tcp"
- ""
- "8443:8443/tcp"
- ""
test: ["CMD", "kong", "health"]
interval: 10s
timeout: 10s
retries: 10

I also show you the service and the route configuration done in kong.
As I said, it works if I delete the OIDC plugin and try to access.

"updated_at": 1666266370,
"host": "",
"path": null,
"enabled": true,
"id": "93cea7e5-35ab-406b-a016-584b2ebd821b",
"retries": 5,
"write_timeout": 60000,
"tags": [],
"ca_certificates": null,
"port": 8080,
"tls_verify": null,
"client_certificate": null,
"tls_verify_depth": null,
"protocol": "http",
"name": "MockbinService",
"read_timeout": 60000,
"connect_timeout": 60000,
"created_at": 1666265649,
"extras": {
"createdUser": null,
"updatedUser": null,
"kong_node_id": "1",
"service_id": "93cea7e5-35ab-406b-a016-584b2ebd821b",
"createdAt": "2022-10-20T11:34:09.137Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-10-20T11:46:10.368Z",
"id": 1

"updated_at": 1666266410,
"headers": null,
"path_handling": "v1",
"id": "80ee30b0-4691-4ceb-943c-9cc203d7ffb2",
"snis": null,
"strip_path": true,
"tags": null,
"hosts": null,
"service": {
"id": "93cea7e5-35ab-406b-a016-584b2ebd821b"
"destinations": null,
"paths": [
"methods": null,
"request_buffering": true,
"response_buffering": true,
"sources": null,
"name": "MockbinRoute",
"https_redirect_status_code": 426,
"protocols": [
"preserve_host": false,
"regex_priority": 0,
"created_at": 1666265686

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ruiengana commented Oct 21, 2022 via email

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I hope this helps.
Something I realized taking these logs: if I disable OIDC plugin it keeps failing with the same error, I need to delete it to avoid failure. It is a really strange behaviour...

--------- Logs for the call with OIDC driver configured ------------
INTROSPECT SUCCESS: 2022/10/21 09:35:40
ERROR: 2022/10/21 09:35:40

2022/10/21 09:35:37 [debug] 1389#0: *185 [lua] init.lua:288: [cluster_events] polling events from: 1666343729.975
2022/10/21 09:35:39 [info] 1389#0: *189 client closed connection while waiting for request, client:, server:
2022/10/21 09:35:39 [debug] 1389#0: *188 [lua] openidc.lua:515: call_token_endpoint(): request body for introspection endpoint call: token=eyJ...6Tw&client_secret=DYC...p8u&client_id=Client
2022/10/21 09:35:39 [debug] 1389#0: *188 [lua] openidc.lua:434: openidc_configure_proxy(): openidc_configure_proxy : don't use http proxy
2022/10/21 09:35:40 [debug] 1389#0: *188 [lua] openidc.lua:533: call_token_endpoint(): introspection endpoint response: {"exp":1666345212,"iat":1666344912,"jti":"d4d8e6bc-ee84-41e8-bb46-1d74fab3b351","iss":"http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/MyRealm","aud":"account","sub":"e5f73956-9753-4ade-aad1-115b34567fed","typ":"Bearer","azp":"Client","session_state":"6d4b8a2b-ed63-43cb-875f-d32c10f17341","name":"Victor Funes","given_name":"Victor","family_name":"Funes","preferred_username":"[email protected]","email":"[email protected]","email_verified":true,"acr":"1","realm_access":{"roles":["offline_access","Client_User_Role","default-roles-client","uma_authorization"]},"resource_access":{"account":{"roles":["manage-account","manage-account-links","view-profile"]}},"scope":"email profile","sid":"6d4b8a2b-ed63-43cb-875f-d32c10f17341","client_id":"Client","username":"[email protected]","active":true}
2022/10/21 09:35:40 [debug] 1389#0: *188 [lua] handler.lua:141: introspect(): OidcHandler introspect succeeded, requested path: /mock/requests
2022/10/21 09:35:40 [error] 1389#0: *188 [kong] init.lua:290 [oidc] /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/plugins/oidc/utils.lua:122: header must be a string, client:, server: kong, request: "GET /mock/requests HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:8000" - - [21/Oct/2022:09:35:40 +0000] "GET /mock/requests HTTP/1.1" 500 42 "-" "PostmanRuntime/7.29.2"
2022/10/21 09:35:42 [debug] 1389#0: *177 [lua] init.lua:288: [cluster_events] polling events from: 1666343729.975
2022/10/21 09:35:47 [debug] 1389#0: *157 [lua] init.lua:288: [cluster_events] polling events from: 1666343729.975
2022/10/21 09:35:52 [debug] 1389#0: *173 [lua] init.lua:288: [cluster_events] polling events from: 1666343729.975

-------------- Logs for the call without OIDC driver configured (including plugin deletion) -------------

SUCCESS CALL: 2022/10/21 09:45:37

2022/10/21 09:44:47 [debug] 1389#0: *3 [lua] callback.lua:114: do_event(): worker-events: handling event; source=dao:crud, event=delete, wid=nil
2022/10/21 09:44:47 [debug] 1389#0: *3 [lua] init.lua:214: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'plugins:oidc:::::91fa34c5-8276-4056-b049-533f47e9cbc1'
2022/10/21 09:44:47 [debug] 1389#0: *3 [lua] init.lua:230: invalidate(): [DB cache] broadcasting (cluster) invalidation for key: 'plugins:oidc:::::91fa34c5-8276-4056-b049-533f47e9cbc1'
2022/10/21 09:44:47 [debug] 1389#0: *149 [lua] broker.lua:73: broadcast_events(): event published to 1 workers
2022/10/21 09:44:47 [debug] 1389#0: *232 [lua] init.lua:23: poll(): worker-events: emulate poll method
2022/10/21 09:44:47 [debug] 1389#0: *3 [lua] callback.lua:114: do_event(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, wid=0
2022/10/21 09:44:47 [debug] 1389#0: *3 [lua] callback.lua:114: do_event(): worker-events: handling event; source=crud, event=plugins, wid=nil
2022/10/21 09:44:47 [debug] 1389#0: *3 [lua] handler.lua:506: [events] Plugin updated, invalidating plugins iterator
2022/10/21 09:44:47 [debug] 1389#0: *3 [lua] init.lua:214: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'plugins_iterator:version'
2022/10/21 09:44:47 [debug] 1389#0: *3 [lua] init.lua:230: invalidate(): [DB cache] broadcasting (cluster) invalidation for key: 'plugins_iterator:version' - kong [21/Oct/2022:09:44:47 +0000] "DELETE /plugins/7847568c-1ca2-486b-9222-2b3fd4c19574 HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "-"
2022/10/21 09:44:47 [debug] 1389#0: *149 [lua] broker.lua:73: broadcast_events(): event published to 1 workers
2022/10/21 09:44:47 [debug] 1389#0: *3 [lua] callback.lua:114: do_event(): worker-events: handling event; source=crud, event=plugins:delete, wid=nil
2022/10/21 09:44:47 [debug] 1389#0: *3 [lua] callback.lua:114: do_event(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, wid=0
2022/10/21 09:44:52 [debug] 1389#0: *221 [lua] init.lua:288: [cluster_events] polling events from: 1666343729.975
2022/10/21 09:44:57 [debug] 1389#0: *200 [lua] init.lua:288: [cluster_events] polling events from: 1666345492.233
2022/10/21 09:45:02 [debug] 1389#0: *210 [lua] init.lua:288: [cluster_events] polling events from: 1666345492.233
2022/10/21 09:45:07 [debug] 1389#0: *196 [lua] init.lua:288: [cluster_events] polling events from: 1666345492.233
2022/10/21 09:45:11 [debug] 1389#0: *230 [lua] init.lua:1077: balancer(): setting address (try 1):
2022/10/21 09:45:11 [debug] 1389#0: *230 [lua] init.lua:1106: balancer(): enabled connection keepalive (pool=|8080, pool_size=60, idle_timeout=60, max_requests=100)
2022/10/21 09:45:12 [debug] 1389#0: *194 [lua] init.lua:288: [cluster_events] polling events from: 1666345492.233
2022/10/21 09:45:17 [debug] 1389#0: *221 [lua] init.lua:288: [cluster_events] polling events from: 1666345492.233
2022/10/21 09:45:22 [debug] 1389#0: *205 [lua] init.lua:288: [cluster_events] polling events from: 1666345492.233
2022/10/21 09:45:27 [debug] 1389#0: *215 [lua] init.lua:288: [cluster_events] polling events from: 1666345492.233
2022/10/21 09:45:35 [info] 1389#0: *2 [lua] super.lua:161: scaling_log(): [timer-ng] load_avg: 0.07489224137931, runable_jobs_avg: 2.3965517241379, alive_threads_avg: 32, context: ngx.timer
2022/10/21 09:45:37 [debug] 1389#0: *206 [lua] init.lua:288: [cluster_events] polling events from: 1666345492.233 - - [21/Oct/2022:09:45:42 +0000] "GET /mock/requests HTTP/1.1" 522 7152 "-" "PostmanRuntime/7.29.2"
2022/10/21 09:45:47 [debug] 1389#0: *199 [lua] init.lua:288: [cluster_events] polling events from: 1666345492.233
2022/10/21 09:45:52 [debug] 1389#0: *206 [lua] init.lua:288: [cluster_events] polling events from: 1666345492.233
2022/10/21 09:45:57 [debug] 1389#0: *221 [lua] init.lua:288: [cluster_events] polling events from: 1666345492.233

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ruiengana commented Oct 21, 2022

According to log the error 2022/10/21 09:35:40 [error] 1389#0: *188 [kong] init.lua:290 [oidc] /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/plugins/oidc/utils.lua:122: header must be a string, client:, server: kong, request: "GET /mock/requests HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:8000" seems to be the culprit of it.

  if credential and credential.username then
    set_header(constants.HEADERS.CREDENTIAL_IDENTIFIER, credential.username)

It seems that constants.HEADERS.CREDENTIAL_IDENTIFIER is not defined...

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@christichiru, can't find a way to bring you to the conversation, only found the assign button (sorry about that) :P

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I saw this error and the source code, and looking in the original file of kong ( it is indeed defined:

CREDENTIAL_IDENTIFIER = "X-Credential-Identifier"

So my assumption was I was doing something wrong from the configuration point of view.

I did not install kong by myself, but as you can see in my docker-compose, the image I am using is:

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cristichiru commented Oct 21, 2022

The weird part is that the constant is defined, as expected. The issue has a different cause root cause, but the message is misleading. Those constants are used exactly like in many other plugins (the onses bundled with kong).


This is from the latest docker-kong-oidc image.

@victorfunes can you please use image tag 3.0.0-6 instead of latest?

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Now the situation changes: introspection is failing because Realm is not found in Keycloak (but I checked the Realm several times and exists), and if I use the token and execute from Postman manually introspection, it works without issues.

The logs are:

2022/10/21 14:17:27 [debug] 1379#0: *427 [lua] init.lua:288: [cluster_events] polling events from: 1666361782.812
2022/10/21 14:17:30 [info] 1379#0: *455 client closed connection while waiting for request, client:, server:
2022/10/21 14:17:30 [debug] 1379#0: *456 [lua] openidc.lua:515: call_token_endpoint(): request body for introspection endpoint call: token=eyJ...p8u
2022/10/21 14:17:30 [debug] 1379#0: *456 [lua] openidc.lua:434: openidc_configure_proxy(): openidc_configure_proxy : don't use http proxy
2022/10/21 14:17:30 [debug] 1379#0: *456 [lua] openidc.lua:533: call_token_endpoint(): introspection endpoint response: {"error":"Realm does not exist"} - - [21/Oct/2022:14:17:30 +0000] "GET /mock/requests HTTP/1.1" 401 30 "-" "PostmanRuntime/7.29.2"

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victorfunes commented Oct 21, 2022

Additional info: the test I do with introspection is using the auth token given directly by Keycloak.
I tested with the token in the logs of kong and introspection also works from Postman (initially I got an error because a the end it had concatenated the &client_id=Client&client_secret=XXXXXXXXX, and I did not realize).

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Please, let me know if I can help providing any other information.
The issue still persists.
Thank you!

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