+ The Evolution of Trust: Feetnotes
"The Evolution of Trust"
This interactive guide is heavily based off Robert Axelrod's groundbreaking 1984 book, The Evolution of Cooperation! I was also heavily inspired by his 1997 sequel, The Complexity of Cooperation, and Robert Putnam's 2000 book on America's declining "social capital", Bowling Alone.
yes i'm a bookworm nerd, plz don't bully me
"Fewer and fewer people say they trust each other"
To see a thorough statistical take on this, check out Our World In Data. Mmmm stats
"The Game of Trust"
This game is also known in game theory as the infamous Prisoner's Dilemma. The Prisoner's Dilemma is named after a story where two suspects can either squeal on their partner-in-crime ("cheat"), or stay silent ("cooperate"). I chose not to do this story because 1) in this case, both players "cooperating" would be bad for society, and 2) it's unrealistic, everyone knows that snitches get stitches
"You won't know in advance when the last round is"
In the repeated game of trust (also known as Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma), it's important that neither player knows when the last round is. Why? Think about it - on the last round, both players would know their action has no consequence, so they'd both cheat. But that means in the second-last round, their actions can't change the next round, so they'd also both cheat. But that means in the third-last round... etc etc.
This strategy is better known in game theory as Tit For Tat. It was created by Anatol Rapoport in 1980, for Robert Axelrod's game theory tournament. I chose not to use the name "Tit For Tat" because 1) it sounds mean, although it's a nice & fair strategy, and 2) a lot of the public have already heard about Tit For Tat, so if I used that name, players might just place their bets on this character because they've already heard of "Tit For Tat".
There's a new, super-young interdisciplinary field that I'm really excited by, called Cultural Evolution. Admittedly, it's a bad name, not least because it sounds uncomfortably close to "Social Darwinism". Which it's not. Pinky promise.
One core part of Cultural Evolution Theory is culture evolves the same way life does: through variation & selection. Variation: people differ in beliefs & behaviors, and invent new ones almost every day. Selection: people try to imitate their heroes & elders, and adopt their beliefs/behaviors.
(Note: this is not quite Richard Dawkin's "meme" theory. "Meme" implies, that, like genes, ideas come in discrete chunks & replicate with high fidelity. This is obviously untrue. Also you can't say "meme" with a straight face these days, so whatever)
The reason why I think Cultural Evolution is so promising, is that it could integrate all the human sciences: psychology, sociology, economics, anthropology, political science, neuroscience, biology. The greatest problems of our time do not obey conventional academic boundaries -- so, it's about dang time we created a common language between the sciences and humanities.
If you want to learn more about Cultural Evolution Theory, I highly recommend Joseph Heinlich's 2015 book, The Secret of Our Success!
"[Always Cheat's] exploitativeness was its downfall"
You may have heard that someone found a player strategy that can "exploit evolution". From the Scientific American: "[Press & Dyson's results] suggested the best strategies were selfish ones that led to extortion, not cooperation."
Press & Dyson's findings are really important, but Scientific American confused two different uses of the word "evolutionary". The first use, the way this interactive guide used it, was to mean that the tournament's population changes over time. The second use, the way P&D meant it, was that the player's rules changes over time. For example: Detective is "evolutionary" since it changes its own rules, while Copycat is not "evolutionary" since it sticks to its principles.
So, P&D found strategies that could exploit "evolutionary" players like Detective, but their strategies still could not exploit the evolution of the tournament, because in the long run, fair & nice strategies still win.
"We have fewer friends -- period."
Seriously, go read Robert Putnam's 2000 book, Bowling Alone. Yeah it's a bit outdated by now, 17 years later, but its core findings and lessons are still true as ever -- probably even more so.
Because, contrary to popular belief, coming up with Win-Win solutions is hard, takes lots of effort, and is emotionally painful. Heck, I'd go even further – I'd say our culture's default stance of Win-Lose "us versus them" is the easy path, the lazy path, the equivalent of activism junk food.
Anyway. Exaggerations aside, I strongly believe "Win-Win" / "Non-Zero-Sum" is something we all urgently need -- in our personal lives, social lives, and definitely political lives.
Just like how Copycat's original name was Tit For Tat, Copykitten's original name is Tit For Two Tats. Same rule: Cooperate, unless the other players cheats twice in a row.
There's another forgiving variant of Tit For Tat called Generous Tit For Tat. It's got a similar but slightly different rule: Cooperate, but when the other player cheats, forgive them with a X% chance. This design, with the variable "X", lets you set different "forgiveness" levels for the player.
Also known as Pavlov, or Win-Shift-Lose-Stay.
"Our modern media [...] has increased our miscommunication"
I'm only in my twenties, I don't know why I always sound like an old grump shaking my fist at a cloud. But, yeah, anyway, go read Neil Postman's 1985 book, Amusing Ourselves To Death. It's about how the communications technology we use subtly shapes our culture ("the medium is the message") and how technology that is biased towards quick & fast information (TV in 1985, social media now) turns us all into trivial, short-term thinkers.
Although I don't agree with everything in his book, it's a real eye-opener, and surprisingly prescient for 1985. His rant against Sesame Street is kinda weird, though.
Giving advice can come off as condescending, so let me be perfectly honest: I do not have any of this figured out, personally. I'm bad at developing friendships, especially with people of different political views than me. I occasionally forget about win-wins, and lapse into "us versus them" thinking. And judging by this rambling, I'm also still terrible at communicating clearly.
But I want to get better. This stuff is hard. Building peace & trust in the world, from the bottom up, is hard.
And that's why it's worth it. <3
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+**"The Evolution of Trust"**
+This interactive guide is heavily based off Robert Axelrod's groundbreaking 1984 book, [The Evolution of Cooperation](https://www.amazon.com/Evolution-Cooperation-Revised-Robert-Axelrod/dp/0465005640)! I was also heavily inspired by his 1997 sequel, [The Complexity of Cooperation](http://press.princeton.edu/titles/6144.html), and Robert Putnam's 2000 book on America's declining "social capital", [Bowling Alone](http://bowlingalone.com/).
+yes i'm a bookworm nerd, plz don't bully me
+**"Fewer and fewer people say they trust each other"**
+To see a thorough statistical take on this, check out [Our World In Data](https://ourworldindata.org/trust). Mmmm stats~
+**"The Game of Trust"**
+This game is also known in game theory as the infamous *Prisoner's Dilemma*. The Prisoner's Dilemma is named after a story where two suspects can either squeal on their partner-in-crime ("cheat"), or stay silent ("cooperate"). I chose not to do this story because 1) in this case, both players "cooperating" would be bad for society, and 2) it's unrealistic, everyone knows that snitches get stitches
+**"You won't know in advance when the last round is"**
+In the repeated game of trust (also known as *Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma*), it's important that neither player knows *when* the last round is. Why? Think about it - on the last round, both players would know their action has no consequence, so they'd both cheat. But that means in the second-last round, their actions can't change the next round, so they'd also both cheat. But that means in the third-last round... etc etc.
+This strategy is better known in game theory as *Tit For Tat*. It was created by Anatol Rapoport in 1980, for Robert Axelrod's game theory tournament. I chose not to use the name "Tit For Tat" because 1) it *sounds* mean, although it's a nice & fair strategy, and 2) a lot of the public have already heard about Tit For Tat, so if I used that name, players might just place their bets on this character because they've already heard of "Tit For Tat".
+**"You may be skeptical about the Christmas Truce"**
+There was another guy who was skeptical, too. During the truce, a German corporal remarked with disgust, ["Such a thing should not happen in wartime. Have you no German sense of honor?"](http://time.com/3643889/christmas-truce-1914/)
+That man was Adolf Hitler.
+You can't make this sh\*t up.
+**"For culture to evolve"**
+There's a new, super-young interdisciplinary field that I'm really *excited* by, called *Cultural Evolution*. Admittedly, it's a bad name, not least because it sounds uncomfortably close to "Social Darwinism". Which it's not. Pinky promise.
+One core part of Cultural Evolution Theory is culture evolves the same way life does: through variation & selection. Variation: people differ in beliefs & behaviors, and invent new ones almost every day. Selection: people try to imitate their heroes & elders, and adopt their beliefs/behaviors.
+(Note: this is *not* quite Richard Dawkin's "meme" theory. "Meme" implies, that, like genes, ideas come in discrete chunks & replicate with high fidelity. This is obviously untrue. Also you can't say "meme" with a straight face these days, so whatever)
+The reason why I think Cultural Evolution is so promising, is that it could integrate *all* the human sciences: psychology, sociology, economics, anthropology, political science, neuroscience, biology. The greatest problems of our time do not obey conventional academic boundaries – so, it's about dang time we created a common language between the sciences and humanities.
+If you want to learn more about Cultural Evolution Theory, I highly recommend Joseph Heinlich's 2015 book, [The Secret of Our Success](http://press.princeton.edu/titles/10543.html)!
+**"[Always Cheat's] exploitativeness was its downfall"**
+You may have heard that someone found a player strategy that can "exploit evolution". From the [Scientific American](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/game-theory-calls-cooperation-into-question1/): "[Press & Dyson's results] suggested the best strategies were selfish ones that led to extortion, not cooperation."
+Press & Dyson's findings *are* really important, but Scientific American confused two different uses of the word "evolutionary". The first use, the way this interactive guide used it, was to mean that the *tournament's population* changes over time. The second use, the way P&D meant it, was that the *player's rules* changes over time. For example: Detective is "evolutionary" since it changes its own rules, while Copycat is *not* "evolutionary" since it sticks to its principles.
+So, P&D found strategies that could exploit "evolutionary" *players* like Detective, but their strategies _still could not exploit the evolution of the tournament_, because in the long run, fair & nice strategies still win.
+**"We have fewer friends -- period."**
+Seriously, go read Robert Putnam's 2000 book, [Bowling Alone](http://bowlingalone.com/). Yeah it's a bit outdated by now, 17 years later, but its core findings and lessons are still true as ever -- probably even more so.
+**"Non-zero-sum game" / "Win-Win"**
+This is kinda cheesy, but I still adore the 1989 book, [The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People](https://www.amazon.com/Habits-Highly-Effective-People-Powerful/dp/0743269519) -- especially Habit #4: Think Win-Win.
+Because, contrary to popular belief, coming up with Win-Win solutions is hard, takes lots of effort, and is emotionally painful. Heck, I'd go even further – I'd say our culture's default stance of Win-Lose "us versus them" is the easy path, the lazy path, the equivalent of activism junk food.
+Anyway. Exaggerations aside, I strongly believe "Win-Win" / "Non-Zero-Sum" is something we all urgently need -- in our personal lives, social lives, and _definitely_ political lives.
+Just like how Copycat's original name was Tit For Tat, Copykitten's original name is *Tit For Two Tats*. Same rule: Cooperate, unless the other players cheats *twice* in a row.
+There's another forgiving variant of Tit For Tat called *Generous Tit For Tat*. It's got a similar but slightly different rule: Cooperate, but when the other player cheats, forgive them with a X% chance. This design, with the variable "X", lets you set different "forgiveness" levels for the player.
+Also known as Pavlov, or Win-Shift-Lose-Stay.
+**"Our modern media [...] has increased our miscommunication"**
+I'm only in my twenties, I don't know why I always sound like an old grump shaking my fist at a cloud. But, yeah, anyway, go read Neil Postman's 1985 book, [Amusing Ourselves To Death](https://www.amazon.com/Amusing-Ourselves-Death-Discourse-Business/dp/014303653X). It's about how the communications technology we use subtly shapes our culture ("the medium is the message") and how technology that is biased towards quick & fast information (TV in 1985, social media now) turns us all into trivial, short-term thinkers.
+Although I don't agree with _everything_ in his book, it's a real eye-opener, and surprisingly prescient for 1985. His rant against Sesame Street is kinda weird, though.
+**"Build relationships. Find win-wins. Communicate clearly."**
+Giving advice can come off as condescending, so let me be perfectly honest: I do *not* have any of this figured out, personally. I'm bad at developing friendships, especially with people of different political views than me. I occasionally forget about win-wins, and lapse into "us versus them" thinking. And judging by this rambling, I'm also still terrible at communicating clearly.
+But I want to get better. This stuff is *hard*. Building peace & trust in the world, from the bottom up, is *hard*.
+And that's why it's worth it. <3
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+ The Evolution of Trust: Supporters!
+ “The Evolution of Trust” was created thanks to the generosity
+ of my supporters on Patreon!
+ Speaking of whom, here they are. THE COOLEST PEEPS:
+ Aimee Jarboe
+ Alex Dytrych
+ Andy Ellis
+ Chad Sansing
+ Dylan Field
+ Jared Cosulich
+ Josef Komenda
+ Kate Fractal
+ LJ Teitelbaum
+ Mark McCartney
+ Matt Hughes
+ Michael Duke
+ Michael Huff
+ Natalie Sun
+ Noel Lehmann
+ Pablo Molins
+ Phil Dougherty
+ Sean Riley
+ Serena Casanova
+ Toph Tucker
+ Travis Ross
+ Yu-Han Kuo
Bob Wise
Brianna Bergen
Cedric Rossi
Chris Hallacy
David McMullin
Eli Jeschke
Eli Levine
Fred Tschepp
Freddie Firth
Glen E. Ivey
Iago Medeiros Cordeiro
Joe Shumaker
Karen Cooper
Klemen Slavic
Leslie Robinson
Linda Liukas
Mark Poko
Nelson Crespo
Nimrod Kimhi
Olivia Brode-Roger
Peter Kadlot
Philippe Vallotti
Rob Napier
The Arkadia
Thomas de Rego
Tom Lieber
William O'Hanley
Zach Smith
+ 3Blue1Brown
+ Adam M. Smith
+ Andrew
+ Andy
+ Ansh Patel
+ Aria Minaei
+ Artemiy Solopov
+ Aschelon
+ ben fei
+ Benjamin Wasty
+ Bill
+ Billy Madison
+ Boondoggle
+ Brandon
+ Brent Werness
+ Brian Wu
+ Brie Code
+ Bruno Chagas Macedo Carvalho
+ Bruno Guerrero
+ Buster Benson
+ Casey Ross
+ Charlie McIlwain
+ Christopher
+ Colin
+ Colin #2
+ Cort Stratton
+ Craig Protzel
+ Craig Steele
+ Daniel Horowitz
+ Daniel Shiffman
+ Dave Tu
+ David Smit
+ Dylan Meconis
+ emily hutchison
+ Eric Willisson
+ Fabio Utzig
+ Fahrstuhl
+ Forrest Oliphant
+ Frank Leon Rose
+ Grimy
+ Heather Weaver
+ Hed Bar-Nissan
+ Henry Reich
+ iphenox
+ J. Hu
+ Jacob Christian Munch-Andersen
+ Jacques Frechet
+ James Hogan
+ Jamie Gilyazetdinov
+ Jan Kölling
+ Janusz Leidgens
+ Jason Brennan
+ Jeanne Kramer-Smyth
+ Jeff Lindsay
+ Jeff Long
+ JMyong
+ Joel
+ Johannes Wärn
+ John Hergenroeder
+ John Stout
+ John_Ca
+ Johnny Owens
+ Jonathan
+ Joshua Horowitz
+ Julia Karmo
+ Justin
+ Karishma Bhatia
+ Kat Suricata
+ Kathryn Long
+ Keith Olson
+ Kevin McGillivray
+ Kevin
+ Landy Manderson
+ Lawrence
+ Linda Booth Sweeney
+ Luming Hao
+ Maic Lopez Saenz
+ Malcolm Ocean
+ Margaret Monahan
+ Mark Trexler
+ Mark Wilson
+ Matt ""Kupo" Roszak"
+ May-Li Khoe
+ Mekki MacAulay
+ Memo Akten
+ Michael Sargent
+ Miguel Sicart
+ Milan Pingel
+ Monika Denes
+ Mustafa Alic
+ Nick Ketter
+ Nick Schrag
+ Nikita
+ Noah Swartz
+ Orta Therox
+ Pat Mächler
+ Peter McEvoy
+ Piotr Migdal
+ Rachel Nabors
+ Rajen Savjani
+ Raphael D'Amico
+ Rebecca Niles
+ Richard Hackathorn
+ Roland Tanglao
+ Ryan Barker
+ SailEars
+ Sam Anderson
+ Sam Maynard
+ Sam Thompson
+ Samira Nedungadi
+ Sarah Barbour
+ sarah mathys
+ SB Sigma
+ Seanny123
+ Serguei Filimonov
+ Shaun Lee
+ Shawn Douglas
+ Sigpipe
+ Sina Khanifar
+ Slava Romanovsky
+ Sylvain Francis
+ Syria Carys Sirlay
+ Tara Zuber
+ Thembers
+ Thibaut Renaux
+ Tony Onodi
+ Traci Lawson
+ Vanessa
+ Wick Perry
+ Woo-Kyeong Choi
+ Yona
+ Zack Thornton
+ Zoe Bogner
+ and a special thanks to my friends who let me pester them to do playtests...
+ Alex Dytrych
+ Amit Patel
+ Dan Cook
+ Dan Salz
+ Dan Zajdband
+ EmilyKate McDonough
+ Hamish Todd
+ Jack Schaedler
+ Jessie Salz
+ Kayle Sawyer
+ Kiara Vincent
+ Pat Rowan
+ Pietro Passarelli
+ Scarlett Shiloh
+ Toph Tucker
+ Tanya Short
+ Vanessa Shen
+ Yohan John
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index 00000000..819f12b9
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index 00000000..99bfdea6
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index 00000000..fded8084
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index 00000000..c90a6eaf
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index 00000000..89e7de65
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8744045
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index 00000000..23dbcffd
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index 00000000..438d36b8
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index 00000000..4d89967a
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index 00000000..dfb7a7be
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9aa63dce
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..035fdf1d
Binary files /dev/null and b/peeps/polygon/zach-s.png differ
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index 96f46c6c..4461f063 100755
Binary files a/social/email.png and b/social/email.png differ
diff --git a/social/facebook.png b/social/facebook.png
index b36497ba..6f94ab4a 100755
Binary files a/social/facebook.png and b/social/facebook.png differ
diff --git a/social/twitter.png b/social/twitter.png
index a4c7b50a..4c9f548f 100755
Binary files a/social/twitter.png and b/social/twitter.png differ
diff --git a/lang/en.html b/words.html
similarity index 92%
rename from lang/en.html
rename to words.html
index a5bf4cba..10631554 100644
--- a/lang/en.html
+++ b/words.html
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
Meanwhile: it's 2017, the West has been at peace for decades, and
-by golly, we suck at trust. Surveys have shown that, over the years,
+wow, we suck at trust. Surveys show that, over the past forty years,
fewer and fewer people say they trust each other. So here's our puzzle:
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
-Let's say the other player cheats, and doesn't put in a coin.
+Let's say the other player cheats, and doesn't put in a coin.
What should you do?
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
-But let's say the other player cooperates, and puts in a coin.
+But let's say the other player cooperates, and puts in a coin.
What should you do now?
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@
Well, here's what's unique about the trenches:
unlike almost every other form of war,
-you have to face the same specific soliders every day.
+you have to face the same specific soldiers every day.
It's a repeated game. And that makes all the difference.
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
That's right: the Always Cheats became a victim of their own success!
-They exploited the naive Always Cooperaters,
+They exploited the naive Always Cooperators,
but once they ran out of them, they had to face the Copycats:
who are nice, but not naive.
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@
...Copycat inherits the earth.
-So, although your bet was off -- the nice-but-naive Always Cooperaters
+So, although your bet was off -- the nice-but-naive Always Cooperators
were doomed from the start -- in the end, a smart form of niceness prevailed,
and the Always Cheaters were squashed.
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@
-(Note: occasionally, a few Grudgers may stick around,
+(Note: sometimes, a few Grudgers may stick around,
because when all players except Grudger & Copycat
are eliminated, the two tie.)
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@
Here's a world filled entirely with Always Cooperates,
except for one Always Cheat and one Copycat.
-Use the buttons on the right to start the sim,
+Use the buttons on the right to START the sim,
go through it step-by-step, or reset it. →
@@ -557,8 +557,8 @@
Does Copycat still win at 7 rounds? 5 rounds? 3? 2? 1?
Change the number of rounds with the slider below,
-start the sim, and see what happens.
-Feel free to experiment as much as you'd like!
+then START the sim, and see what happens.
+Feel free to experiment!
@@ -588,10 +588,10 @@
Here are the "payoffs" for the trust game:
-Let's start with a mostly-Copycat world. Normally, they'd win.
-But now, change the "trust" reward from +2 to +1,
-then click start. →
-Even though +1 is still more than the punishment for mutual distrust (0)...
+With the normal payoffs, Copycat wins.
+But now, change the "both cooperate" reward from +2 to +1,
+then click START.
+Even though +1 is still more than the punishment for both cheating (0)...
what happens?
@@ -610,8 +610,8 @@
"Zero-sum game". This is the sadly common belief that a gain for "us"
must come at a loss to "them", and vice versa.
-"Non-zero-sum game". This when people realize that by working together,
-you can create a win-win! (or at least, avoid a lose-lose)
+"Non-zero-sum game". This is when people make the hard effort
+to create a win-win solution! (or at least, avoid a lose-lose)
Without the non-zero-sum game, trust cannot evolve.
Speaking of which,
@@ -710,14 +710,14 @@
the dull Simpleton, and
the silly Random.
-Let's say, in each round of a match, players have a 5% chance of making a mistake.
+In each round of a match, players have a small chance of making a mistake. (let's say, 5%)
Who do you think will come out on top?
Think carefully, then PLACE YOUR BETS:
Alright, you bet [CHAR] wins. Let's find out!
-Use the controls to your left to start the sim in quick mode,
+Use the controls to your left to START the sim in quick mode,
or go through it step-by-step.
@@ -783,7 +783,7 @@
The results turn out something like this: At 0%, the fair Copycat wins!
-At 1% to 10%, the forgiving Copykitten wins!
+At 1% to 9%, the forgiving Copykitten wins!
At 10% to 49%: the unfair, unforgiving Always Cheat wins.
At 50%,nobody wins ever.
@@ -842,7 +842,8 @@
-...and once you're done playing around, let's recap:
+NOTE: Sandbox Mode is totally optional.
+Feel free to skip it, or play around! Once you're done, let's recap...
what we learnt today! →
@@ -928,30 +929,39 @@
-END OF BETA! Please let me know what you think!
-Because I'm launching this in a few days, I'm looking first and foremost
-for low-level feedback:
-Specific parts which are unclear, confusing, or boring.
-Bad or problematic phrasing of words.
-Typos and grammatical errors.
-Opportunities to add more jokes.
-And so on.
-But if you have "high-level" feedback, I'd love to hear that too!
-I won't be able to put them in this time, but for my next project(s),
-I want to know how I can design stuff like this better.