Useful functions for modifying and managing strings.
You can install with nodejs and npm
npm i @reverse/string
Capitalizes the first letter of a string.
string: String
: The string to modify.
import { capitalize } from '@reverse/string';
// "Hello"
// "123abc"
Formats a string by substituting variables.
format: String
: The string to format....variables: Any
: Any variables to substitute in the string.
import { format } from '@reverse/string';
format('Hello $1.', 'World');
// "Hello World."
format('I like $2 and $1.', 'cats', 'dogs');
// "I like dogs and cats."
Checks if a email is a valid formatted email.
email: String
: The email to check.
import { isValidEmail } from '@reverse/string';
isValidEmail('[email protected]');
// true
// false
Makes a word plural if the number is not one.
number: number
: The amount of that object.word: string
: The word to plural-ize.
import { plural } from '@reverse/string';
plural(0, 'Dog');
// Dogs
plural(1, 'Dog');
// Dog
plural(10, 'Dog');
// Dogs