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171 lines (107 loc) · 7.05 KB

0.3.0 Changes

Many thanks to the contributors who helped with this release.

  • Full language guide can be found here.
  • Try out the latest features here.

New Features / Enhancements

  • Mutually recursive functions and types are now allowed within a module.

  • Syntactic sugar for patterns in top-level declarations has been added. For example:

      sum [] = 0
      sum (x:xs) = x + sum xs
  • Basic support for type classes has been added. Polymorphic types of the form forall a. (C a) => ... will not be inferred but can be checked. Type inference still works if all type class instances can be determined. There is not yet support for functionality like GHC's FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts or MultiParamTypesClasses. For example:

      class Truthy a where
        isTrue :: a -> Boolean
      instance Truthy Boolean where
        isTrue b = b
      instance Truthy String where
        isTrue "" = false
        isTrue _ = true
      ifThenElse :: forall a b. (Truthy a) => a -> b -> b -> b
      ifThenElse a tr fa = if isTrue a then tr else fa
  • There is now support for do notation, using the Monad type class from the Prelude module. For example:

      data Maybe = Nothing | Just a
      instance Prelude.Monad Maybe where
        ret = Just
        (>>=) Nothing _ = Nothing
        (>>=) (Just a) f = f a
      test = do
        x <- Just 1
        y <- Just 2
        ret $ x + y
  • There is now a better story for side-effects. The Eff module in the Prelude defines a monad Eff e where e is a row of effect types. The kind system now defines a new kind ! of effects. Row polymorphism allows different native effects to be interleaved. For example:

      test = do
        trace "Testing"
        throwError "Error!"

    has inferred type forall eff. Eff (trace :: Trace | error :: Error String | eff). See the /examples/passing/Eff.purs file for a more in-depth set of examples. Supported native effects currently include ST, Trace, Error and DOM (via the libraries/jquery module).

  • There is a new flag --run-main which will check the type of the Main.main function and emit the call to main(); after all other generated Javascript.

  • The Prelude module is now automatically included, unless the --no-prelude flag is specified.

  • The class of accepted operator names has been expanded. Specifically, $ is now a valid operator, and is defined in the Prelude module.

  • Tail calls can be eliminated using the --tco flag.

  • There is basic support for checking the types of values at runtime, using the --runtime-type-checks flag. Right now, this only works for primitive types, and so is a work-in-progress.

  • GHCJS/Fay-style foreign imports are now supported. An example is

      foreign import "function(n) { \
                    \   return function(p) {\
                    \     return Math.pow(n, p);\
                    \   }\
                    \ }" pow :: Number -> Number -> Number
  • Data constructors now get imported along with their type definitions.

  • The -s flag will now cause the compiler to use stdin for input.

  • There is a new executable psci which provides simple REPL-like functionality - it parses expressions, passes the generated Javascript to Node for execution, and prints the result. This is a work-in-progress.

  • The JQuery example (libraries/jquery/test) has been improved to use the new Eff monad and do notation.


  • foreach is no longer supported. The Prelude module defines map which should provide the same functionality.
  • Support for naked expressions as statements has been removed.

Bug Fixes

  • Operator precedence rules now work across modules.
  • A bug in which expressions involving non-qualified names did not typecheck was fixed.
  • Trailing spaces have been removed in the generated Javascript, thanks to @utkarshkukreti.
  • Type synonyms now work properly across modules.
  • Module imports are not transitive, which was previously leading to some unexpected error messages.
  • A bug which caused the optimizer to break generated Javascript for mutually recursive values was fixed.
  • Some Prelude functions which called methods in the standard Javascript library have been fixed.

0.2.0 Changes

Many thanks to the contributors who helped with this release.

  • Full language guide can be found here.
  • Try out the latest features here.

New Features

  • RankNTypes

    This experimental feature allows polymorphic types (introduced with forall) to appear on the left of a function arrow, or as the type of a record field, etc. For example:

      rank2 :: (forall a. a -> a) -> Number
      rank2 = \f -> if f true then f 1 else f 2
  • Modules

  • Polymorphic Object Update

    Records now support member update in which the type of the field changes during the update. For example:

      data Wrap a = Wrap a
      update = \o -> o { prop = Wrap o.prop }


  • Naked expressions as statements

    Naked expressions of type {} can now be used as statements.

  • Split code generation into AST -> JS and JS -> String

    JavaScript generation is now split into the generation of a JavaScript AST, and the pretty-printing of that AST. This enables some optimizations, and a better JavaScript pretty-printer.

  • Syntactic sugar for introducing curried functions

    Single-argument functions and multiple-argument functions can now be introduced in the same way:

      test = \a (b, c) d -> a + b + c + d
  • JavaScript optimizations

    Some basic dead-variable elimination, inlining and eta-conversion are now performed on the generated JavaScript.

  • Generate formatted Javascript

    The generated JavaScript is now formatted to be more readable. In particular, newlines get generated, and the correct indentation is used.

  • More valid infix operators

    The colon and period characters are now valid in infix operator names.

Syntax Changes

  • Avoid 'do' keyword for blocks

    do will be used later for Haskell-like monad comprehensions, so its previous use in introducing blocks of statements is now invalid. The do keyword is still reserved.

  • Member foreign import syntax

    A small syntactic addition to the FFI, to support a common use case.

  • Make FFI syntax match Haskell

    Use foreign import instead of extern.

  • Make record declaration syntax match Haskell

  • Simplify array binders

    There are now two types of array binders: cons binders x : xs -> ... and array binders [x, y, z] -> ... instead of the previously confusing [x:xs].

  • Array indexing syntax is ambiguous

    Array elements are now accessed using the !! operator: arr !! 0 etc.

Bug Fixes

  • Allow guards access to current scope


  • Prelude

    There is now a basic prelude in the libraries/prelude folder.