⚠️ If you use React Native0.62.x
and higher, please use Appearance
To start using integration with react-native-dark-mode module
You need just install it using instructions!
After that you can use special API:
uiMode({ dark, light })
import { makeUseStyles } from "react-native-stylex";
import { uiMode, darkUiMode, lightUiMode } from "react-native-stylex/dark-mode";
export const useStyles = makeUseStyles(() => ({
root: {
// you can pass styles
dark: { color: "#fff", backgroundColor: "#000" },
light: { color: "#000", backgroundColor: "#fff" },
// or string value for property
backgroundColor: uiMode({ dark: "#000", light: "#fff" }),
cell: {
// styles variant
...lightUiMode({ color: "#000" }),
// specific value variant
backgroundColor: lightUiMode("#fff"),
row: {
// styles variant
...darkUiMode({ color: "#000" }),
// specific value variant
backgroundColor: darkUiMode("#fff"),