diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 551b3803..cd694484 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
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-.. raw:: html
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Comprehensive AI Toolkit for Multimodal Learning and Cross-Platform Robotics
-.. raw:: html
-Welcome to iamai, a powerful and comprehensive AI toolkit that
-seamlessly integrates multimodal machine learning capabilities with
-advanced tools for cross-platform robot development!
- 🌍 This library is designed to provide developers with a unified
- solution for creating intelligent systems that span multiple
- modalities and operate across diverse platforms.
-.. raw:: html
-.. raw:: html
+.. index-start
+Welcome to iamai, a powerful and comprehensive AI toolkit that seamlessly integrates multimodal machine learning capabilities with advanced tools for cross-platform robot development!
-- 🎪
- **Interactive**\ `docs `__\ **&**\ `demos `__
-- 🕶 **Seamless migration**: Works for **both** `Rasa <>`__ and
- `GPT <>`__ and more...
-- ⚡ **Fully tree shakeable**: Only take what you want, `bundle
- size `__
-- 🔩 **Flexible**: Configurable event filters and targets
-- 🔌 **Optional**\ `Add-ons `__:
- `Apscheduler `__,
- etc.
-- 👍 **Cross-platform**:
- `dingtalk `__
- etc.
+ 🌍 This library is designed to provide developers with a unified solution for creating intelligent systems that span multiple modalities and operate across diverse platforms.
-.. raw:: html
+- 🎪 Interactive docs & demos
+- 🕶 Seamless migration: Works for both Rasa and GPT and more...
+- ⚡ Fully tree shakeable: Only take what you want, bundle size
+- 🔩 Flexible: Configurable event filters and targets
+- 🔌 Optional Add-ons: Apscheduler, etc.
+- 👍 Cross-platform: dingtalk etc.
+.. index-end
+First of all, in the field of machine learning, we drew inspiration from the excellent design of `Hugging Face`_'s `transformers`_ for the use of pre-trained models. We would like to express our gratitude to the authors of Hugging Face and their open-source community.
-First of all, in the field of machine learning, we drew inspiration from
-the excellent design of `Hugging Face `__'s
-`transformers `__ 🤗 for
-the use of pre-trained models. We would like to express our gratitude to
-the authors of Hugging Face and their open-source community.
+Secondly, regarding the cross-platform robot framework, it is primarily based on `st`_'s `alicebot`_. We have made numerous adaptations to make it compatible with machine learning. We would like to thank the st and alicebot open-source communities for their contributions.
-Secondly, regarding the cross-platform robot framework, it is primarily
-based on `st `__'s
-`alicebot `__. We have made
-numerous adaptations to make it compatible with machine learning. We
-would like to thank the st and alicebot open-source communities for
-their contributions.
+To avoid any potential disputes or misunderstandings, we have listed the licenses of the projects we have used and express our gratitude towards them. Please see `credits.pdf`_.
-To avoid any potential disputes or misunderstandings, we have listed the
-licenses of the projects we have used and express our gratitude towards
-them. please see `credits.md <./docs/source/credits.md>`__.
-.. raw:: html
-.. raw:: html
-`MIT `__ ©
-2023-PRESENT `Retro for Wut? `__.
+`MIT`_ © 2023-PRESENT `Retro for Wut?`_.
|FOSSA Status|
+|FOSSA Badge|
+.. _`Hugging Face`: https://huggingface.co
+.. _`transformers`: https://github.com/huggingface/transformers
+.. _`st`: https://github.com/st1020
+.. _`alicebot`: https://github.com/AliceBotProject/alicebot
+.. _`credits.pdf`: ./docs/_static/assets/credits.pdf
+.. _`MIT`: https://github.com/retrofor/iamai/blob/master/COPYING
+.. _`Retro for Wut?`: https://github.com/retrofor
.. |FOSSA Status| image:: https://app.fossa.com/api/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fretrofor%2Fiamai.svg?type=shield
:target: https://app.fossa.com/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fretrofor%2Fiamai?ref=badge_shield
+.. |FOSSA Badge| image:: https://app.fossa.com/api/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fretrofor%2Fiamai.svg?type=large
+ :target: https://app.fossa.com/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fretrofor%2Fiamai?ref=badge_large
+.. |docs| image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/iamai/badge/?version=latest
+ :target: https://iamai.is-a.dev/en/latest/?badge=latest
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