The Artifactory REST API allows to execute queries written in Artifactory Query Language (AQL).
Search queries can be executed with cURL
, either inline (without Content-Type:text/plain
you'll get 415 Unsupported Media Type
$ curl -X POST -u USERNAME:API-TOKEN -H "Content-Type:text/plain" --data 'items.find({"repo":"some-npm","modified":{"$before":"6mo"}}).include("name","created").sort({"$desc":["created"]})'
or you can execute query from a file, for example q.query
"repo": "some-npm",
"modified": { "$before": "6mo" }
.include("name", "created")
.sort({"$desc" : ["created"]})
and then:
$ curl -X POST -u USERNAME:API-TOKEN -T ./q.query
You can also execute queries with JFrog CLI tool. Some operations can be performed only with the tool, such as deleting packages (although it's likely possible to do with cURL
too, but sadly there doesn't seem to be an easy way).
First you'd need to establish connection to the Artifactory:
$ jf config add YourCompany --interactive=false --artifactory-url="" --user="USERNAME" --password="API-TOKEN"
That way it will verify the connection and save its settings to a local file in ~/.jfrog
, so you won't need to provide those parameters for every query.
In order not to run out of disk space, you'd need to automatically delete old (let's say, those published half a year ago) packages/artifacts. Surprisingly enough, JFrog Artifactory doesn't have an out-of-the-box functionality for automatic artifacts retention/removal, so you'll need to crutch around that yourself.
You might have master/development packages versioned as 0.0.*
and stable/release packages versioned as 1.*.*
. While master packages should be safe to delete, the stable ones you should only delete if they have 0 downloads, so they were never used by any of your users.
But then there seems to be no (simple) way to query packages by versions (at least without setting-up build repository), so the version would need to be extracted from the package path/name. And since every package type has a different layout, the query becomes rather complicated:
"$and": [{
"repo": "some-conan",
{"path": {"$match":"YourCompany/some/0.0.*/*"}},
{"path": {"$match":"YourCompany/another/0.0.*/*"}},
{"path": {"$match":"YourCompany/yetAnother/0.0.*/*"}}
"modified": { "$before": "6mo" }
"$and": [{
"repo": "some-conan",
{"path": {"$match":"YourCompany/some/1.*.*/*"}},
{"path": {"$match":"YourCompany/another/1.*.*/*"}},
{"path": {"$match":"YourCompany/yetAnother/1.*.*/*"}}
"stat.downloads": {"$eq": null},
"modified": { "$before": "6mo" }
"$and": [{
"repo": "some-npm",
"name": {"$match":"some-*-0.0.*.*"},
"modified": { "$before": "6mo" }
"$and": [{
"repo": "some-npm",
"name": {"$match":"some-*-1.*.*.*"},
"stat.downloads": {"$eq": null},
"modified": { "$before": "6mo" }
"$and": [{
"repo": "some-nuget",
"name": {"$match":"*.*.0.0.*.nupkg"},
"modified": { "$before": "6mo" }
"$and": [{
"repo": "some-nuget",
"name": {"$match":"*.*.1.*.*.nupkg"},
"stat.downloads": {"$eq": null},
"modified": { "$before": "6mo" }
"$and": [{
"repo": "some-maven",
"path": {"$match":"net/YourCompany/*/0.0.*"},
"modified": { "$before": "6mo" }
"$and": [{
"repo": "some-maven",
"path": {"$match":"net/YourCompany/*/1.*.*"},
"stat.downloads": {"$eq": null},
"modified": { "$before": "6mo" }
"$and": [{
"repo": "some-deb",
"name": {"$match":"*_0.0.*_*.deb"},
"modified": { "$before": "6mo" }
"$and": [{
"repo": "some-deb",
"name": {"$match":"*_1.*.*_*.deb"},
"stat.downloads": {"$eq": null},
"modified": { "$before": "6mo" }
.include("name", "type", "path", "created", "stat.downloads")
.sort({"$asc" : ["created"]})
Note that to get packages with 0 downloads, you need to compare stat.downloads
with null
and not 0
Now when we have the search query, packages can be deleted with JFrog CLI tool:
$ jf rt del --spec ./find-old-packages.spec --quiet --dry-run
Note the --dry-run
option here.
The specification file (find-old-packages.spec
) is the same query as above, just wrapped a bit for JFrog CLI tool:
"files": [
"aql": {
"$and": [{
"repo": "some-conan",
{"path": {"$match":"YourCompany/some/0.0.*/*"}},
{"path": {"$match":"YourCompany/another/0.0.*/*"}},
{"path": {"$match":"YourCompany/yetAnother/0.0.*/*"}}
"modified": { "$before": "6mo" }
"$and": [{
"repo": "some-deb",
"name": {"$match":"*_1.*.*_*.deb"},
"stat.downloads": {"$eq": null},
"modified": { "$before": "6mo" }