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Organization,Gift Year,Gift Amount,Org-reported mission statement,Website,Org-reported geographies of service,Org-reported focus areas
"317 Main Community Music Center","2021","$1500000","317 Main encourages creative expression, personal growth, and community connection through music.","https://www.317main.org/","Androscoggin County, ME; Cumberland County, ME; York County, ME","Creative youth development; Performing arts; Early learning; Youth development; Aging"
"A Call to Men","2020","$2000000","Helping create a world where all men and boys are loving and respectful and all women, girls, and those at the margins of the margins are valued and safe.","https://www.acalltomen.org/","Europe & Central Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa; United States","Bridging divides; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Sexual and gender-based violence; Human rights"
"A New Way of Life Reentry Project","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Empower communities with opportunity where justice impacted women heal, excel, and lead while disrupting systems of oppression and harm.","https://anewwayoflife.org/","United States; Kenya; Uganda","Civic and social engagement; Livelihoods and workforce development; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity"
"A Place Called Home","2021","$2000000","A Place Called Home (APCH) provides a safe nurturing environment with proven programs in arts, education and wellness for the young people in South Central Los Angeles to help them improve their economic conditions and develop healthy, fulfilling and purposeful lives.","https://apch.org/","Los Angeles, CA","Creative youth development; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education; Youth development"
"Aajeevika Bureau","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Aajeevika Bureau's vision is to achieve an equitable and dignified world of work for labouring communities. Our mission is to provide lasting solutions to economic and socio-legal problems of migrant, informal workers by blending innovative services with activism, policy, research, and advocacy.","https://www.aajeevika.org/","South Asia; India","Immigration or migration"
"ABFE","2021","$3000000","To promote effective and responsive philanthropy in Black communities.","https://www.abfe.org/","United States","Philanthropic sector strengthening; Race and ethnicity"
"ACCESS","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To empower communities to improve their health and economic, social and cultural well-being.","https://www.accesscommunity.org/","Northeast, US; West, US; Michigan, US","Museums; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Regrantor; Mental and behavioral health"
"Access Living","2022","$8000000","We ignite disability power and pride, provide critical services, and break down systemic barriers to create a stronger, more inclusive society.","https://www.accessliving.org/","Chicago, IL; Illinois, US","Cultural awareness; Access to housing and housing development; Youth development; Disability; Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs","2020","$5000000","ACE, a community development financial institution, provides loans and business development resources to grow sustainable small businesses. With a focus on underserved people and places that have been systemically prevented from accessing economic opportunities, our vision is to create a world where there is universal access to capital for entrepreneurs.","https://aceloans.org","United States; Georgia, US","Bridging divides; Economic development; Financial inclusion; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity"
"Accion Opportunity Fund","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Accion Opportunity Fund is a financial support system for small businesses that advances racial, gender, and economic justice for all.","https://aofund.org/","United States","Livelihoods and workforce development; Race and ethnicity; Gender identity; Financial inclusion"
"Achieve Atlanta","2022","$8000000","Achieve Atlanta's vision is that Atlanta be a city where race and income no longer predict postsecondary success and upward mobility. In service of this vision, our mission is to help Atlanta Public Schools students access, afford, and earn postsecondary credentials.","https://achieveatlanta.org/","Georgia, US; Atlanta, GA","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor"
"Achievement Network","2022","$15000000","Achievement Network works alongside school and district leadership teams to strengthen their practice and culture of using learning standards and achievement data to get breakthrough results for students in underserved communities.","https://www.achievementnetwork.org/","North America; United States","Elementary, secondary education"
"Achieving the Dream","2021","$20000000","To lead and support a national network of community colleges to achieve sustainable institutional transformation through sharing knowledge, innovative solutions and effective practices and policies leading to improved outcomes for all students.","https://www.achievingthedream.org/","United States","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Regrantor"
"ACT Grants","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","ACT is a non-profit venture philanthropy platform that was born in 2020 in response to the COVID crisis and is built upon the premise that collective action has the power to achieve social impact at scale. We've since pivoted into a multi-case platform through which we make grants to impact education, climate change, health and gender in India.","https://actgrants.in/","South Asia; India","Elementary, secondary education; Vocational education; Climate change; Access to healthcare; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Active Minds","2021","$4000000","Active Minds is the largest nonprofit in the U.S. working to end the silence and change the culture around mental health by mobilizing the next generation.","https://www.activeminds.org/","United States","Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development; Mental and behavioral health; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Ada Developers Academy - Equality Can't Wait Challenge","2021","$5840000","Ada's mission is to prepare women and gender expansive adults to become software developers while advocating for inclusive and equitable work environments. We primarily serve Black, Latine, Indigenous Americans, Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander, LGBTQIA+, and low-income people. Together, we are changing the face of tech.","https://adadevelopersacademy.org/","Washington, DC; Georgia, US; Washington, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Sexual orientation"
"Adeso - African Development Solutions","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Our mission is to work at the roots of communities to create environments in which Africans can thrive, working alongside African communities to co-create a future that is shaped by their values, powered by their own resourcefulness and built on their capabilities.","https://adesoafrica.org/","Global; Sub-Saharan Africa; Somalia","Economic development; Natural resources conservation; Humanitarian assistance and relief; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Advancement Project","2020","$5000000","Advancement Project is a next generation, multi-racial civil rights organization. Rooted in the great human rights struggles for equality and justice, we exist to fulfill America's promise of a caring, inclusive and just democracy.","https://advancementproject.org/","United States","Democracy; Elementary, secondary education; Immigration or migration; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity"
"Advancing Black Arts in Pittsburgh Fund","2021","$2000000","The Advancing Black Arts in Pittsburgh program was established to help build the careers of individual artists, increase the sustainability of cultural organizations focusing on black arts, and boost community awareness of the Black arts sector.","https://pittsburghfoundation.org/advancing-black-arts-pittsburgh","Pittsburgh, PA","Multidisciplinary arts; Race and ethnicity; Fund"
"African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund","2021","$20000000","The African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund is a movement and platform to make an important and lasting contribution to our national landscape and historical record by protecting and preserving historic sites of Black American resilience, activism, and achievement.","https://savingplaces.org/african-american-cultural-heritage","South, US; West, US; United States","Cultural awareness; Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor"
"African Communities Together","2022","$3000000","African Communities Together is an organization of African immigrants fighting for civil rights, opportunity, and a better life for our families here in the U.S. and worldwide. ACT empowers African immigrants to integrate socially, advance economically, and engage civically. We connect African immigrants to critical services, help Africans develop as leaders, and organize our communities on the issues that matter.","https://africans.us/","New York, US; United States; Virginia, US","Civic and social engagement; Livelihoods and workforce development; Immigration or migration; Race and ethnicity; Access to healthcare"
"African Leadership Group","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","We are transforming Africa by developing 3 MILLION ethical and entrepreneurial leaders by 2035.","https://algroup.org/","Global; Middle East & North Africa; Sub-Saharan Africa","Youth development; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"African Population and Health Research Center","2022","$15000000","Generating evidence, strengthening research and related capacity in the Africa R&D ecosystem, and engaging policy to inform action on health and development","https://aphrc.org/","Sub-Saharan Africa; Kenya; Senegal","Early learning; Chronic diseases; Maternal and perinatal health; Nutrition and food security; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"African Women's Development Fund","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To fund, strengthen and uphold the initiatives, organizations, and movements led by African, women, girls, and gender-diverse people, in pursuit of gender justice and social transformation.","https://awdf.org/","Middle East & North Africa; Sub-Saharan Africa","Gender identity; Fund; Sexual and gender-based violence; Human rights; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Afrika Tikkun","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","We grow, nurture and establish young lives from cradle to career with sustainable opportunities that really do matter. Our focus is to empower young people through trusted partner contributions – and our promise is to nourish our partnerships for the greater well being of our young people. We believe in kindness.","https://afrikatikkun.org/","South Africa","Economic development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development"
"Akron Urban League","2022","$2400000","The mission of the Akron Urban League is to improve the quality of life of the citizens of Summit County, particularly African-Americans, through economic self-reliance and social empowerment.","https://www.akronurbanleague.org/","Akron, OH; Canton, OH; Summit County, OH","Creative youth development; Civic and social engagement; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Al Otro Lado","2022","$3500000","Al Otro Lado provides innovative cross-border legal services to refugees, deportees, and other migrants in Tijuana, Mexico, and throughout the U.S., with a focus on Southern California. Our mission is to uplift immigrant communities by fighting against systemic injustices and reunifying families that have been torn apart by unjust immigration laws.","https://alotrolado.org/","Mexico; United States; California, US","Immigration or migration; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity"
"Alamo Colleges District - San Antonio College","2021","$15000000","To empower our community for success by meeting the postsecondary learning needs of all San Antonio College Students through equitable educational practices for diverse populations in a globally networked society.","https://www.alamo.edu/sac","North America; Texas, US; San Antonio, TX","Bridging divides; Postsecondary, tertiary education"
"Alaska Native Heritage Center","2021","$5000000","Alaska Native Heritage Center preserves and strengthens the traditions, languages, and art of Alaska's Native People through statewide collaboration, celebration, and education.","https://www.alaskanative.net/","United States; Alaska, US","Craft and traditional arts; Bridging divides; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Mental and behavioral health"
"Alcorn State University","2020","$25000000","Alcorn State University is public historically Black, comprehensive land-grant institution of higher education that provides access and opportunity for diverse students to excel intellectually, build character, and overcome barriers so they can become productive leaders who make meaningful contributions to society.","https://www.alcorn.edu","South, US; North America; United States","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity"
"All Our Kin","2020","$3000000","All Our Kin is a national nonprofit organization that trains, supports, and sustains family child care educators. Our mission to transform the nation's child care system results in a triple win: child care providers succeed as business owners; working parents find stable, excellent care; and children receive high-quality early education.","https://allourkin.org/","Connecticut, US; New York, US; United States","Economic development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity"
"Alliance College-Ready Public Schools","2022","$16000000","Our mission is to operate a network of small, high-performing high schools and middle schools in low-income communities in California with historically under-performing schools, that will annually demonstrate scholar academic achievement growth, and graduate scholars ready for success in college.","https://www.laalliance.org/","California, US; Los Angeles, CA","Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Alliance San Diego","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Build collective power to create a more inclusive democracy where everyone can achieve their full potential in an environment of harmony, safety, equality, and justice.","https://www.alliancesd.org/","California, US; San Diego County, CA","Civic and social engagement; Democracy; Immigration or migration; Race and ethnicity"
"Allied Media Projects","2021","$6000000","Allied Media Projects cultivates media for liberation. Our liberation is an ongoing process of personal, collective, and systemic transformation. Together, we grow and exchange ways of using media to create the world we need.","https://alliedmedia.org/","United States","Multidisciplinary arts; Race and ethnicity"
"Alonzo King LINES Ballet","2021","$5000000","The mission and purpose of Alonzo King's LINES Ballet is to nurture artistry and the development of creative expression in dance, through collaboration, performance, and education.","https://linesballet.org/","United States; San Francisco, CA","Creative youth development; Multidisciplinary arts; Performing arts; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Altarum","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Altarum advances the health of individuals with fewer financial resources and populations disenfranchised by the health system. We partner with state Medicaid and public health departments and federal agencies nationwide to promote health equity. Our work focuses on transforming service delivery, advancing public health, and scaling public health infrastructure.","https://altarum.org/","United States","Aging; Access to healthcare; Maternal and perinatal health; Mental and behavioral health; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Alternate ROOTS","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To support the creation and presentation of original art, in all its forms, which is rooted in a particular community of place, tradition or spirit; strive to be allies in the elimination of all forms of oppression; committed to social and economic justice and the protection of the natural world","https://www.alternateroots.org/","South, US","Multidisciplinary arts; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor"
"Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater","2021","$20000000","The mission of Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation is to further the pioneering vision of the choreographer, dancer, and cultural leader Alvin Ailey by building an extended cultural community which provides dance performances, training and education, and community programs for all people.","https://www.alvinailey.org/","Northeast, US; South, US; West, US","Performing arts; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Active living"
"Amani Global Works","2022","$3000000","Amani Global Works mission is to Care, Cure and Make Whole by providing healthcare to the most impoverished and forgotten communities of Africa.","https://amaniglobalworks.org/","Sub-Saharan Africa; Congo, Democratic Republic of the","Access to healthcare; Maternal and perinatal health; Nutrition and food security; Public health, public health infrastructure; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"Amarillo College","2021","$15000000","Transforming our community and economy through learning, innovation, and achievement.","https://www.actx.edu","Texas, US; Amarillo, TX","Economic development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education; Race and ethnicity"
"Amber Charter Schools","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To provide our students an academically rigorous and well-rounded education, along with strong character development, that will enable them to prosper in future endeavors.","https://www.ambercharter.org/","United States","Elementary, secondary education"
"America's Promise Alliance","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","America's Promise Alliance works to ensure a more just and equitable America that empowers every next generation to lead our country forward. We advance this vision by bringing together the diverse organizations and institutions engaging young people and uniting them in powerful collective action.","https://americaspromise.org/","Midwest, US; Northeast, US; United States","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"American Association of People with Disabilities","2022","$3000000","AAPD is a national cross-disability civil rights organization that advocates for full civil rights for the over 60 million Americans with disabilities by promoting equal opportunity, economic power, independent living, and political participation.","https://www.aapd.com/","North America; United States","Economic development; Youth development; Aging; Disability; Access to healthcare"
"American Indian College Fund","2021","$20000000","The American Indian College Fund invests in Native students and Tribal College education to transform lives and communities.","https://collegefund.org/","Midwest, US; South, US; West, US","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor"
"American Indian Higher Education Consortium","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Provides leadership and influences public policy on American Indian and Alaska Native higher education issues through advocacy, research, and programmatic initiatives; promotes and strengthens Indigenous languages, cultures, communities, lands, and tribal nations; and through its unique position, serves member institutions and developing TCUs.","https://www.aihec.org/","United States","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Amref Health Africa","2021","$50000000","Lasting Health Change in Africa through community-led people centered primary health systems while addressing equity and social determinants of health focusing on women and girls as agents of change.","https://amref.org/","Sub-Saharan Africa","Access to healthcare; Infectious and parasitic diseases; Maternal and perinatal health; Sexual and reproductive health and justice; Water access, sanitation, and hygiene"
"Antelope Valley Boys & Girls Club","2022","$2500000","To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.","https://www.avbgc.org/","Lancaster, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Palmdale, CA","Creative youth development; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Anti-Recidivism Coalition (ARC)","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Anti-Recidivism Coalition (ARC) works to end mass incarceration. To ensure our communities are safe, healthy, and whole, ARC empowers formerly and currently incarcerated people to thrive by providing a support network, comprehensive reentry services, and opportunities to advocate for policy change.","https://antirecidivism.org/","California, US; Los Angeles, CA","Access to housing and housing development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"APIA Scholars","2021","$25000000","The Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholars makes a difference in communities by mobilizing resources to create opportunities for students to access, complete, and succeed after post-secondary education, thereby developing future leaders who will excel in their careers, serve as role models in their communities, and will ultimately contribute to a more vibrant America.","https://apiascholars.org/","United States; Hawaii, US","Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Apollo Theater","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Apollo is a commissioner and presenter; catalyst for new artists, audiences, and creative workforce; and partner in the projection of the African American narrative and its role in the development of American and global culture.","https://www.apollotheaters.org/","United States; New York, NY","Performing arts; Race and ethnicity"
"Arkansas Foodbank","2020","$9000000","The Arkansas Foodbank is the foundation in the fight against hunger. We find pathways to connect people, resources and food to reach those in need, providing dignity, hope and a brighter future for all Arkansans.","https://www.arkansasfoodbank.org","Arkansas, US","Regrantor; Child development and welfare; Nutrition and food security"
"Art for Justice Fund","2021","$5000000","The Art for Justice (A4J) Fund aligns artists, advocates, and allied donors to transform the criminal legal system and create empathy, envisioning a future of what shared safety looks like for all. Through the work of grantees, the Fund seeks to end mass incarceration and shift the narrative around criminal justice reform through art.","https://artforjusticefund.org/","United States","Visual arts; Civic and social engagement; Democracy; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Fund"
"Arts Administrators of Color Network","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Arts Administrators of Color Network is a support network that harnesses the power of artists, arts administrators, and organizations of people of the global majority to connect and expand BIPOC leadership across the U. S. creative sector.","https://aacnetwork.org/","United States","Multidisciplinary arts; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor"
"Arts for Healing and Justice Network","2021","$1500000","The Arts for Healing and Justice Network provides structure and coordination for the collaborative work of community-based arts education organizations serving system-impacted youth in Los Angeles County in order to provide alternatives to incarceration, build resiliency and wellness, increase community health, and center arts as a change strategy for young people, communities, and systems.","https://ahjnetwork.org/","Los Angeles County, CA","Creative youth development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Regrantor; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Arts Midwest","2021","$8000000","Arts Midwest seeks to build unprecedented opportunity across the Midwest by advancing creativity. We support, inform, and celebrate arts organizations and creative communities in the Midwest and beyond. We are driven by a vision of Midwestern creativity powering thriving, entrepreneurial, and welcoming communities.","https://www.artsmidwest.org/","Midwest, US","Multidisciplinary arts; Bridging divides; Regrantor; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Ascend Public Charter Schools","2022","$11000000","Ascend is a network of K-12 public schools in Brooklyn dedicated to providing all students rich and joyful learning experiences that empower them to live a life of boundless choice.","https://www.ascendlearning.org/","New York, US; New York, NY","Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Ashé Cultural Arts Center","2021","$1000000","Ashé Cultural Art Center uses art and culture to foster human development and civic engagement, maintaining 30,000 square feet of performance/exhibition space, producing 350 multi-disciplinary events annually. As paradigm-shifting ecosystem builders, we deliver programming and services to support, leverage, and celebrate the people, places, and philosophies of the African Diaspora.","https://www.ashenola.org/","South, US; New Orleans, LA","Multidisciplinary arts; Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Economic development; Race and ethnicity"
"Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope","https://www.ashevillehabitat.org/","Buncombe County, NC; Madison County, NC","Bridging divides; Access to housing and housing development; Race and ethnicity"
"Ashoka","2021","$10000000","Ashoka identifies and supports the world's leading social entrepreneurs, learns from the patterns in their innovations, and mobilizes a global community that embraces these new frameworks to build an ""everyone a changemaker world.""","https://www.ashoka.org/en-us","Global; United States","Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum","2022","$10000000","The Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF) influences policy, mobilizes communities, and strengthens programs and organizations to improve the health of Asian Americans & Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders.","https://www.apiahf.org/","United States","Race and ethnicity; Regrantor; Access to healthcare; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Asian American Federation","2021","$5000000","Established in 1989, with the mission to raise the influence and well-being of the pan-Asian American community through research, policy advocacy, public awareness, and nonprofit support, AAF is the largest umbrella leadership organization in New York serving diverse Asian American communities that make up the fastest-growing population in the city, state, and country.","https://www.aafederation.org/","New York, US; New York, NY","Civic and social engagement; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Regrantor; Mental and behavioral health; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Asian American LEAD","2021","$2000000","To empower AAPI youth in underserved communities through culturally responsive programming and advocacy.","https://www.aalead.org/","Washington, DC; Maryland, US; Virginia, US","Creative youth development; Civic and social engagement; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Asian Americans Advancing Justice - AAJC","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Our mission is to advance the civil and human rights for Asian Americans and to build and promote a fair and equitable society for all.","https://www.advancingjustice-aajc.org/","United States","Civic and social engagement; Democracy; Immigration or migration; Race and ethnicity; Human rights"
"Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy","2021","$2000000","Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy (AAPIP) expands and mobilizes resources for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities to build a more just and equitable society.","https://aapip.org/","Midwest, US; Northeast, US; West, US","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Asian Pacific Community Fund of Southern California (APCF)","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","APCF's mission is to cultivate philanthropists to invest in organizations that empower underserved AAPIs to prosper. APCF is focused on transforming lives and meeting the diverse needs of AAPIs by 1) building healthier communities, 2) developing leaders, 3) creating a stronger voice, and 4) providing the foundation for a brighter tomorrow.","https://www.apcf.org/","California, US","Race and ethnicity; Regrantor; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Asian Pacific Fund","2021","$5000000","Our mission is to strengthen the Asian and Pacific Islander community in the Bay Area by increasing philanthropy and supporting the organizations that serve our most vulnerable community members. We envision a thriving Asian and Pacific Islander community with presence and impact.","https://asianpacificfund.org/","Alameda County, CA; San Francisco, CA; San Jose County, CA","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Race and ethnicity; Fund; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Asociación Fondo Centroamericano de Mujeres","2022","$15000000","Fondo Centroamericano de Mujeres (FCAM) mission is to mobilize resources to contribute to the strengthening of feminist and women's movements in the Central American region through direct financing, close accompaniment, and the facilitation of opportunities that support their sustainability and struggles.","https://www.fondocentroamericano.org/","Latin America & Caribbean","Environmental justice; Fund; Sexual and gender-based violence; Sexual and reproductive health and justice; Human rights"
"Association for Women's Rights in Development","2022","$15000000","Our mission is to support feminist, women's rights, and gender justice movements to thrive, to be a driving force in challenging systems of oppression, and to co-create feminist realities.","https://www.awid.org/","Global; Latin America & Caribbean; South Asia","Civic and social engagement; Environmental justice; Gender identity; Human rights; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice","2020","$4000000","Astraea fuels local and global movements that shift power to LGBTQI people and organizations pursuing social justice and human rights. We foster powerful collective action by: (a) Investing in LGBTQI activists, artists and organizations best positioned to make transformative change; (b) Advocating for greater and better resources for LGBTQI movements; (c) Amplifying LGBTQI movement voices through media and communications; and (d) Propelling LGBTQI organizing forward through capacity-strengthening and leadership development.","https://www.astraeafoundation.org/","Global; South, US; United States","Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Sexual orientation; Fund"
"Asylum Access","2022","$4000000","Making refugee rights a reality through supporting forcibly displaced communities to reclaim their rights, agency and power.","https://asylumaccess.org/","Global; Latin America & Caribbean; Middle East & North Africa","Immigration or migration; Regrantor; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project (ASAP)","2022","$4000000","The Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project (ASAP) believes that asylum seekers can make great change by standing together. We provide our membership of asylum seekers with legal and community support. And we work with our members - over 400,000 asylum seekers from 175 countries - to build a more welcoming United States.","https://www.asylumadvocacy.org/","North America; United States","Financial inclusion; Immigration or migration"
"Atlanta Habitat for Humanity","2022","$13500000","Atlanta Habitat for Humanity transforms communities by acting as a catalyst for neighborhood revitalization through education, innovative development, partnerships, and long-term relationships with families.","https://atlantahabitat.org/","Georgia, US; Atlanta, GA","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion; Race and ethnicity"
"Atlanta Music Project","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Operating in under-resourced communities, the Atlanta Music Project empowers youth to realize their possibilities through music.","https://www.atlantamusicproject.org/","Atlanta, GA; Clayton County, GA; Fulton County, GA","Creative youth development; Performing arts; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare"
"Atlas Preparatory School","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Atlas prepares and empowers all students for success on their post-graduate paths through educational excellence, character development, and community engagement.","https://www.atlasprep.org/","Colorado, US; Colorado Springs, CO","Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Austin Area Urban League","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The mission of the Austin Area Urban League is to provide tools to African Americans and under-served populations to build a foundation for social and economic equity and equality.","https://aaul.org/","Austin, TX","Civic and social engagement; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Austin Habitat for Humanity","2022","$8500000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Austin Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://austinhabitat.org/","Austin, TX; Caldwell County, TX; Hays County, TX","Bridging divides; Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Financial inclusion"
"Authors League Fund","2021","$5000000","The Authors League Fund helps professional writers experiencing financial hardship. We help authors, journalists, critics, poets, and dramatists who are facing medical crises, housing insecurity, sudden loss of income, and other emergencies. We provide direct, non-taxable charitable aid and guidance on where else to seek support.","https://authorsleaguefund.org/","United States","Literary arts"
"Autistic Self Advocacy Network","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Autistic Self Advocacy Network seeks to advance the principles of the disability rights movement with regard to autism. ASAN believes that the goal of autism advocacy should be a world in which autistic people enjoy equal access, rights, and opportunities.","https://autisticadvocacy.org/","United States","Civic and social engagement; Disability"
"Ballet Hispánico","2021","$10000000","Ballet Hispánico brings communities together to celebrate and explore Latino cultures through innovative dance productions, transformative dance training, and community engagement.","https://www.ballethispanico.org/","United States; New York, NY","Performing arts; Race and ethnicity"
"Banco de Alimentos Puerto Rico","2020","$9000000","Vision: Puerto Rico Hunger Free Mission: Mitigate hunger through the distribution of food, education and hope to create a better Puerto Rico.","https://www.alimentospr.com/","Latin America & Caribbean; Puerto Rico, US","Agricultural development; Regrantor; Child development and welfare; Maternal and perinatal health; Nutrition and food security"
"BellXcel","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","BellXcel serves as the engine for youth programming, building the capacity of schools and community-based organizations to ensure that all children - regardless of race, income, or geography - can excel.","https://www.bellxcel.org/","North America; United States","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Regrantor"
"Benefits Data Trust","2022","$20000000","Helping people today, modernizing benefits access for tomorrow Today, more than $80 billion in food, financial aid, healthcare, and other assistance goes untapped. We are committed to closing that gap to reduce hunger and poverty, and build pathways to economic mobility.","https://bdtrust.org/","United States","Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Race and ethnicity; Access to healthcare; Nutrition and food security"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia Northwest","2022","$1500000","The Big Brothers Big Sisters' Mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://itsbigtime.org/","Clackamas, OR; Multnomah County, OR; Washington County, OR","Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Sexual orientation"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters Hawaii","2022","$1900000","To create and support one-to-one relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://www.bbbshawaii.org/","Hawaii, US","Youth development; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters Independence","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To ignite the power and promise of youth and close the mentoring gap, by creating and supporting one-to-one mentoring relationships and strengthening the quality of the mentoring field.","https://www.independencebigs.org/","Camden, NJ; Norristown, PA; Philadelphia, PA","Youth development; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Sexual orientation; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Acadiana","2022","$500000","Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://www.acadianabigs.com/","Lafayette, LA; Natchitoches, LA","Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of America","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Big Brothers Big Sisters of America creates and supports 1:1+ mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth so that all kids have the opportunity to graduate with a plan for their future and a mentor who will impact their lifetime.","https://www.bbbs.org/","North America; United States","Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Broward County","2022","$1900000","The Big Brothers Big Sisters mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://www.bbbsbroward.org/","United States; Florida, US; Broward County, FL","Bridging divides; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central California","2022","$1500000","Our mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://bigs.org/","Fresno, CA; Madera, CA; Tulare, CA","Creative youth development; Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Carolinas","2022","$2300000","The core of Big Brothers Big Sisters’ mission and values are Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion –J.E.D.I. It is a part of what we do each and every day to support the children, volunteers, and families that we serve. It is also how we operate internally as a local and national organization.","https://bbbscentralcarolinas.org/","North Carolina, US","Creative youth development; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://www.bebigforkids.org","Indiana, US; Hamilton County, IN; Johnson County, IN; Marion County, IN","Cultural awareness; Bridging divides; Youth development; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Iowa","2022","$1500000","Our mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://www.bbbsia.org/","Iowa, US","Creative youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Minnesota","2022","$1500000","Our mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that help youth in Central Minnesota reach their full potential. We are always adapting to support our changing population and make meaningful, professionally supported matches so youth achieve greater confidence, educational success, better relationships and hope for the future.","https://www.bigdefenders.org/","Benton County, MN; Sherburne County, MN; Stearns County, MN","Bridging divides; Vocational education; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://www.bbbscentralohio.org/","Ohio, US; Columbus, OH","Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Coastal & Northern New Jersey","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth","https://mentornj.org/","Asbury Park, NJ; Morristown, NJ; New Brunswick, NJ","Youth development; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Sexual orientation"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado creates and supports one-to-one plus mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://www.biglittlecolorado.org/","Aurora, CO; Colorado Springs, CO; Denver, CO","Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Delaware","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Our mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://bbbsde.org/","Delaware, US; Kent County, DE; New Castle County, DE","Youth development"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri","2022","$6000000","We partner with young people in THIER pursuit of a meaning, stable and independent life.","https://www.bbbsemo.org/","Missouri, US; St. Louis, MO","Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Mental and behavioral health"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of El Paso","2022","$900000","Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://www.bbbsep.org/","Texas, US; El Paso, TX","Creative youth development; Youth development; Gender identity; Sexual orientation; Mental and behavioral health"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Essex, Hudson & Union Counties","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth, and to be a credible social justice organization embedded in our community.","https://www.bigsandkids.org/","Essex County, NJ; Hudson County, NJ; Union County, NJ","Civic and social engagement; Youth development; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Franklin County","2022","$500000","Mission : Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. Vision: All youth achieve their full potential.","https://bbbs-fc.org/","Franklin County, MA; North Quabbin, MA","Youth development; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://bbbsla.org/","Los Angeles, CA; Los Angeles County, CA","Bridging divides; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To create and support mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://bbbsatl.org/","Atlanta, GA; DeKalb County, GA; Fulton County, GA","Youth development"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Detroit","2022","$1500000","Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Detroit's mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://www.bbbsdetroit.org/","Michigan, US; Detroit, MI","Creative youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Miami","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://bbbsmiami.org/","Florida, US; Miami, FL; Monroe County, FL","Creative youth development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://mentorakid.org/","Murfreesboro, TN; Nashville, TN","Bridging divides; Youth development; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Mental and behavioral health"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Indiana","2022","$2900000","To create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://www.bbbsnei.org/","Indiana, US; Auburn, IN; Fort Wayne, IN","Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education; Youth development; Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northern Nevada","2022","$1100000","Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://www.bbbsnn.org/","Nevada, US; Reno, NV; Washoe County, NV","Youth development"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Puget Sound","2022","$1900000","To create and support 1-to-1 mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth- especially those impacted by systemic barriers","https://www.inspirebig.org/","Washington, US; King County, WA; Pierce County, WA","Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Alabama","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Our mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://www.bbbssa.org/","Baldwin County, AL; Mobile County, AL; Harrison County, MS","Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Louisiana","2022","$1100000","To create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://www.bbbsswla.org/","Louisiana, US; Lake Charles, LA","Youth development; Gender identity; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity; Sexual orientation"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bay Area","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. Our vision is that all youth achieve their full potential.","https://www.bbbsba.org","Oakland, CA; San Francisco, CA; Santa Clara County, CA","Bridging divides; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region","2022","$1100000","To create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://capbigs.org/","Cumberland County, PA; Dauphin County, PA; Lancaster County, PA","Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Sacramento Area","2022","$900000","Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Sacramento Area ignites potential in children and youth through strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that change lives forever. Children and youth enrolled in our program achieve measurable outcomes, including educational success, avoidance of risky behaviors, higher aspirations, greater confidence, and healthier personal relationships.","https://bbbs-sac.org/","Sacramento County, CA; Yolo County, CA; Yuba County, CA","Bridging divides; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands","2022","$2900000","The Big Brothers Big Sisters' mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://www.bbbsomaha.org/","Pottawattamie County, IA; Douglas County, NE; Sarpy County, NE","Bridging divides; Youth development; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Sun Coast","2022","$3600000","Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.","https://bbbssun.org/","Lee County, FL; Manatee County, FL; Sarasota County, FL","Creative youth development; Bridging divides; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Tri-State","2022","$500000","Our mission is to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever.","https://www.bbbstristate.org/","Ohio, US; Kentucky, US; West Virginia, US","Bridging divides; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Upstate","2022","$500000","Our mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of our youth.","https://www.bbbsupstate.com/","South Carolina, US; Greenville, SC; Spartanburg, SC","Youth development"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters Orange County & The Inland Empire","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To provide children and young adults facing adversity with a strong, enduring, professionally supported one-to-one mentoring relationships that creates pathways for the future and a mentor for a lifetime. Our Vision is to create caring and connected communities where young people thrive and experience upward social and economic mobility.","https://www.ocbigs.org/","West, US; United States; California, US","Economic development; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare"
"Big Brothers Big Sisters Twin Cities","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of all youth.","https://www.bigstwincities.org/","North America; Minnesota, US; United States","Creative youth development; Bridging divides; Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development"
"Big Thought","2021","$1500000","BIG THOUGHT is an impact nonprofit that closes the opportunity gap by equipping all youth in marginalized communities with the skills and tools they need to imagine and create their best lives and a better world.","https://www.bigthought.org/","Texas, US","Creative youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Bipartisan Policy Center","2021","$11000000","Build connections. Negotiate policy. Achieve bipartisan solutions. Improve lives.","https://bipartisanpolicy.org","United States","Bridging divides; Democracy; Access to housing and housing development; Climate change; Nutrition and food security"
"Black Alliance for Just Immigration","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","BAJI fights for the rights of African Americans and Black migrants through organizing, legal advocacy, research, policy, and narrative building to improve the conditions of Black communities by advancing racial justice and migrant rights.","https://baji.org/","United States","Immigration or migration; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Black Ensemble Theater","2021","$5000000","The mission of the Black Ensemble Theater is to eradicate racism and its devastating effects on society through the theater arts.","https://blackensembletheater.org/","Chicago, IL; Illinois, US","Creative youth development; Cultural awareness; Performing arts; Bridging divides; Race and ethnicity"
"Black Girls CODE","2020","$3000000","To directly address the issue of racial equity by providing girls of color with an opportunity for early exposure to STEM focused technical careers, and by providing role models from the pool of existing female technologists to “shift the equation” and to feed the pipeline creating the next generation of leaders and builders in technology.","https://wearebgc.org/","United States","Livelihoods and workforce development; Race and ethnicity; Gender identity"
"Black LGBTQIA+ Migrant Project","2022","$1500000","BLMP envisions a world without forced migration, where all Black LGBTQIA+ people are free and liberated. BLMP's mission is to build and center the power of Black LGBTQIA+ migrants to ensure the liberation of all Black people through community-building, political education, creating access to direct services, and organizing across borders.","https://transgenderlawcenter.org/programs/blmp","Latin America & Caribbean; North America; Sub-Saharan Africa","Gender identity; Immigration or migration; Race and ethnicity; Sexual orientation"
"Black Teacher Collaborative","2022","$3000000","BTC's mission is to engage, develop, and support a collective of Black educators who will ensure that Black children achieve at high levels academically while simultaneously preparing them with the intellectual, social, emotional, and cultural capital to actively participate in the ongoing advancement of their communities.","https://blackteachercollaborative.org/","South, US","Elementary, secondary education; Race and ethnicity; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Black Women's Health Imperative","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To lead the effort to solve the most pressing health issues that affect Black women and girls in the U.S. Through investments in evidence-based strategies, we deliver bold new programs and advocate health-promoting policies.","https://www.bwhi.org/","United States","Race and ethnicity; Gender identity; Access to healthcare; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"Black-Led Movement Fund at Borealis Philanthropy","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Black-Led Movement Fund (BLMF) at Borealis Philanthropy supports Black-led movement organizations to better shape policy agendas for Black communities, create alternatives to institutions that have been harmful to Black people, and build local Black community power.","https://borealisphilanthropy.org/blmf-moves-over-5million-fall-2020/","Midwest, US; South, US; United States","Civic and social engagement; Economic development; Race and ethnicity; Fund"
"Blackbird","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Blackbird works to build durable, sustainable movement infrastructure for racial, economic, climate and gender justice movements. Blackbird's strategy centers collaboration throughout local, national, and international communities.","https://www.teamblackbird.org/","Global; United States","Civic and social engagement; Race and ethnicity"
"Blackfeet Community College","2020","$3000000","The purpose of Blackfeet Community College is to provide the Blackfeet Nation and our ""universal community"" access to quality educational programs that prepare students for achievement in higher education, meaningful employment, basic skills instruction, and community education, while integrating the Blackfeet culture and language.","https://www.bfcc.edu","North America; United States; Blackfeet Indian Reservation, MT","Craft and traditional arts; Cultural awareness; Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education"
"Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health","2022","$6000000","Dedicated to giving back to Idaho and addressing the root causes that impact health.","https://www.bcidahofoundation.org/","Idaho, US","Early learning; Youth development; Access to healthcare; Active living; Mental and behavioral health"
"Blue Meridian Partners","2019","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Blue Meridian Partners is a pioneering philanthropic model for finding and funding scalable solutions to problems that limit economic and social mobility for America's young people and families in poverty.","https://www.bluemeridian.org/","United States","Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Fund; Access to healthcare"
"Blue Meridian Partners - COVID-19","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Blue Meridian Partners is a pioneering philanthropic model for finding and funding scalable solutions to problems that limit economic and social mobility for America's young people and families in poverty.","https://www.bluemeridian.org/","North America; United States","Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Fund; Access to healthcare"
"Blue Meridian Partners - The Justice and Mobility Fund","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Justice and Mobility Fund is a philanthropic collaboration between Blue Meridian Partners, the Ford Foundation, and the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies that aims to boost economic mobility and improve the life trajectories of people impacted by the criminal justice system in the United States.","https://www.bluemeridian.org/funds/the-justice-and-mobility-fund/","United States","Livelihoods and workforce development; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Fund"
"Blue Star Families","2022","$10000000","We empower families to thrive as they serve. Through research and data-informed programming and policy positions, we uplift military and veteran families by deepening connections with their neighbors in order to create vibrant communities of mutual support and belonging across our nation.","https://bluestarfam.org/","United States","Bridging divides; Livelihoods and workforce development; Race and ethnicity; Mental and behavioral health; Nutrition and food security"
"Blue Ventures","2022","$20000000","We rebuild tropical fisheries with coastal communities. We're working to create a world where small-scale fishers have bigger catches, better livelihoods and improved food security, and where healthy oceans teem with life for generations to come.","https://blueventures.org/","Global; East Asia & Pacific; Sub-Saharan Africa","Climate change; Environmental justice; Natural resources conservation; Regrantor; Human rights"
"BoardSource","2021","$5000000","To inspire and support nonprofit boards and executives to lead justly and with purpose.","https://boardsource.org/","Global; United States; Washington, DC","Race and ethnicity; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Bob Hope School","2022","$3500000","Our mission is to transform a community through a culture of service and leadership. We expect that all students will be prepared to compete successfully in the global workforce. We believe each person has merit, has dignity, and can make a valid contribution to society. We believe in the ""total child"" including mind, body, and spirit.","https://www.bobhopeschool.org/","South, US; United States; Texas, US","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education; Youth development"
"Bob Woodruff Foundation","2022","$15000000","We invite you to stand up for heroes so that we can find, fund, shape, and accelerate equitable solutions that help our impacted veterans, service members, their families, and their caregivers thrive.","https://bobwoodrufffoundation.org/","United States","Access to housing and housing development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Race and ethnicity; Fund; Mental and behavioral health; Nutrition and food security"
"BOLD (Black Organizing for Leadership & Dignity)","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","BOLD is a national training intermediary focused on strengthening Black social justice infrastructure in the U.S. We do this by transforming the practice of Black organizers to increase their alignment, impact and sustainability to win progressive change.","https://boldorganizing.org/","Midwest, US; South, US; West, US","Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Elementary, secondary education; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity"
"Borealis Philanthropy","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Borealis Philanthropy works with funders to direct resources to people building powerful, thriving communities. We invest in leaders, organizations, and movements using diverse and leading-edge strategies to pursue transformational change.","https://borealisphilanthropy.org/","United States","Civic and social engagement; Disability; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Fund"
"Boston Plan for Excellence","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Boston Plan for Excellence drives exceptional outcomes for all students by developing great teachers and great schools.","https://www.bpe.org/","Massachusetts, US; Boston, MA","Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education; Youth development"
"Bottom Line","2022","$15000000","We partner with degree-aspiring students from first-generation and low-income backgrounds to get into college, graduate, and go far in life.","https://www.bottomline.org/","Illinois, US; Massachusetts, US; New York, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Bowie State University","2020","$25000000","Bowie State University empowers a diverse population of students to reach their potential by providing innovative academic programs and transformational experiences as they prepare for careers, lifelong learning, and civic responsibility and supports Maryland’s workforce and economy by engaging in strategic partnerships, research, and public service to benefit our local, state, national, and global communities.","https://www.Bowiestate.edu","United States; Maryland, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Boys & Girls Club of Benton Harbor","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Our mission is to inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens.","https://www.bgcbh.org/","Benton Harbor, MI","Youth development"
"Boys & Girls Club of Collier County","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The mission of the Boys & Girls Club of Collier County is to empower all young people, especially those who need us most, to develop their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.","https://bgccc.com/","Florida, US; Immokalee, FL; Naples, FL","Creative youth development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Vocational education; Youth development"
"Boys & Girls Club of Dane County","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Boys & Girls Club of Dane County will inspire and empower all young people, especially those who need us the most, to reach their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring adults.","https://www.bgcdc.org/","Dane County, WI","Youth development"
"Boys & Girls Club of North Louisiana","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Provide youth in North Louisiana a safe supervised environment where they can develop into positive productive members of society","https://www.bgcofnl.org/","Louisiana, US; Ruston, LA","Youth development"
"Boys & Girls Club of the Northern Neck","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To inspire and enable all young people to reach their full potential as caring, productive and responsible citizens.","https://bgcnn.org/","Virginia, US; Lancaster, VA","Creative youth development; Civic and social engagement; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Boys & Girls Club of the Three Affiliated Tribes","2022","$875000","To inspire, guide, and empower our youth, especially those that need us the most, to realize and reach their full potential as productive, responsible, caring community members.","https://www.mhanation.com/boys-and-girls-club","Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, ND; North Dakota, US","Craft and traditional arts; Cultural awareness; Child development and welfare; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Boys & Girls Club of the West Valley","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Our mission is to inspire and enable all young people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible & caring adults.","https://www.wvbgc.org","Los Angeles, CA","Youth development"
"Boys & Girls Club of Whittier","2022","$2500000","Enable all youth, especially those that need us most to reach their full potential as productive, caring and responsible citizens.","https://www.bgcw.org/","California, US; Whittier, CA","Civic and social engagement; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Acadiana","2022","$1600000","To empower all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.","https://www.bgcacadiana.com/","Lafayette, LA; Lake Charles, LA; New Iberia, LA","Creative youth development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Mental and behavioral health; Nutrition and food security"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of America","2022","$25000000","To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.","https://www.bgca.org/","United States","Youth development"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston","2022","$17000000","To help young people, especially those who need us most, build strong character and realize their full potential as responsible citizens and leaders. We do this by providing a safe haven filled with hope and opportunity, ongoing relationships with caring adults, and life-enhancing programs.","https://www.bgcb.org/","Massachusetts, US; Boston, MA; Chelsea, MA","Youth development"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Carlsbad","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To inspire our community's young people to BE GREAT by offering educational, enriching and fun experiences in a safe environment.","https://www.bgccarlsbad.org/","California, US; Carlsbad, CA","Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida","2022","$11500000","To inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring and responsible citizens.","https://www.bgccf.org/","Florida, US","Creative youth development; Visual arts; Civic and social engagement; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Orange Coast","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To ensure every child has mentors and champions in life","https://boysandgirlsclub.com/","Santa Ana, CA","Creative youth development; Bridging divides; Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Youth development"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Texas","2022","$5200000","To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring and responsible citizens.","https://www.bgctx.org/Default","Bell County, TX; Williamson County, TX","Creative youth development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Chicago","2022","$8300000","Founded in 1902, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Chicago's mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.","https://bgcc.org/","Illinois, US; Midwest, US","Creative youth development; Cultural awareness; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Edinburg Rio Grande Valley","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Our Mission is to provide opportunity to all youth in a positive caring environment to enable them to become productive, responsible, influential citizens.","https://www.edinburgkids.com/","Edinburg, TX","Youth development"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Fresno County","2022","$3200000","To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.","https://www.bgcfresno.org/","California, US; Fresno County, CA","Craft and traditional arts; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Active living"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Garden Grove","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The mission of Boys & Girls Clubs of Garden Grove is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.","https://www.bgcgg.org","California, US; Garden Grove, CA","Creative youth development; Early learning; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Augusta","2022","$3500000","To inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as caring, productive, and responsible citizens.","https://bgcgreateraugusta.org/","Augusta, GA; Richmond County, GA","Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Nutrition and food security"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Dallas","2022","$4800000","Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Dallas enables all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.","https://bgcdallas.org/","Texas, US; Dallas County, TX; Navarro County, TX","Creative youth development; Bridging divides; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater High Point","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible, citizens","https://www.hpclubs.org/","North Carolina, US; Guilford County, NC; Randolph County, NC","Creative youth development; Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee","2022","$17000000","The mission of Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee is to inspire and empower all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.","https://www.bgcmilwaukee.org/","Milwaukee, WI","Youth development"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Oxnard and Port Hueneme","2022","$3200000","To inspire and enable all youth, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens.","https://www.bgcop.org/","California, US; Oxnard, CA; Port Hueneme, CA","Creative youth development; Civic and social engagement; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater St. Louis","2022","$5200000","To inspire and enable youth, especially those who need us most to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens","https://www.bgcstl.org/","Madison County, IL; St. Louis, MO; St. Louis County, MO","Creative youth development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Tarrant County","2022","$8300000","To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.","https://bgcgtc.org/","Denton County, TX; Tarrant County, TX","Creative youth development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Nutrition and food security"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Help boys and girls of all backgrounds, especially those who need us most, build confidence, develop character and acquire the skills needed to become productive, civic-minded, responsible adults.","https://bgcgw.org/","Washington, DC; Maryland, US; Virginia, US","Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Climate change"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible adults.","https://www.bgchartford.org/","Connecticut, US; Hartford, CT","Creative youth development; Civic and social engagement; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Nutrition and food security"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Lanier","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring and responsible citizens","https://www.boysgirlsclubs.com/","Forsyth County, GA; Habersham County, GA; Hall County, GA","Creative youth development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Nutrition and food security"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Manatee County","2022","$3200000","To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.","https://www.bgcmanatee.org/","Florida, US; Manatee County, FL","Youth development"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Mercer County","2022","$3500000","To enable all youth, especially those who need us the most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring and responsible citizens.","https://www.bgcmercer.org","Ewing, NJ; Lawrence, NJ; Trenton, NJ","Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Active living; Nutrition and food security"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade","2022","$4800000","To inspire and enable young people, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential as productive, caring and responsible citizens.","https://bgcmia.org/","Florida, US; Miami, FL","Creative youth development; Youth development"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Monterey County","2022","$3500000","To inspire and empower the youth of Monterey County to realize their full potential to become responsible, healthy, productive, and successful citizens.","https://www.bgcmc.org/","Monterey County, CA","Creative youth development; Bridging divides; Early learning; Child development and welfare; Nutrition and food security"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of North Alabama","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To enable all young people especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.","https://www.bgcnal.com/","North America; United States; Alabama, US","Craft and traditional arts; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Nutrition and food security; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of North Central Georgia","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.","https://www.bgcncg.com/","Georgia, US","Creative youth development; Bridging divides; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Humanitarian assistance and relief"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Northeast Florida","2022","$6800000","To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring and responsible citizens.","https://www.bgcnf.org","Florida, US; Duval County, FL; Jacksonville, FL","Elementary, secondary education; Vocational education; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Northeast Ohio","2022","$6800000","To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.","https://www.bgcneo.org/","Akron, OH; Cleveland, OH; Cuyahoga County, OH","Creative youth development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Nutrition and food security"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Oklahoma County","2022","$2500000","To inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens.","https://www.bgcokc.org/","Oklahoma County, OK","Youth development"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Puerto Rico","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Offer children and youth hope for a better future and opportunities for them to develop to their full potential.","https://www.bgcpr.org","Latin America & Caribbean; Puerto Rico, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Youth development; Maternal and perinatal health; Mental and behavioral health"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Sonoma-Marin","2022","$4800000","Our mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as caring, productive, responsible citizens.","https://www.bgcsonoma-marin.org/","California, US; Marin County, CA; Sonoma County, CA","Creative youth development; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare; Nutrition and food security"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of South County","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Boys & Girls Clubs of South County is dedicated to providing a safe and harmonious environment for youth of all backgrounds and to help them develop qualities needed to become responsible citizens and leaders.","https://www.bgcscounty.org","Chula Vista, CA; Imperial Beach, CA; South San Diego, CA","Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education; Youth development; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeast Virginia","2022","$2300000","To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.","https://www.bgcseva.org/","Virginia, US; Norfolk, VA","Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of the Golden Triangle","2022","$875000","To enable all young people especially those who need us most to reach their full potential as productive, caring and responsible citizens.","https://www.bgcgoldentri.org/","Columbus, MS","Creative youth development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Youth development; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of the Los Angeles Harbor","2022","$5200000","To enable young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens. We achieve this through a commitment to quality programs and services in an environment that is safe, nurturing and inspiring.","https://www.bgclaharbor.org/","Los Angeles, CA","Multidisciplinary arts; Elementary, secondary education; Vocational education; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.","https://www.choctaw.org","Mississippi, US; Choctaw, MS","Youth development"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of the Pee Dee Area","2022","$2500000","To inspire and enable all youth from throughout the Pee Dee area, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential as responsible, productive & caring citizens.","https://www.bgcpda.org/","Darlington County, SC; Florence County, SC; Williamsburg County, SC","Youth development; Child development and welfare; Nutrition and food security"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of the Peninsula","2022","$8300000","To empower the youth in our community with equitable access to social, academic, and career opportunities to thrive","https://www.bgcp.org/","San Mateo County, CA","Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of the Seminole Tribe of Florida","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To provide the well supervised, productive and safe after school and summer programs for the youth of the Seminole Tribe of Florida","https://www.seminolebgclub.org/","Florida, US; Hollywood, FL","Craft and traditional arts"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tar River Region","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us the most. To reach their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens.","https://www.bgctrr.org/","North Carolina, US; Edgecombe County, NC; Nash County, NC","Creative youth development; Bridging divides; Youth development; Active living; Nutrition and food security"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities","2022","$4800000","The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.","https://www.boysandgirls.org/","Minnesota, US; Hennepin County, MN; Ramsey County, MN","Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Nutrition and food security"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley","2022","$5200000","The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley empowers young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible members of the community.","https://www.bgcaz.org/","Maricopa County, AZ; Phoenix, AZ; Yuma, AZ","Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Mental and behavioral health; Nutrition and food security"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Toledo","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.","https://www.bgctoledo.org/","Bowling Green, OH; Findlay, OH; Toledo, OH","Creative youth development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson","2022","$3500000","The mission of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson is to provide young people, especially those who need us most, with a clear path to reach their full potential and pursue their dreams.","https://www.bgctucson.org/","Arizona, US","Creative youth development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of Wake County","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential as positive, productive, and caring citizens.","https://wakebgc.org/","Raleigh, NC; Wake Forest, NC; Zebulon, NC","Craft and traditional arts; Civic and social engagement; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Nutrition and food security"
"Boys & Girls Clubs of West San Gabriel Valley and Eastside","2022","$3200000","A positive place for kids and serving our most vulnerable youth","https://www.wsgvbgc.org","California, US; Los Angeles, CA","Creative youth development; Bridging divides; Early learning; Youth development; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Boys and Girls Club of White Earth","2022","$1250000","To enable all young people, especially those who need us most to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.","https://www.whiteearth.com/home","Minnesota, US; United States; White Earth Reservation, MN","Creative youth development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Mental and behavioral health; Nutrition and food security"
"Boys Town","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Boys Town's research-based mental and behavioral health care improves the lives of hundreds of thousands of children and families every year. Its life-changing services and trained specialists establish safe and successful learning environments, save lives through our crisis hotline and give kids and parents the resources they need to succeed.","https://www.boystown.org/Pages/default.aspx","United States","Vocational education; Youth development; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"BRAC","2022","$25000000","Our mission is to empower people and communities in situations of poverty, illiteracy, disease and social injustice. Our interventions aim to achieve large scale, positive changes through economic and social programmes that enable women and men to realise their potential.","https://www.brac.net/","South Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa; Bangladesh","Early learning; Youth development; Access to healthcare; Maternal and perinatal health; Nutrition and food security"
"BRAC - Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiatives","2020","$40000000","BRAC is a leading international nonprofit with a mission to empower people and communities in situations of poverty, illiteracy, disease, and social injustice. We design proven, scalable solutions that equip people with the support, skills, and confidence they need to lift themselves out of poverty and achieve their potential.","https://bracupgi.org/","Global; South Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa","Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Youth development; Climate change; Humanitarian assistance and relief"
"Branch Alliance for Educator Diversity","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Branch Alliance for Educator Diversity (BranchED) strengthens, grows, and amplifies the impact of educator preparation programs at Minority Serving Institutions by improving programming, deepening partnerships and coalitions, and driving innovation to maximize the effectiveness of educators and the achievement of the learners they serve.","https://www.educatordiversity.org/","Northeast, US; South, US; West, US","Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor"
"Braven","2022","$11000000","The mission of Braven is to empower promising, underrepresented young people - first-generation college students, students from low-income backgrounds, and students of color - with the skills, confidence, experiences and networks necessary to transition from college to strong first jobs, which lead to meaningful careers and lives of impact.","https://bebraven.org/","Chicago, IL; Atlanta, GA; San Francisco, CA","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Brazil Human Rights Fund","2022","$5000000","Our mission is to promote respect for human rights in Brazil, building innovative and sustainable mechanisms to channel resources to strengthen civil society organizations that are tackling inequalities and fighting for social justice.","https://www.fundobrasil.org.br/","Latin America & Caribbean; Brazil","Environmental justice; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Fund; Human rights; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"BrazilFoundation","2022","$5000000","BrazilFoundation mobilizes resources for ideas and actions that transform Brazil. We work with local leaders, organizations and a global network of supporters to promote equality, social justice and economic opportunity for all Brazilians.","https://www.brazilfoundation.org/","Brazil","Environmental justice; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Fund; Human rights"
"Brazosport College","2021","$3000000","Exists to improve quality of life by providing certificate, associate and baccalaureate degree programs, academic transfer programs, workforce development, and cultural enrichment in an efficient and cost effective manner. Committed to student success and lifelong learning by responding to student needs, creating a dynamic and safe learning environment, and enriching our communities.","https://brazosport.edu/","Texas, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education"
"Breakthrough Collaborative","2022","$5000000","Breakthrough Collaborative works with traditionally underrepresented students to achieve post-secondary success and empowers aspiring leaders to become the next generation of educators and advocates.","https://www.breakthroughcollaborative.org/","United States","Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Bright Star Schools","2022","$7000000","At Bright Star Schools, our mission is to provide holistic, inclusive support for all students to achieve academic excellence and grow their unique talents so that they find joy and fulfillment in higher education, career, and life.","https://www.brightstarschools.org/","California, US; Los Angeles, CA","Creative youth development; Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development"
"Brooke Charter Schools","2022","$7000000","To provide an academically rigorous public education to students from the cities of Boston and Chelsea that will ensure that they are prepared to enter into and succeed in college.","https://www.ebrooke.org/","Massachusetts, US; Boston, MA","Elementary, secondary education"
"Brothers Empowered to Teach","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","BE2T's mission is to generate a pipeline of incredible teachers who mirror success for their students. We create transformational change, drive school cultures toward equity, and open pathways for Black men to become teachers.","https://www.be2t.org/","South, US; Louisiana, US; New Orleans, LA","Creative youth development; Cultural awareness; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Broward College","2021","$30000000","Transforming students' lives and enriching our diverse community through academic excellence, innovation, and meaningful career opportunities.","https://www.broward.edu/","Global; Florida, US; Fort Lauderdale, FL","Economic development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education; Race and ethnicity; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Buffalo Urban League","2022","$6000000","To empowering African Americans, other minorities, and disadvantaged individuals to secure economic self-reliance, parity, power, and civil rights.","https://buffalourbanleague.org/","Buffalo, NY; Erie County, NY; Niagara County, NY","Civic and social engagement; Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Building Movement Project","2021","$5000000","The Building Movement Project (BMP) supports and pushes the nonprofit sector to tackle the most significant social issues of our times by developing research, creating tools and training materials, providing guidance, and facilitating networks for social change.","https://buildingmovement.org/","United States; New York, NY","Bridging divides; Race and ethnicity; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Busara Center for Behavioral Economics","2022","$2500000","Busara works with researchers and organizations to advance and apply behavioral science in pursuit of poverty alleviation.","https://busaracenter.org/","Latin America & Caribbean; South Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa","Civic and social engagement; Agricultural development; Economic development; Financial inclusion; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"CAAAV: Organizing Asian Communities","2021","$2000000","CAAAV's purpose is to develop the leadership of working class Asian immigrants to make a significant intervention in the gentrification of NYC by building neighborhood power in Chinatown and Astoria. Our strategy is to build neighborhood power to (1) defend our neighborhoods by fighting against speculative development; (2) fight for more housing for the working class in these neighborhoods; and (3) build enough power to constrict our opposition, the real estate industry.","https://caaav.org/","New York, NY","Civic and social engagement; Access to housing and housing development; Youth development; Immigration or migration; Race and ethnicity"
"California Community Foundation - housing, unrestricted","2022","$50000000","The California Community Foundation (CCF) has served as a public, charitable organization for Los Angeles County since 1915. Its mission is to lead positive systemic change that strengthens Los Angeles communities. CCF stewards $2.5 billion in assets and manages 1,800 charitable foundations, funds and legacies.","https://www.calfund.org/","Los Angeles, CA","Access to housing and housing development; Immigration or migration; Fund"
"California Pan-Ethnic Health Network","2022","$4000000","We bring together and mobilize communities of color to advocate for public policies that advance health equity and racial justice.","https://www.cpehn.org/","North America; United States; California, US","Race and ethnicity; Access to healthcare; Mental and behavioral health; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"California State Polytechnic University, Pomona","2021","$40000000","We cultivate success through a diverse culture of experiential learning, discovery and innovation. Cal Poly Pomona will be the model for an inclusive polytechnic university that inspires creativity and innovation, embraces local and global challenges and transforms lives.","https://www.cpp.edu/","West, US; United States; California, US","Postsecondary, tertiary education"
"California State University Channel Islands","2021","$15000000","Placing students at the center of the educational experience, California State University Channel Islands provides undergraduate and graduate education that facilitates learning within and across disciplines through integrative approaches, emphasizes experiential and service learning, and graduates students with multicultural and international perspectives.","https://www.csuci.edu/","United States; California, US; Camarillo, CA","Civic and social engagement; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Climate change; Race and ethnicity"
"California State University, Fullerton","2021","$40000000","California State University, Fullerton enriches the lives of students and inspires them to thrive in a global environment. We cultivate lifelong habits of scholarly inquiry, critical and creative thinking, dynamic inclusivity, and social responsibility. Rooted in the strength of our diversity and immersive experiences, we embolden Titans to become intellectual, community, and economic leaders who shape the future.","https://www.fullerton.edu/","West, US; California, US","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Democracy; Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education"
"California State University, Northridge","2021","$40000000","California State University, Northridge exists to enable students to realize their educational goals. The University's first priority is to promote the welfare and intellectual progress of students.","https://www.csun.edu/","California, US; Los Angeles, CA","Postsecondary, tertiary education"
"Camelback Ventures","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Camelback Ventures increases access to opportunity for entrepreneurs of color and women by investing in their ventures and leadership while advocating for fairness in their funding.","https://www.camelbackventures.org/","United States","Elementary, secondary education; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Fund; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"CAMFED","2020","$25000000","CAMFED catalyzes the power of the most vulnerable girls and young women to create the future they imagine: for themselves, for their communities, and for Africa.","https://camfed.org/us/","Sub-Saharan Africa","Civic and social engagement; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Climate change; Gender identity"
"Campaign for Southern Equality","2022","$1000000","The Campaign for Southern Equality promotes full LGBTQ equality - both legal and lived - across the South. Our work is rooted in commitments to empathy and equity.","https://southernequality.org/","South, US; North America; United States","Civic and social engagement; Gender identity; Sexual orientation; Regrantor"
"Campaign Legal Center","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center advances democracy through law at the federal, state and local levels, fighting for every American's rights to responsive government and a fair opportunity to participate in and affect the democratic process.","https://campaignlegal.org/","United States","Democracy"
"Candid","2021","$15000000","Candid's mission is to get you the information you need to do good.","https://candid.org/","Global; United States","Race and ethnicity; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Capital Area United Way","2020","$5000000","To improve lives by leveraging partnerships in our community to advance the common good through education, income stability, and healthy living.","https://www.cauw.org/","Louisiana, US; Baton Rouge, LA","Financial inclusion; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor; Access to healthcare"
"Capital District YMCA","2020","$10000000","Our Mission is to put Christian Principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit mind, and body for all","https://cdymca.org/","New York, US; Albany, NY","Access to housing and housing development; Early learning; Youth development; Chronic diseases; Nutrition and food security"
"Capital Impact Partners (now part of Momentus Capital)","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","We help build inclusive and equitable communities by providing people access to the capital and opportunities they deserve.","https://www.capitalimpact.org/","United States","Bridging divides; Economic development; Financial inclusion; Race and ethnicity; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"CARE - Ukraine relief efforts","2022","$5000000","CARE works around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty, and achieve social justice. We put women and girls in the center because we know that we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities.","https://www.care.org/our-work/disaster-response/emergencies/ukraine-humanitarian-crisis/","Global","Economic development; Nutrition and food security; Sexual and reproductive health and justice; Water access, sanitation, and hygiene; Humanitarian assistance and relief"
"Caribe Girl Scouts Council","2022","$300000","Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.","https://www.cgspr.org/","Puerto Rico, US","Creative youth development; Civic and social engagement; Youth development; Natural resources conservation; Race and ethnicity"
"Caring Across Generations - Equality Can't Wait Challenge","2021","$5840000","Caring Across Generations (a fiscally sponsored project of NDWA) is a national organization of family caregivers, care workers, people with disabilities, and aging adults working to transform care so that it is accessible, affordable and equitable - and enables everyone to live and age with dignity.","https://caringacross.org/ecw/","Illinois, US; United States; Georgia, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor"
"Carmen Schools of Science and Technology","2022","$3500000","Graduating all students as critical thinkers and self-directed learners who are prepared for success in college, meaningful careers, community involvement and family life.","https://www.carmenschools.org/","Wisconsin, US; Milwaukee, WI","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development; Access to healthcare"
"Center for Asian American Media","2021","$1500000","The Center for Asian American Media (CAAM) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to presenting stories that convey the richness and diversity of Asian American experiences to the broadest audience possible.","https://caamedia.org/","United States; San Francisco, CA","Cultural awareness; Race and ethnicity"
"Center for Black Educator Development","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To achieve educational equity and racial justice by rebuilding the national Black Teacher Pipeline.","https://www.thecenterblacked.org/","Detroit, MI; Camden, NJ; Philadelphia, PA","Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development"
"Center for Cultural Innovation","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Center for Cultural Innovation (CCI) is a California-headquartered, national nonprofit. Its mission is to support individuals in the arts to realize greater self-determination so as to unfetter their productivity, free expression, and social impact, which contributes to shaping our collective national identity in ways that reflect the diversity of society.","https://www.cciarts.org/","United States","Cultural awareness; Economic development; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Center for Disaster Philanthropy - COVID-19 Response Fund","2020","$10000000","To mobilize philanthropy to strengthen the ability of communities to withstand disasters and recover equitably when they occur.","https://www.disasterphilanthropy.org/cdp-fund/cdp-covid-19-response-fund","Global; United States","Climate change; Race and ethnicity; Fund; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Center for Disaster Philanthropy - Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Recovery Fund","2022","$3000000","To mobilize philanthropy to strengthen the ability of communities to withstand disasters and recover equitably when they occur.","https://disasterphilanthropy.org/cdp-fund/cdp-ukraine-humanitarian-crisis-recovery-fund/","Global; United States","Climate change; Race and ethnicity; Fund; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Center for Evaluation Innovation","2021","$3000000","The Center for Evaluation Innovation partners with philanthropy to provide changemakers the space and resources needed to advance racial justice and create an equitable future.","https://www.evaluationinnovation.org/","United States","Democracy; Race and ethnicity; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Center for Health Care Strategies","2021","$12000000","The Center Health Care Strategies is dedicated to strengthening the U.S. health care system to ensure better, more equitable outcomes, particularly for people served by Medicaid.","https://www.chcs.org/","United States","Race and ethnicity; Access to healthcare; Child development and welfare; Maternal and perinatal health; Mental and behavioral health"
"Center for Law and Social Policy","2022","$10000000","CLASP is a national, nonpartisan, anti-poverty nonprofit advancing policy solutions to improve the lives of people with low incomes. We develop practical yet visionary strategies for reducing poverty, promoting economic opportunity, and addressing institutional and racial barriers faced by people of color.","https://www.clasp.org/","United States","Livelihoods and workforce development; Race and ethnicity"
"Center for Policing Equity","2020","$25000000","To end disparities in law enforcement by facilitating, aggregating and disseminating research on racial bias in policing.","https://policingequity.org/","Connecticut, US; United States","Bridging divides; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity; Public health, public health infrastructure; Human rights"
"Center for Rural Strategies","2022","$3000000","Working for smarter, greener, more inclusive rural communities.","https://www.ruralstrategies.org/","United States","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Democracy"
"Center for Science in the Public Interest","2022","$15000000","The Center for Science in the Public Interest is your food and health watchdog. CSPI envisions a healthy population with reduced impact and burden of preventable diseases and an equitable food system that makes healthy, sustainable food accessible to all. CSPI values independence, scientific rigor, and transparency.","https://www.cspinet.org/","Northeast, US; West, US; United States","Civic and social engagement; Climate change; Chronic diseases; Nutrition and food security; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Center for Tech and Civic Life","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","We connect Americans with the information they need to become and remain civically engaged, and ensure that our elections are more professional, inclusive, and secure.","https://www.techandciviclife.org/","United States","Civic and social engagement; Democracy; Regrantor"
"Center of Life","2021","$1500000","Providing people with the life-skills, training, resources and opportunities that will make them strong and will enable them to make their communities strong.","https://www.centeroflife.net/","Pennsylvania, US; Allegheny County, PA; Pittsburgh, PA","Creative youth development; Performing arts; Bridging divides; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education"
"Centering Healthcare Institute","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The mission of Centering Healthcare Institute is to improve health, transform care, and disrupt inequitable systems through the Centering group model.","https://www.centeringhealthcare.org/","United States","Bridging divides; Early learning; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare; Maternal and perinatal health"
"CenterLink: The Community of LGBT Centers","2022","$2000000","CenterLink strengthens, supports, and connects LGBTQ community centers.","https://www.lgbtcenters.org/","North America; Canada; United States","Regrantor; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Central California Food Bank","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Central California Food Bank fights hunger by gathering and distributing food, engaging in partnerships that advance self-sufficiency, and by providing community leadership on issues related to hunger.","https://ccfoodbank.org","Fresno County, CA; Kings County, CA; Tulare County, CA","Nutrition and food security"
"CFLeads","2021","$5000000","Our mission is to help community foundations build strong communities by advancing effective practices, sharing knowledge and galvanizing action on critical issues of our time.","https://cfleads.org/","Latin America & Caribbean; North America; United States","Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Chaffey College","2021","$25000000","Chaffey College improves lives and our communities through education with a steadfast commitment to equity and innovation to empower our diverse students who learn and thrive through excellent career, transfer, and workforce education programs that advance economic and social mobility for all.","https://www.chaffey.edu/","California, US; San Bernardino County, CA","Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education"
"CHANGE Philanthropy","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","CHANGE Philanthropy is a coalition of philanthropic networks working together to strengthen bridges across funders and communities. We are transforming philanthropy from within by building knowledge, fostering diversity, and creating connections.","https://changephilanthropy.org/","United States","Race and ethnicity; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"ChangeLab Solutions","2022","$8000000","ChangeLab Solutions works across the nation to advance equitable laws and policies that ensure healthy lives for all.","https://www.changelabsolutions.org/","Midwest, US; Northeast, US; West, US","Democracy; Access to housing and housing development; Race and ethnicity; Public health, public health infrastructure; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Charity Navigator","2021","$5000000","Make impactful giving easier for all","https://www.charitynavigator.org/","North America; United States","Bridging divides; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History opens minds and changes lives through the exploration and celebration of African American history and culture and its profound impact on diverse populations around the globe.","https://www.thewright.org/","Macomb County, MI; Oakland County, MI; Wayne County, MI","Museums; Bridging divides; Youth development; Environmental justice; Race and ethnicity"
"Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science","2022","$20000000","Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science is a private, non-profit, student-centered University that is committed to cultivating diverse health professional leaders who are dedicated to social justice and health equity for under-served populations through outstanding education, research, clinical service, and community engagement.","https://www.cdrewu.edu/","North America; California, US; Los Angeles County, CA","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity; Access to healthcare; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Charter School Growth Fund","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Charter School Growth Fund identifies the country's best public charter schools, funds their expansion, and helps to increase their impact. We're driven by a conviction that all children deserve great public schools in their communities.","https://chartergrowthfund.org/","United States","Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education; Race and ethnicity; Fund"
"Cherokee Youth Center","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens.","https://www.cherokeeyouthcenter.com/","Cherokee, NC; Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Reservation, NC; Qualla Boundary, NC","Creative youth development; Cultural awareness; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Chicago Community Loan Fund (CCLF)","2021","$10000000","The mission of the Chicago Community Loan Fund is to provide flexible, affordable and responsible financing and technical assistance for community stabilization and development efforts and initiatives that benefit low- to moderate-income neighborhoods, families and individuals throughout metropolitan Chicago.","https://cclfchicago.org/","Chicago, IL; Illinois, US","Livelihoods and workforce development"
"Chicago Public Schools","2022","$25000000","To provide a high-quality public education for every child, in every neighborhood, that prepares each for success in college, career, and civic life.","https://www.cps.edu/","Chicago, IL","Elementary, secondary education"
"Chicago Urban League","2022","$6600000","The Chicago Urban League works to achieve equity for Black families and communities through social and economic empowerment.","https://www.chiul.org/","Chicago, IL; Cook County, IL","Financial inclusion; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Access to healthcare; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Chicago's Cultural Treasures","2021","$8000000","IFF is a mission-driven lender, developer, and consultant that helps communities thrive. Across the Midwest, we work at the nexus of facilities and finance to help nonprofits and other service providers to create safe, inspiring spaces that enable them to achieve their missions and support their communities.","https://chicagosculturaltreasures.org/","Illinois, US; Midwest, US; Michigan, US","Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Chief Dull Knife College","2020","$1000000","Chief Dull Knife College is a community based, land grant, and tribally controlled community college established to provide quality educational opportunities to residents of the Northern Cheyenne Reservation and surrounding communities. Inspired by Chief Dull Knife’s determination, our mission is to provide Northern Cheyenne culturally influenced education through quality life-long learning opportunities.","https://www.cdkc.edu","Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation, MT","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Child in Need Institute (CINI)","2021","$1250000","To ensure that children and adolescents achieve their rights to health, nutrition, education, protection and participation by making duty bearers and communities responsive to their well being","https://www.cini-india.org/","South Asia; India","Elementary, secondary education; Climate change; Access to healthcare; Mental and behavioral health; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"Child Mind Institute","2021","$20000000","The Child Mind Institute transforms the lives of children and families struggling with mental health disorders by giving them the help they need to thrive. We provide gold-standard evidence-based care, deliver educational resources to millions of families each year, train educators in underserved communities, and are developing tomorrow's breakthrough treatments.","https://childmind.org/","Greece; New York, NY; San Mateo , CA","Disability; Mental and behavioral health"
"Child Trends","2022","$10000000","Child Trends improves the lives and prospects of children and youth by conducting high-quality research and sharing the resulting knowledge with policymakers and practitioners.","https://www.childtrends.org/","United States","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"Children's Defense Fund","2021","$20000000","Children's Defense Fund envisions a nation where marginalized children flourish, leaders prioritize their well-being, and communities wield the power to ensure they thrive.","https://www.childrensdefense.org/","United States","Civic and social engagement; Early learning; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare"
"Children's Home Society of North Carolina","2022","$8000000","To promote the right of every child to a permanent, safe and loving family.","https://www.chsnc.org/","North Carolina, US","Bridging divides; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Children's Home Society of Washington","2022","$8000000","Our mission is to develop healthy children, create strong families, build engaged communities, and speak and advocate for children.","https://www.childrenshomesociety.org/","United States; Washington, US","Financial inclusion; Early learning; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Chinatown Community Development Center","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Mission of the Chinatown Community Development Center is to build community and enhance the quality of life for San Francisco residents. We are a place-based community development organization serving primarily the Chinatown neighborhood, and also serve other areas including North Beach and the Tenderloin.","https://www.chinatowncdc.org/","San Francisco, CA","Civic and social engagement; Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Chinese for Affirmative Action (dba Asian Americans for Civil Rights and Equality)","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Asian Americans for Civil Rights and Equality (AACRE) network focuses on long-term movement building, capacity infrastructure, and leadership support for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders committed to social justice. We connect communities, ideas, and action to inspire positive change.","https://www.caasf.org","United States","Civic and social engagement; Immigration or migration; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity; Sexual orientation"
"Chinese-American Planning Council","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Chinese-American Planning Council's mission is to promote the social and economic empowerment of Chinese American, immigrant, and low-income communities by providing social services that create positive social change and that ensure individuals and families achieve goals in their education, family, community, and career.","https://www.cpc-nyc.org/","New York, US; New York, NY","Early learning; Youth development; Aging; Immigration or migration; Access to healthcare"
"Chipola Area Habitat for Humanity","2022","$1000000","Chipola Area HFH brings people together from all walks of life to build homes, community and hope.","https://www.chipolahabitat.org/","Florida, US; Jackson County, FL; Washington County, FL","Bridging divides; Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Race and ethnicity"
"Choose Love","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Our mission at Choose Love is to do whatever it takes to identify, prevent, and close gaps in services for refugees and displaced people. We raise funds in order to support community-based organizations that provide life-saving humanitarian assistance, address basic human needs, and promote long-term solutions for people uprooted from their homes.","https://chooselove.org/","Europe & Central Asia; Middle East & North Africa; North America","Immigration or migration; Fund; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Choose Love - Ukraine relief efforts","2022","$3000000","Our mission is to do whatever it takes to identify, close and prevent gaps in services and protections for refugees and displaced people. We work fast, flexibly and creatively to provide what is needed. Prioritising local knowledge and lived experience, we partner with the most effective community-based organisations working along key migration routes.","https://chooselove.org/","Europe & Central Asia; Middle East & North Africa; North America","Immigration or migration; Regrantor; Humanitarian assistance and relief; Human rights; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Citizen Schools","2022","$8000000","Our mission is to help all students thrive in school and beyond through hands-on learning and career mentors","https://www.citizenschools.org/","Massachusetts, US; New York, US; California, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"City Year","2021","$25000000","City Year's mission is to advance educational equity by supporting students furthest from opportunity and to develop diverse leaders through national service who can work across lines of difference.","https://www.cityyear.org","United Kingdom; United States; South Africa","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development"
"Claflin University","2020","$20000000","To prepare students for roles as informed citizens and responsible criminal justice professionals in a global society. Student Learning Outcomes The Criminal Justice faculty has established program learning outcomes, which define what our students will learn and gain from our program.","https://www.claflin.edu","South, US; South Carolina, US; Orangeburg, SC","Postsecondary, tertiary education; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity"
"Clark Atlanta University","2020","$15000000","Building on its social justice history and heritage, Clark Atlanta University is a culturally diverse, research-intensive, liberal arts institution that prepares and transforms the lives of students. Ignited by its history, CAU is committed to delivering education that is accessible, relevant, and transformative.","https://www.cau.edu","United States; Georgia, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Clean Slate Initiative","2022","$15000000","We are a bipartisan organization working to pass legislation which automates and expands record clearance for millions of people.","https://cleanslateinitiative.org/","United States","Financial inclusion; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Regrantor"
"Cleveland Metropolitan School District","2022","$20000000","In our pursuit of a more fair, just and good system of education, we want each of our learners, both each of our scholars and each of their educators, to be presented with academically/intellectually complex tasks that are worthy of their productive struggle and allow them authentic opportunities to demonstrate their work and their learning.","https://www.clevelandmetroschools.org/","Ohio, US; Cleveland, OH; Cuyahoga County, OH","Civic and social engagement; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Climate Justice Resilience Fund","2022","$7000000","To empower women, youth and Indigenous Peoples on the front lines of climate change to create and share their own solutions for resilience","https://www.cjrfund.org/","Global; South Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa","Youth development; Climate change; Environmental justice; Fund; Human rights"
"ClimateWorks Foundation - Drive Electric Campaign","2021","$35000000","Our mission is to end the climate crisis by amplifying the power of philanthropy","https://www.driveelectriccampaign.org/","Global","Climate change; Environmental justice; Regrantor; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Co-Impact","2020","$50000000","Co-Impact is a global philanthropic collaborative focused on improving the lives of millions of people through just and inclusive systems change.","https://www.co-impact.org/","Latin America & Caribbean; South Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa","Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Gender identity; Fund; Access to healthcare"
"Co-Impact Gender Fund","2021","$75000000","Co-Impact is a global philanthropic collaborative focused on improving the lives of millions of people through just and inclusive systems change.","https://www.co-impact.org/","Latin America & Caribbean; South Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa","Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Gender identity; Fund; Access to healthcare"
"Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA)","2022","$3000000","CHIRLA's mission is to create a just society fully inclusive of immigrants and to advance the human and civil rights of immigrants and refugees","https://www.chirla.org/","Mexico; United States; California, US","Civic and social engagement; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Immigration or migration; Race and ethnicity"
"Coastal Bend Food Bank","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","We fight hunger and promote wellness through food distribution and nutrition education.","https://coastalbendfoodbank.org/","Texas, US","Nutrition and food security"
"Coastal Enterprises Inc (CEI)","2020","$10000000","CEI works to build a just, vibrant and climate-resilient future for people and communities in Maine and rural America. We do this by integrating finance, small business expertise and policy solutions in ways that make the economy work more equitably.","https://www.ceimaine.org/","Northeast, US; Maine, US; United States","Agricultural development; Economic development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Environmental justice"
"Code for America","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Code for America's mission is to fight poverty by making government work for and by the people in the digital age.","https://codeforamerica.org/","United States","Democracy; Economic development; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Access to healthcare; Nutrition and food security"
"CoGenerate (formerly known as Encore.org)","2020","$3000000","We bring the generations together to solve problems, bridge divides, and co-create a better future.","https://cogenerate.org/","United States","Cultural awareness; Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Aging"
"Cohere","2022","$2500000","At Cohere we want to see a world in which everyone has control over their own future. Especially refugees. To make the most effective and sustainable change within communities we work with refugee-led organisations, who know exactly what's needed to address the challenges their communities face.","https://www.wearecohere.org/","Sub-Saharan Africa","Immigration or migration; Regrantor; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","CASEL's mission is to help make evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL) an integral part of education from preschool to high school. We envision all children and adults as self-aware, caring, responsible, engaged, and lifelong learners who work together to achieve their goals and to create a more inclusive, just, and equitable world.","https://casel.org/","United States","Civic and social engagement; Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Collaborative for Gender + Reproductive Equity (CGRE)","2021","$25000000","CGRE's mission is to: provide and attract new funding; act boldly and nimbly, and push the envelope; focus on the priorities of those with direct experience of inequity, including low-income women, women of color, and trans and gender expansive people; and respect and support diverse, courageous, and bold leadership.","https://cgre.org/","United States","Civic and social engagement; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Fund; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"Collage Dance Collective","2021","$3000000","To inspire the growth of ballet.","https://collagedance.org/","South, US; Tennessee, US; Memphis, TN","Creative youth development; Cultural awareness; Performing arts; Race and ethnicity; Active living"
"Collective Future Fund","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Collective Future Fund (CFF) brings together social justice movements, survivors, and donors to heal, resource, and mobilize towards a future free from all forms of patriarchal violence.","https://www.collectivefuturefund.org/","United States","Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Sexual orientation; Fund; Sexual and gender-based violence"
"College Access: Research & Action","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","CARA's mission is to ensure that first-generation college students, low-income students, and students of color have the knowledge and support necessary to enroll in and persist through college. Our programs, research, and policy work confront the gap in post-secondary guidance faced by first-generation college students in New York City and beyond.","https://caranyc.org/","United States; New York, NY","Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development"
"College of the Desert","2021","$18000000","College of the Desert provides excellent educational programs in basic skills, career and technical education, certificate, transfer preparation, associate degrees, noncredit and distance education. Our programs and services contribute to the success, learning and achievement of our diverse students and the vitality of the Desert Community College District, surrounding areas and beyond.","https://www.collegeofthedesert.edu","California, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity"
"College Track","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Equip students confronting systemic barriers to earn a bachelor’s degree in pursuit of a life of opportunity, choice, and power.","https://collegetrack.org/","United States","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education"
"Collegiate Academies","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Collegiate Academies builds world-class public schools that prepare all students for college success and lives of unlimited opportunity.","https://www.collegiateacademies.org/","Louisiana, US; Baton Rouge, LA; New Orleans, LA","Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education"
"Columbia Urban League","2022","$1500000","Empowering disadvantaged and undeserved African Americans and others in becoming productive citizens and contributing members of society","https://www.culsc.org","South Carolina, US; Richland County, SC","Economic development; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Access to healthcare"
"Columbus Area Habitat for Humanity","2022","$1250000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://www.columbusareahabitat.com/","Georgia, US; Columbus, GA; Talbotton, GA","Bridging divides; Access to housing and housing development; Aging; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Columbus Urban League","2022","$6600000","To empower African Americans and disenfranchised groups through economic, educational and social progress","https://www.cul.org/","Ohio, US; Columbus, OH","Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Youth development; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity"
"Common Cause Education Fund","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Common Cause Education Fund seeks, through research, public education and innovative programs, to: increase public understanding of the democratic process and, where appropriate, the need for change; empower citizens and promote effective participation in all aspects of the democratic process at the local, state and federal level; and empower citizens to hold government accountable.","https://www.commoncause.org/education-fund/","United States","Democracy"
"Common Counsel Foundation","2021","$5000000","Common Counsel Foundation is a public foundation; a national social justice formation, not defined or contained by geographic bounds. We advise, provide fiscal sponsorships and build operational capacity for movement organizations, and are home to multi-funder collaborative initiatives.","https://www.commoncounsel.org/","United States","Democracy; Financial inclusion; Environmental justice; Fund; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Common Future","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Advocate for power, choice, and ownership in communities to build more equitable and inclusive economies; addressing economic inequality, which means directly addressing how systemic injustice affects people and communities in terms of race, gender, geography, and beyond.","https://www.commonfuture.co/","United States","Race and ethnicity; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Common Justice","2022","$6000000","Common Justice develops and advances solutions to violence that transform the lives of those harmed and foster racial equity without relying on incarceration. Rigorous and hopeful, we build practical strategies to hold people accountable for harm, break cycles of violence, and secure safety, healing, and justice for survivors and their communities.","https://www.commonjustice.org/","New York, NY","Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity"
"Communities for Just Schools Fund","2022","$10000000","Communities for Just Schools Fund brings together the resources of philanthropy with the power of grassroots organizing to ensure that schools welcome all students and nurture their full potential.","https://www.cjsfund.org/","Canada; United States; Puerto Rico, US","Elementary, secondary education; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Fund; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Communities In Schools - Bay Area","2021","$2000000","We surround students with a community of support empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://www.cisba.org/","Texas, US; Galveston, TX; Houston, TX","Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Communities In Schools (CIS)","2021","$20000000","At Communities In Schools (CIS), we surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://www.communitiesinschools.org/","United States","Economic development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Mental and behavioral health"
"Communities In Schools of Appalachian Highlands (formerly Communities In Schools of Southwest Virginia)","2022","$800000","To surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://cisofswva.org/","Tennessee, US; Virginia, US","Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Communities In Schools of Atlanta","2021","$4000000","Communities In Schools of Atlanta's mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://www.cisatlanta.org/","Atlanta, GA; DeKalb County, GA; Fulton County, GA","Access to housing and housing development; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Communities In Schools of Benton-Franklin","2022","$2000000","Our mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://bentonfranklin.ciswa.org/","Washington, US; Benton County, WA; Franklin County, WA","Creative youth development; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Communities In Schools of Cape Fear","2022","$1500000","To surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://www.ciscapefear.org/","South, US; North Carolina, US; New Hanover County, NC; Pender County, NC","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Communities In Schools of Central Texas","2022","$7000000","Communities In Schools of Central Texas surrounds students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://ciscentraltexas.org/","Austin, TX; Hays County, TX; Travis County, TX","Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Mental and behavioral health; Nutrition and food security"
"Communities In Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg","2021","$5000000","At Communities In Schools® (CIS®), we surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://www.cischarlotte.org/","South, US; North Carolina, US; Charlotte, NC","Bridging divides; Elementary, secondary education"
"Communities In Schools of Chicago","2021","$4000000","Communities In Schools of Chicago is a leading non-profit dedicated to removing barriers so that students unlock their potential and stay on the path to graduation. We surround students with a community of support empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://www.cisofchicago.org/","Chicago, IL","Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Mental and behavioral health"
"Communities In Schools of East Texas","2021","$1000000","At Communities In Schools (CIS), we surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://www.cisetx.org/","Conroe, TX; Longview, TX; Marshall, TX","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Communities In Schools of Eastern Pennsylvania","2021","$3300000","The mission of Communities In Schools is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://www.ciseasternpa.org/","Berks County, PA; Lehigh County, PA; Northampton County, PA","Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development; Mental and behavioral health"
"Communities In Schools of Georgia","2022","$3300000","The ""Mission of Communities In Schools is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life."" Our mission aligns with one of the top three causes Americans care about: children's education. And our impacts on children's health, wellbeing, productivity, and success in life.","https://cisga.org/","Georgia, US","Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Communities In Schools of Greater Tarrant County","2021","$4000000","To surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life","https://www.cistarrant.org/","Fort Worth, TX; Tarrant County, TX","Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Mental and behavioral health"
"Communities In Schools of Hampton Roads","2021","$800000","To surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://www.cisofhamptonroads.org/","Virginia, US; Portsmouth, VA","Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Communities In Schools of Houston","2021","$13000000","The mission of Communities In Schools of Houston is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://www.cishouston.org/","Fort Bend County, TX; Harris County, TX; Houston, TX","Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Communities In Schools of Indiana","2022","$800000","To surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life","https://cisindiana.org/","Indiana, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Communities In Schools of Los Angeles","2021","$2250000","The mission of Communities In Schools of Los Angeles (CISLA) is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://www.cislosangeles.org/","Los Angeles, CA","Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Immigration or migration; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare"
"Communities In Schools of Memphis","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Our mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://www.cismemphis.org/","Memphis, TN","Elementary, secondary education"
"Communities In Schools of Michigan","2021","$2250000","CIS of Michigan surrounds students with a community of support empowering them to stay in school and succeed in life","https://cismichigan.org/","Michigan, US","Elementary, secondary education; Race and ethnicity; Mental and behavioral health; Human rights; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Communities In Schools of Mid-America","2021","$4000000","Surrounding students with a community of support empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://cismidamerica.org/","Midwest, US; Kansas, US; Missouri, US","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development; Nutrition and food security"
"Communities In Schools of Nevada","2021","$5000000","Communities In Schools of Nevada does whatever it takes to keep students in school. Every child has potential; regardless of race, zip code or socioeconomic background - but may lack the opportunity to succeed. Our site coordinators build relationships with students and remove the barriers they face to graduate.","https://www.cisnevada.org/","Nevada, US; Las Vegas, NV; Reno, NV","Bridging divides; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Mental and behavioral health"
"Communities In Schools of North Carolina","2022","$3300000","At Communities In Schools of North Carolina we surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://cisnc.org/","North Carolina, US","Economic development; Elementary, secondary education; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity; Mental and behavioral health"
"Communities In Schools of North Texas","2022","$3300000","To surround students with a community of support empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://cisnt.org/","Cooke County, TX; Denton County, TX; Wise County, TX","Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Mental and behavioral health; Nutrition and food security"
"Communities In Schools of Northwest Michigan","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Communities In Schools surrounds students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://cisnwmi.org/","Michigan, US; United States","Creative youth development; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Nutrition and food security; Humanitarian assistance and relief"
"Communities In Schools of NOVA","2022","$800000","To surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://cisofnova.org/","Alexandria City, VA; Arlington County, VA; Fairfax County, VA","Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Immigration or migration; Race and ethnicity"
"Communities In Schools of Ohio","2022","$2000000","The mission of Communities In Schools is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://www.ciskids.org/","Ohio, US","Bridging divides; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Communities In Schools of Palm Beach County","2022","$800000","Communities In Schools surrounds students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://www.cispalmbeach.org/","Florida, US; Palm Beach County, FL","Creative youth development; Bridging divides; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Immigration or migration"
"Communities In Schools of Peninsula","2021","$800000","Communities In Schools of Peninsula's mission statement is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to succeed in school and achieve in life.","https://peninsula.ciswa.org/","Kitsap County, WA; Pierce County, WA","Financial inclusion; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Nutrition and food security"
"Communities In Schools of Pennsylvania","2022","$1500000","The mission of Communities In Schools of Pennsylvania is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://www.cisofpa.org/","Pennsylvania, US","Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Communities In Schools of Renton-Tukwila","2022","$800000","The mission of CIS is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://rentontukwila.ciswa.org/","Washington, US; King County, WA","Youth development"
"Communities In Schools of San Antonio","2021","$7000000","Surround students with a community of support empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://www.cissa.org/","Bexar County, TX; San Antonio, TX; Uvalde, TX","Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development; Mental and behavioral health; Nutrition and food security"
"Communities In Schools of South Carolina","2021","$2500000","We surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://cisofsc.org/","South Carolina, US","Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Communities In Schools of South Central Texas","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Communities In Schools surrounds students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://www.cis-sct.org/","Comal County, TX; Guadalupe County, TX","Creative youth development; Elementary, secondary education; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Communities In Schools of Southeast Texas","2022","$1500000","To surround students with a community of support empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life","https://www.cisset.org","Texas, US; Beaumont, TX; Jefferson County, TX","Bridging divides; Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Mental and behavioral health"
"Communities In Schools of Tennessee","2022","$2500000","Our mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://www.cistn.org/","Tennessee, US; Nashville, TN","Elementary, secondary education"
"Communities In Schools of the Big Country","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Our mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://cisbigcountry.org","Texas, US; Abilene, TX","Bridging divides; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Mental and behavioral health"
"Communities In Schools of the Dallas Region","2021","$3300000","The mission of Communities In Schools of the Dallas Region is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://cisdallas.org/","Collin County, TX; Dallas County, TX; Grayson County, TX","Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development; Mental and behavioral health"
"Communities In Schools of the Heart of Texas","2021","$2000000","The mission of Communities In Schools of the Heart of Texas is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://www.cishot.org/","McLennan County, TX; Waco, TX","Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Mental and behavioral health"
"Communities In Schools of the South Plains","2021","$3300000","The mission of Communities In Schools of the South Plains is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://www.cissouthplains.org/","Texas, US; Lubbock, TX; South Plains, TX","Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Mental and behavioral health; Nutrition and food security"
"Communities In Schools of Virginia","2022","$1000000","Communities In Schools surrounds students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. CIS of Virginia supports six independent affiliates in advancing this mission while expanding our reach to high-need communities throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.","https://cisofva.org/","Virginia, US","Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education; Youth development"
"Communities In Schools of Washington","2021","$2250000","Our mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.","https://ciswa.org/","Washington, US","Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Communities Transforming Policing Fund","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Communities Transforming Policing Fund is dedicated to supporting local grassroots organizing groups led by and for communities most impacted by deadly and discriminatory policing practices. We resource groups to build power, increase police accountability and transparency, end criminalization, and shift power and resources away from punitive carceral responses to harm to preventative, transformative community-based safety strategies.","https://borealisphilanthropy.org/ctpf2021loi/","United States","Civic and social engagement; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity; Fund"
"Community Academies of New Orleans","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Community Academies' mission is to cultivate schools that nurture students' character and critical thinking ability in responsive learning environments, thereby equipping them to be impactful community leaders.","https://communityacademies.org/","South, US; Louisiana, US; New Orleans, LA","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Immigration or migration; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare"
"Community Catalyst","2021","$25000000","To build the power of people to create a health system rooted in race equity and health justice, and a society where health is a right for all.","https://www.communitycatalyst.org/","United States","Civic and social engagement; Race and ethnicity; Access to healthcare; Mental and behavioral health; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"Community Change","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Community Change is a national organization that builds power from the ground up. We believe that effective and enduring social movements must be led by those most impacted by injustice themselves.","https://communitychange.org/","Midwest, US; South, US; West, US","Civic and social engagement; Early learning; Immigration or migration; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor"
"Community First Fund","2020","$10000000","Community First Fund’s mission is to create financial equity through wealth building opportunities for individuals, families, and business owners, especially Persons of Color, women, and immigrants. We align capital, knowledge, and advocacy to advance access to financial services, business ownership, housing, and community development.","https://communityfirstfund.org/","Pennsylvania, US","Livelihoods and workforce development"
"Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","We are on a mission to end hunger in our state by expanding our services and doubling the amount of food distributed. We are working every day with our community, local farmers, and partners to get families the food they need.","https://okfoodbank.org/","Oklahoma, US","Nutrition and food security"
"Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo - COVID-19 Community Recovery","2020","$8000000","Connecting people, ideas and resources to improve lives in Western New York.","https://wnyresponds.org/","New York, US; Buffalo, NY","Bridging divides; Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Community Foundation of Greater Memphis - Mid-South COVID-19 Regional Response Fund","2020","$8000000","The mission of the Community Foundation of Greater Memphis is to strengthen our community through philanthropy. To accomplish this mission, the Community Foundation will: Develop and effectively manage charitable funds and endowments; Actively address the needs of the community; Encourage philanthropy and the growth of charitable resources.","https://www.cfgm.org/give-now/covid-19-regional-response-fund/#:~:text=Mid%2DSouth%20COVID%2D19%20Regional%20Response%20Fund%20Mid%2DSouth,COVID%2D19%20Regional%20Response%20Fund&text=The%20Community%20Foundation%20administers%20grants,%2FMid%2DSouth%20Philanthro","Tennessee, US; Arkansas, US; Mississippi, US","Fund"
"Community Foundation of New Jersey - New Jersey Pandemic Relief Fund","2020","$20000000","Pandemic Relief","https://njprf.org/","New Jersey, US; United States","Fund; Humanitarian assistance and relief; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Community Investment Corporation","2020","$8000000","A leading force in affordable housing and neighborhood revitalization.","https://www.cicchicago.com/","Chicago, IL","Livelihoods and workforce development; Race and ethnicity"
"Community Justice Exchange - National Bail Fund Network","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Community Justice Exchange is a national hub for developing, sharing, and experimenting with tactical interventions, strategic organizing practices, and innovative organizing tools toward prison industrial complex abolition. CJE produces tools and resources to creatively tackle drivers of criminalization and incarceration and is the host of the National Bail Fund Network.","https://www.communityjusticeexchange.org/en/nbfn-directory","United States","Immigration or migration; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Regrantor; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Community MusicWorks","2021","$1500000","The mission of Community MusicWorks is to create cohesive urban community through music education and performance that transforms the lives of children, families, and musicians.","https://communitymusicworks.org/","Rhode Island, US; Providence, RI","Creative youth development; Performing arts; Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Race and ethnicity"
"Community Organizing and Family Issues (COFI)","2022","$2000000","COFI's mission is to build the power and voice of parents, primarily mothers and grandmothers from Black and Brown communities, to shape the public decisions that affect their lives and the lives of their families.","https://cofionline.org/COFI/","Chicago, IL; Illinois, US","Bridging divides; Financial inclusion; Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Community Reinvestment Fund, USA","2020","$15000000","To help people improve their lives and strengthen their communities through innovative financial solutions.","https://www.crfusa.com","United States","Economic development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Race and ethnicity; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Community Vision Capital & Consulting","2020","$10000000","We promote economic justice and alleviate poverty by increasing the financial resilience and sustainability of community-based nonprofits and enterprises. Through flexible financial products and sound advice, we create opportunities to make socially responsible investments that revitalize Northern and Central California communities.","https://communityvisionca.org/","California, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Race and ethnicity"
"CommunityWorks","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","We are committed to creating a brighter future for financially underserved people and places in South Carolina by providing equitable financial products and services to build wealth.","https://communityworkscarolina.org/","South Carolina, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Race and ethnicity"
"CompassPoint Nonprofit Services","2021","$3000000","CompassPoint helps leaders, nonprofit organizations, and movements committed to social justice realize their full power.","https://www.compasspoint.org/","United States; California, US","Race and ethnicity; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Complete College America","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Complete College America (CCA) is a bold national advocate for dramatically increasing college completion rates and closing institutional performance gaps by working with states, systems, institutions, and partners to scale highly effective structural reforms and promote policies that improve student success.","https://completecollege.org/","United States","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Regrantor; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Comunidades Indigenas en Liderazgo (CIELO)","2022","$2000000","Comunidades Indígenas en liderazgo (CIELO) is an Indigenous women-led non-profit organization working jointly with Indigenous communities in Los Angeles. One of our priorities is to fight for social justice through a cultural lens. Our fight for social justice includes ending gender-based violence, providing language access rights, cultural preservation, and reproductive justice.","https://mycielo.org/","Guatemala; Mexico; United States","Cultural awareness; Race and ethnicity; Access to healthcare"
"Con Alma Health Foundation","2022","$5000000","Con Alma Health Foundation seeks to improve the health status and access to health services for New Mexicans. The Foundation advocates for health policies that address the health needs of the culturally and demographically diverse communities of New Mexico. The Foundation makes grants, contributions, and program-related investments to fulfill its mission.","https://conalma.org/","New Mexico, US","Regrantor; Access to healthcare; Public health, public health infrastructure; Humanitarian assistance and relief; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Conectas Direitos Humanos","2022","$3000000","To enforce and promote human rights and combat inequalities to build a fair, free and democratic society from a Global South perspective.","https://conectas.org/en/","Global; Latin America & Caribbean; Brazil","Civic and social engagement; Democracy; Climate change; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Human rights"
"Coney Island Preparatory Public Charter School","2022","$3500000","Students at Coney Island Preparatory Public Charter School will develop the academic skills and character necessary for success in selective colleges and universities, and the career of their choice. Students will realize success through a rigorous academic program in a supportive and structured school community.","https://coneyislandprep.org/","New York, US","Creative youth development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Constellations Culture Change Fund","2021","$8000000","Diverse artists transform the world through their powerful art - stories, images, and songs. The Center for Cultural Power creates a thriving ecosystem for diverse artists and culture makers to shift worldviews away from domination and extraction toward collaboration and interdependence.","https://www.culturalpower.org/stories/creating-constellations/","Midwest, US; South, US; California, US","Multidisciplinary arts; Environmental justice; Immigration or migration; Sexual and reproductive health and justice; Regrantor"
"Contigo Fund","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Contigo’s mission is to honor the lives of those who were lost at Pulse – nearly all of which were both LGBTQ and Latinx – by making sure their identities, lived experiences, families and communities are never forgotten.","https://contigofund.org/","Florida, US","Sexual orientation; Fund"
"Convergence Center for Policy Resolution","2021","$4000000","We build trust and bridge divides to solve critical issues and strengthen our democracy and society.","https://convergencepolicy.org","United States","Civic and social engagement"
"CORO India","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","We work to build a world based on equality and social justice by working with the most marginalised communities on facilitating leadership from within these communities to steer entitlements based, collective actions for social change.","https://www.coroindia.org/","South Asia; India","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Democracy; Caste; Gender identity"
"Craft3","2020","$10000000","Craft3 is a nonprofit community development organization that centers marginalized people in our work by investing in people, businesses, and communities across the Pacific Northwest. Craft3's investments build household and business wealth, amplify community voice and agency, and create lasting networks of trust and mutual support.","https://www.craft3.org","United States; Washington, US; Oregon, US","Agricultural development; Economic development; Financial inclusion; Climate change; Natural resources conservation"
"Crisis Text Line","2020","$30000000","We envision an empathetic world where nobody feels alone. At the intersection of empathy and innovation - we promote mental well-being for people wherever they are. We provide free, 24/7, high-quality text-based mental health support and crisis intervention by empowering a community of trained volunteers to support people in their moments of need.","https://www.crisistextline.org/","Global; United States","Bridging divides; Livelihoods and workforce development; Race and ethnicity; Mental and behavioral health; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Cumberland Cape Atlantic YMCA","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all.","https://www.vinelandymca.org","New Jersey, US; Cumberland County, NJ","Early learning; Youth development; Active living; Child development and welfare; Nutrition and food security"
"CUNY-Borough of Manhattan Community College","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Borough of Manhattan Community College is a vibrant, pluralistic learning community committed to the intellectual and personal growth of students. Working closely with organizations across New York City and beyond, we prepare students from around the globe for degree completion, successful transfer, career achievement, lifelong learning, and civic participation.","https://www.bmcc.cuny.edu/","New York, NY","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education"
"Cushing Public Schools","2022","$4500000","Ensure every school guarantees that all students reach their full potential through rigorous and joyful learning experiences provided in a nurturing environment.","https://www.cushingtigers.com/","Oklahoma, US; Cushing, OK","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education"
"Dakota Medical Foundation","2022","$10000000","We build the capabilities of charities; connect people with opportunities to serve others; and shine a light on significant health issues, developing innovative solutions alongside community partners.","https://dakmed.org/","Midwest, US; Minnesota, US; North Dakota, US","Regrantor; Access to healthcare; Mental and behavioral health; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity","2022","$9000000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope","https://dallasareahabitat.org/","Texas, US; Dallas County, TX","Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion; Postsecondary, tertiary education"
"Dance Theatre of Harlem","2021","$10000000","It is the goal of Dance Theatre of Harlem School to provide students of diverse cultural, social and economic backgrounds with access to world class dance training with an emphasis on Classical Ballet.","https://www.dancetheatreofharlem.org/","New York, US; United States","Performing arts; Race and ethnicity"
"Danville Regional Foundation","2022","$13000000","DRF’s mission is to be a catalyst through the development and support of impactful activities and programs that address the health, education and well-being of all the Dan River Region’s residents. The Foundation works with a collaborative network of partners as agents for innovation to build a thriving region.","https://www.drfonline.org/","Caswell County, NC; Danville, VA; Pittsylvania County, VA","Civic and social engagement; Economic development; Early learning; Fund; Access to healthcare"
"Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption","2022","$20000000","The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption will dramatically increase the number of adoptions of waiting children from North America's foster care systems.","https://www.davethomasfoundation.org/","Canada; United States","Bridging divides; Fund; Child development and welfare; Human rights"
"David's Harp","2021","$1000000","To inspire, educate and empower system affected and homeless youth to achieve academic success through music education, sound engineering and multimedia production.","https://www.davidsharpfoundation.org/","San Diego, CA","Creative youth development"
"DC Arts Forward Fund","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Arts Forward Fund believes that arts and culture organizations contribute immeasurably to our sense of community and well-being and are a critical economic engine for the region.","https://www.thecommunityfoundation.org/arts-forward-fund","Washington, DC","Multidisciplinary arts; Fund"
"Decolonizing Wealth Project","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Our mission is to bring forth truth, reconciliation, and the healing of our global family from the ails of colonization through education, radical reparative giving, and storytelling.","https://decolonizingwealth.com/","Global; United States","Race and ethnicity; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Define American","2022","$2000000","Define American is a culture change organization that uses the power of narrative to humanize conversations about immigrants. Our advocacy within news, entertainment, and digital media is creating an America where everyone belongs.","https://defineamerican.com/","North America; United States","Civic and social engagement; Immigration or migration"
"Delaware State University","2020","$20000000","Rigorously leverage a proud HBCU legacy and commitment to excellence in every field of human endeavor to enhance the recruitment and preparation of talented professionals to contribute to a sustainable, global community.","https://www.desu.edu","North America; United States; Delaware, US","Agricultural development; Early learning; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Detroit Public Schools Community District","2022","$20000000","We educate and empower every student, in every community, every day, to build a stronger Detroit","https://www.detroitk12.org/","Michigan, US; Detroit, MI","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education; Youth development"
"Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services","2022","$5000000","Our mission is to save and transform the lives of children, adults and families through world-class, whole-person mental health care and suicide prevention, including where discrimination and injustice limit access.","https://didihirsch.org/","United States; California, US; Los Angeles County, CA","Disability; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Access to healthcare; Mental and behavioral health; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"DigDeep","2022","$15000000","DigDeep is a human rights organization working to ensure that every American has equitable access to water and sanitation forever.","https://www.digdeep.org/","El Paso, TX; Navajo Nation, AZ; West Virginia, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Water access, sanitation, and hygiene; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Digital Empowerment Foundation","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Since 2002, Digital Empowerment Foundation has been fighting poverty and exclusion of underserved, marginalised, specially able, women and unconnected. Through digital access and infrastructure DEF enables access to rights across education, health, finance, livelihood, and cultural diversity. Impacted more than 30 million DEF leapfrogs with meaningful connectivity for a comprehensive poverty alleviation.","https://www.defindia.org/","South Asia; Bangladesh; India","Civic and social engagement; Financial inclusion; Youth development; Human rights; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Digital Green","2021","$15000000","Creating a world where farmers use technology and data to build prosperous communities","https://www.digitalgreen.org/","South Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa","Agricultural development; Economic development; Climate change; Natural resources conservation; Nutrition and food security"
"Digital Promise","2022","$20000000","Digital Promise shapes the future of learning and advances equitable education systems by bringing together solutions across research, practice, and technology.","https://digitalpromise.org/","Global; United States","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education"
"Dillard University","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Dillard University is a historically Black institution that cultivates leaders who live ethically, think and communicate precisely and act courageously to make the world a better place","https://www.dillard.edu","United States; Louisiana, US; New Orleans, LA","Multidisciplinary arts; Civic and social engagement; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Access to healthcare"
"Direct Relief - Fund for Health Equity","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To increase access to health care and improve health outcomes for marginalized communities","https://www.directrelief.org/","United States","Access to healthcare; Humanitarian assistance and relief"
"Disability Inclusion Fund","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Disability Inclusion Fund (DIF) at Borealis supports the disability justice movement, working towards a society where all people have access to self-determination, human dignity, civic participation, and joy.","https://borealisphilanthropy.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Disability-Inclusion-Fund_-2020-RFP.pdf","United States","Civic and social engagement; Disability; Fund; Access to healthcare"
"Diverse Elders Coalition","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Founded in 2010, the Diverse Elders Coalition (DEC) advocates for policies and programs that improve aging in our communities as racially and ethnically diverse people; American Indians and Alaska Natives; and LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning, and additional identities) people.","https://www.diverseelders.org/","United States","Aging; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Sexual orientation"
"Donors of Color Network","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Our mission is to build systemic racial equity to be more reflective and accountable to communities of color.","https://www.donorsofcolor.org/","United States","Race and ethnicity; Fund; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"DonorsChoose","2021","$20000000","We make it easy for anyone to help a teacher in need, moving us closer to a nation where students in every community have the tools and experiences they need for a great education.","https://www.donorschoose.org/","United States","Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Dream a Dream","2021","$1000000","Dream a Dream exists to empower young people from vulnerable backgrounds to thrive. We believe that in order for this to become a reality we have to shift mindsets about the purpose of education towards thriving.","https://dreamadream.org/","India","Creative youth development; Elementary, secondary education; Vocational education; Youth development; Mental and behavioral health"
"DRK Foundation","2021","$10000000","Finding, funding and supporting the most powerful early stage organizations that can transform the lives of those most vulnerable","https://www.drkfoundation.org/","Europe & Central Asia; North America; Sub-Saharan Africa","Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity; Access to healthcare"
"Duluth Area Family YMCA","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Duluth Area Family YMCA is dedicated to putting the principles of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility into practice through programs that build healthy spirits, minds, and bodies for all.","https://www.duluthymca.org/","Midwest, US; Minnesota, US","Bridging divides; Youth development; Active living; Child development and welfare; Nutrition and food security"
"DuPage Habitat for Humanity/Chicago South Suburbs Habitat for Humanity","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://www.chicagolandhabitat.org/site/PageServer?pagename=homepage_dupage","Chicago, IL; Illinois, US; DuPage County, IL","Creative youth development; Bridging divides; Access to housing and housing development; Aging; Disability"
"Durham Public Schools","2022","$18000000","Durham Public Schools embraces, educates, and empowers every student to innovate, serve, and lead.","https://www.dpsnc.net/","North Carolina, US; Durham, NC","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education; Youth development"
"East Bay Fund for Artists","2021","$1000000","As we have embraced our commitment to racial justice, we are becoming more than just a philanthropic services organization. In order to meet our bold goals and vision, we are pursuing a community foundation model that looks at new ways to educate, engage, and organize its donors and the broader community.","https://www.ebcf.org/community/ebfa/","California, US","Multidisciplinary arts; Race and ethnicity; Fund"
"East West Players","2021","$3000000","Founded in 1965, East West Players is committed to raising the visibility of the Asian American experience by presenting inventive world-class theatrical productions, developing artists of color, and providing impactful youth education programs.","https://eastwestplayers.org/","United States; California, US","Creative youth development; Cultural awareness; Performing arts; Bridging divides; Race and ethnicity"
"Easterseals","2020","$15000000","Easterseals is leading the way to full equity, inclusion, and access through life-changing disability and community services. For more than 100 years, we have worked with our partners to enhance quality of life and expand local access to healthcare, education, and employment opportunities.","https://www.easterseals.com","United States","Vocational education; Youth development; Disability; Mental and behavioral health"
"Easterseals Central and Southeast Ohio","2020","$3000000","Easterseals' purpose is to change the way the works defines and views disability by making profound, positive difference in people's lives every day.","https://www.eastersealscentralohio.org","Ohio, US; Columbus, OH","Early learning; Aging; Disability; Access to healthcare; Child development and welfare"
"Easterseals Central Illinois","2020","$5000000","Easterseals Central Illinois provides exceptional services to ensure that children with developmental delays, disabilities and other special needs can reach their full potential.","https://www.eastersealsci.com","Illinois, US; North America; United States","Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Easterseals East Georgia","2020","$1000000","Our mission is to assist individuals with disabilities or other barriers to maximize their full potential for employment and independence and to broaden their opportunities for full inclusion into society.","https://www.eastersealseastgeorgia.org/","Georgia, US; Columbia County, GA; Richmond County, GA","Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Disability; Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"Easterseals Iowa","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Easterseals is leading the way to 100% equity, inclusion, and access for people with disabilities, families and communities.","https://www.eastersealsia.org","Iowa, US","Early learning; Disability; Access to healthcare; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Easterseals Louisiana","2020","$5000000","Our mission is to change the way the world defines and views disabilities by making profound, positive differences in peoples' lives every day.","https://www.easterseals.com/louisiana/","Louisiana, US","Access to housing and housing development; Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Disability; Mental and behavioral health"
"Easterseals Massachusetts","2020","$6000000","To provide services to ensure that children and adults with disabilities have equal opportunities to live, learn, work, and play","https://www.easterseals.com/ma/","Boston, MA; Springfield, MA; Worcester, MA","Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Youth development; Disability; Access to healthcare"
"Easterseals Michigan","2020","$15000000","To lead the way to 100% equity, inclusion, and access for people with disabilities, families, and communities.","https://www.easterseals.com/MORC/","Michigan, US","Aging; Disability; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Access to healthcare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Easterseals Midwest","2020","$20000000","Easterseals Midwest helps individuals with disabilities - including autism - learn, live, work and participate in their communities.","https://www.esmw.org","Illinois, US; Kansas, US; Missouri, US","Bridging divides; Disability; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health; Human rights"
"Easterseals North Georgia","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Easter Seals North Georgia's Mission is to strengthen the health and development of children with disabilities, their families, and the greater community.","https://www.easterseals.com/northgeorgia/","Georgia, US; Atlanta, GA","Early learning; Disability; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Easterseals Northeast Central Florida","2020","$3000000","Easterseals is changing the way the world defines and views disability whether physical, intellectual, emotional or social, by making profound, positive differences in people's lives everyday.","https://www.eastersealsnecfl.org","Florida, US; Flagler County, FL; Volusia County, FL","Early learning; Youth development; Disability; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Easterseals of Greater Houston","2020","$7000000","Easter Seals Greater Houston's services for people with disabilities and military families support the physical, educational, cognitive, mental, social and financial health of our clients so they can live as fully participating members of the community. Mission Statement: Help. Hope. Answers.","https://www.eastersealshouston.org/","Houston, TX","Livelihoods and workforce development; Disability; Access to healthcare; Mental and behavioral health; Humanitarian assistance and relief"
"Easterseals of Southeastern Pennsylvania","2020","$7000000","To provide exceptional services to ensure that all people with disabilities or special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their communities.","https://www.easterseals-sepa.org","Pennsylvania, US","Early learning; Disability; Child development and welfare; Chronic diseases; Mental and behavioral health"
"Easterseals Rehabilitation Center, San Antonio","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Easter Seals provides exceptional services, education, outreach and advocacy so that people with disabilities or special needs and their families can live, learn, work and play in our community.","https://www.easterseals.com/sanantonio/","Texas, US; San Antonio, TX","Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Vocational education; Disability; Child development and welfare"
"Easterseals Rehabilitation Center, West Virginia","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To create solutions that change the lives of children and adults with disabilities.","https://www.easterseals.com/wv/","West Virginia, US","Access to healthcare; Child development and welfare; Chronic diseases"
"Easterseals serving Chicagoland and Greater Rockford","2020","$20000000","We transform the lives of early learners and individuals of all abilities through access to expert educational, family and community services. We serve our communities through two pillars of work in disability and early learning. Embracing Abilities. Expanding Possibilities.","https://www.easterseals.com/chicago/","Chicago, IL; Illinois, US; Rockford, IL","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Disability; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Easterseals serving Greater Cincinnati","2020","$6000000","Easterseals advances 100% equity, access and inclusion for individuals with disabilities, veterans, and economically disadvantaged citizens in our community. In greater Cincinnati, we do this with a focus on workforce development and economic inclusion.","https://www.eastersealsgc.org","Ohio, US; Kentucky, US; Cincinnati, OH","Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Disability"
"Easterseals South Florida","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Easterseals South Florida’s mission is to provide services that address equity and inclusion disparities for individuals with disabilities by enhancing education, advancing health, expanding employment, and elevating community.","https://www.easterseals.com/southflorida/","Florida, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Disability; Mental and behavioral health"
"Easterseals Southwest Florida","2020","$3000000","We provide exceptional services for persons with disabilities and their families across a lifetime by empowering individuals to live their lives to the fullest.","https://www.easterseals-swfl.org","Florida, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Disability; Mental and behavioral health"
"Easterseals Southwest Human Development","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Southwest Human Development strengthens the foundation Arizona’s children need for a great start in life.","https://www.swhd.org/","Arizona, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Disability; Mental and behavioral health"
"Easterseals Tennessee","2020","$3000000","Easter Seals Tennessee focuses on providing exceptional services to ensure that all individuals with disabilities or special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their community.","https://www.easterseals.com/tennessee","Tennessee, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Vocational education; Disability; Mental and behavioral health"
"Easterseals Washington","2020","$3000000","Easterseals Washington is changing the way the world defines and views disabilities by making profound, positive differences in people's lives everyday.","https://www.easterseals.com/washington/","Washington, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Disability; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Echoing Green","2020","$10000000","Echoing Green is an early stage funder of emerging social entrepreneurs and one of the most important and recognized leaders in the field of social innovation.","https://echoinggreen.org/","Global; North America; Sub-Saharan Africa","Bridging divides; Financial inclusion; Youth development; Regrantor; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Edisto Habitat for Humanity","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Edisto Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. We are dedicated to eliminating substandard housing and homelessness in the Orangeburg area, and to making adequate affordable shelter a matter of consequence and action.","https://www.edistohabitatforhumanity.org/","South, US; Orangeburg, SC","Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion; Aging; Disability; Race and ethnicity"
"Educate Girls","2019","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","We leverage existing community and Government resources to ensure that all girls are in school and learning well.","https://www.educategirls.ngo/","India","Elementary, secondary education; Gender identity"
"Educate!","2022","$12000000","Educate!'s mission is to develop young leaders and entrepreneurs in Africa.","https://www.experienceeducate.org/","Sub-Saharan Africa","Economic development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Gender identity"
"Education Law Center","2022","$3000000","Since 1973, ELC has worked to protect and strengthen the constitutional right of the nation’s schoolchildren to a high quality public education preparing them for citizenship in a democratic society and as contributors to vibrant communities. ELC’s innovative advocacy is driven by the relentless pursuit of education justice and equity.","https://edlawcenter.org/","United States","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Disability; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity"
"Education Leaders of Color","2021","$5000000","Education Leaders of Color is a membership organization that ensures young people of color have the support they need to thrive, capitalize on opportunities, and build generational wealth.","https://edloc.org/","Midwest, US; South, US; West, US","Bridging divides; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor"
"EL Education","2021","$10000000","EL Education partners with K-12 educators to transform public schools and districts into hubs of opportunity for all students. Our mission is to create classrooms where teachers can fulfill their highest aspirations, and students achieve more than they think possible, becoming active contributors to building a better world.","https://eleducation.org","United States","Elementary, secondary education"
"El Museo del Barrio","2021","$8000000","Present and preserve the art and culture of Puerto Ricans and Latin Americans in the US. Educate its diverse public in the richness of Caribbean and Latin American arts and cultural history. Introduce young people to cultural heritage to create the next generation of museum-goers. Satisfying the growing interest in Caribbean and Latin American art.","https://www.elmuseo.org/","United States; New York, NY","Museums; Cultural awareness; Race and ethnicity"
"El Paso Community College","2021","$30000000","The mission of El Paso Community College is to ensure affordable high quality education and career pathways from start to finish.","https://www.epcc.edu/","Texas, US; El Paso, TX","Literary arts; Civic and social engagement; Economic development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education"
"El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank","2020","$9000000","Combat the hunger crisis in our region by strategically procuring and distributing nutritious food... because no one should go hungry","https://www.elpasoansfightinghunger.org/","Culberson County, TX; El Paso, TX; Hudspeth County, TX","Vocational education; Immigration or migration; Access to healthcare; Nutrition and food security"
"Elizabeth City State University","2020","$15000000","Our mission is to promote economic, social, and environmental progress for the people of northeastern NC, the state, and the nation. We achieve our commitment to the highest quality education by maintaining a rigorous focus on academic excellence through liberal arts programs and using innovative and flexible technology-based instruction models.","https://www.ecsu.edu","South, US; United States; North Carolina, US","Bridging divides; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Emerging LGBTQ Leaders of Color Fund at Borealis Philanthropy","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Emerging LGBTQ Leaders of Color Fund supports the role that young trans and queer leaders play to support pro-LGBTQ, racial justice movements in becoming more connected, inclusive, and thus more powerful.","https://borealisphilanthropy.org/transforming-movements-fund-sustains-investment-in-young-queer-leadership-with-latest-grants/","South, US; United States","Gender identity; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity; Sexual orientation; Fund"
"Emerging Practitioners In Philanthropy (EPIP)","2021","$2000000","EPIP's mission is to empower emerging leaders and elevate philanthropic practice in order to build a more just, equitable and sustainable world","https://www.epip.org/","United States","Bridging divides; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Sexual orientation; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Enable India","2022","$8000000","Economic Independence and dignity for persons with disability","https://www.enableindia.org/","South Asia; India","Bridging divides; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Disability; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Endowment for Health","2022","$7000000","To improve the health and reduce the burden of illness for the people of New Hampshire - especially the vulnerable and underserved.","https://endowmentforhealth.org/","New Hampshire, US","Aging; Race and ethnicity; Fund; Access to healthcare; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Energy Foundation China","2020","$20000000","Energy Foundation China's vision is to achieve prosperity and a safe climate through sustainable energy. Our mission is to achieve greenhouse gas emissions neutrality, world-class air quality, energy access, and green growth through transforming energy and optimizing economic structure.","https://www.efchina.org/Front-Page-en","China","Climate change; Environmental justice; Regrantor"
"Enterprise Community Partners","2020","$50000000","Our mission is to make home and community places of pride, power and belonging. We focus on the greatest need, the massive shortage of affordable rental homes, to 1) increase the supply of affordable homes, 2) advance racial equity and 3) build resilient communities and ensure upward mobility for all.","https://www.enterprisecommunity.org/","United States; Puerto Rico, US","Access to housing and housing development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Climate change; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity"
"Episcopal Health Foundation","2022","$20000000","Episcopal Health Foundation (EHF) believes all Texans deserve to be healthy. By providing millions of dollars in grants, working with congregations and community partners, and providing important research, we're supporting solutions that address the underlying causes of poor health in Texas. #HealthNotJustHealthCare","https://www.episcopalhealth.org","Texas, US; Austin, TX; Houston, TX","Fund; Access to healthcare; Active living; Maternal and perinatal health; Mental and behavioral health; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Equal Justice Initiative","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Equal Justice Initiative is committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the United States, to challenging racial and economic injustice, and to protecting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society.","https://eji.org","South, US; United States; Alabama, US","Museums; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity"
"Equal Measure","2021","$5000000","To make our clients’ social change objectives even better; strengthen how our clients design, implement, evaluate, and communicate the program, policy, and systems change they seek; balance passion with pragmatism, thought leadership with humility, and rigor with flexibility; commitment to upholding diversity, equity, and inclusion","https://www.equalmeasure.org/","United States","Nonprofit sector strengthening; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Equal Opportunity Schools","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Equal Opportunity Schools (EOS) strengthens educator and system leader capacity to break down barriers to increase access, belonging, and success in rigorous college and career-prep secondary school courses for students of color and low-income students so that they may thrive in their postsecondary pursuits and life goals.","https://eoschools.org/","United States","Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Equality Federation Institute","2022","$2000000","Equality Federation Institute is an advocacy accelerator rooted in social justice, building power in our network of state-based lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) advocacy organizations.","https://www.equalityfederation.org/","United States","Civic and social engagement; Gender identity; Sexual orientation; Regrantor; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Equality Now","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Our mission is to achieve legal and systemic change that addresses violence and discrimination against women and girls around the world.","https://www.equalitynow.org/","Global","Civic and social engagement; Gender identity; Sexual and gender-based violence; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"Equitable Evaluation Initiative","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Exploring, prototyping, and advancing a new frame for evaluative thinking","https://www.equitableeval.org/","United States","Race and ethnicity; Nonprofit sector strengthening; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Equity in the Center","2021","$2000000","Equity in the Center (EiC) works to shift mindsets, practices and systems in the social sector to center race equity and build a Race Equity Culture. Our ""Awake to Woke to Work: Building a Race Equity Culture"" publication provides a framework, insights, tactics, and practices social sector organizations can use to measurably shift organizational culture and operationalize equity.","https://equityinthecenter.org/","Midwest, US; Northeast, US; North America","Bridging divides; Race and ethnicity; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Escondido Union School District","2022","$16000000","EUSD Vision: The Escondido Union School District will actualize the unlimited potential of every learner. We will all be empowered, engaged, and committed.","https://www.eusd.org/","Escondido, CA; San Diego County, CA","Multidisciplinary arts; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Esperanza Peace and Justice Center","2021","$1000000","The people of Esperanza dream of a world where everyone has civil rights and economic justice, where the environment is cared for, where cultures are honored and communities are safe. The Esperanza advocates for those wounded by domination and inequality - women, people of color, the lesbian, gay, trans and queer community, the working class and poor.","https://esperanzacenter.org/","South, US; Texas, US; San Antonio, TX","Multidisciplinary arts; Civic and social engagement; Access to housing and housing development; Race and ethnicity"
"Esperanza United (formerly Casa de Esperanza and the National Latin@ Network)","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The mission is to mobilize Latinas and Latin@ communities to end gender-based violence.","https://www.casadeesperanza.org","United States; Minneapolis, MN; St. Paul, MN","Bridging divides; Youth development; Immigration or migration; Race and ethnicity; Sexual and gender-based violence"
"Essie Justice Group","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Essie's mission is to harness the collective power of women with incarcerated loved ones to end mass incarceration's harm to women and communities.","https://essiejusticegroup.org/","United States","Civic and social engagement; Gender identity; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity; Human rights"
"Eugenio María de Hostos Community College","2021","$15000000","Our mission promotes access to higher education leading to intellectual growth and socio-economic mobility through the development of linguistic, mathematical, technological, and critical thinking proficiencies needed for lifelong learning and success in a variety of programs including careers, liberal arts, transfer, and those professional programs leading to licensure.","https://www.hostos.cuny.edu/","New York, US; New York, NY","Multidisciplinary arts; Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Immigration or migration; Race and ethnicity"
"European Climate Foundation","2020","$30000000","Combatting climate change and its effects on societies and economies in Europe and worldwide, to ensure a healthy planet for current and future generations.","https://europeanclimate.org/","Global","Climate change; Regrantor; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Evidence Action","2022","$20000000","Evidence Action aims to be a world leader in scaling evidence-based and cost-effective programs to reduce the burden of poverty. We are building a world where hundreds of millions of people in the poorest places have better opportunities and their lives are measurably improved.","https://www.evidenceaction.org/","East Asia & Pacific; South Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa","Child development and welfare; Infectious and parasitic diseases; Maternal and perinatal health; Nutrition and food security; Water access, sanitation, and hygiene"
"exalt","2022","$5000000","exalt is a non-profit organization based in NYC created to elevate the expectations of personal success for court-involved youth ages 15-19. exalt is led by people of color committed to racial equity and justice for youth in three specific areas: 1) criminal justice avoidance, 2) academic progression, and 3) employability.","https://exaltyouth.org/","New York, NY","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Youth development; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity"
"Excel Academy Charter Schools","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Excel Academy's mission is to prepare students to succeed in high school and college, apply their learning to solve relevant problems, and engage productively in their communities.","https://www.excelacademy.org/","Boston, MA; Providence, RI","Elementary, secondary education"
"Excelencia in Education","2021","$10000000","Excelencia in Education's mission is to accelerate Latino student success in higher education.","https://www.edexcelencia.org/","United States","Civic and social engagement; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Excellence Community Schools","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Excellence Community Schools prepares young people in New York City and Stamford to compete for admission to and succeed in top public, private and parochial high schools by cultivating their intellectual, artistic, social, emotional, and ethical development. The Excellence Community Schools accomplishes this by offering a challenging and rigorous academic curriculum.","https://www.excellencecommunityschools.org/","Northeast, US; Connecticut, US; New York, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Exponent Philanthropy","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To amplify and increase the impact of lean funders by building an inclusive community where they can learn, connect, and collaborate.","https://www.exponentphilanthropy.org/","United States","Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Eye to Eye National","2022","$5000000","Eye to Eye's mission is to improve the educational experience and outcomes of neurodiverse young people, while engaging them and their allies in the movement for a more equitable and inclusive society.","https://eyetoeyenational.org/","North America; United States","Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development; Disability"
"Facing History & Ourselves","2020","$15000000","Facing History & Ourselves uses lessons of history to challenge teachers and their students to stand up to bigotry and hate,","https://www.facinghistory.org/","United Kingdom; Canada; United States","Civic and social engagement; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Faith and religion; Race and ethnicity"
"Faith in Action Network","2021","$25000000","We believe in a society free of economic oppression, racism and discrimination in which every person lives in a safe and healthy environment, is respected and included, and has agency over the decisions that shape their lives.","https://faithinaction.org/","Global; United States","Civic and social engagement; Faith and religion; Immigration or migration; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity"
"Faith in Public Life","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Faith in Public Life is a national movement of clergy and faith leaders united in the prophetic pursuit of justice, equality and the common good. Together, we are leading the fight to advance just policies at the local, state and federal levels.","https://www.faithinpubliclife.org/","United States","Faith and religion"
"Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement","2022","$1000000","Familia: Movimiento Para La Liberación Trans y Queer (Familia:TQLM) works at the local and national levels to achieve the collective liberation of trans, queer, and gender non-conforming Latinxs through community building, organizing, advocacy, and education with our members.","https://familiatqlm.org/","South, US; Mexico; United States","Gender identity; Immigration or migration; Sexual orientation; Sexual and gender-based violence"
"Families and Workers Fund","2021","$15000000","Amalgamated Foundation is redefining philanthropy and reimagining giving, moving resources to organizations and leaders on the frontlines of social change. The Families and Workers Fund is a platform for collective action and a collaborative fund supported by more than 25 diverse funders working together to build a more equitable economy that uplifts all.","https://www.amalgamatedfoundation.org/insights-and-initiatives/families-and-workers-fund","South, US; West, US; United States","Democracy; Livelihoods and workforce development; Climate change; Race and ethnicity; Fund"
"Family Focused Treatment Association (FFTA)","2022","$3000000","FFTA works to advance best practices and advocate for policies that support families in their care and treatment for children.","https://www.ffta.org/","North America; Canada; United States","Youth development; Access to healthcare; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Family Life Academy Charter Schools","2022","$4500000","Family Life Academy Charter Schools, together with the Latino Pastoral Action Center and parents, creates the conditions for self empowerment for all its K-12 students to excel academically, take responsibility for their own learning, and affirm human values, today, in college, and beyond.","https://www.flacsnyc.com/","New York, US","Elementary, secondary education"
"Fast Grants (a program of The Mercatus Center at George Mason University)","2020","$5000000","Science funding mechanisms are too slow in normal times and much too slow during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fast Grants quickly provides funding for COVID-19 scientific research.","https://fastgrants.org/","Global","Regrantor"
"Fayetteville Area Habitat for Humanity","2022","$5000000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Fayetteville Area Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.","https://www.fayettevillenchabitat.org/","Fayetteville, NC","Access to housing and housing development"
"Feeding America","2020","$20000000","Our mission is to advance change in America by ensuring equitable access to nutritious food for all in partnership with food banks, policymakers, supporters, and the communities we serve.","https://www.feedingamerica.org","United States","Livelihoods and workforce development; Race and ethnicity; Fund; Nutrition and food security"
"Feeding the Gulf Coast","2020","$9000000","Feeding the Gulf Coast works through member organizations and special programs to provide nutritious food to meet the challenge of feeding people who are hungry as a result of systemic poverty, personal crisis or disaster.","https://www.feedingthegulfcoast.org","Alabama, US; Florida, US; Mississippi, US","Child development and welfare; Nutrition and food security; Humanitarian assistance and relief"
"Feeding the Valley Food Bank","2020","$3000000","To gather and distribute food to feed the hungry, incorporating the values of compassion, good stewardship, dedication, urgency and inclusiveness.","https://www.feedingthevalley.org","Georgia, US; Albany, GA; Columbus, GA","Youth development; Active living; Child development and welfare; Nutrition and food security"
"Filantropía Puerto Rico","2021","$2000000","Filantropía Puerto Rico is a philanthropy-support organization (PSO) connecting philanthropic entities and amplifying their voice and impact in areas of equity, collaboration, transparency and social justice. As a convener of funders with grantmaking focus on Puerto Rico, we lead efforts to improve the lives of the marginalized.","https://filantropiapr.org/","Latin America & Caribbean; Puerto Rico, US","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Fund; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Fines and Fees Justice Center","2022","$5000000","Our mission is to build safe, economically secure and resilient communities by working together with state and local advocates, activists, community organizations, and justice system stakeholders to eliminate fees in the justice system, ensure that fines are equitably imposed and enforced, and end abusive collection practices.","https://finesandfeesjusticecenter.org/","United States","Economic development; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare; Human rights"
"Firelight Foundation","2022","$10000000","Firelight is a multi-donor public charity fund that raises money from foundations, individuals and institutions to support community-based organizations (CBOs) that are working with their communities to drive systems change for children and youth in eastern and southern Africa.","https://www.firelightfoundation.org/","Sub-Saharan Africa","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Fund; Child development and welfare"
"Firelight Media","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Firelight Media is the premier destination for non-fiction cinema by and about communities of color. Firelight Media produces documentary films, supports filmmakers of color, and cultivates audiences for their work.","https://www.firelightmedia.tv/","United States","Visual arts; Race and ethnicity"
"First Nations Development Institute","2020","$8000000","Our mission is to strengthen American Indian economies to support healthy Native communities. We invest in and create innovative institutions and models that strengthen asset control and support economic development for American Indian people and their communities.","https://www.firstnations.org/","North America; United States","Economic development; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"First Peoples Fund","2021","$6000000","To honor and support the Collective Spirit of First Peoples artists and culture bearers.","https://www.firstpeoplesfund.org/","West, US; Alaska, US; Hawaii, US","Craft and traditional arts; Creative youth development; Performing arts; Visual arts; Race and ethnicity"
"First Responders Children's Foundation","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Provides financial support to children who have lost a parent in the line of duty as well as families enduring significant financial hardship due to tragic circumstances. Supports, promotes, and facilitates educational activities and programs created and operated by first responder organizations whose purpose is to benefit children or the community at large.","https://1strcf.org/","United States","Child development and welfare"
"FirstLine Schools","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To create and inspire great, open enrollment public schools in New Orleans.","https://firstlineschools.org/","United States; Louisiana, US; New Orleans, LA","Elementary, secondary education"
"Flamboyan Arts Fund","2021","$3000000","The fund supports all facets of the arts community including music, theater, visual arts, dance, literature, and youth arts education to ensure that the arts and culture continue to flourish during the rebuilding of Puerto Rico.","https://flamboyanfoundation.org/flamboyanartsfund/","Puerto Rico, US","Multidisciplinary arts; Race and ethnicity; Fund"
"Florence Immigrant & Refugee Rights Project","2022","$10000000","The mission of the Florence Immigrant & Refugee Rights Project is to provide free legal and social services to detained adults and unaccompanied children facing immigration removal proceedings in Arizona.","https://firrp.org/","Arizona, US","Immigration or migration; Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"Florida International University","2021","$40000000","Florida International University is an urban, multi-campus, public research university serving its students and the diverse population of South Florida. We are committed to high-quality teaching, state-of-the-art research and creative activity, and collaborative engagement with our local and global communities.","https://www.fiu.edu/","Florida, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Flower City Habitat for Humanity","2022","$3750000","Non-denominational Christian housing ministry to eliminate substandard and poverty housing in Rochester, NY by partnering with low-income families to make home ownership possible","https://www.rochesterhabitat.org/","Rochester, NY","Access to housing and housing development"
"Fondo de Mujeres del Sur (Argentina entity)","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","FMS mobilises resources and provides financial, technical and political support to strengthen organisations of diverse women, identities and sexualities, and feminist movements that promote gender, ethnic-racial and social justice.","https://www.mujeresdelsur.org/en/home/","Latin America & Caribbean","Gender identity; Civic and social engagement; Fund"
"Fondo Lunaria Mujer","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","We are a feminist fund that mobilizes resources to support grassroots Colombian women's diversity organizations with an emphasis on young women who work autonomously for the full exercise of their citizenship, as subjects of rights and actors in the construction of a country in peace and with social justice free of machismo, racism, ableism and LBTIphobia.","https://fondolunaria.org/","Latin America & Caribbean; Colombia","Democracy; Youth development; Gender identity; Fund"
"Fondo Semillas","2021","$6000000","Our mission is to mobilize resources, accompany and strengthen organizations, networks, and grassroots groups for the advancement of the rights of girls, women and trans * people. Our commitment is to strengthen social movements, so that they can be solid and sustainable for making social change","https://semillas.org.mx/en/","Latin America & Caribbean; Mexico","Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Fund; Human rights; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Food Bank of Alaska","2020","$3000000","Food Bank of Alaska is dedicated to eliminating hunger in Alaska by obtaining and providing food to partner agencies feeding hungry people and through anti-hunger leadership. We believe that no one deserves to be hungry.","https://www.foodbankofalaska.org/","Alaska, US; Anchorage, AK","Regrantor; Nutrition and food security"
"Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Nourish people. Build Solutions. Empower communities.","https://www.foodbankcenc.org","South, US; North Carolina, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Nutrition and food security; Humanitarian assistance and relief"
"Food Bank of Central Louisiana","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To alleviate hunger in Central Louisiana.","https://www.fbcenla.org","Louisiana, US; Alexandria, LA","Nutrition and food security"
"Food Bank of Eastern Michigan","2020","$25000000","The Food Bank of Eastern Michigan is the Food Source for people in need. Partnering with organizations to feed the hungry, we advocate and build a community solution to a community problem. By leveraging an abundance of product from a multitude of sources, we ""Change the Face of Hunger.""","https://www.fbem.org/","Michigan, US","Bridging divides; Agricultural development; Child development and welfare; Nutrition and food security; Humanitarian assistance and relief"
"Food Bank of Northeast Arkansas","2020","$3000000","the Food Bank of Northeast Arkansas provides hunger relief to people in need by raising awareness, securing resources, and distributing food through a network of non-profit agencies and programs throughout Northeast Arkansas.","https://www.foodbankofnea.org","Arkansas, US","Regrantor; Nutrition and food security; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The mission of the Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana is to be the primary resource for fighting hunger in Northwest Louisiana.","https://www.foodbanknla.org","Louisiana, US","Nutrition and food security"
"Food Bank of the Albemarle","2020","$3000000","Our mission is to fight ]hunger and poverty in Northeast North Carolina","https://www.afoodbank.org","North Carolina, US","Regrantor; Nutrition and food security; Humanitarian assistance and relief; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Food for Education","2022","$4000000","Food for Education is creating the blueprint for school feeding in Africa. We partner with communities, the private sector, and governments to develop feeding solutions so no child has to learn on an empty stomach.","https://food4education.org/","Sub-Saharan Africa; Kenya","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Nutrition and food security"
"Food Research & Action Center","2020","$4000000","FRAC's mission is to improve the nutrition, health, and well-being of people struggling against poverty-related hunger in the United States through advocacy, partnerships, and the advancement of bold and equitable policy solutions.","https://www.frac.org/","United States","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor; Nutrition and food security"
"Foodbank of Northeast Louisiana","2020","$3000000","Provide food, hope and dignity to our neighbors who struggle with hunger, and lead the movement to alleviate hunger through education, collaboration and advocacy.","https://www.foodbanknela.org","South, US; Louisiana, US; East Carroll Parish, LA","Nutrition and food security"
"FoodCorps","2022","$15000000","FoodCorps partners with schools and communities to nourish kids' health, education, and sense of belonging.","https://www.foodcorps.org/","United States","Elementary, secondary education; Environmental justice; Race and ethnicity; Nutrition and food security; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Forgotten Harvest","2020","$25000000","We are dedicated to relieving hunger and preventing nutritious food waste in metro Detroit.","https://www.forgottenharvest.org","Macomb County, MI; Oakland County, MI; Wayne County, MI","Environmental justice; Natural resources conservation; Nutrition and food security; Humanitarian assistance and relief"
"Foro Internacional de Mujeres Indígenas (FIMI)","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Bringing together Indigenous Women across the world to promote at all levels, the recognition and realization of their individual and collective rights and well being.","https://fimi-iiwf.org/","Global","Economic development; Climate change; Race and ethnicity; Fund"
"Forward Promise","2022","$15000000","Forward Promise affirms the full humanity of people of color and rallies against the narratives, policies, and practices that dehumanize them. Our work asserts that young people heal, grow, and thrive in healthy villages; therefore, we advance individual and structural solutions rooted in culture that strengthen whole communities.","https://forwardpromise.org/","United States","Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Mental and behavioral health; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Forward Together","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Forward Together unites communities to win rights, recognition and resources for all families.","https://forwardtogether.org/","United States","Race and ethnicity; Gender identity"
"Foundation for Amazon Sustainability","2022","$10000000","Contribute to the environmental conservation of the Amazon by valuing the standing forest and its biodiversity and improving the quality of life of riverside communities associated with the implementation and dissemination of knowledge on sustainable development.","https://fas-amazonia.org/","Latin America & Caribbean; South Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa","Economic development; Climate change; Natural resources conservation; Access to healthcare"
"Foundation for Contemporary Arts - Emergency Grants COVID-19 Funds","2021","$1500000","Since its inception in 1963, the mission of the Foundation for Contemporary Arts has been to encourage, sponsor, and promote innovative work in the arts created and presented by individuals, groups, and organizations. FCA is the only institution of its kind: created and sustained by artists, to benefit artists.","https://www.foundationforcontemporaryarts.org/grants/emergency-grants-covid-19-fund/","Northeast, US; South, US; West, US","Multidisciplinary arts; Performing arts; Visual arts"
"Foundation for Ecological Security","2022","$10000000","As 'ecological security' is the foundation of sustainable and equitable development, the Foundation for Ecological Security (FES) is committed to strengthening, reviving, or restoring, where necessary, the process of ecological succession and the conservation of land, forest and water resources in the country.","https://fes.org.in/","South Asia; India","Civic and social engagement; Democracy; Agricultural development; Climate change; Natural resources conservation"
"Fountain House","2021","$12000000","To create the community, innovation, and social change needed for people most impacted by mental illness to lead connected and healthy lives.","https://www.fountainhouse.org/","United States; New York, NY","Bridging divides; Access to housing and housing development; Disability; Access to healthcare; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Four Freedoms Fund","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Four Freedoms Fund (FFF) is a national funder collaborative that strengthens the capacity and infrastructure of the immigrant justice movement by investing in immigrant-led and accountable organizations at the state/local level, building the power of New American voters, and challenging the criminalization of immigrants.","https://neophilanthropy.org/collaborative-funds/four-freedoms-fund/","United States","Democracy; Immigration or migration; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity; Fund"
"Four Oaks Family and Children's Services","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Four Oaks assures children become successful adults.","https://www.fouroaks.org/","Iowa, US; Cerro Gordo County, IA; Linn County, IA","Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Fox Valley Family YMCA","2020","$2000000","To put Christian principles into practice through programs, services, and relationships that build a healthy spirit, mind, and body.","https://www.foxvalleyymca.org","Illinois, US; Plano, IL","Creative youth development; Youth development; Active living; Mental and behavioral health; Nutrition and food security"
"Freedom Preparatory Academy Charter Schools","2022","$4500000","Freedom Preparatory Academy Charter Schools prepare all students in Grades PK-12 to excel in college and in life.","https://freedomprep.org/","South, US; Alabama, US; Memphis, TN","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"FreeFrom - Equality Can't Wait Challenge","2021","$2336000","FreeFrom's mission is to dismantle the nexus between gender-based violence (GBV) and financial insecurity, so that every survivor has the opportunity to thrive and live free from abuse.","https://www.freefrom.org/","United States","Economic development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Sexual and gender-based violence; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"Fresno Unified School District","2022","$20000000","We nurture and cultivate the interests, intellect, and leadership of our students by providing an excellent, equitable education in a culturally proficient environment.","https://www.foundation4fusd.org","West, US; California, US; Fresno, CA","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education; Youth development"
"FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund","2022","$10000000","FRIDA provides young feminist organizers with the resources they need to amplify their voices and bring attention to the social justice issues they care about, and the support, flexibility and network to keep their vision and influence alive. We enable the support, flexibility and networks to sustain young feminist visions.","https://youngfeministfund.org/","Global","Environmental justice; Sexual orientation; Fund; Sexual and gender-based violence; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"Friends of the Children","2022","$15000000","Friends of the Children's mission is to impact generational change by empowering youth facing the greatest obstacles through relationships with professional mentors - 12+ years, no matter what!","https://friendsofthechildren.org/","United States","Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Friends of the Children - Austin","2022","$2400000","Impacting generational change by empowering youth who are facing the greatest obstacles through relationships with professional mentors--12+ years, no matter what.","https://friendsaustin.org/","Austin, TX","Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Friends of the Children - Boston","2022","$2400000","Impacting generational change by empowering youth facing the toughest obstacles through relationships with professional mentors - 12+ years, no matter what.","https://friendsboston.org/","Massachusetts, US; Boston, MA","Financial inclusion; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Mental and behavioral health"
"Friends of the Children - Central Oregon","2022","$1400000","Impacting generational change by empowering youth who are facing the greatest obstacles through relationships with professional mentors - 12+ years, no matter what.","https://friendscentraloregon.org/","Crook County, OR; Deschutes County, OR; Jefferson County, OR","Creative youth development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Friends of the Children - Chicago","2022","$1400000","Impacting generational change by empowering youth who are facing the greatest obstacles through relationships with professional mentors - 12+ years, no matter what.","https://friendschicago.org/","Chicago, IL; Illinois, US","Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Friends of the Children - Detroit","2022","$1100000","Friends of the Children's mission is to impact generational change by empowering youth facing the greatest obstacles through relationships with professional mentors - 12+ years, no matter what!","https://friendsdetroit.org","Michigan, US; Detroit, MI","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Friends of the Children - Klamath Basin","2022","$1100000","Impacting generational change by empowering youth who are facing the greatest obstacles through relationships with professional mentors -- 12+ years, no matter what.","https://friendsklamath.org","Siskiyou County, CA; Klamath County, OR","Youth development"
"Friends of the Children - Los Angeles (Friends LA)","2022","$2900000","Our mission is to impact generational change by empowering youth who are facing the greatest obstacles through relationships with professional mentors - 12+ years, no matter what.","https://friendsla.org/","California, US; Los Angeles County, CA","Bridging divides; Economic development; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Friends of the Children - Portland","2022","$7700000","Impacting generational change by empowering youth who are facing the greatest obstacles through relationships with professional mentors - 12+ years, no matter what.","https://friendspdx.org/","Oregon, US; Portland, OR","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Friends of the Children - Seattle","2022","$4000000","Impacting generational change by empowering youth who are facing the greatest obstacles through relationships with professional mentors - 12+ years, no matter what.","https://friendsseattle.org","Washington, US; King County, WA","Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity"
"Friends of the Children - SF Bay Area","2022","$2400000","We identify and enroll children who face the biggest systemic barriers, then hire professional mentors to provide consistent, trauma-informed support to each child from kindergarten through high school graduation as they break the generational cycle of poverty.","https://friendssfbayarea.org/","San Francisco, CA","Elementary, secondary education; Caste; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Friends of the Children - Tacoma","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Impacting generational change by empowering youth who are facing the greatest obstacles through relationships with professional mentors – 12+ years, no matter what.","https://friendstacoma.org/","Washington, US","Youth development"
"Friends of the Children - Tampa Bay","2022","$1100000","Disrupt generational poverty by deploying professional mentors for 12 1/2 years, no matter what!","https://friendstampabay.org/","Hillsborough County, FL; Pasco County, FL; Pinellas County, FL","Economic development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare"
"Friendship Bench","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Get People Out of Depression","https://www.friendshipbenchzimbabwe.org/","North America; Sub-Saharan Africa; United Kingdom","Mental and behavioral health"
"FSG","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","FSG is a global, mission-driven consulting firm that partners with foundations and corporations to create equitable systems change. Through customized consulting services, innovative thought leadership, and learning communities, We're working to create a world where everyone can live up to their full potential.","https://www.fsg.org/","Global","Livelihoods and workforce development; Race and ethnicity; Access to healthcare; Water access, sanitation, and hygiene; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Fugees Family","2022","$10000000","Advancing Educational Justice for Refugee and Immigrant Youth","https://fugeesfamily.org/","Midwest, US; South, US","Bridging divides; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Immigration or migration"
"Fund for Shared Insight","2021","$4000000","Fund for Shared Insight is a national funder collaborative seeking to improve philanthropy by promoting high-quality listening and feedback in service of equity.","https://www.fundforsharedinsight.org/","North America; United States","Fund; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Fund for Trans Generations","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Fund for Trans Generations (FTG) invests in trans-led organizing to support a future where transgender, gender non-conforming, and nonbinary people live with freedom, safety, and self-determination.","https://borealisphilanthropy.org/project/fund-for-trans-generations/","Midwest, US; South, US; United States","Civic and social engagement; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Fund; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"Funders for LGBTQ Issues","2021","$3000000","Funders for LGBTQ Issues works to increase the scale and impact of philanthropic resources aimed at enhancing the well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer communities, promoting equity, and advancing racial, economic and gender justice.","https://lgbtfunders.org/","United States","Sexual orientation; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Fundo Baobá","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Fundo Baobá is a non-profit organization whose objective is to mobilize people and resources, in Brazil and abroad, to support projects and actions in favor of racial equality for the black population.","https://baoba.org.br/","Brazil","Race and ethnicity; Fund"
"Fundo Casa Socioambietal / Casa Socio-Environmental Fund","2022","$5000000","The Casa Socio-Environmental Fund is an organization seeking to promote environmental conservation and sustainability, democracy, respect for socio-environmental rights and social justice through financial support to civil society initiatives and by strengthening their capacities in South America. We have pioneered the debate on socio-environmental philanthropy in Brazil since 2005.","https://casa.org.br/en/","Latin America & Caribbean; Brazil","Climate change; Environmental justice; Fund; Human rights; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Fundo ELAS","2022","$3500000","To promote and strengthen the leadership and rights of women's, trans, and intersex communities by mobilizing resources and investing in their initiatives.","https://fundosocialelas.org/","Latin America & Caribbean; Brazil","Environmental justice; Gender identity; Sexual orientation; Fund; Sexual and gender-based violence"
"Futures Without Violence","2020","$10000000","For almost 40 years, FUTURES has been providing groundbreaking programs, policies, and campaigns that empower individuals and organizations working to end violence against women, children, and those most vulnerable to violence around the world. Our vision is a future without violence that provides education, safety, justice, and hope.","https://www.futureswithoutviolence.org/","Global; United States","Museums; Bridging divides; Livelihoods and workforce development; Race and ethnicity; Sexual and gender-based violence"
"Generation Teach","2022","$2500000","Generation Teach is committed to ending racial injustice and inequity in education. We co-create loving communities where generations of students, teachers, and leaders learn, grow, and develop.","https://www.generationteach.org/","Midwest, US; Northeast, US; West, US","Bridging divides; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Genesee County Habitat for Humanity","2022","$2000000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Genesee County Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, community and hope.","https://www.geneseehabitat.org/","Flint, MI; Genesee County, MI","Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Financial inclusion; Child development and welfare; Human rights"
"Genesis LA","2021","$5000000","Genesis LA is a certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI). Our mission is to deliver financial solutions that advance economic and social opportunities in underserved communities.","https://www.genesisla.org","California, US; Los Angeles, CA","Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Financial inclusion; Race and ethnicity; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"George W. Bush Presidential Center","2020","$10000000","Through policy solutions and public engagement, the George W. Bush Presidential Center ensures opportunity for all, strengthens democracy, and advances free societies. We combine ideas and action to improve the lives of people at home and around the world.","https://www.bushcenter.org/","Middle East & North Africa; North America; Sub-Saharan Africa","Museums; Democracy; Economic development; Immigration or migration"
"Gerando Falcões","2022","$5000000","Gerando Falcões is a social development ecosystem. Our network strives to accelerate the power of local leaders with a shared dream: to transform the poverty of the favelas into a distant memory, only seen in museum archives, before Mars is colononized. Our goal is to help shaping a future for the Brazilian less-privileged population. It is within our mission make the favela known to the world, leveraging our ecosystem and empowering its leaders across Brazil.","https://gerandofalcoes.com/","Latin America & Caribbean; Brazil","Economic development; Vocational education; Race and ethnicity; Mental and behavioral health; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"GIRE","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","We are a feminist and human rights organization that, for 30 years, has worked so that women and people with capacity to get pregnant can exercise their reproductive rights. Through public policy advocacy, monitoring cases, research and communication strategies, we seek to make progress in abortion, reproductive health, work-life balance.","https://gire.org.mx/","Mexico","Civic and social engagement; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"Girl Scouts - Arizona Cactus-Pine Council","2022","$2800000","Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.","https://www.girlscoutsaz.org/","Maricopa County, AZ; Hopi Lands, AZ; Navajo Nation, AZ","Civic and social engagement; Financial inclusion; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare"
"Girl Scouts - Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Building Girls of Courage, Confidence and Character who will make the world a better place.","https://www.girlscoutsdiamonds.org/","Oklahoma, US; Texas, US; Arkansas, US","Civic and social engagement; Youth development; Environmental justice; Child development and welfare"
"Girl Scouts - North Carolina Coastal Pines","2022","$2400000","Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.","https://www.nccoastalpines.org/","North Carolina, US","Civic and social engagement; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Mental and behavioral health"
"Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.","https://www.gshnj.org/","Northeast, US; New Jersey, US","Creative youth development; Civic and social engagement; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Girl Scouts Heart of the South","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.","https://www.girlscoutshs.org/","Tennessee, US; Arkansas, US; Mississippi, US","Creative youth development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Girl Scouts Nation's Capital","2022","$3800000","Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital believes every Girl Scout can change the world. We have unique programs designed to explore, learn and take action in their community. We are the largest council in the country and serve 47,000 Girl Scouts in 25 counties in Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia.","https://www.gscnc.org/","Maryland, US; Virginia, US; West Virginia, US","Creative youth development; Youth development; Environmental justice"
"Girl Scouts of Central Indiana","2022","$2400000","Building girls of courage, confidence and courage, who make the world a better place.","https://www.girlscoutsindiana.org/","Indiana, US","Youth development"
"Girl Scouts of Colorado","2022","$2800000","Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.","https://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/","Colorado, US","Youth development"
"Girl Scouts of Connecticut","2022","$2400000","To build girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.","https://www.gsofct.org/","Connecticut, US; United States","Creative youth development; Civic and social engagement; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois","2022","$1400000","We build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.","https://www.girlscoutstoday.org/","Illinois, US; Iowa, US","Civic and social engagement; Youth development; Gender identity"
"Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri","2022","$2400000","Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.","https://www.girlscoutsem.org/","Missouri, US; St. Louis, MO","Civic and social engagement; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare"
"Girl Scouts of Gateway Council","2022","$1800000","Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.","https://www.girlscouts-gateway.org","Florida, US; Jacksonville, FL","Youth development"
"Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana","2022","$4200000","Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.","https://www.girlscoutsgcnwi.org/","Chicago, IL; Illinois, US; Indiana, US","Civic and social engagement; Youth development; Gender identity"
"Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles","2022","$4900000","Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place","https://www.girlscoutsla.org/","Los Angeles County, CA","Civic and social engagement; Youth development; Natural resources conservation; Race and ethnicity; Mental and behavioral health"
"Girl Scouts of Greater New York","2022","$2000000","Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.","https://www.girlscoutsnyc.org/","New York, US; New York, NY","Youth development"
"Girl Scouts of Hawaii","2022","$800000","Girl Scouts of Hawaii's mission is to build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place. Our inclusive leadership development programming focuses on all areas of our community with an emphasis on promoting girls' engagement in leadership and STEM - areas where women are vastly underrepresented.","https://www.gshawaii.org/","North America; United States; Hawaii, US","Civic and social engagement; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys","2022","$4200000","To build girls of courage confidence and character who make the world a better place. To boldly lead as an anti-racist organization that uplifts and empowers every girl to know their worth and lead in their world.","https://www.girlscoutsrv.org/","Northeast, US; Minnesota, US; Wisconsin, US","Civic and social engagement; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare"
"Girl Scouts of Nassau County","2022","$1800000","Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.","https://www.gsnc.org/","New York, US; Nassau County, NY","Youth development"
"Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas","2022","$3800000","Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place.","https://www.gsnetx.org/","Dallas, TX; Tyler, TX","Civic and social engagement; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Natural resources conservation; Child development and welfare"
"Girl Scouts of Northern California","2022","$4900000","Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.","https://www.gsnorcal.org/","California, US","Civic and social engagement; Youth development; Environmental justice; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity"
"Girl Scouts of Orange County","2022","$2800000","Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.","https://www.girlscoutsoc.org","Orange County, CA","Multidisciplinary arts; Civic and social engagement; Youth development; Active living"
"Girl Scouts of San Jacinto","2022","$4200000","Girl Scouts of San Jacinto builds girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place.","https://www.gssjc.org/","Fort Bend County, TX; Harris County, TX; Montgomery County, TX","Civic and social engagement; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Natural resources conservation; Child development and welfare"
"Girl Scouts of Southeastern Michigan","2022","$2400000","Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place","https://www.gssem.org/","Michigan, US; Detroit, MI","Creative youth development; Civic and social engagement; Economic development; Youth development"
"Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona","2022","$1400000","Building girls of courage confidence and character who make the world a better place.","https://www.girlscoutssoaz.org/","West, US; Arizona, US; Tucson, AZ","Youth development; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Girl Scouts of the USA","2022","$15000000","Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.","https://www.girlscouts.org/","Global; United States","Youth development"
"Girl Scouts of Virginia Skyline Council","2022","$800000","Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.","https://www.gsvsc.org/","Charlottesville, VA; Lynchburg, VA; Roanoke, VA","Creative youth development; Multidisciplinary arts; Bridging divides; Youth development; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Girl Scouts of West Central Florida","2022","$2000000","Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.","https://www.gswcf.org/","Lakeland, FL; Ocala, FL; Tampa, FL","Creative youth development; Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Youth development; Gender identity"
"Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma","2022","$1400000","Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.","https://www.gswestok.org/","Oklahoma, US; Oklahoma City, OK","Creative youth development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Child development and welfare"
"Girl Scouts, Hornets' Nest Council","2022","$1100000","Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place.","https://www.hngirlscouts.org/","North Carolina, US","Youth development"
"Girls First Fund","2021","$15000000","The Girls First Fund resources national and community-based organizations to end child marriage. We provide long term, flexible funding and non-financial support. We prioritize women / young women led organizations who tackle the root causes of the practice within their communities, and strive to create a more gender equal world.","https://girlsfirstfund.org/","Latin America & Caribbean; South Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa","Youth development; Fund; Sexual and gender-based violence; Sexual and reproductive health and justice; Human rights"
"Girls Inc. - Equality Can't Wait Challenge","2021","$5840000","Girls Inc. inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold. A combination of long-lasting mentoring relationships, a pro-girl environment and research-based programming equips girls to lead fulfilling and productive lives, break the cycle of poverty, and become role models in their community.","https://girlsinc.org/","North America; Canada; United States","Civic and social engagement; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity"
"GirlTrek","2019","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To unleash a mass movement for health justice. A Groundbreaking Movement Powered by the love and momentum of Black women everywhere walking out of their front doors in solidarity, GirlTrek will unleash a mass movement for health justice.","https://www.girltrek.org/","Global; United States; Ghana","Environmental justice; Access to healthcare; Active living; Maternal and perinatal health; Mental and behavioral health"
"GiveDirectly","2021","$50000000","To reduce poverty by providing financial assistance directly to those in need","https://www.givedirectly.org/","Middle East & North Africa; Sub-Saharan Africa","Economic development; Climate change; Infectious and parasitic diseases; Nutrition and food security"
"GiveDirectly - Africa Response","2020","$5000000","To reduce poverty by providing financial assistance directly to those in need","https://www.givedirectly.org/","Kenya; Togo","Economic development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Infectious and parasitic diseases"
"GiveDirectly - Project 100+","2020","$60000000","To reduce poverty by providing financial assistance directly to those in need","https://www.givedirectly.org/covid-19/us/","United States","Economic development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Infectious and parasitic diseases"
"GiveDirectly - US Response","2020","$10000000","To reduce poverty by providing financial assistance directly to those in need","https://www.givedirectly.org/","United States","Economic development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Infectious and parasitic diseases"
"GiveIndia","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To promote efficient and effective giving that provides greater opportunities to the poor in India.","https://www.giveindia.org","India","Humanitarian assistance and relief"
"GivingTuesday","2021","$7000000","GivingTuesday is a Movement that Unleashes the Power of Radical Generosity Around the World. GivingTuesday reimagines a world built upon shared humanity and generosity. Our global network collaborates year-round to inspire generosity around the world, with a common mission to build a world where generosity is part of everyday life.","https://www.givingtuesday.org/","Global","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Democracy; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"GLAAD","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","As a dynamic media force, GLAAD ensures fair, accurate, and inclusive representation that rewrites the script for LGBTQ acceptance. GLAAD tackles tough issues to shape the narrative and provoke dialogue that leads to cultural change. GLAAD protects all that has been accomplished and envisions a world with 100% LGBTQ acceptance.","https://www.glaad.org/","Global; South, US; United States","Gender identity; Sexual orientation"
"Glasswing International","2021","$13000000","Our mission is to address the root causes and consequences of violence and poverty through education and health programs that empower youth and communities, and strengthen public systems.","https://glasswing.org/","Latin America & Caribbean; North America; New York, NY","Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Immigration or migration; Mental and behavioral health"
"Global Citizen Year","2021","$12000000","Global Citizen Year has developed a transformative new path between adolescence and adulthood - a rite of passage that equips our next generation with the curiosity, conviction, and courage our world needs now. Ultimately, We're on a mission to launch a critical mass of young people determined to build a more just and sustainable world.","https://www.globalcitizenyear.org","Global; United States; South Africa","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development"
"Global Development Incubator","2022","$5000000","To bring together ideas, leaders and capital to build and scale the next generation of social impact solutions globally.","https://globaldevincubator.org/","East Asia & Pacific; South Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa","Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Climate change; Immigration or migration; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Global Fund for Children","2022","$10000000","Global Fund for Children partners with community based organizations around the globe to help children and youth reach their full potential and advance their rights.","https://globalfundforchildren.org/","Global","Youth development; Climate change; Fund"
"Global Fund for Community Foundations","2022","$5000000","To support the development of community philanthropy as a strategy and practice for fostering community-led development and shifting power, and as a body of knowledge and evidence that can inform and influence change in other parts of the international philanthropy and development system.","https://globalfundcf.org/","Global","Civic and social engagement; Fund; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Global Fund for Women","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Global Fund for Women's vision is a world where movements for gender justice have transformed power and privilege for a few into equity and equality for all. We fund bold, ambitious, and expansive gender justice movements to create meaningful change that will last beyond our lifetimes.","https://www.globalfundforwomen.org/","Global; Latin America & Caribbean; Sub-Saharan Africa","Environmental justice; Sexual and gender-based violence; Sexual and reproductive health and justice; Humanitarian assistance and relief; Human rights"
"Global Greengrants Fund","2022","$15000000","Global Greengrants Fund mobilizes resources for communities worldwide to protect our shared planet and work toward a more equitable world.","https://www.greengrants.org/","Global","Climate change; Environmental justice; Natural resources conservation; Fund; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Global Health Corps","2021","$6000000","Global Health Corps' mission is to mobilize a diverse community of leaders to build the movement for global health equity.","https://ghcorps.org/","Global; North America; Sub-Saharan Africa","Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Public health, public health infrastructure; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"GLSEN","2020","$6000000","GLSEN believes that every student has the right to a safe, supportive, and LGBTQ-inclusive K-12 education. As a national network of educators, students, and local GLSEN Chapters we work to educate schools to cultivate a safe and supportive environment for all students, regardless of race, ability, sexual-orientation, gender-identity or expression.","https://www.glsen.org/","United States","Elementary, secondary education; Sexual orientation; Youth development; Disability; Gender identity"
"God's Pantry Food Bank","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Reducing hunger by working together to feed Kentucky communities.","https://godspantry.org/","Lexington, KY","Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare; Nutrition and food security; Humanitarian assistance and relief"
"Golden Crescent Habitat for Humanity","2022","$3500000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://www.goldencrescenthabitat.org/","Texas, US; Victoria, TX","Bridging divides; Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Vocational education; Race and ethnicity"
"Golden Harvest Food Bank","2020","$9000000","Our mission is to feed our hungry neighbors today, and build a healthy, hunger-free tomorrow.","https://www.goldenharvest.org","Augusta, GA; Aiken, SC","Nutrition and food security"
"Good Shepherd Food Bank of Maine","2021","$25000000","The mission of Good Shepherd Food Bank is to eliminate hunger in Maine by improving access to nutritious food for people in need, building strong community partnerships, and mobilizing the public in the fight to end hunger.","https://www.gsfb.org/","Maine, US","Regrantor; Nutrition and food security; Humanitarian assistance and relief"
"Goodwill Easterseals Miami Valley","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","At Goodwill Easterseals Miami Valley our mission is to empower people with disabilities and other disadvantages to achieve independence and improve their quality of life.","https://www.gesmv.org","Dayton, OH","Livelihoods and workforce development"
"Goodwill Hawaii","2020","$5000000","Helping people with employment barriers to reach their full potential and become self-sufficient.","https://www.goodwillhawaii.org","Hawaii, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Goodwill Houston","2020","$15000000","We change lives through the power of work. We educate, train, and hire individuals with barriers to employment to help them thrive. We connect people, families, and communities to improve lives and to meet the workforce needs of today and tomorrow.","https://www.goodwillhouston.org","Houston, TX","Bridging divides; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Disability; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Goodwill Industries - Knoxville","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Changing lives and strengthening families by helping people reach their full potential through community -relevant job training, work experiences, and career services.","https://www.gwiktn.org/","Tennessee, US","Economic development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Disability"
"Goodwill Industries International","2020","$20000000","Goodwill works to enhance people's dignity and quality of life by strengthening their communities, eliminating their barriers to opportunity, and helping them reach their full potential through learning and the power of work.","https://www.goodwill.org","Korea, Republic; Canada; United States","Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education"
"Goodwill Industries of Central Illinois","2020","$5000000","We help communities prosper by transforming donations into life and job skills training and employment services.","https://www.goodwillpeo.org","Peoria County, IL; Tazewell County, IL; Woodford County, IL","Access to housing and housing development; Youth development; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Goodwill Industries of Dallas","2021","$5000000","Help people with barriers to employment recognize and reach their full potential - and experience lives filled purpose, accomplishment, and self-sufficiency.","https://www.goodwilldallas.org","Collin County, TX; Dallas, TX; Denton County, TX","Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Natural resources conservation; Disability; Race and ethnicity"
"Goodwill Industries of East Texas","2020","$5000000","To provide skills training and vocational opportunities for people with barriers to employment.","https://www.goodwilleasttexas.com/","Texas, US; Smith County, TX","Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Youth development; Disability; Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"Goodwill Industries of Greater Cleveland and East Central Ohio","2020","$10000000","We empower people on their journey to independence through the sale of goods, which supports employment programs and family services.","https://www.GoodwillGoodSkills.org","Ohio, US; West Virginia, US","Bridging divides; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Youth development"
"Goodwill Industries of Kansas","2020","$5000000","To provide opportunities for people with disabilities and barriers to employment seeking independent and productive lives.","https://www.goodwillks.org","Kansas, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education; Disability; Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"Goodwill Industries of Kentucky","2020","$10000000","Our mission is to help Kentuckians find pathways out of poverty by providing resources to address the barriers they face.","https://www.goodwillky.org","Kentucky, US","Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"Goodwill Industries of Michiana","2020","$10000000","To strengthen communities by empowering individuals and families through education, training and job placement.","https://www.goodwill-ni.org","Indiana, US; Lake County, IN; St. Joseph County, IN","Elementary, secondary education; Vocational education; Youth development; Maternal and perinatal health"
"Goodwill Industries of Middle Tennessee","2021","$10000000","Changing Lives Through Education, Training and Employment.","https://www.giveit2goodwill.org","South, US; Tennessee, US; Davidson County, TN","Economic development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Youth development"
"Goodwill Industries of New Mexico","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Goodwill Industries of New Mexico is on a mission to provide skills training, job development and social services to New Mexicans.","https://www.goodwillnm.org","New Mexico, US","Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education"
"Goodwill Industries of North Florida","2021","$10000000","Goodwill Industries of North Florida is a local, not-for-profit organization that removes barriers to employment through training, education, and career opportunities for the communities we serve.","https://www.goodwilljax.org","Florida, US","Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education; Youth development"
"Goodwill Industries of Northern Illinois","2020","$5000000","Goodwill Industries of Northern Illinois creates opportunities for individuals with barriers to enhance their lives.","https://www.goodwillni.org","McHenry County, IL; Stephenson County, IL; Winnebago County, IL","Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Youth development; Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"Goodwill Industries of Northwest North Carolina","2021","$10000000","We create opportunities for people to enhance their lives through training, workforce development services and collaboration with other community organizations.","https://www.goodwillnwnc.org","United States; North Carolina, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Youth development; Disability; Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"Goodwill Industries of San Antonio","2020","$10000000","Through our mission of ""Helping Change Lives Through the Power of Work"", we not only focus on addressing the immediate need for employment, we help people in our community develop a career path to achieve financial independence.","https://www.goodwillsa.org","Texas, US","Livelihoods and workforce development"
"Goodwill Industries of San Diego County","2020","$10000000","Our mission is to provide employment and training opportunities to people with disabilities and other barriers to employment.","https://www.sdgoodwill.org","California, US; San Diego County, CA","Bridging divides; Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Disability; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Louisiana","2020","$10000000","Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Louisiana, Inc. offers opportunities to people with employment barriers to improve their economic self-sufficiency through training, education, support services, and employment.","https://www.goodwillno.org","Louisiana, US","Access to housing and housing development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Disability; Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin and Metropolitan Chicago","2021","$15000000","Goodwill provides training, employment and supportive services for people with disabilities or disadvantages who seek greater independence.","https://www.goodwillsew.com","Chicago, IL; Wisconsin, US","Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Disability; Race and ethnicity"
"Goodwill Industries of the Columbia Willamette","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Goodwill Industries of the Columbia Willamette's mission is to provide vocational opportunities to people with disabilities as well as others with barriers to employment.","https://www.meetgoodwill.org","Oregon, US; Washington, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Natural resources conservation; Disability; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Goodwill Industries of the Gulf Coast","2020","$5000000","Empowering people through lifelong learning and employment","https://www.gesgc.org/","Alabama, US; Florida, US","Early learning; Vocational education; Disability; Child development and welfare"
"Goodwill Industries of the Heartland","2020","$10000000","We help people reach their full potential through education, training, and the power of work.","https://www.goodwillheartland.org","Illinois, US; Iowa, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education"
"Goodwill Industries of the Inland Northwest","2020","$10000000","Together, we create opportunities that change lives and strengthen communities","https://www.discovergoodwill.org","Idaho, US; Washington, US; Spokane, WA","Access to housing and housing development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Goodwill Industries of the Southern Piedmont","2021","$10000000","Goodwill Industries of the Southern Piedmont's shared purpose is to help people see possibilities, seize opportunities and prosper. Our mission is to help build pathways that help people to pursue the life they want to achieve.","https://goodwillsp.org","North Carolina, US; South Carolina, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"Goodwill Industries of the Southern Rivers","2020","$10000000","Goodwill's mission is to change lives through the power of work.","https://www.goodwillsr.org","Alabama, US; Georgia, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Youth development"
"Goodwill Industries of the Valleys","2020","$10000000","Empowering Individuals, Strengthening Families, Inspiring Communities","https://www.goodwillvalleys.com/","Virginia, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Youth development; Disability; Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"Goodwill Industries of Upstate/Midlands South Carolina","2020","$10000000","We provide access, information, and resources to help people improve their lives through the power of work.","https://www.goodwillsc.org","South Carolina, US","Bridging divides; Economic development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education"
"Goodwill Keystone Area","2020","$10000000","We advance sustainability so individuals and families can thrive and flourish.","https://www.yourgoodwill.org/","Pennsylvania, US","Bridging divides; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Disability; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Goodwill Manasota","2020","$10000000","Changing Lives Through the Power of Work","https://experiencegoodwill.org/","Desoto County, FL; Manatee County, FL; Sarasota County, FL","Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Disability; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Goodwill North Central Texas (formerly Goodwill Industries of Fort Worth)","2020","$10000000","Creating lives of independence and helping build a stronger local community.","https://www.goodwillfortworth.org/","Denton County, TX; Tarrant County, TX; Parker County, TX","Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Youth development; Disability; Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"Goodwill Northern Michigan","2020","$5000000","We envision a community where everyone has access to a safe and secure place to live, the nutritious food they need, and opportunities for empowering employment so that everyone can thrive.","https://www.goodwillnmi.org","Grand Traverse County, MI; Kalkaska County, MI; Leelanau County, MI","Access to housing and housing development; Access to healthcare; Mental and behavioral health; Nutrition and food security; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Goodwill Northern New England","2020","$10000000","Goodwill Northern New England invests in people who need support to achieve their work and life goals.","https://www.goodwillnne.org","Maine, US; New Hampshire, US; Vermont, US","Civic and social engagement; Financial inclusion; Vocational education; Disability; Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"Goodwill of Central and Coastal Virginia","2020","$10000000","Our mission is changing lives ... helping people help themselves through the power of work.","https://www.goodwillvirginia.org","Virginia, US; Richmond, VA; Virginia Beach, VA","Democracy; Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Disability; Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"Goodwill of Colorado","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Goodwill of Colorado is dedicated to helping people reach their highest level of economic and personal independence.","https://www.discovermygoodwill.org/","Colorado, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Vocational education; Disability; Immigration or migration"
"Goodwill of Greater Grand Rapids","2020","$5000000","Changing lives and communities through the power of work","https://www.goodwillgr.org","Michigan, US; Grand Rapids, MI","Economic development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Disability; Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"Goodwill of Middle Georgia & the CSRA","2020","$10000000","We build lives, families and communities one career at a time by helping people develop their God-given gifts through education, work and career services.","https://www.goodwillworks.org","United States; Georgia, US","Bridging divides; Agricultural development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education"
"Goodwill of North Georgia","2020","$15000000","To put people to work.","https://www.goodwillng.org","Georgia, US","Vocational education; Disability; Immigration or migration; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity"
"Goodwill of Silicon Valley","2020","$10000000","Goodwill of Silicon Valley's mission is to support our employees, our customers, and people with challenging barriers to employment; to raise their standard of living and improve their lives through our services and social enterprise.","https://www.goodwillsv.org","California, US; San Benito County, CA; Santa Clara County, CA","Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Natural resources conservation; Disability; Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"Goodwill of Southeast Georgia","2020","$5000000","Helping individuals with challenges and obstacles to sustainable employment achieve their highest level of self sufficiency through the power and dignity of work.","https://www.goodwillsega.org","Brunswick, GA; Savannah, GA","Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Disability; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity"
"Goodwill of the Finger Lakes","2021","$10000000","Elevating people, community and planet for a good today and better tomorrow. We envision thriving, sustainable communities across our region.","https://www.goodwillfingerlakes.org","Monroe County, NY; Oneida County, NY; Onondaga County, NY","Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Environmental justice; Disability; Mental and behavioral health"
"Goodwill of the Southern Alleghenies","2020","$5000000","To empower individuals and families with employment barriers to achieve their fullest potential in the community through work services","https://www.gogoodwill.org","Pennsylvania, US; Blair County, PA; Cambria County, PA","Livelihoods and workforce development"
"Goodwill Serving the People of Southern Los Angeles County","2021","$5000000","Goodwill SOLAC partners with the community, transforming donated goods into job training, education and placement services for individuals with barriers to employment.","https://www.thinkgood.org","Carson, CA; Long Beach, CA; Norwalk, CA","Economic development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Youth development; Environmental justice"
"GOONJ","2021","$3750000","Address basic but neglected issues of the poor by involving them in evolving their own solutions with dignity and urban material as reward.","https://goonj.org/","South Asia; India","Climate change; Immigration or migration; Water access, sanitation, and hygiene"
"Grameen America","2020","$25000000","Grameen America's mission is to empower women who live in poverty to build small businesses to create better lives for their families through entrepreneurship. Grameen provides affordable capital, credit- and asset-building programs, financial education and peer support.","https://www.grameenamerica.org/","Northeast, US; South, US; West, US","Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity"
"Grand Prairie Independent School District","2022","$16000000","GPISD is a learning community focused on academic excellence and equity for every student.","https://www.gpisd.org/","South, US; Texas, US; Grand Prairie, TX","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education"
"Grantmakers Concerned With Immigrants and Refugees - California Immigrant Resilience Fund","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","We galvanize philanthropy to advance immigrant justice and belonging.","https://www.gcir.org/news/california-immigrant-resilience-fund#:~:text=The%20California%20Immigrant%20Resilience%20Fund,homelessness%2C%20and%20extreme%20economic%20hardship.","California, US","Immigration or migration; Humanitarian assistance and relief"
"Grantmakers for Effective Organizations","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","GEO is a community of funders committed to transforming philanthropic culture and practice by connecting members to the resources and relationships needed to support thriving nonprofits and communities.","https://www.geofunders.org/","United States","Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Grantmakers for Girls of Color","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Grantmakers for Girls of Color (G4GC) is the nation's only philanthropic intermediary exclusively focused on mobilizing resources to support the transformative organizing work to support organizations and movements led by or focused on girls, femmes, and gender-expansive youth of Color.","https://grantmakersforgirlsofcolor.org/","North America; United States","Regrantor; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Grantmakers In Health","2022","$5000000","Grantmakers In Health (GIH) is a nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to helping foundations and corporate giving programs improve the health of all people. Its mission is to foster communication and collaboration among grantmakers and others, and to help strengthen the grantmaking community's knowledge, skills, and effectiveness.","https://www.gih.org/","United States","Race and ethnicity; Access to healthcare; Public health, public health infrastructure; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Grassroots International","2022","$15000000","Our mission is to connect people in the US with global movements that defend land, territory, water, food, seeds and the earth. Together, we address the root causes of injustice and oppression, and build alternatives that nurture human rights, ecological justice, and liberation. We do this through grantmaking, social action, and philanthropic leadership.","https://grassrootsonline.org/","Global","Climate change; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor; Human rights"
"Greater Charlottesville Habitat for Humanity","2022","$5750000","We bring people together to build and rebuild homes and communities, while catalyzing new pathways to safe, decent, affordable housing.","https://www.cvillehabitat.org/","Charlottesville, VA","Bridging divides; Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Financial inclusion; Race and ethnicity"
"Greater Cleveland Food Bank","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Ensuring that everyone in our communities has access to the nutritious food they need, every day","https://www.greaterclevelandfoodbank.org","Cuyahoga County, OH","Access to housing and housing development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Access to healthcare; Nutrition and food security"
"Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity","2022","$9000000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://gdmhabitat.org/","Dallas County, IA; Jasper County, IA; Polk County, IA","Bridging divides; Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion"
"Greater Green Bay YMCA","2020","$2000000","To put Christian principals into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all.","https://www.greenbayymca.org","Wisconsin, US; Brown County, WI; Green Bay, WI","Active living; Child development and welfare; Chronic diseases; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Greater Minnesota Housing Fund","2021","$7000000","GMHF supports the creation of strong communities and affordable homes through strategic investments and effective partnerships. GMHF is dedicated to social and racial justice and committed to advancing solutions that support equity for communities of color throughout Minnesota.","https://gmhf.com","Michigan, US; Minnesota, US; Wisconsin, US","Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Greater Philadelphia YMCA","2020","$18000000","TO TRANSLATE THE PRINCIPLES OF THE YMCA'S CHRISTIAN HERITAGE INTO PROGRAMS THAT NURTURE CHILDREN, STRENGTHEN FAMILIES, BUILD STRONG COMMUNITIES AND DEVELOP HEALTHY SPIRITS, MINDS AND BODIES FOR ALL. On our Website and promotional materials we say that we connect people to healthier lives and to each other","https://www.philaymca.org","Burlington County, NJ; Camden County, NJ; Philadelphia, PA","Civic and social engagement; Early learning; Youth development; Active living; Child development and welfare"
"Greater Phoenix Urban League","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To be an agent of change; to support minorities and those in need in achieving economic and social equality through programs in economic empowerment, housing, education, civic engagement, and health and wellness","https://gphxul.org/","Arizona, US; Maricopa County, AZ","Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Youth development"
"Greater Sacramento Urban League","2022","$2400000","The mission of the Greater Sacramento Urban League is to empower Black and other historically marginalized people throughout the region in securing economic self-reliance, educational fulfillment, social justice and civil rights for the promotion of well-being.","https://www.gsul.org/","California, US; Sacramento County, CA","Civic and social engagement; Access to housing and housing development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Greater Watertown Community Health Foundation","2022","$5000000","Inspire collaboration, mobilize resources and encourage innovation that measurably contributes to the wellbeing of our community","https://www.watertownhealthfoundation.com/","Dodge County, WI; Jefferson County, WI","Access to housing and housing development; Early learning; Fund; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"GreenLight Fund","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The GreenLight Fund helps transform the lives of children, youth and families in high-poverty urban areas by creating local infrastructure and a consistent annual process to: Identify critical needs, Import innovative, entrepreneurial programs that can have a significant, measurable impact, and Galvanize local support to help programs reach and sustain impact in the new city.","https://www.greenlightfund.org","United States","Fund; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Groundswell Fund","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To mobilize a stronger, more effective movement for reproductive justice in the United States led by low-income women, women of color, and transgender people.","https://groundswellfund.org/","United States","Race and ethnicity; Gender identity; Fund; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"GSA Network","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","GSA Network is a next-generation LGBTQ racial and gender justice organization that empowers and trains queer, trans and allied youth leaders to advocate, organize, and mobilize an intersectional movement for safer schools and healthier communities.","https://gsanetwork.org/","United States; California, US","Bridging divides; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Gender identity; Sexual orientation"
"Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center","2021","$1000000","The Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center cultivates, promotes and preserves traditional and contemporary Chicano, Latino and Native American arts and culture through multidisciplinary programming.","https://guadalupeculturalarts.org/","San Antonio, TX","Cultural awareness; Race and ethnicity"
"Gwinnett County Habitat for Humanity","2022","$2000000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Gwinnett Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://habitatgwinnett.org/","Georgia, US; Gwinnett County, GA","Access to housing and housing development; Aging; Disability; Faith and religion; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Habitat for Humanity Central Arizona","2022","$8500000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://habitatcaz.org/","Arizona, US; Maricopa County, AZ; Phoenix, AZ","Access to housing and housing development; Vocational education; Aging; Disability; Race and ethnicity"
"Habitat for Humanity Chicago","2022","$2500000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.","https://www.habitatchicago.org/","Chicago, IL; Cook County, IL","Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion; Regrantor"
"Habitat for Humanity Choptank","2022","$2500000","Habitat for Humanity Choptank's mission is to put God's love into action by building and repairing homes, communities, and hope, ultimately providing homebuyers and homeowners in Dorchester and Talbot Counties with a sense of strength, stability, and self-reliance.","https://habitatchoptank.org/","Maryland, US; Dorchester County, MD; Talbot County, MD","Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion"
"Habitat for Humanity East Central Ohio","2022","$4500000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity East Central Ohio brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.","https://www.habitateco.org/","Ohio, US; Stark County, OH","Bridging divides; Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Aging; Race and ethnicity"
"Habitat for Humanity Georgetown County","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.","https://www.habitatgeorgetown.com/","Georgetown County, SC","Access to housing and housing development"
"Habitat for Humanity Greater Orlando & Osceola County","2022","$5750000","Habitat for Humanity Greater Orlando & Osceola County brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://habitatorlandoosceola.org/","Orange County, FL; Orlando, FL; Osceola County, FL","Access to housing and housing development; Race and ethnicity"
"Habitat for Humanity Greater Peoria Area","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.","https://habitatpeoria.org/","Illinois, US; Peoria, IL","Access to housing and housing development"
"Habitat for Humanity Greater San Francisco","2022","$6750000","Habitat for Humanity Greater San Francisco builds homes and sustains affordable homeownership opportunities for families in Marin, San Francisco, and San Mateo counties. We do this by building strong partnerships, ensuring equity, creating housing stability, and supporting families to build a legacy for generational impact.","https://habitatgsf.org/","Marin County, CA; San Francisco, CA; San Mateo County, CA","Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion; Aging; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare"
"Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley","2022","$3750000","The mission of Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley, in partnership with God, is to facilitate the dream of homeownership as well as improve living conditions for those in the community.","https://www.habitativ.org/","California, US; Riverside County, CA","Access to housing and housing development"
"Habitat for Humanity International","2022","$25000000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://www.habitat.org/","Global; United States","Bridging divides; Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion; Water access, sanitation, and hygiene"
"Habitat for Humanity La Crosse Area","2022","$2000000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity-La Crosse Area brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.","https://www.habitatlacrosse.org/","Houston County, MN; La Crosse County, WI; Vernon County, WI","Access to housing and housing development"
"Habitat for Humanity Las Vegas","2022","$1000000","Habitat for Humanity Las Vegas brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://www.lasvegashabitat.org/","Nevada, US; Clark County, NV; Las Vegas, NV","Access to housing and housing development; Economic development"
"Habitat for Humanity Maui","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Habitat for Humanity Maui's mission is to create opportunities for Maui County residents to live comfortably, safely and securely in attainable housing.","https://www.habitat-maui.org/","Hawaii, US; Maui County, HI","Access to housing and housing development; Aging"
"Habitat for Humanity MetroWest/Greater Worcester","2022","$3500000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.","https://www.habitatmwgw.org/","Middlesex County, MA; Worcester, MA; Worcester County, MA","Access to housing and housing development"
"Habitat for Humanity of Broward","2022","$6750000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://www.habitatbroward.org/","Florida, US; Broward County, FL","Bridging divides; Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion; Faith and religion; Race and ethnicity"
"Habitat for Humanity of Buffalo","2022","$2500000","Seeking to put faith into action, we bring people together to build homes, communities, and hope.","https://www.habitatbuffalo.org/","Buffalo, NY","Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Race and ethnicity"
"Habitat for Humanity of Catawba Valley","2022","$2500000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity of Catawba Valley brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://habitatcatawbavalley.org/","North Carolina, US; Catawba County, NC","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Access to housing and housing development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Race and ethnicity"
"Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.","https://www.habitatclallam.org/","Port Angeles, WA","Access to housing and housing development"
"Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County","2022","$5000000","Our Mission Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County seeks to build community and to improve lives by partnering with low-income families, community volunteers and donors to build decent and affordable homes in stable and welcoming neighborhoods.","https://habitatcfc.org/","Connecticut, US; United States","Cultural awareness; Civic and social engagement; Democracy; Financial inclusion; Race and ethnicity"
"Habitat for Humanity of Craven County","2022","$1250000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.","https://cravencountyhabitat.org/","North Carolina, US; Craven County, NC; Jones County, NC","Access to housing and housing development; Faith and religion; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Habitat for Humanity of Durham","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. Our vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live.","https://www.durhamhabitat.org","Durham, NC","Access to housing and housing development; Race and ethnicity"
"Habitat for Humanity of Dutchess County","2022","$1250000","Habitat for Humanity of Dutchess County envisions a world where every person has a decent place to live. Seeking to put Gods love into action Habitat for Humanity of Dutchess County brings people together to build homeownership, communities and hope.","https://habitatdutchess.org/","Dutchess County, NY","Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion; Aging; Race and ethnicity; Human rights"
"Habitat for Humanity of Greater Cincinnati","2022","$7500000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://www.habitatcincinnati.org/","Ohio, US; Kentucky, US; Cincinnati, OH","Access to housing and housing development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Race and ethnicity"
"Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles","2022","$20000000","Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. Our vision is a world where everyone has an affordable place to live.","https://www.habitatla.org/","California, US; Los Angeles County, CA","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development"
"Habitat for Humanity of Greater Memphis","2022","$7500000","We envision a world where everyone has a decent place to live. We bring people together to build homes, communities and hope. Habitat works in partnership with families in need of adequate shelter to build decent, affordable homes. The homes are then sold to Habitat's partner families, at no profit and with no interest charged.","https://www.memphishabitat.com/","South, US; Tennessee, US; Memphis, TN","Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Aging"
"Habitat for Humanity of Greater Miami","2022","$6750000","HFHGM's partners with low-income Miami-Dade families in order to help them fulfill their goal of home-ownership by providing affordable homes sold at zero percent interest mortgages.","https://www.miamihabitat.org/","Florida, US; Miami-Dade County, FL","Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Race and ethnicity"
"Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newark","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To empower people through faith in action to share dreams across economic and racial barriers. To provide decent, affordable housing in partnership with low and moderate-income families and together, work to revitalize the City of Newark, NJ and surrounding Counties. To be a well-established, caring community organization with adequate financial resources, effective structure, and staffing.","https://www.habitatnewark.org/","New Jersey, US; Newark, NJ","Access to housing and housing development"
"Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newburgh","2022","$2000000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newburgh brings people together to build houses, community, and hope.","https://habitatnewburgh.org/","Newburgh, NY","Access to housing and housing development; Aging; Race and ethnicity"
"Habitat for Humanity of Greater Pittsburgh","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Provide decent, affordable homes to limited income families","https://www.habitatpittsburgh.org/","Northeast, US; Allegheny County, PA","Economic development; Financial inclusion; Faith and religion; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento","2022","$4500000","Seeking to put love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.","https://habitatgreatersac.org/","California, US; Sacramento, CA; Yolo County, CA","Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion"
"Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sioux Falls","2022","$2000000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.","https://www.siouxfallshabitat.org/","Lincoln County, SD; McCook County, SD; Minnehaha County, SD","Access to housing and housing development; Vocational education; Faith and religion"
"Habitat for Humanity of Hillsborough County","2022","$7500000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes communities and hope.","https://www.habitathillsborough.org/","Tampa, FL; Hillsborough County, FL","Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Financial inclusion; Aging; Race and ethnicity"
"Habitat for Humanity of Long Island (formerly Habitat for Humanity of Suffolk)","2022","$3750000","To use God's love to bring people together to build homes, communities, and hope.","https://habitatsuffolk.org","New York, US; Nassau County, NY; Suffolk County, NY","Access to housing and housing development"
"Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver","2022","$13500000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://www.habitatmetrodenver.org/","Arapahoe County, CO; Denver, CO; Jefferson County, CO","Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion; Aging; Race and ethnicity"
"Habitat for Humanity of Oakland County","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Seeking to put gods love into action, Habitat for Humanity of Oakland County brings people together to build homes communities and hope.","https://www.habitatoakland.org/","Michigan, US; Oakland County, MI","Access to housing and housing development; Natural resources conservation"
"Habitat for Humanity of Omaha","2022","$11000000","We build strength, stability, and self-reliance through shelter.","https://habitatomaha.org/","Nebraska, US; Omaha, NE; Sarpy County, NE","Bridging divides; Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Financial inclusion; Race and ethnicity"
"Habitat for Humanity of Orange County","2022","$5000000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity of Orange County brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.","https://www.orangehabitat.org/","Orange County, NC","Access to housing and housing development; Human rights"
"Habitat for Humanity of Pinellas & West Pasco Counties","2022","$11000000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://habitatpwp.org/","Florida, US","Access to housing and housing development; Livelihoods and workforce development"
"Habitat for Humanity of South Central New Jersey","2022","$4500000","Putting faith into action, Habitat for Humanity of South Central NJ brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://www.habitatscnj.org/","Atlantic County, NJ; Burlington County, NJ; Mercer County, NJ","Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion; Race and ethnicity"
"Habitat for Humanity of Summit County","2022","$3500000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity of Summit County brings people together to build homes, community and hope.","https://www.hfhsummitcounty.org/","Akron, OH; Barberton, OH; Summit County, OH","Access to housing and housing development; Aging; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Habitat for Humanity of the Charlotte Region","2022","$13500000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope","https://www.habitatcltregion.org/","Charlotte, NC; Iredell County, NC; Mecklenburg County, NC","Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Aging; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills","2022","$3500000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://sandhillshabitat.org/","North America; United States; North Carolina, US","Access to housing and housing development"
"Habitat for Humanity of the St. Vrain Valley","2022","$3500000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, community and hope.","https://www.stvrainhabitat.org/","Colorado, US","Access to housing and housing development"
"Habitat for Humanity of Tuscaloosa","2022","$2500000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity of Tuscaloosa brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.","https://www.habitattuscaloosa.org/","Greene County, AL; Hale County, AL; Tuscaloosa County, AL","Bridging divides; Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development"
"Habitat for Humanity of Washington, D.C. & Northern Virginia","2022","$3500000","To reduce poverty housing and homelessness in the nation's capital and in Northern Virginia by producing decent, affordable energy efficient homes for those in need.","https://dchabitat.org/","Washington, DC; Arlington County, VA; Fairfax County, VA","Access to housing and housing development"
"Habitat for Humanity of York County","2022","$2500000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity of York County brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://yorkcountyhabitat.org/","York County, SC","Bridging divides; Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion; Race and ethnicity"
"Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia","2022","$5000000","Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia transforms lives and our city by building and repairing homes in partnership with families in need, and uniting all Philadelphians around the cause of affordable housing. Our vision is a city where all Philadelphians live in safe, affordable homes.","https://www.habitatphiladelphia.org/","Pennsylvania, US; Philadelphia, PA","Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Financial inclusion; Race and ethnicity; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Habitat for Humanity Portland Region","2022","$8500000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.","https://habitatportlandregion.org/","Multnomah County, OR; Portland, OR; Washington County, OR","Civic and social engagement; Access to housing and housing development; Environmental justice; Aging; Disability"
"Habitat for Humanity Seattle King & Kittitas Counties","2022","$7500000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.","https://www.habitatskc.org/","Washington, US; King County, WA; Seattle, WA","Access to housing and housing development; Race and ethnicity"
"Habitat for Humanity Seminole-Apopka","2022","$3500000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity Seminole-Apopka brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://habitatseminoleapopka.org/","Apopka, FL; Orange County, FL; Seminole County, FL","Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion; Race and ethnicity; Public health, public health infrastructure; Humanitarian assistance and relief"
"Habitat for Humanity Susquehanna","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity Susquehanna builds strength, stability, and self-reliance through affordable housing in Cecil and Harford Counties.","https://habitatsusq.org/","Cecil County, MD; Harford County, MD","Access to housing and housing development"
"Habitat for Humanity-MidOhio","2022","$6750000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity-MidOhio brings people together to inspire hope, build homes, empower families, and develop communities.","https://www.habitatmidohio.org/","Ohio, US; Franklin County, OH","Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Aging; Child development and welfare"
"Haitian Bridge Alliance","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Haitian Bridge Alliance, also known as the Bridge, is the only Black, Haitian woman led organization at the US-Mexico border. HBA advocates for fair and humane immigration policies, provide humanitarian, legal, social services focusing on Black Immigrants, LGBTQ, human rights, survivors of torture, immigration prisons and other critical issues.","https://haitianbridgealliance.org/","Latin America & Caribbean; North America; Haiti","Immigration or migration; Race and ethnicity; Sexual and gender-based violence"
"Hampton University","2020","$30000000","Hampton University is a comprehensive institution of higher education, dedicated to the promotion of learning, building of character and preparation of promising students for positions of leadership and service.","https://home.hamptonu.edu/","United States; Virginia, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Solving youth unemployment in South Africa through partnerships","https://www.harambee.co.za/","Sub-Saharan Africa; Rwanda; South Africa","Bridging divides; Economic development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development"
"Harlem Children's Zone - COVID-19 Relief and Recovery","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Harlem Children's Zone breaks the cycle of intergenerational poverty with comprehensive, on-the-ground programming that builds up opportunities for children and families to thrive in school, work, and life. From early childhood, education, and career programs to community outreach and wellness initiatives, HCZ opens pathways to mobility and prosperity.","https://hcz.org/","United States","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Harvest Regional Food Bank","2020","$3000000","The mission of Harvest Regional Food Bank is to alleviate hunger in southwest Arkansas and northeast Texas through food distribution, education and advocacy.","https://www.Harvestregionalfoodbank.org","United States; Texas, US; Arkansas, US","Nutrition and food security"
"Hawai'i Community Foundation - Hawai'i Resilience Fund","2020","$10000000","We inspire generosity, advocate for equity, forge connections and invest in community to create a better Hawai‘i.","https://www.hawaiicommunityfoundation.org/hawaii-resilience-fund","Hawaii, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Humanitarian assistance and relief"
"Hawai'i Meals on Wheels","2020","$750000","Hawai'i Meals on Wheels is dedicated to helping Oahu's elders and individuals with disabilities preserve their independence at home. We do this primarily by providing hot and frozen, nutritious meals and regular personal interaction with those we serve.","https://hmow.org/","Hawaii, US","Aging; Disability; Immigration or migration; Nutrition and food security"
"Headwaters Health Foundation of Western Montana","2022","$14000000","To work side-by-side with Western Montanans to improve the health of our communities.","https://www.headwatersmt.org/","Montana, US; Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Nation, MT","Civic and social engagement; Early learning; Fund; Child development and welfare; Maternal and perinatal health"
"Health and Happiness Project Brasilian Amazon (Projeto Saúde e Alegria)","2022","$2200000","A non-profit civil initiative that has been operating in Brazilian Amazonian communities since 1987, aiming to promote and support participation in integrated and sustainable community development that clearly improves public policies, quality of life and the exercise of citizenship among assisted populations.","https://saudeealegria.org.br/","Brazil","Creative youth development; Agricultural development; Climate change; Access to healthcare; Water access, sanitation, and hygiene"
"Health Forward Foundation","2022","$15000000","Purpose: Every day, we work to support and build inclusive, powerful, and healthy communities characterized by racial equity and economically just systems. Mission: To achieve health equity and secure a fair and just region through leadership, advocacy, and resources.","https://healthforward.org","Kansas City, KS; Kansas City, MO","Democracy; Access to housing and housing development; Race and ethnicity; Fund; Access to healthcare"
"Health Foundation for Western & Central New York","2022","$9000000","The Health Foundation for Western & Central New York's mission is to improve the health and health care of the people and communities of western and central New York.","https://hfwcny.org/","New York, US","Aging; Race and ethnicity; Fund; Child development and welfare; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Health Leads","2021","$8000000","Health Leads partners with communities and health systems to address systemic causes of inequity and disease. We do this by removing barriers that keep people from identifying, accessing and choosing the resources everyone needs to be healthy.","https://healthleadsusa.org/","Northeast, US; West, US; United States","Access to healthcare; Maternal and perinatal health; Mental and behavioral health; Nutrition and food security; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Healthcare Georgia Foundation","2022","$9000000","To inspire and promote collective action that advances health equity in Georgia","https://www.healthcaregeorgia.org/","Georgia, US","Race and ethnicity; Fund; Access to healthcare; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Healthier Generation","2021","$15000000","Healthier Generation’s focus is to ensure every mind, every body, and every young person is healthy and ready to succeed. The organization collaborates with many - including schools, communities, corporations, and families - to ensure the environments that surround our young people provide and promote good health and enable them to thrive.","https://www.healthiergeneration.org/","United States","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Mental and behavioral health; Nutrition and food security; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Healthy Learners","2021","$3000000","Keeping school-age kids healthy","https://www.HealthyLearners.org","Sub-Saharan Africa; Zambia","Elementary, secondary education; Access to healthcare; Child development and welfare; Infectious and parasitic diseases; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Heart of Florida United Way","2020","$20000000","Heart of Florida United Way stands up for the education, health, and financial stability of every person in Central Florida with a focus on families struggling to provide for even their basic needs while living paycheck to paycheck.","https://www.hfuw.org/","Orange County, FL; Osceola County, FL; Seminole County, FL","Livelihoods and workforce development; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor; Mental and behavioral health; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Heart of Texas Goodwill Industries","2021","$5000000","Heart of Texas Goodwill's mission is to facilitate change through skills training and work opportunities.","https://www.hotgoodwill.org","College Station, TX; Killeen, TX; Waco, TX","Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Youth development; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Henderson Collegiate","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The mission of Henderson Collegiate is to empower students with the character traits, academic skills, social experiences, and love of learning necessary for them to shape their own destinies, attend and graduate from the college of their choice, and become world-changing problem solvers.","https://hendersoncollegiate.org/","Henderson, NC; Vance County, NC; Warren County, NC","Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare"
"Herbert H. Lehman College, The City University of New York","2020","$30000000","Lehman College, an urban public institution and economic and cultural catalyst in the Bronx, is a national engine for social mobility and a vibrant center of discovery and creative work, providing a transformative educational experience while advancing equity, inclusion, and social justice.","https://www.lehman.edu","New York, US","Cultural awareness; Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Immigration or migration; Race and ethnicity"
"HIAS","2021","$25000000","Drawing on our Jewish values and history, HIAS provides vital services to refugees and asylum seekers around the world and advocates for their fundamental rights so they can rebuild their lives.","https://www.hias.org","Global","Livelihoods and workforce development; Immigration or migration; Sexual and gender-based violence"
"HIAS - Ukraine relief efforts","2022","$10000000","Drawing on our Jewish values and history, HIAS provides vital services to refugees and asylum seekers around the world and advocates for their fundamental rights so they can rebuild their lives.","https://www.hias.org/","Global; Europe & Central Asia","Livelihoods and workforce development; Immigration or migration; Sexual and gender-based violence"
"High Resolves Group","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","High Resolves is dedicated to the activation of human responsibility worldwide, to help address humanity's intractable challenges. By participating in our deeply engaging experiences, they learn to look at themselves, and others, and to make conscious choices about whether to act in their own self-interest, or the longer-term collective interest.","https://highresolves.org/","East Asia & Pacific; Latin America & Caribbean; North America","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Elementary, secondary education; Race and ethnicity; Human rights"
"Highlander Research and Education Center","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Highlander serves as a catalyst for grassroots organizing and movement building in Appalachia and the U.S. South. Through popular education, participatory research, and cultural work, we help to create spaces — at Highlander and in local communities — where people gain knowledge, hope and courage, expanding their ideas of what is possible.","https://highlandercenter.org/","South, US; Tennessee, US","Democracy; Race and ethnicity"
"Hire Heroes USA","2022","$11000000","Hire Heroes USA empowers US military members, veterans, and their spouses to succeed in the civilian workforce.","https://www.hireheroesusa.org/","United States","Bridging divides; Economic development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education"
"Hispanic Federation - Emergency Assistance Fund","2020","$20000000","To empower and advance the Latino community.","https://www.hispanicfederation.org/resources/hf_emergency_assistance_fund_for_latino_nonprofits","United States; Puerto Rico, US","Bridging divides; Regrantor; Humanitarian assistance and relief; Human rights; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF)","2020","$50000000","HSF empowers students and parents with the knowledge and resources to successfully complete a higher education, while providing support services and scholarships to as many exceptional students, HSF Scholars, and Alumni as possible.","https://www.hsf.net/","United States","Bridging divides; Financial inclusion; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Hispanics in Philanthropy","2020","$15000000","Hispanics in Philanthropy fuels and amplifies the power of our communities by mobilizing resources and leaders to build a movement.","https://www.hiponline.org","Latin America & Caribbean; North America","Civic and social engagement; Economic development; Immigration or migration; Race and ethnicity; Fund"
"Historic Penn Center","2021","$2000000","Founded in 1862 as one of the first schools for former slaves, Penn Center's mission is to fulfill Penn's legacy of education, community development, and social justice. We promote and preserve the history and culture of the southern coastal sea islands by using our National Historic Landmark campus to interpret Reconstruction and Civil Rights eras.","https://www.penncenter.com/","South, US; United States; St. Helena Island, SC","Cultural awareness; Museums; Early learning; Climate change; Race and ethnicity"
"HIVE Preparatory School","2022","$2500000","HIVE Preparatory School collaborates with stakeholders in creating a Highly Inquisitive & Versatile Education that will facilitate a student-centered, adaptable learning environment. The School will provide students with a rigorous academic and social preparation that will promote courtesy, discipline, and high expectations in order to achieve high academic standards and become productive citizens.","https://hiveprep.com/","Florida, US; Miami, FL; Miami Gardens, FL","Elementary, secondary education"
"Hmong American Peace Academy","2022","$3000000","HAPA provides students with rigorous academics, character development, and Hmong cultural values, preparing them to excel in colleges, universities and careers.","https://www.myhapa.org/","Milwaukee, WI","Cultural awareness; Elementary, secondary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Homeboy Industries","2021","$20000000","Homeboy Industries provides hope, training, and support to formerly gang-involved and previously incarcerated people, allowing them to redirect their lives and become contributing members of our community.","https://homeboyindustries.org/","Los Angeles, CA","Incarceration and justice system involvement; Livelihoods and workforce development"
"Hope Enterprise Corporation","2020","$10000000","HOPE (Hope Enterprise Corporation, Hope Credit Union, and Hope Policy Institute) provides financial services; aggregates resources; and engages in advocacy to mitigate the extent to which factors such as race, gender, birthplace, and wealth limit one's ability to prosper.","https://hopecu.org/about/hope-enterprise-corporation/","Alabama, US; Louisiana, US; Mississippi, US","Civic and social engagement; Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Financial inclusion; Race and ethnicity"
"Housing Assistance Council","2022","$7000000","The mission of the Housing Assistance Council is to improve housing conditions for the rural poor, with an emphasis on the poorest of the poor in the most rural places.","https://ruralhome.org/","United States","Access to housing and housing development"
"Housing Development Fund (HDF)","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Our mission is to facilitate the development of affordable rental and homeownership opportunities. HDF accomplishes this mission through assisting households in becoming and remaining owners of affordable homes, and through financing rental and ownership housing for low and moderate income households. We believe that economic and racial diversity are beneficial to communities.","https://www.hdfconnects.org","Connecticut, US; New York, US","Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion"
"Houston Area Urban League","2022","$4200000","The Houston Area Urban League's mission is to enable Black people and other marginalized communities to secure economic self-reliance, equity, power, and civil rights.","https://www.haul.org/","Harris County, TX; Houston, TX; Fort Bend County, TX","Civic and social engagement; Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development"
"Houston County Habitat for Humanity","2022","$1000000","Houston County Habitat for Humanity builds homes, communities and hope.","https://www.hocohabitat.org/","Georgia, US; Houston County, GA","Access to housing and housing development"
"Houston Habitat for Humanity","2022","$11000000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Houston Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.","https://www.houstonhabitat.org/","Texas, US; Harris County, TX; Houston, TX","Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Financial inclusion"
"Howard University","2020","$40000000","Provide an educational experience of exceptional quality at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels to students of high academic standing and potential, with particular emphasis upon educational opportunities for Black students. Attract and sustain faculty committed to the development of distinguished, historically aware, and compassionate graduates and to the discovery of solutions to human problems.","https://howard.edu/","United States; Washington, DC","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","HOT improves the wellbeing of people and the health of our planet by growing the open mapping movement. We work with communities in places at-risk of disaster, humanitarian crisis, or multidimensional poverty to make them visible on maps in the way they choose. We work with stakeholders to use map data to improve lives.","https://www.hotosm.org/","East Asia & Pacific; South Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa","Civic and social engagement; Youth development; Climate change; Immigration or migration; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Hyde Square Task Force","2021","$1500000","Hyde Square Task Force's mission is to amplify the power, creativity, and voices of youth, connecting them to Afro-Latin culture and heritage so they can create a diverse, vibrant Latin Quarter and build a just, equitable Boston.","https://www.hydesquare.org/","Boston, MA","Creative youth development; Cultural awareness; Performing arts; Civic and social engagement; Youth development"
"IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts","2021","$3000000","To elevate contemporary Indigenous art through exhibitions, collections, programs, partnerships, and new research.","https://iaia.edu/mocna/","Global; West, US; United States","Museums; Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Race and ethnicity; Human rights"
"Ibtada","2022","$3000000","Ibtada`s Mission is to Empower communities especially women to play an influential role to reduce social and economic poverty and inequality.","https://www.ibtada.in/","South Asia; India","Civic and social engagement; Economic development; Elementary, secondary education; Natural resources conservation; Gender identity"
"iCivics","2021","$8000000","iCivics champions equitable, non-partisan civic education so that the practice of democracy is learned by each new generation. We work to inspire life-long civic engagement by providing high-quality and engaging civics resources to teachers and students across our nation","https://www.icivics.org","United States","Civic and social engagement; Democracy; Elementary, secondary education; Race and ethnicity"
"IDinsight","2021","$12000000","We aim to improve millions of lives by transforming how the social sector innovates, learns, and improves. Our mission is to use data and evidence to help leaders combat poverty worldwide.","https://www.idinsight.org/","Middle East & North Africa; South Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa","Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Nutrition and food security; Public health, public health infrastructure; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"IFF","2020","$15000000","IFF strengthens nonprofits and the communities they serve by providing leadership, capital, and real estate solutions. Leadership reflects our research, policy, sector work, and convening role Capital includes a range of financial products: loans, New Markets Tax Credits, equity, and Pay for Success Real Estate Solutions includes a range of consultant services, development, and ownership","https://iff.org/","Midwest, US","Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Early learning; Race and ethnicity; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"iFoster","2022","$5000000","iFoster's mission is to ensure that every child living outside of their biological home has the resources and opportunities they need to become successful, independent adults and reach their full potential.","https://www.ifoster.org/","Midwest, US; Northeast, US; West, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare"
"IGNITE - Equality Can't Wait Challenge","2021","$2336000","IGNITE is a movement of young women who are ready and eager to become the next generation of political leaders.","https://ignitenational.org/","Midwest, US; Northeast, US; South, US","Civic and social engagement; Democracy; Youth development"
"Immigrant Legal Resource Center","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The mission of the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) is to work with and educate immigrants, community organizations, and the legal sector to continue to build a democratic society that values diversity and the rights of all people.","https://www.ilrc.org/","United States","Civic and social engagement; Immigration or migration; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Regrantor"
"Immigrants Rising","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","We empower undocumented people to achieve their educational and career goals through personal, institutional and policy transformation.","https://immigrantsrising.org/","United States","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Immigration or migration; Regrantor; Mental and behavioral health"
"Impact Justice","2022","$7000000","Impact Justice advances safety, justice, and opportunity through boundary-breaking work that honors and empowers people and is changing expectations about what we can accomplish together.","https://impactjustice.org/","United States","Access to housing and housing development; Vocational education; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Nutrition and food security; Human rights"
"Independent Sector","2020","$6000000","We envision a world of engaged individuals, robust institutions, and vibrant communities working together to improve lives and the natural world, and strengthen democratic societies. To help create this future, we lead and catalyze the charitable community, partnering with government, business, and individuals to advance the common good.","https://independentsector.org/","United States","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Democracy; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"India Health Action Trust","2022","$10000000","Meaningfully impact the lives of vulnerable and marginalized people by addressing health and social inequities","https://www.ihat.in/","India","Infectious and parasitic diseases; Maternal and perinatal health; Nutrition and food security; Public health, public health infrastructure; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"Indian River State College","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Indian River State College is a comprehensive college accredited to award Associate Degrees, Baccalaureate Degrees, and Career and Technical Certificates. As a leader in education and innovation, IRSC transforms lives by offering high-quality, affordable and accessible education through traditional and remote delivery.","https://www.irscfoundation.org","Florida, US","Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education"
"Inner-City Muslim Action Network","2021","$10000000","The Inner-City Muslim Action Network is a community organization that fosters health, wellness, and healing in the inner-city by organizing for social change, cultivating the arts, and operating a holistic health center.","https://www.imancentral.org/","Chicago, IL; Atlanta, GA","Faith and religion; Race and ethnicity"
"Innocence Project","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Innocence Project works to free the innocent, prevent wrongful convictions, and create fair, compassionate, and equitable systems of justice for everyone. Founded in 1992 by Barry C. Scheck and Peter J. Neufeld at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law at Yeshiva University, the organization is now an independent nonprofit.","https://innocenceproject.org/","North America; New York, US; United States","Incarceration and justice system involvement; Human rights"
"Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)","2022","$8000000","To discover and advance what works to improve the lives of people living in poverty.","https://www.poverty-action.org/","East Asia & Pacific; Latin America & Caribbean; Sub-Saharan Africa","Economic development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Elementary, secondary education"
"InspireNOLA Charter Schools","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The mission of InspireNOLA charter schools is to transform an educational movement for the youth we serve.","https://www.inspirenolacharterschools.org/","Louisiana, US; New Orleans, LA","Creative youth development; Economic development; Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Institute for Educational Leadership","2022","$6000000","IEL bridges research, policy, and practice to build equity at the intersections of education, health, and employment. We partner with under-resourced communities to equip leaders to better prepare children, youth, adults, and families for postsecondary education and training, rewarding careers, and civic and community engagement.","https://iel.org/","Global","Bridging divides; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development; Disability"
"Institute for Native Pacific Education and Culture (INPEACE)","2022","$5000000","Improving the quality of life for Native Hawaiians through community partnerships that provide educational opportunities and promote self-sufficiency","https://inpeace.org/","Hawaii, US","Craft and traditional arts; Economic development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Youth development"
"Institute of American Indian Arts","2020","$5000000","Empowering creativity and leadership in Indigenous arts and cultures through higher Education, lifelong learning, and community engagement.","https://www.iaia.edu","Midwest, US; West, US; Alaska, US","Cultural awareness; Literary arts; Multidisciplinary arts; Performing arts; Visual arts"
"Instituto Dara (Brazil)","2022","$1000000","Promoting health and human development by implementing and disseminating an integrated multidisciplinary approach to fight poverty.","https://www.dara.org.br/","Brazil","Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Instituto de Liderazgo Simone de Beauvoir (ILSB)","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","ILSB works to develop a critical mass of community leaders who are committed to social justice and gender equality from a perspective of rights and interculturality.","https://ilsb.org.mx/","Mexico","Gender identity; Human rights"
"Instituto Rodrigo Mendes","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Rodrigo Mendes Institute (IRM) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to collaborate so that every person with a disability has a first-rate education in a mainstream school.","https://rm.org.br/en/","Brazil","Early learning; Disability; Elementary, secondary education"
"Instituto Socioambiental","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Build sustainable solutions that guarantee collective and diffuse rights and value socioenvironmental diversity","https://www.socioambiental.org/","Latin America & Caribbean; Brazil","Civic and social engagement; Climate change; Environmental justice; Natural resources conservation; Human rights"
"Instituto Sou da Paz (Sou da Paz Institute)","2022","$1200000","Sou da Paz mission is to contribute to putting into practice public policies for security and violence prevention that are efficient and guided by the values of democracy, social justice and human rights, through the mobilization of state and society and the dissemination of innovative practices in this area.","https://soudapaz.org/","Latin America & Caribbean; Brazil","Democracy; Gender identity; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity"
"Instruction Partners","2022","$15000000","We work shoulder to shoulder with educators to support great teaching and accelerate student learning. We focus on small systems, both districts and charters, and we work to ensure equitable access to great instruction for students in poverty, students of color, multilingual learners, and students with disabilities.","https://www.instructionpartners.org/","United States","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Interaction Institute for Social Change","2021","$2000000","We build collaborative capacity in individuals, organizations, and networks working for social justice and racial equity.","https://interactioninstitute.org/","Northeast, US; West, US; United States","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Race and ethnicity; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Interfaith America (formerly Interfaith Youth Core)","2020","$6000000","To inspire, equip and connect leaders to unlock the potential of America's religious diversity.","https://www.interfaithamerica.org/","United States","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Faith and religion"
"International African American Museum","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Mission: to honor the untold stories of the African American journey at one of our country's most sacred sites.","https://iaamuseum.org/","United States; Charleston, SC","Museums; Race and ethnicity"
"International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The International Association of Chiefs of Police advances the policing profession through advocacy, research, outreach, and education.","https://www.theiacp.org/","Global","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Mental and behavioral health; Sexual and gender-based violence"
"International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b)","2022","$20000000","To solve public health problems through innovative scientific research. Our vision is a world in which more people can survive and enjoy healthy lives.","https://www.icddrb.org/","South Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa; Bangladesh","Gender identity; Infectious and parasitic diseases; Maternal and perinatal health; Nutrition and food security; Humanitarian assistance and relief"
"International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie)","2022","$4500000","3ie supports the generation and effective use of high-quality evidence to inform decision-making and improve the lives of people living in poverty in low- and middle-income countries. We provide expertise and support to produce, synthesize and use evidence of what works, for whom, why and at what cost.","https://www.3ieimpact.org/","Global; South Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa","Economic development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Climate change; Nutrition and food security"
"International Refugee Assistance Project","2021","$10000000","IRAP is a global legal aid and advocacy organization working to create a world where refugees and all people seeking safety are empowered to claim their right to freedom of movement and a path to lasting refuge. Everyone should have a safe place to live and a safe way to get there.","https://refugeerights.org/","Global; Middle East & North Africa; North America","Climate change; Immigration or migration; Race and ethnicity; Sexual orientation; Human rights"
"International Trans Fund (ITF)","2020","$1000000","The mission of the ITF is to mobilize and facilitate sustainable resources for strong, trans-led movements and collective action, and to address and eliminate funding gaps impacting trans groups across the globe.","https://www.transfund.org/","East Asia & Pacific; Latin America & Caribbean; Sub-Saharan Africa","Gender identity; Fund; Human rights; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"Invest Detroit","2020","$15000000","Invest Detroit is a catalyst for economic growth in underserved communities and markets in Detroit and the region. We work to improve the quality of life for all Detroiters by supporting inclusive housing, safe and livable neighborhoods, and equitable opportunities for jobs and business growth.","https://www.InvestDetroit.com","Michigan, US; Detroit, MI","Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development"
"Ipso - International Psychosocial Organisation","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Ipso's mission is to enable people across the world to strive for mutual understanding so as to enable them to respond effectively to the complex social, economic and political challenges they face.","https://ipsocontext.org/","Europe & Central Asia; Middle East & North Africa","Immigration or migration; Access to healthcare; Mental and behavioral health; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Jackie Robinson Foundation","2020","$5000000","The Jackie Robinson Foundation (JRF) administers a four-year, national, college scholarship program that provides generous grants, comprehensive mentoring, and job placement to 242 JRF Scholars. JRF IMPACT shares our college success curriculum with over 5000 collegians through a digital platform. The Jackie Robinson Museum expands JRF's mission to educate, inspire, and challenge the general public.","https://jackierobinson.org/","United States","Museums; Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Jan Sahas","2021","$2500000","Our aims at ending violence against women and children, and ensure safe migration and worker protection for the most excluded social groups in South Asia.","https://jansahas.org/","South Asia","Livelihoods and workforce development; Caste; Gender identity; Immigration or migration; Human rights"
"Japanese American National Museum","2021","$10000000","The mission of the Japanese American National Museum is to promote understanding and appreciation of America's ethnic and cultural diversity by sharing the Japanese American experience.","https://www.janm.org/","United States","Museums; Bridging divides; Democracy; Race and ethnicity"
"JASS (Just Associates)","2022","$10000000","JASS is a feminist movement support organization dedicated to building the voice, visibility, and collective power of women for a just and sustainable world for all. We equip and strengthen the leadership and organizing capacity of women leaders and their organizations and networks in Mesoamerica, Southeast Asia, and Southern Africa.","https://justassociates.org/","Latin America & Caribbean; South Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Sexual orientation"
"Jazz at Lincoln Center","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The mission of Jazz at Lincoln Center is to expand a global community for Jazz though performance, education and advocacy.","https://jazz.org","United States; New York, NY","Cultural awareness; Performing arts; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Jefferson County Public Schools","2022","$20000000","All Jefferson County Public Schools students graduate prepared, empowered, and inspired to reach their full potential and contribute as thoughtful, responsible citizens of our diverse, shared world.","https://www.jefferson.kyschools.us/about/support/foundation","Kentucky, US; Louisville, KY; Jefferson County, KY","Elementary, secondary education"
"Junebug Productions","2021","$1000000","Junebug Productions emerged from the Free Southern Theater in 1980 with a mission to create and support artistic works that question and confront inequitable conditions that have historically impacted the Black community. Through interrogation, we challenge ourselves and those aligned with the organization to make greater and deeper contributions towards a just society.","https://www.junebugproductions.org/","South, US; Louisiana, US; New Orleans, LA","Cultural awareness; Multidisciplinary arts; Bridging divides; Human rights; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Junior Achievement North","2022","$1900000","To Inspire and Prepare young people to succeed in a global economy","https://www.janorth.org/","Minnesota, US; North Dakota, US; Wisconsin, US","Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of Dallas","2022","$1200000","To inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy.","https://www.jadallas.org/","Texas, US; Dallas, TX","Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of Georgia","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To serve as a business-integrated education partner with expertise in experiential learning that successfully develops key mindsets and skills for students to lead meaningful and successful lives.","https://www.georgia.ja.org/","Georgia, US","Civic and social engagement; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of Greater Boston","2022","$1100000","Together with our partners, JA of Greater Boston prepares today’s youth for the workforce of tomorrow through hands-on experiences. Students learn to manage finances, launch businesses, and make career goals a reality. By focusing on communities most in need of opportunity, we transform students’ lives for a more equitable society.","https://newengland.ja.org/","Boston, MA; Brockton, MA; Lawrence, MA","Economic development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of Greater Kansas City","2022","$1000000","Junior Achievement's mission is to inspire and prepare young people to succeed.","https://www.jagkc.org","Kansas, US; Missouri, US; Kansas City, MO","Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of Greater Miami","2022","$900000","To empower young people to own their economic success.","https://miami.ja.org/","Miami-Dade County, FL; Monroe County, FL","Economic development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of Greater New Orleans","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To inspire and prepare young people to succeed.","https://www.jagno.org/","Louisiana, US; New Orleans, LA","Economic development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of Greater South Carolina","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Junior Achievement envisions a world in which young people are taught skillsets and mindsets to build a thriving community. JA does this by inspiring and preparing young people to succeed in the global economy.","https://greatersc.ja.org/","South Carolina, US; Columbia, SC","Economic development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of New Mexico","2022","$300000","Junior Achievement of New Mexico's mission is to inspire and prepare young people to own their economic success.","https://www.newmexicoja.org","New Mexico, US; Albuquerque, NM; Bernalillo County, NM","Elementary, secondary education; Vocational education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of New York","2022","$1900000","Junior Achievement's mission is to inspire and prepare young people to succeed. Junior Achievement's programs focusing on financial literacy, career and work readiness, and entrepreneurship ignite the spark in young people to experience and realize the opportunities and realities of work and life in the 21st century.","https://newyork.ja.org/","New York, NY","Economic development; Financial inclusion; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Junior Achievement of North Central Ohio","2022","$700000","Junior Achievement's mission is to inspire and prepare young people to succeed.","https://jaofnco.ja.org/","Ohio, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of North Florida","2022","$800000","Junior Achievement inspires and prepares young people to succeed in a global economy.","https://northflorida.ja.org/","Jacksonville, FL","Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of Northern Indiana","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The mission of Junior Achievement is to inspire and prepare young people to succeed in the global economy.","https://Jani.org","Indiana, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of Oklahoma","2022","$900000","Junior Achievement's mission is to inspire and prepare young people to succeed.","https://oklahoma.ja.org/","Oklahoma, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Vocational education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of San Diego County","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Junior Achievement of San Diego County's mission is to inspire and prepare young people to succeed.","https://jasandiego.org/","San Diego County, CA","Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of South Florida","2022","$1900000","Inspire and prepare youth to succeed in a global economy.","https://www.jasouthflorida.org/","Florida, US; Broward County, FL; South Palm Beach County, FL","Economic development; Elementary, secondary education; Vocational education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of South Texas","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","JA's mission is to inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy.","https://www.jast.org","Corpus Christi, TX; Laredo, TX; San Antonio, TX","Economic development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Vocational education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of Southeastern Michigan","2022","$1000000","Inspire and prepare the next generation for future success.","https://www.jamichigan.org/","Michigan, US; Detroit, MI","Vocational education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of Southeastern Pennsylvania","2022","$600000","Junior Achievement believes in the Boundless Possibility of young people. Our mission is to inspire and prepare young people to succeed. Junior Achievement’s proven lessons in financial literacy, work and career readiness, and entrepreneurship are shown to positively impact the lives of young people.","https://southeasternpa.ja.org/","Pennsylvania, US","Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of Southern California","2022","$1300000","To inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy. We believe our programs contribute to a more equitable and just society by equipping the next generation with the skills, knowledge, and opportunity needed to build a better future for themselves and their communities.","https://www.jasocal.org","Los Angeles County, CA; Orange County, CA; Riverside County, CA","Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Vocational education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of Southern Nevada","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To empower youth to their own economic success.","https://southernnevada.ja.org/","Nevada, US; Clark, NV","Elementary, secondary education; Vocational education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of Southwestern Indiana","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","JA envisions a world where young people have the skillset and mindset to build thriving communities. Our mission is to inspire and prepare students for success in a global economy. Our volunteer-led, standards-based K-12 programs provide youth with competencies needed to be financially capable, career and post-secondary ready, and entrepreneurially-minded.","https://swindiana.ja.org/","Evansville, IN","Economic development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of the Eastern Shore","2022","$500000","Young people have the skillset and mindset to build thriving communities, increase equity and succeed in a global economy.","https://easternshore.ja.org/","Maryland, US","Agricultural development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of the Michigan Great Lakes","2022","$1100000","To Inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global community.","https://michigangreatlakes.ja.org/","Grand Rapids, MI; Kalamazoo, MI; Lansing, MI","Economic development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of the Triad","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Our mission is to inspire and prepare young people to succeed in the global economy","https://triad.ja.org","Greensboro, NC; Piedmont Triad, NC; Winston-Salem, NC","Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement of West Kentucky","2022","$300000","The mission of Junior Achievement (JA), established here in the West Kentucky region in 1959, is to inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy by using a network of business volunteers who donate their time to teach JA’s impactful work-readiness, financial literacy and entrepreneurship curriculum.","https://westky.ja.org/","Owensboro, KY","Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development"
"Junior Achievement USA","2022","$10000000","To inspire and prepare young people to succeed.","https://jausa.ja.org/","United States","Economic development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development"
"Jusoor","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Jusoor believes that Syrian youth should have access to profoundly better opportunities. We aim to build bridges between the boundless potential of young Syrians and access to opportunities for quality education, entrepreneurship and global community engagement by developing and investing in human capital.","https://www.jusoor.ngo","Syria; Middle East & North Africa","Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Elementary, secondary education"
"Justice Defenders","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Justice Defenders works to ensure equal access to justice for incarcerated people across Africa. We train paralegals and lawyers within defenseless communities, equipping them with the legal skills to assert their rights and to provide legal services for themselves and others because everyone deserves a fair hearing.","https://www.justice-defenders.org/","Sub-Saharan Africa","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Vocational education; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Human rights"
"Justice in Aging","2021","$3000000","Justice in Aging uses the power of law to fight poverty and advance equity by securing access to health care and economic security for low-income older adults. We center the experiences of historically marginalized people including women, people of color, people with disabilities, immigrants and those who are LGBTQ+.","https://justiceinaging.org/","United States; California, US","Access to housing and housing development; Aging; Disability; Race and ethnicity; Access to healthcare"
"Justice In Motion","2022","$2000000","Justice in Motion is dedicated to securing portable justice through legal, educational, and policy initiatives in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Central America.","https://www.justiceinmotion.org/","South, US; Latin America & Caribbean; North America","Immigration or migration"
"KABOOM!","2021","$14000000","We unite with communities to build kid-designed playspaces that can spark joy and foster a sense of belonging for the kids who are often denied opportunities to thrive. Our mission: end playspace inequity for good.","https://kaboom.org/","United States","Creative youth development; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Active living; Child development and welfare"
"Kansas Big Brothers Big Sisters","2022","$3600000","Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth","https://www.kansasbigs.org/","Midwest, US; Kansas, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development; Mental and behavioral health"
"Kansas City Teacher Residency","2022","$5000000","We recruit, cultivate, support, and retain a diverse network of empowered and effective educators. We prepare teachers to create transformative and equitable classroom experiences for all students in the communities we serve.","https://kcteach.org/","Midwest, US; Kansas, US; Missouri, US","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Kaua'i Habitat For Humanity","2022","$5750000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Kaua'i Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://kauaihabitat.org/","Hawaii, US","Access to housing and housing development"
"Kawerak","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Advancing the capacity of our People and Tribes for the benefit of the region.","https://www.kawerak.org/","Alaska, US","Cultural awareness; Access to housing and housing development; Climate change; Race and ethnicity; Water access, sanitation, and hygiene"
"Kennedy-King College","2021","$5000000","Kennedy-King College transforms lives and communities through the power of education by providing accessible, culturally diverse, exceptional, and globally competitive programs that empower all learners to achieve their intellectual, social, and economic goals.","https://www.ccc.edu/colleges/kennedy/Pages/default.aspx","Chicago, IL; United States","Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Kenya Community Development Foundation (KCDF)","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To promote social justice and the sustainable development of communities.","https://www.kcdf.or.ke/","Sub-Saharan Africa; Kenya","Civic and social engagement; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Natural resources conservation; Fund"
"Kepler","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Kepler is preparing young Africans from vulnerable and refugee backgrounds for the future of work with 21st century skills and new pathways to employment and entrepreneurship.","https://www.kepler.org/","United States; Ethiopia; Rwanda","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development"
"KFF","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Filling the need for trusted information on national health issues","https://www.kff.org/","United States; Washington, DC; San Francisco, CA","Race and ethnicity; Access to healthcare"
"Killeen Independent School District","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To teach so that students learn to their maximum potential","https://www.killeenisd.org/","Texas, US; Killeen, TX","Performing arts; Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Vocational education; Youth development"
"Kingmakers of Oakland","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Kingmakers of Oakland is a social enterprise born out of Oakland Unified Schools District’s Office of African American Male Achievement (AAMA). Kingmakers is committed to transforming education systems and building the capacity of people to design and implement conditions and culture to improve educational and life outcomes for Black students.","https://www.kingmakersofoakland.org/","United States; Oakland, CA","Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Kings River Union Elementary School District","2022","$1500000","Kings River Union Elementary School District exists to empower all students to achieve their highest potential to become responsible, productive members of society through the highest standards of education.","https://www.kingsriverelementary.org/","Tulare County, CA","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health"
"KIPP Colorado Public Schools","2022","$6000000","Together with families and communities, we create joyful, academically excellent schools that prepare students with the skills and confidence to pursue the paths they choose - college, career, and beyond - so they can lead fulfilling lives and build a more just world.","https://kippcolorado.org/","Colorado, US; Denver, CO","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education"
"KIPP Metro Atlanta Schools","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Together with families and communities, KIPP Metro Atlanta Schools creates joyful, academically excellent schools that prepare students with the skills and confidence to pursue the paths they choose - college, career, and beyond - so they can lead fulfilling lives and build a more just world.","https://kippmetroatlanta.org/","Atlanta, GA","Elementary, secondary education"
"KIPP SoCal Public Schools","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Together with families and communities, we create joyful, academically excellent schools that prepare students with the skills and confidence to pursue the paths they choose- college, career and beyond - so they can lead fulfilling lives and create a more just world.","https://www.kippsocal.org/","California, US; Los Angeles, CA; San Diego, CA","Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity; Mental and behavioral health"
"KIPP St. Louis Public Schools","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Together with families and communities, we create joyful, academically excellent schools that prepare students with the skills and confidence to pursue the paths they choose - college, career, and beyond - so they can lead fulfilling lives and build a more just world.","https://www.kippstl.org/","Missouri, US; St. Louis, MO","Civic and social engagement; Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development"
"Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To enrich and enhance the quality of life for young people by providing educational and developmental programs, with special emphasis on youngsters between the ages 6-18 who come from disadvantaged or disenfranchised circumstances.","https://www.kipsbay.org/","New York, NY","Youth development"
"Kiva","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","We envision a financially inclusive world where all people hold the power to improve their lives.","https://www.kiva.org/","Global","Economic development; Financial inclusion; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Knoxville Area Urban League","2022","$1500000","The mission of the Urban League movement is to enable African Americans and others to secure economic self-reliance, parity and power and civil rights.","https://www.thekaul.org/","Tennessee, US; Knoxville, TN","Civic and social engagement; Economic development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"L.A. Arts Endowment Fund","2021","$20000000","The L.A. Arts Endowment Fund at the California Community Foundation is setup to sustain and strengthen the Los Angeles region’s arts ecosystem. The Fund will support small to mid-sized organizations that play vital roles in their communities and address systemic solutions for arts organizations.","https://www.calfund.org/la-arts-endowment/","California, US; Los Angeles County, CA","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Fund; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Laboratoria","2022","$4000000","Empower women who dream of a better future to start and grow transformative careers in technology.","https://www.laboratoria.la/en","Latin America & Caribbean","Economic development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education; Gender identity"
"Lafayette Habitat for Humanity","2022","$2500000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Lafayette Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://habitatlafayette.org","Calcasieu Parish, LA; Lafayette, LA; Lafayette Parish, LA; Vermilion Parish, LA","Bridging divides; Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Financial inclusion; Race and ethnicity"
"Lake Area Technical College","2020","$10000000","Lake Area Tech: superior, comprehensive technical education that changes lives and launches careers.","https://www.lakeareatech.edu/","Midwest, US; South Dakota, US; Watertown, SD","Economic development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education; Immigration or migration"
"Lambda Legal","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Founded in 1973, Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender, queer/questioning (LGBTQ) people and everyone living with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.","https://www.lambdalegal.org/","United States; Puerto Rico, US","Gender identity; Sexual orientation"
"Lambda Legal","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Founded in 1973, Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender, queer/questioning (LGBTQ) people and everyone living with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.","https://www.lambdalegal.org/","United States; Puerto Rico, US","Gender identity; Sexual orientation"
"Landesa","2022","$20000000","Landesa champions and works to secure land rights for millions of the world's poorest, mostly rural women and men, to provide opportunity and promote social justice.","https://www.landesa.org","Global","Agricultural development; Economic development; Climate change; Race and ethnicity"
"Last Mile Health","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Our mission is to save lives in the world's most remote communities.","https://lastmilehealth.org/","Global; Sub-Saharan Africa","Access to healthcare; Infectious and parasitic diseases; Maternal and perinatal health; Public health, public health infrastructure; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"Last Mile Health - Covid 19 Response","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Our mission is to save lives in the world's most remote communities.","https://lastmilehealth.org/","Global; Sub-Saharan Africa","Access to healthcare; Infectious and parasitic diseases; Maternal and perinatal health; Public health, public health infrastructure; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"Latino Community Credit Union / Latino Community Development Center","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","We create economic opportunity for all by providing access to ethical financial products and education to Latinos and other immigrants traditionally locked out of the financial mainstream.","https://latinoccu.org/","South, US; United States; North Carolina, US","Cultural awareness; Economic development; Financial inclusion; Immigration or migration"
"LatinoJustice PRLDEF","2020","$3000000","LatinoJustice works to create a more just society by using and challenging the rule of law to secure transformative, equitable and accessible justice, by empowering our community and by fostering leadership through advocacy and education.","https://www.latinojustice.org/en","United States","Civic and social engagement; Immigration or migration; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity"
"Latinos for Education","2022","$5000000","Our mission is to develop, place and connect essential Latino leaders in the education sector. We are building an ecosystem of Latino advocates by infusing Latino talent into positions of influence.","https://www.latinosforeducation.org/","United States","Elementary, secondary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Law Enforcement Action Partnership (LEAP)","2022","$5000000","LEAP’s mission is to unite and mobilize the voice of law enforcement in support of drug policy and justice reforms that make communities safer by focusing resources on the greatest threats to public safety, promoting alternatives to arrest and incarceration, addressing root causes of crime, and repairing police-community relations.","https://LawEnforcementAction.org","Europe & Central Asia; Latin America & Caribbean; North America","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Human rights"
"Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To secure equal justice for all through the rule of law, targeting in particular the inequities confronting African Americans and other racial and ethnic minorities; dedicated to supporting and advancing diversity within its workforce and board.","https://www.lawyerscommittee.org/","United States","Democracy; Race and ethnicity"
"Leadership Conference Education Fund","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Our mission is simple: Build an America as good as its ideals.","https://civilrights.org/edfund/","United States","Democracy; Race and ethnicity"
"Leading Educators","2021","$10000000","Leading Educators partners with school systems to build and sustain the conditions, teaching, and leadership to ensure that the students furthest from opportunity succeed in school and in life.","https://leadingeducators.org/","United States","Elementary, secondary education; Vocational education; Race and ethnicity"
"LEAP Africa","2022","$3500000","To inspire, empower, and equip a new cadre of African leaders by providing the skills and tools for personal, organizational and community transformation.","https://leapafrica.org/","Sub-Saharan Africa; Kenya; Nigeria","Civic and social engagement; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"LEARN Charter School Network","2022","$7000000","The mission of LEARN Charter School Network is to provide children with the academic foundation and ambition to earn a college degree.","https://www.learncharter.org/","Chicago, IL; Lake County, IL; Washington, DC","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Learning Policy Institute","2022","$16000000","The Learning Policy Institute conducts and communicates independent, high-quality research to improve education policy and practice. Working with policymakers, researchers, educators, community groups, and others, the Institute seeks to advance evidence-based policies that support empowering and equitable learning for each and every child.","https://learningpolicyinstitute.org/","United States; California, US","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Lee College","2021","$5000000","Lee College serves the community by providing innovative and quality education to our diverse students along guided pathways to gainful employment, personal enrichment, and life-long learning.","https://www.lee.edu","Texas, US","Postsecondary, tertiary education"
"Leeway Foundation","2021","$2000000","Leeway Foundation supports women and trans artists and cultural producers working in communities at the intersection of art, culture, and social change. Its grant-making and other programs promote artistic expression that amplifies the voices of those on the margins and sustainable and healthy communities and work in the service of movements for economic and social justice.","https://www.leeway.org/","Philadelphia, PA","Craft and traditional arts; Literary arts; Performing arts; Visual arts; Regrantor"
"Legal Action Center","2022","$8000000","The Legal Action Center (LAC) uses legal and policy strategies to fight discrimination, build health equity, and restore opportunity for people with arrest and conviction records, substance use disorders, and HIV or AIDS.","https://www.lac.org/","New York, US; United States; Washington, DC","Incarceration and justice system involvement; Access to healthcare"
"Lemann Foundation","2022","$5000000","Our mission is to make Brazil a more equitable society by guaranteeing high quality public education for every Brazilian child as well as supporting the development of leaders committed to tackling our country most pressing social issues.","https://fundacaolemann.org.br/en","Latin America & Caribbean; Brazil","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Elementary, secondary education; Fund"
"Lever for Change","2021","$8000000","Lever for Change connects donors with problem solvers to find and fund bold, effective solutions to accelerate social change.","https://www.leverforchange.org/","Global","Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"LiftFund","2020","$10000000","LiftFund's mission is to provide credit and services to small businesses and entrepreneurs who do not have access to loans from commercial sources and to provide leadership and innovation in the microlending industry.","https://www.liftfund.com/","South, US; New York, US; Texas, US","Economic development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity"
"Lincoln University","2020","$20000000","Lincoln University, the nation's first degree-granting Historically Black College and University (HBCU), educates and empowers students to lead their communities and change the world.","https://www.lincoln.edu/","Northeast, US; North America; Pennsylvania, US","Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Lindsay Unified School District","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To support Lindsay learners and transform their lives through educational and charitable purposes","https://lindsayeducationalfoundationforlearning.org/","California, US; Tulare County, CA","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education; Youth development"
"Living Goods","2022","$25000000","Living Goods saves lives at scale by supporting digitally empowered community health workers who deliver care on call-making it easy for families in need to get the care they need.","https://livinggoods.org/","Sub-Saharan Africa","Access to healthcare; Infectious and parasitic diseases; Maternal and perinatal health; Nutrition and food security; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"Living Goods - Covid-19 Response","2020","$3500000","Living Goods saves lives at scale by supporting digitally empowered community health workers who deliver care on call-making it easy for families in need to get the care they need.","https://livinggoods.org/","Burkina Faso; Kenya; Uganda","Access to healthcare; Infectious and parasitic diseases; Maternal and perinatal health; Public health, public health infrastructure; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"Local Initiatives Support Corporation","2020","$40000000","Together with residents and partners, we help forge resilient and inclusive communities of opportunity across America–great places to live, work, visit, do business and raise families.","https://www.lisc.org/","United States","Livelihoods and workforce development; Race and ethnicity; Humanitarian assistance and relief"
"Long Beach City College","2021","$30000000","Long Beach City College empowers students to become active, ethical participants in their learning, and in the democratic structures that give them voice. LBCC promotes equitable learning and educational achievement by delivering innovative, high-quality degree programs, certificate programs, holistic support services, and leading-edge workforce preparation for our diverse communities.","https://www.lbcc.edu/","North America; United States; Long Beach, CA","Postsecondary, tertiary education"
"Los Cenzontles Cultural Arts Academy","2021","$1000000","Los Cenzontles Cultural Arts Academy amplifies Mexican American culture and communities through education, performance and production.","https://www.loscenzontles.com/","California, US","Multidisciplinary arts; Cultural awareness; Race and ethnicity"
"Loudon County Habitat for Humanity","2022","$2000000","Seeking to put God's love into action, Loudon County Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.","https://loudoncountyhabitat.org/","Loudon County, TN","Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Aging; Disability; Race and ethnicity"
"Louisville Urban League","2022","$5700000","Louisville Urban League is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, community service organization dedicated to eliminating racism and its adverse impacts on our community. Our mission is to assist African Americans and other marginalized populations in attaining social and economic equality through direct services and advocacy by focusing on Jobs, Justice, Education, Health, and Housing.","https://lul.org/","Kentucky, US; Louisville, KY","Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Race and ethnicity"
"Low Income Investment Fund","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Everyone in the United States should benefit from living in a community of opportunity, equity and well-being. LIIF mobilizes capital and partners to achieve this vision for people and communities.","https://www.liifund.org/","New York, US; Washington, DC; California, US","Access to housing and housing development; Economic development; Early learning; Race and ethnicity; Fund"
"Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina Boys & Girls Clubs","2022","$1250000","To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.","https://www.lumbeetribe.com/youth-services-details","Lumberton, NC; Pembroke, NC; Raeford, NC","Craft and traditional arts; Creative youth development; Cultural awareness; Visual arts; Youth development"
"Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service","2022","$15000000","As a witness to God's love for all people, we stand with and advocate for migrants and refugees, transforming communities through ministries of service and justice.","https://www.lirs.org/","Northeast, US; South, US; United States","Livelihoods and workforce development; Immigration or migration; Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare"
"Lwala Community Alliance","2021","$7000000","To build the capacity of rural communities to advance their own comprehensive well-being.","https://lwala.org/","Sub-Saharan Africa; Kenya","Access to healthcare; Maternal and perinatal health; Public health, public health infrastructure; Sexual and reproductive health and justice; Water access, sanitation, and hygiene"
"MADRE","2022","$15000000","Our mission is to advance women's human rights by meeting urgent needs in communities and building lasting solutions to the crises women face.","https://www.madre.org","Global","Bridging divides; Environmental justice; Regrantor; Sexual and gender-based violence; Human rights"
"Magic Bus","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To equip vulnerable young people with the life skills that enable them to thrive in the transition to adulthood.","https://www.magicbus.org/","South Asia; India","Economic development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development"
"Maine Expansion Arts Fund","2021","$2500000","The Maine Community Foundation brings people and resources together to build a better Maine.","https://www.mainecf.org/apply-for-a-grant/available-grants-deadlines/maine-expansion-arts-fund/","Maine, US","Fund; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Maine Health Access Foundation","2022","$9000000","To promote access to quality health care, especially for those who are uninsured and underserved, and improve the health of everyone in Maine.","https://mehaf.org/","Maine, US","Fund; Access to healthcare"
"Make the Road New York","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Make the Road New York builds the power of immigrant and working-class communities to achieve dignity and justice.","https://maketheroadny.org/","United States; New York, NY","Civic and social engagement; Youth development; Immigration or migration; Nutrition and food security; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"MakeWay","2022","$15000000","MakeWay builds solutions and partnerships to help nature and communities thrive together.","https://makeway.org/","Canada","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Environmental justice; Regrantor; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Malala Fund","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Malala Fund is working for a world where every girl can learn and lead","https://malala.org/","Latin America & Caribbean; South Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa","Elementary, secondary education; Youth development; Gender identity; Fund"
"Maliasili","2022","$8000000","To accelerate community-based conservation through local organizations.","https://www.maliasili.org/","Sub-Saharan Africa","Climate change; Natural resources conservation; Regrantor; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Mama Cash","2022","$20000000","Mama Cash mobilises resources from individuals and institutions, makes grants to these self-led, feminist organisations, and helps to build the partnerships and networks needed to successfully defend and advance women's, girls', trans and intersex people's human rights globally.","https://www.mamacash.org/en/en-homepage","Global; Latin America & Caribbean; Sub-Saharan Africa","Environmental justice; Gender identity; Fund; Sexual and gender-based violence; Human rights"
"Mama Foundation for the Arts","2021","$1000000","Mama Foundation for the Arts' mission is to make a joyful noise, to uplift the Black musical treasures of Gospel, Jazz, and R&B, and to heal and inspire through the power of collective music-making.","https://www.mamafoundation.org/","New York, NY","Creative youth development; Cultural awareness; Performing arts; Youth development"
"Management Leadership for Tomorrow","2021","$15000000","At MLT we exist to advance racial equity and social justice by (1) elevating the career and economic trajectory of people of color and (2) changing employer practices to improve outcomes for all.","https://mlt.org/","United States; Puerto Rico, US; Virgin Islands, US","Bridging divides; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Mann Deshi Foundation","2021","$1500000","Our aim is to empower rural women entrepreneurs with the knowledge, skills, access to capital and support to have more control over their lives; empower farmers to strengthen their livelihoods, create opportunities for children to play sports and young adults to flourish, and provide our communities access to quality healthcare.","https://manndeshifoundation.org/","India","Agricultural development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Access to healthcare"
"MANNA FoodBank","2020","$9000000","MANNA FoodBank involves, educates, and unites people in the work of ending hunger in Western North Carolina","https://www.mannafoodbank.org","Avery County, NC; Buncombe County, NC; Cherokee County, NC","Child development and welfare; Nutrition and food security; Public health, public health infrastructure; Humanitarian assistance and relief"
"Marguerite Neel Williams Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest Georgia","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.","https://www.mnw-bgc.org/","Georgia, US; Cairo, GA; Thomasville, GA","Creative youth development; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Mental and behavioral health; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Marion County School District","2022","$3500000","The mission of the Marion County School District Education Foundation is to foster equity for its students in a competitive society by providing opportunities to continue their educational growth after graduation. at no cost.","https://www.marionk12.org/","Mississippi, US; Marion County, MS; Columbia, MS","Bridging divides; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education; Race and ethnicity"
"Mary Black Foundation","2022","$8000000","To invest in people and communities for improved health, wellness, and success in Spartanburg County, SC.","https://maryblackfoundation.org/","Spartanburg County, SC","Early learning; Regrantor; Active living; Maternal and perinatal health; Mental and behavioral health"
"Mat-Su Health Foundation","2022","$15000000","To improve the health and wellness of Alaskans living in the Mat-Su.","https://www.healthymatsu.org/","Matanuska-Susitna Borough, AK","Fund; Access to healthcare; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"MDC","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","MDC equips Southern leaders, institutions, and communities to improve economic mobility and advance equity.","https://www.mdcinc.org/","South, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Vocational education; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor; Philanthropic sector strengthening"
"MDRC","2021","$15000000","Finding solutions to some of the most difficult problems facing the nation - from reducing poverty and bolstering economic self-sufficiency to improving public education and college graduation rates. We design promising new interventions, evaluate existing programs using the highest research standards, and provide technical assistance to build better programs and deliver effective interventions at scale.","https://www.mdrc.org/","United States","Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"Meals on Wheels America","2020","$5000000","Meals on Wheels America is the leadership organization supporting the more than 5,000 community-based programs across the country that are dedicated to addressing senior isolation and hunger. Our mission is to empower local community programs to improve the health and quality of life of the seniors they serve so that no one is left hungry or isolated.","https://www.mealsonwheelsamerica.org/","United States","Aging; Regrantor; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels Atlanta","2020","$4000000","To support senior independence through meals, shelter, education, and community","https://mowatl.org/","Georgia, US; Atlanta, GA; Fulton County, GA","Bridging divides; Aging; Race and ethnicity; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels Central Texas","2020","$8000000","Meals on Wheels Central Texas seeks to nourish and enrich the lives of the homebound and other people in need through programs that promote dignity and independent living.","https://www.mealsonwheelscentraltexas.org/","Texas, US; Austin, TX","Access to housing and housing development; Access to healthcare; Active living; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels Diablo Region","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To enhance the lives of older adults by delivering healthy meals and providing an array of supportive services that empower seniors to live independently, safely, and with dignity.","https://www.mowdiabloregion.org/","Contra Costa County, CA","Aging; Active living; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels Durham","2020","$750000","The mission of Meals on Wheels Durham, is to enhance the quality of life for seniors, peoples with disabilities, and other eligible community members who are unable to provide proper nutrition for themselves by delivering meals, offering personal interactions, and providing other complementary services.","https://www.mowdurham.org/","Durham, NC","Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels Foundation of Northern Illinois","2020","$750000","Our mission is to assist the Community Nutrition Network and Senior Services Association (CNNSSA) with sustaining and expanding resources.","https://mowfni.org/","Illinois, US","Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels Greenville County","2021","$750000","Meals on Wheels enhances the quality of life of homebound individual & seniors in Greenville County by providing nutritious meals, personal interaction & independence.","https://mealsonwheelsgreenville.org/","South Carolina, US; Greenville County, SC","Aging; Disability; Chronic diseases; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels Montgomery County","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To foster the independence and dignity of homebound seniors in Montgomery County by providing them with nutritious meals, transportation, and caring connections","https://www.mowmc.org","Montgomery County, TX","Aging; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels North Central Texas","2020","$1500000","Ending hunger and isolation. Delivering dignity and independence.","https://www.mownct.org","Ellis County, TX; Johnson County, TX; Navarro County, TX","Aging; Disability; Nutrition and food security; Humanitarian assistance and relief; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Meals on Wheels of Albuquerque","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Delivering healthy meals and friendship - neighbor to neighbor","https://mow-nm.org/","New Mexico, US","Aging; Chronic diseases; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland","2020","$8000000","To keep aging and disabled adults living safely and independently at home through the provision of nutritious meals, personal contact and support services.","https://www.mealsonwheelsmd.org/","Maryland, US; Baltimore, MD","Aging; Disability; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels of Eastern Kansas","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Meeting individual needs through innovative care solutions.","https://www.midlandcareconnection.org/meals-on-wheels/","Midwest, US; Kansas, US","Aging; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels of Metro Tulsa","2020","$1500000","Providing the support our seniors need to extend their independence and health as they age.","https://www.mealsonwheelstulsa.org","Oklahoma, US; Tulsa, OK","Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels of Northwest Indiana","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To deliver nutritious meals to those in need with the support of community volunteers.","https://mownwi.org/","Jasper County, IN; Lake County, IN; Porter County, IN","Aging; Disability; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels of Rhode Island","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Our mission is to meet the nutritional and social needs of those we serve so that they can maintain safe and independent lifestyles.","https://www.rimeals.org/","Northeast, US; Rhode Island, US","Aging; Disability; Race and ethnicity; Access to healthcare; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels of Staten Island","2020","$4000000","Our mission is to provide healthy nutrition for older adults, over age 60, who are unable to shop or prepare meals themselves. We provide healthy nutrition, two meals daily, responsive to individual health related and recommended dietary requirements. Daily delivery reduces isolation supporting a sense of well-being for meal recipients.","https://www.mealsonwheelsofstatenisland.com/","New York, US","Aging; Disability; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels of Tampa","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Meals On Wheels of Tampa nourishes, enriches, and strengthens the lives of seniors and individuals in the community who have difficulty leaving their homes and are challenged to prepare meals","https://mowtampa.org/","Florida, US; Hillsborough County, FL; Tampa, FL","Aging; Disability; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels of the Greater Lehigh Valley","2020","$1500000","To improve the health, well-being, and independence of homebound seniors and adults with disabilities.","https://mowglv.org/","Pennsylvania, US; Allentown, PA; Lehigh County, PA","Aging; Disability; Chronic diseases; Mental and behavioral health; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels People","2020","$8000000","Our mission is to enrich the lives of older adults and assist them in maintaining independence by providing nutritious food, human connections and social support. We also use our expertise and capacity to serve other nutritionally at-risk populations.","https://www.mowp.org/","Oregon, US; Washington, US","Aging; Access to healthcare; Active living; Chronic diseases; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels Plus","2020","$1500000","The mission of Meals on Wheels Plus is to enhance the quality of life for seniors and other eligible adults by providing nutritionally balanced meals and supportive services.","https://www.mealsonwheelsplus.com/","Abilene, TX; Jones County, TX; Runnels County, TX","Aging; Disability; Race and ethnicity; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels PLUS of Manatee","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The mission of Meals on Wheels PLUS of Manatee is to assist individuals to live independently by providing nutrition and caring, supportive services.","https://mealsonwheelsplus.org/","Bradenton, FL; Manatee County, FL; Parrish, FL","Active living; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals On Wheels Programs & Services of Rockland","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To enhance the wellness of Rockland's older adults and families by providing services that support their safety, independence and health","https://www.mowrockland.org/","New York, US; Rockland, NY","Active living; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels San Diego County","2020","$4000000","Empower seniors and veterans to remain independent by nourishing their bodies, minds, and spirits","https://www.meals-on-wheels.org","California, US; San Diego County, CA","Aging; Mental and behavioral health; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels San Francisco","2020","$8000000","Our mission to provide isolated homebound older adults in San Francisco and San Mateo with nutritious meals, daily human contact, and supportive services to prevent their premature institutionalization","https://www.mowsf.org","California, US; San Francisco County, CA; San Mateo County, CA","Aging; Disability; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels South Florida","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To end hunger across all ages with kindness, dignity and compassion.","https://www.mowsoflo.org/","Florida, US; Broward County, FL; Miami-Dade County, FL","Aging; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels Southwest OH & Northern KY","2020","$4000000","We provide essential services so that seniors may age with comfort and dignity in their own homes.","https://www.muchmorethanameal.org/","Cincinnati, OH","Bridging divides; Aging; Disability; Chronic diseases; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels Texoma","2020","$1500000","To enable people to live with dignity and independence by offering community support through nutritious meals and coordinated services that improve well-being.","https://www.mowot.org/","Cooke County, TX; Fannin County, TX; Grayson County, TX","Aging; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels Wake County","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Nourish, enrich, and strengthen the lives of older adults through daily meal delivery and human connections.","https://www.wakemow.org/","Raleigh, NC; Wake County, NC; Cary, NC","Aging; Nutrition and food security"
"Meals on Wheels Western South Dakota","2020","$1500000","To reconnect seniors to their communities with food and friendship.","https://www.mealsprogram.com","South Dakota, US; Pine Ridge, SD; Rapid City, SD","Bridging divides; Aging; Nutrition and food security; Humanitarian assistance and relief"
"Measures for Justice","2022","$15000000","Measures for Justice is leading a movement to change the future of criminal justice by developing tools that help communities, including the institutions that serve them reshape how the system works.","https://measuresforjustice.org/","New York, US; Louisiana, US; California, US","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"Meharry Medical College","2022","$20000000","Meharry Medical College is a global academic health sciences center advancing health equity through innovative research, transformative education, exceptional and compassionate health services and policy-influencing thought leadership. True to its legacy, Meharry empowers diverse populations to improve the well-being of humankind.","https://www.mmc.edu/","Global; Nashville, TN","Postsecondary, tertiary education; Access to healthcare; Chronic diseases; Infectious and parasitic diseases; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Memphis Music Initiative","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Memphis Music Initiative invests in youth through transformative music engagement, creating equitable opportunities for Black and brown youth in Memphis.","https://memphismusicinitiative.org/","Memphis, TN","Creative youth development; Cultural awareness; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"MENTOR","2021","$8000000","MENTOR's mission is to fuel the quality and quantity of mentoring relationships for America's young people and to close the mentoring gap for the one in three young people growing up without this critical support.","https://www.mentoring.org/","United States","Bridging divides; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Child development and welfare; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Metro Early College High School","2022","$2500000","Our mission is to have all members of the Metro community seek to improve their practice of the Metro Habits of Heart and Mind: Effective Communicator Inquiring Learner Active and Responsible Decision Maker Effective Collaborator Critical Thinker Engaged Learner","https://www.themetroschool.org","Ohio, US; Columbus, OH","Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Vocational education"
"Metro Industrial Areas Foundation","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The IAF partners with religious congregations and civic organizations at the local level to build broad-based organizing projects, which create new capacity in a community for leadership development, citizen-led action and relationships across the lines that often divide our communities.","https://www.metro-iaf.org/","United States","Faith and religion; Democracy"
"Metro United Way","2020","$20000000","To improve lives and our community by engaging people to give, advocate, and volunteer.","https://metrounitedway.org/","Indiana, US; Kentucky, US; Jefferson County, KY","Civic and social engagement; Access to housing and housing development; Financial inclusion; Early learning; Fund"
"Metropolitan Atlanta Arts Fund","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Arts Fund supports the creation of art within metro Atlanta’s arts and culture ecosystem, as well as the utilization of arts to amplify and activate community voice, strengthen the regional economy and foster an environment of life-long learning in the arts at all stages of life.","https://cfgreateratlanta.org/nonprofits/available-grants/metropolitan-atlanta-arts-fund/","Atlanta, GA","Multidisciplinary arts; Fund"
"Mexic-Arte Museum","2021","$1000000","The Mexic-Arte Museum is dedicated to enriching the community through education programs, exhibitions, and the collection, preservation, and interpretation of Mexican, Latinx, and Latin American art and culture for visitors of all ages.","https://mexic-artemuseum.org/","Austin, TX; Travis, TX","Museums; Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development"
"Micronesia Conservation Trust","2022","$6000000","We make grants and strengthen organizational and leadership capacity to help Micronesian communities and decision-makers conserve the health of the oceans and islands that are our home.","https://www.ourmicronesia.org/","Marshall Islands; Micronesia, Federated States of; Palau","Livelihoods and workforce development; Natural resources conservation; Regrantor; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Mid Atlantic Arts","2021","$8000000","Mid Atlantic Arts nurtures and funds the creation and presentation of diverse artistic expression and connects people to meaningful arts experiences within our region and beyond.","https://www.midatlanticarts.org/","Northeast, US; Virgin Islands, US","Craft and traditional arts; Multidisciplinary arts; Performing arts; Fund; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Mid-America Arts Alliance","2021","$8000000","Mid-America Arts Alliance strengthens and supports artists, cultural organizations, and communities throughout the region and beyond","https://www.maaa.org/","Midwest, US; United States","Multidisciplinary arts; Bridging divides; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Migrant Clinicians Network","2022","$5000000","Migrant Clinicians Network: A force for health justice/Somos una fuerza dedicada a la justicia en salud. Our mission is to create practical solutions at the intersection of vulnerability, migration, and health. We envision a world based on health justice and equity, where migration is never an impediment to well-being.","https://www.migrantclinician.org/","Global; Latin America & Caribbean; United States","Bridging divides; Climate change; Environmental justice; Immigration or migration; Access to healthcare"
"Mile High United Way","2020","$20000000","Mile High United Way, the first United Way in the country and celebrating 135 years, works to unite people, ideas and resources to advance the common good. We believe in a community united to create opportunities for all.","https://unitedwaydenver.org/","Colorado, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Early learning; Youth development; Regrantor; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"Millennial Action Project","2020","$2000000","Millennial Action Project has an audacious mission: activate young leaders to bridge the partisan divide and transform American politics. We believe Millennial and Gen Z lawmakers at the state and federal levels can build a more functional democracy, and scale a more effective and empathetic political culture.","https://www.millennialaction.org/","Northeast, US; South, US; United States","Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Democracy; Youth development; Climate change"
"Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity","2022","$5750000","Put God's love into action by bringing people together to build homes, communities and hope.","https://milwaukeehabitat.org/","Wisconsin, US; Milwaukee, WI","Access to housing and housing development"
"Mission Achievement and Success Charter School","2022","$3000000","Our mission is to prepare students to be successful in college and life by providing a rigorous college preparatory program in a safe, effective learning environment. We believe that all children, regardless of race, economic status, or past educational experiences can succeed when provided access to a great education.","https://www.missionachievementandsuccess.com/","Albuquerque, NM; Las Cruces, NM; Santa Fe, NM","Early learning; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development"
"Mission Asset Fund - Immigrant Families Fund","2021","$45000000","MAF provides timely and culturally relevant financial products and services to help low-income workers, people of color, and immigrant families throughout the country to become visible, active, and successful in their financial lives.","https://missionassetfund.org/immigrant-families-grant/","United States","Economic development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Immigration or migration; Race and ethnicity"
"Mississippi Center for Cultural Production","2021","$1000000","Mississippi Center for Cultural Production has been organized to support groups and individuals creating social, economic, and cultural transformation toward long-term sustainability through the research, creation, and presentation of arts, culture, and agriculture.","https://sippculture.com/","South, US; Mississippi, US; Utica, MS","Multidisciplinary arts; Civic and social engagement; Agricultural development; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor"
"Mississippi Food Network","2020","$9000000","Mississippi Food Network changes lives by fighting hunger today and feeding hope for a healthier tomorrow","https://www.msfoodnet.org","Mississippi, US","Nutrition and food security"
"Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College","2021","$20000000","The mission of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is to meet the educational needs of the community by providing workforce pathways, certificates, diplomas, and associate transfer and applied degrees. The college embraces lifelong learning, productive citizenship, service learning, and leadership development in a dynamic and innovative learning environment.","https://mgccc.edu/","Mississippi, US","Postsecondary, tertiary education"
"Mitchell Technical College","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To provide skills for success in technical careers.","https://www.mitchelltech.edu/","South Dakota, US","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education"
"Montana Healthcare Foundation","2022","$12000000","The Montana Healthcare Foundation makes strategic investments to improve the health and well-being of all Montanans.","https://mthcf.org/","Montana, US","Race and ethnicity; Fund; Maternal and perinatal health; Mental and behavioral health; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Montgomery Area Food Bank","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To source, acquire, and distribute nutritious food to those experiencing hunger and food insecurity throughout our region, so that families, seniors, and children can thrive.","https://mafb.org/","Autauga County, AL; Elmore County, AL; Montgomery, AL","Nutrition and food security; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Morehouse College","2020","$20000000","For over 150 years, we have prepared young men to change the world through leadership and service—driven by innovation, technology, global cultural dexterity, and a liberal arts foundation of knowledge.","https://morehouse.edu/","United States; Atlanta, GA","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Morgan State University","2020","$40000000","Morgan State University serves the community, state, nation, and world by preparing high-quality graduates for leadership. Morgan offers innovative, inclusive, and distinctive educational experiences in a comprehensive range of disciplines at all degree levels. Through collaboration, research, creativity, and service, the University prioritizes addressing societal problems, particularly within urban communities.","https://www.morgan.edu/","Northeast, US; Maryland, US; Baltimore, MD","Performing arts; Economic development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"Mosaic Network and Fund","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Mosaic Network & Fund is a first-of-its-kind collaborative between 27 donors that aims to provide more equitable funding for African, Latinx, Asian, Arab, and Native American (ALAANA) arts groups in New York City.","https://www.nycommunitytrust.org/results/collaborative-funds/","New York, US","Multidisciplinary arts; Race and ethnicity; Fund"
"Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit","2021","$3000000","Empowering young people to maximize their potential through professional performing arts training and the creation of theatrical and musical art that engages, transforms, and inspires.","https://mosaicdetroit.org/","Michigan, US; Detroit, MI","Creative youth development; Performing arts; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Youth development"
"mothers2mothers International","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","mothers2mothers (m2m) ensures one of Africa’s greatest strengths—its women—are at the heart of our work to end AIDS by delivering primary health care services to the families that need it most and creating a thriving, healthy Africa where no one is left behind.","https://m2m.org/","Sub-Saharan Africa","Gender identity; Public health, public health infrastructure; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"Motown Museum","2021","$5000000","To preserve, promote and celebrate the authentic Motown Story as a platform for others to flourish as thinkers, creators, neighbors and entrepreneurs.","https://www.motownmuseum.org/","Michigan, US; United States","Museums; Race and ethnicity"
"Mount Saint Mary's University (Los Angeles)","2020","$15000000","Provide a superior education enhanced by an emphasis on building leadership skills and fostering a spirit to serve others.","https://www.msmu.edu","United States; Los Angeles, CA","Livelihoods and workforce development; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity"
"Mountaineer Food Bank","2020","$9000000","Mountaineer Food Bank's mission is to feed West Virginia's hungry through a network of member feeding programs and engage our state in the fight to end hunger.","https://www.mountaineerfoodbank.org","West Virginia, US","Nutrition and food security"
"Movement Advancement Project","2022","$1500000","MAP's mission is to provide independent and rigorous research, insight and communications that help speed equality and opportunity for all. MAP works to ensure that all people have a fair chance to pursue health and happiness, earn a living, take care of the ones they love, be safe in their communities, and participate in civic life","https://www.mapresearch.org/","United States","Democracy; Gender identity; Race and ethnicity; Sexual orientation"
"Movement for Black Lives (M4BL)","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Movement for Black Lives is an ecosystem of individuals and organizations creating a shared vision and policy agenda to win rights, recognition, and resources for Black people. In doing so, the movement makes it possible for us, and therefore everyone, to live healthy and fruitful lives.","https://m4bl.org/","Midwest, US; South, US; United States","Civic and social engagement; Environmental justice; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity; Regrantor"
"Ms. Foundation for Women","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The mission of the Ms. Foundation for Women is to build women’s collective power in the U.S. to advance equity and justice for all. We achieve our mission by investing in, and strengthening, the capacity of women-led movements to advance meaningful social, cultural and economic change in the lives of women.","https://forwomen.org/","United States","Gender identity; Fund; Human rights"
"Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The mission of the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico is to enrich the lives of its diverse audiences by making accessible and promoting the knowledge, appreciation, and enjoyment of visual arts from Puerto Rico and the world.","https://www.mapr.org/en","Puerto Rico, US","Museums; Race and ethnicity"
"Museum of Chinese in America","2021","$5000000","Our museum strives to be responsive to the moment; tell nuanced and unexpected stories; spotlight politically conscious issues; and provide a platform for open dialogue and dynamic programs. MOCA contributes to a fuller and more nuanced and layered American narrative in highlighting the stories of this immigrant community.","https://www.mocanyc.org/","United States; New York, NY","Museums; Cultural awareness; Race and ethnicity"
"Muslim Advocates","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Muslim Advocates is a national civil rights organization working in the courts, in the halls of power and in communities to halt bigotry in its tracks. We ensure that American Muslims have a seat at the table with expert representation so that all Americans may live free from hate and discrimination.","https://muslimadvocates.org/","United States","Faith and religion"
"Muso","2021","$15000000","Muso exists to cure delay in health care, because no one should die waiting for care.","https://www.musohealth.org/","Sub-Saharan Africa; Côte d'Ivoire; Mali","Access to healthcare; Child development and welfare; Maternal and perinatal health; Public health, public health infrastructure; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"myAgro","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To move smallholder farmers out of poverty.","https://www.myagro.org/","Sub-Saharan Africa","Agricultural development; Economic development; Financial inclusion; Livelihoods and workforce development; Climate change"
"NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund","2020","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The Legal Defense Fund (LDF) is America's premier legal organization fighting for racial justice. Using the power of law, narrative, research, and people, we defend and advance the full dignity and citizenship of Black people in America.","https://www.naacpldf.org/","South, US; New York, US; United States","Civic and social engagement; Democracy; Incarceration and justice system involvement; Race and ethnicity"
"Namati","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","We advance social and environmental justice by building a movement of people who know, use, and shape the law.","https://namati.org/","Global","Civic and social engagement; Democracy; Environmental justice; Human rights"
"NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)","2022","$30000000","NAMI provides advocacy, education, support and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives.","https://www.nami.org/Home","United States","Disability; Access to healthcare; Mental and behavioral health"
"Narrative 4","2020","$2000000","Narrative 4 (N4) equips educators and artists to help young people learn and lead with curiosity, deep listening and imagination. We envision a world where community and civic engagement replace loneliness and isolation. We are creating this world student by student, school by school, story by story.","https://narrative4.com/","Global","Creative youth development; Literary arts; Bridging divides; Civic and social engagement; Youth development"
"Nashville Teacher Residency","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Develop and license teachers from diverse backgrounds and experiences who honor the dignity of every student.","https://www.nashvilleteacherresidency.org/","Tennessee, US; Nashville, TN","Bridging divides; Livelihoods and workforce development; Elementary, secondary education; Postsecondary, tertiary education; Race and ethnicity"
"National 4-H Council","2021","$50000000","To expand opportunities for all of America's youth through increased investment and participation in 4-H positive youth development.","https://4-h.org/","United States","Civic and social engagement; Livelihoods and workforce development; Youth development; Regrantor; Nutrition and food security"
"National Association for the Advancement of Colored People","2021","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","Our mission is to achieve equity, political rights, and social inclusion by advancing policies and practices that expand human and civil rights, eliminate discrimination, and accelerate the well-being, education, and economic security of Black people and all persons of color.","https://www.naacp.org","United States","Democracy; Race and ethnicity"
"National Association of Community Health Centers","2021","$4000000","The National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) was founded in 1971 to promote efficient, high quality, comprehensive health care that is accessible, culturally and linguistically competent, community directed, and patient centered for all.","https://www.nachc.org/","United States","Access to healthcare; Chronic diseases; Maternal and perinatal health; Mental and behavioral health; Public health, public health infrastructure"
"National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures","2021","$6000000","The National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures (NALAC) is the nation’s leading nonprofit organization exclusively dedicated to the promotion, advancement, development, and cultivation of the Latino arts field. In this capacity, NALAC stimulates, facilitates inter-generational dialogues among disciplines, languages, and traditional and contemporary expressions.","https://www.nalac.org/","United States","Multidisciplinary arts; Race and ethnicity; Fund"
"National Association of Police Athletic/Activities Leagues","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","The National Association of Police Athletic/Activities League and its chapters work nationwide promoting the prevention of juvenile crime and violence by building relationships among kids, National PAL is an organization based on the conviction that young people if reached early enough, are more likely to become productive adults and agents of change.","https://www.nationalpal.org/","United States","Incarceration and justice system involvement"
"National Birth Equity Collaborative","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","NBEC creates transnational solutions that optimize Black maternal, infant, sexual, and reproductive wellbeing. We shift systems and culture through training, research, technical assistance, policy, advocacy, and community-centered collaboration.","https://birthequity.org/","United States","Race and ethnicity; Maternal and perinatal health; Sexual and reproductive health and justice"
"National Black Child Development Institute","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","To engage leaders, policymakers, professionals, and parents around critical and timely issues that directly impact Black children and their families; develop and deliver strengths-based, culturally relevant, evidence-based, and trauma-informed resources to respond to the unique strengths and needs of Black children around issues including early childhood education, health and wellness, literacy, and family engagement.","https://www.nbcdi.org/","United States","Race and ethnicity; Child development and welfare"
"National Center for Family Philanthropy","2021","$4000000","The National Center for Family Philanthropy is a network of philanthropic families committed to a world that is vibrant, equitable, and resilient. We share proven practices, work through common challenges, and learn together to strengthen our ability to effect meaningful change.","https://www.ncfp.org/","United States","Bridging divides; Faith and religion; Race and ethnicity; Philanthropic sector strengthening; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"National Center for Lesbian Rights","2020","$3000000","NCLR is a national legal organization committed to advancing the civil and human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and their families through litigation, legislation, policy, and public education.","https://www.nclrights.org/","United States","Bridging divides; Gender identity; Sexual orientation; Sexual and reproductive health and justice; Human rights"
"National Children's Alliance","2022","$9000000","National Children's Alliance makes a difference one child, and one voice at a time. As a membership and accrediting organization we provide comprehensive care to abused children through hundreds of Children's Advocacy Centers nationwide. With a forward-thinking approach that stays at the forefront of every child's future, we are the beginning of child abuse's end.","https://www.nationalchildrensalliance.org/","United States","Youth development; Regrantor; Child development and welfare; Mental and behavioral health; Sexual and gender-based violence"
"National Collaborative for Health Equity","2022","Disclosure delayed for benefit of recipient","NCHE's mission is to promote health and racial equity. Our key strategies are (1) Leadership, (2) Applying Data Research and Information, and (3) Supporting and Expanding the Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Movement.","https://www.nationalcollaborative.org/","Chicago, IL; Ohio, US; United States; Alabama, US; Washington, DC","Bridging divides; Environmental justice; Race and ethnicity; Public health, public health infrastructure; Nonprofit sector strengthening"
"National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy","2021","$3000000","NCRP promotes philanthropy that serves the public good, is responsive to people and communities with the least wealth and opportunity, and is held accountable to the highest standards of integrity and openness.","https://www.ncrp.org/","United States","Climate change; Immigration or migration; Race and ethnicity; Sexual and reproductive health and justice; Philanthropic sector strengthening"