diff --git a/betterapi.h b/betterapi.h
index 618f4c3..de147f6 100644
--- a/betterapi.h
+++ b/betterapi.h
@@ -1,19 +1,169 @@
-// Always use the latest betterapi.h file from github in your build if the BETTERAPI_VERSION
-// number is compatible with the published version of betterconsole on nexusmods.
-// sometimes small hacks or fixes are put here to fix issues in the published mod between releases.
+// Always use the latest betterapi.h file from github!
+// Sometimes small hacks or fixes are put here to resolve
+// issues in the published mod between releases. You
+// can find the latest version here:
// https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SomeCrazyGuy/Starfield-Console-Replacer/master/betterapi.h
-// Version number for betterapi, when a new version of betterconsole changes the public API
-// this number is incremented. Usually only when bigger feature changes are added.
-// I will not break the API in a bugfix release of betterconsole and feature releases
-// are not expected to happen more often than starfield updates.
-// Usually porting to a new version of the api is as easy as dropping in the new betterapi.h
-// into your build and fixing the compiler errors (if any).
+// Table Of Contents
+// 1) The Unlicense
+// 2) Release History
+// 3) About this file
+// 4) Configuring Better API
+// 5) Quick Start Guide
+// 1) The Unlicense
+// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
+// Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
+// distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
+// binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
+// means.
+// In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
+// of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
+// software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
+// of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
+// successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
+// relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
+// software under copyright law.
+// For more information, please refer to
+// 2) Release History
+// 1.3.0 and older - no longer supported!
+// 1.3.1 - 2024-06-09 Starfield v1.2.30
+// First version using the new entrypoint "BetterConsoleReceiver"
+// 1.4.0 - 2024-06-14 Starfield v1.2.32
+// No public API changes
+// 3) About this file
+// This is the public API for the Starfield mod BetterConsole:
+// This file is a zero dependency header only library in the style of STB
+// libraries:
+// As such it is written in a way that shows the limitations features
+// of the C programming language. This is all an excuse to say: "if it looks like
+// something is being done the hard or wrong way, don't worry, it is intentional"
+// BetterConsole itself is mostly written in C with some C++ features sprinkled in
+// for flavor, but the public API (betterapi.h) is intended to be plain C99 code
+// and include only two standard C headers: "stdint.h" and "stdbool.h". "betterapi.h"
+// itself calls no external functions: not from the game, not the windows api,
+// not even standard library functions. It is trivial to integrate into any other
+// mod as it is a single file and there is no library to link with. Betterapi uses
+// a callback system to mediate between your mod and BetterConsole. Betterapi is
+// always a soft dependency which means that your mod can use BetterConsole APIs
+// when they are available, but the lack of BetterConsole in the load order does
+// not break your mod. The way this works is by exporting a function
+// "BetterConsoleReceiver" which, if BetterConsole is loaded, will be called
+// automatically just after Starfield creates a DirectX graphics context.
+// BetterConsoleReceiver is generated by this file when you define the macro
+// BETTERAPI_IMPLEMENTATION before including "betterapi.h". Because this function
+// is not just declared but fully implemented in this header you must only define
+// the BETTERAPI_IMPLEMENTATION macro in a single translation unit (.c or .cpp file)
+// of your mod project to avoid linker errors about "multiple definition of function"
+// As part of the glue code BetterConsoleReceiver will perform version and
+// compatibility checking with the BetterConsole runtime component before calling
+// your entrypoint for the API: "OnBetterConsoleLoad". Please read through the quick
+// start guide to see an example of how you would implement "OnBetterConsoleLoad".
+// 4) Configuring Better API
+// Without configuration, "betterapi.h" will use the most compatible and lowest
+// supported feature set. It is recommended to always use the lowest feature
+// level necessary for your mod to function to maintain compatibility with
+// BetterConsole versions in the past as well as the future. As new versions
+// of BetterConsole are released, new API functions become available that were
+// not in previous versions. At the minimum, your mod should support at least
+// one previous feature level to allow mod collections that include an older
+// release of BetterConsole to catch up to newer game releases.
+// Configuration is now done through a separate file "betterapiconfig.h".
+// Documentation for all configuration options is also the responsibility
+// of that file. You can find an example "betterapiconfig.h" in the "extra"
+// folder of the source code repo or distributed with future versions of the
+// example plugin. Uncomment the line below to use "betterapiconfig.h".
+//#include "betterapiconfig.h"
+// By default betterapi.h only enables the base featureset
+// from version 1.3.1 (which itself is almost 100%) compatible
+// with the first version released. To access newer functions
+// and capabilities you will need to define the configuration
+// variable BETTERAPI_FEATURE_LEVEL to a specific release of
+// BetterConsole like V(1,3,1) for version 1.3.1
+// Dont worry, I'll undef this at the end of the file, nobody
+// wants single letter macros polluting the namespace.
+#ifdef V
+#error "V is already defined!"
+#endif // V
+// This is the API version of betterconsole, its not
+// expected to change often and by the time version
+// 2 becomes the default, the released version of
+// BetterConsole will have supported both versions
+// of the API for more than one release cycle.
@@ -721,64 +871,171 @@ typedef struct better_api_t {
const struct std_api_t* Stdlib;
const struct console_api_t* Console;
} BetterAPI;
-#endif // !BETTERAPI_API_H
+// Dont keep silgle letter macros around outside this file
+#ifdef V
+#undef V
+#endif // V
-// For people that want to port Cheat Engine or ASI mods to sfse without including
-// sfse code into the project, define BETTERAPI_ENABLE_SFSE_MINIMAL before
-// including betterapi.h, this should get you 90% of the way to a
-// plug and play sfse plugin with no brain required:
-// #include "betterapi.h"
+// 5) Quick Start Guide
+// Adding BetterConsole features to your mod is very easy, you should be able
+// to get a basic GUI up and running within minutes. The "betterapi.h" file can
+// be included anywhere in your project and the only build requirement is to
+// enable the implementation of the BetterConsole "glue code" by defining
+// BETTERAPI_IMPLEMENTATION before including "betterapi.h" in *one* .c or .cpp
+// file. The only code you need to write is the "OnBetterConsoleLoad" function.
+// OnBetterConsoleLoad is called by BetterConsole when Starfield begins drawing
+// to the screen. This function will be used to register your mod with BetterConsole.
+// Take a look at this example for a basic plugin or build the example yourself
+// by defining BETTERAPI_BUILTIN_EXAMPLE before including "betterapi.h"
+// Create the implementation glue code, this can only be done once per project
-// if you want your dll to be loadable with sfse you need to export two symbols:
-// `SFSEPlugin_Version` and `SFSEPlugin_Load` paste this in one translation unit
-// and modify to suit your needs:
+// The example builds a combination ASI and SFSE plugin by enabling the minimal
+// SFSE glue code also available in betterapi
-// Step 1) Export this struct so sfse knows your DLL is compatible
-DLLEXPORT SFSEPluginVersionData SFSEPlugin_Version = {
- 1, // SFSE api version, 1 is current
+// Use betterapi, you can include this anywhere you need to access hte features
+#include "betterapi.h"
- 1, // Plugin api version, 1 is current
+// It is usually convenient to make aliases for the betterconsole API structures
+static const struct better_api_t* API = NULL;
+static const struct simple_draw_t* UI = NULL;
- "BetterConsole", // Mod/Plugin Name (limit: 255 characters)
+// Forward declarations of callback functions used in this example
+void MyDrawCallback(void*);
+void MyConfigCallback(ConfigAction);
+void MyHotkeyCallback(uintptr_t);
- "Linuxversion", // Mod Author(s) (limit: 255 characters)
+// Global plugin state
+static uint32_t ButtonClickCounter = 0;
+// Usually for hotkey requests you want your hotkey userdata to be an enum
+enum MyHotkeyAction {
+ MHA_Reset,
+ MHA_Click,
+ MHA_ClickTwice
+// This function will be called automaticcally when BetterConsole is loaded and
+// your plugin is compatible with the runing version of BetterConsole.
+static int OnBetterConsoleLoad(const struct better_api_t* better_api) {
+ API = better_api;
+ UI = API->SimpleDraw;
+ // The first step is to register your plugin name with BetterConsole
+ // The name used here will show up in the GUI so that the user can
+ // recognize your mod.
+ RegistrationHandle my_mod_handle = API->Callback->RegisterMod("Example");
+ // Everything else is optional, but likely you will want to also
+ // register a draw callback so your mod shows up in the UI.
+ API->Callback->RegisterDrawCallback(my_mod_handle, &MyDrawCallback);
+ // There are several types of callbacks depending on what kind of event
+ // you want to make a handler for. This line registers a configuration
+ // callback.
+ API->Callback->RegisterConfigCallback(my_mod_handle, &MyConfigCallback);
+ // The hotkey feature is activated in two steps, first register a callback:
+ API->Callback->RegisterHotkeyCallback(my_mod_handle, &MyHotkeyCallback);
+ // Then for each hotkey action you want to have, request a hotkey for it.
+ // The specific key combination used to activate a hotkey is set by the
+ // user in the "Mod Menu" > "Hotkeys" tab of BetterConsole.
+ API->Callback->RequestHotkey(my_mod_handle, "Reset Click Counter", MHA_Reset);
+ API->Callback->RequestHotkey(my_mod_handle, "Add A Click", MHA_Click);
+ API->Callback->RequestHotkey(my_mod_handle, "Add 2 Clicks", MHA_ClickTwice);
+ // return 0 if your plugin loaded correctly or
+ // return any positive number to indicate a failure
+ return 0;
+// The draw callback is called whenever your plugin needs to draw something.
+// There are many widgets available, but for simplicity lets make a basic example.
+void MyDrawCallback(void*) {
+ UI->Text("Hello World!");
+ if (UI->Button("Click Me")) {
+ ++ButtonClickCounter;
+ }
+ UI->Text("You pressed the button %u times", ButtonClickCounter);
- // Address Independance:
- 1, // 0 - hardcoded offsets (game version specific)
- // 1 - signature scanning (not version specific)
+// The config callback is called when the "BetterConsoleConfig.txt" file is loaded
+// (read event), when the file is saved (write event), or when the user is in
+// "Mod Menu" > "Settings" and selects your mod to configure it (edit event).
+void MyConfigCallback(ConfigAction action) {
+ // The Config api offers default actions for certain types (like uint32_t)
+ API->Config->ConfigU32(action, "Button Click Couter", &ButtonClickCounter);
- // Structure Independance:
- 1, // 0 - relies on specific game structs
- // 1 - mod does not care if game structs change
+// Hotkeys are global, they can be activated even when BetterConsole is not shown.
+// Only one draw callback per mod is allowed, but you can use the userdata paramiter
+// of the callback to tell which action was requested.
+void MyHotkeyCallback(uintptr_t userdata) {
+ enum MyHotkeyAction act = (enum MyHotkeyAction)userdata;
- // Compatible Game Versions:
- { // A list of up to 15 game versions
- MAKE_VERSION(1, 11, 36), // This means compatible with 1.11.36
- 0 // The list must be terminated with 0
- }, // if address & structure independent
- // then this is minimum version required
+ if (act == MHA_Reset) {
+ ButtonClickCounter = 0;
+ }
+ else if (act == MHA_Click) {
+ ButtonClickCounter++;
+ }
+ else if (act == MHA_ClickTwice) {
+ ButtonClickCounter += 2;
+ }
+// The following allows the example plugin to also be an sfse plugin
+// more details are in the sfse section
+// Step 1) Export this struct so sfse knows your DLL is compatible
+DLLEXPORT SFSEPluginVersionData SFSEPlugin_Version = {
+ 1, // SFSE api version, 1 is current
+ 1, // Plugin api version, 1 is current
+ "BetterConsole Example Plugin", // Mod/Plugin Name (limit: 255 characters)
+ "Linuxversion", // Mod Author(s) (limit: 255 characters)
+ // Address Independance:
+ 1, // 0 - hardcoded offsets (game version specific)
+ // 1 - signature scanning (not version specific)
+ // Structure Independance:
+ 1, // 0 - relies on specific game structs
+ // 1 - mod does not care if game structs change
+ // Compatible Game Versions:
+{ // A list of up to 15 game versions
+ MAKE_VERSION(1, 11, 36), // This means compatible with 1.11.36
+ 0 // The list must be terminated with 0
+}, // if address & structure independent
+ // then this is minimum version required
0, // 0 = does not rely on any specific sfse version
- 0, 0 // reserved fields, must be 0
+ 0, 0 // reserved fields, must be 0
// Step 2) Export this function so sfse knows to load your dll.
// Doing anything inside the function is optional.
-DLLEXPORT void SFSEPlugin_Load(const SFSEInterface * sfse) {}
+DLLEXPORT void SFSEPlugin_Load(const SFSEInterface* sfse) {}
+#endif // !BETTERAPI_API_H
+// For people that want to port Cheat Engine or ASI mods to sfse without including
+// sfse code into the project, define BETTERAPI_ENABLE_SFSE_MINIMAL before
+// including betterapi.h, this should get you 90% of the way to a
+// plug and play sfse plugin with no brain required.
#define MAKE_VERSION(major, minor, build) ((((major)&0xFF)<<24)|(((minor)&0xFF)<<16)|(((build)&0xFFF)<<4))
typedef uint32_t PluginHandle;
diff --git a/src/console.cpp b/src/console.cpp
index 01b49cf..577ea9f 100644
--- a/src/console.cpp
+++ b/src/console.cpp
@@ -324,12 +324,15 @@ extern void setup_console(const BetterAPI* api) {
-extern const struct console_api_t* GetConsoleAPI() {
- static const struct console_api_t Console {
- [](char* command) noexcept -> void {
- console_run(NULL, command);
- }
- };
+static void run_comand(char* command) {
+ console_run(NULL, command);
+static constexpr struct console_api_t Console {
+ run_comand
+extern constexpr const struct console_api_t* GetConsoleAPI() {
return &Console;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/console.h b/src/console.h
index 10c6f39..7e9c211 100644
--- a/src/console.h
+++ b/src/console.h
@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
extern void setup_console(const BetterAPI* api);
// but I still need to send out the console api to other components
-extern const struct console_api_t* GetConsoleAPI();
\ No newline at end of file
+extern constexpr const struct console_api_t* GetConsoleAPI();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index c3cb5bd..03a2124 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include "broadcast_api.h"
#include "std_api.h"
#include "hotkeys.h"
+#include "std_api.h"
#include "d3d11on12ui.h"
@@ -73,16 +74,6 @@ extern char* GetPathInDllDir(char* path_max_buffer, const char* filename) {
-const char* const filename_only(const char* path) {
- const char* p = path;
- while (*path) {
- if (*path == '\\') p = path;
- ++path;
- }
- return ++p;
std::mutex logging_mutex;
@@ -106,7 +97,7 @@ static void write_log(const char* const str) noexcept {
extern void DebugImpl(const char* const filename, const char* const func, int line, const char* const fmt, ...) noexcept {
- auto bytes = snprintf(format_buffer, buffer_size, "%s:%s:%d>", filename_only(filename), func, line);
+ auto bytes = snprintf(format_buffer, buffer_size, "%s:%s:%d>", filename, func, line);
ASSERT(bytes > 0);
ASSERT(bytes < buffer_size);
@@ -132,7 +123,7 @@ extern void AssertImpl [[noreturn]] (const char* const filename, const char* con
"In function '%s'\n"
"On line '%d'\n"
"Message: '%s'",
- filename_only(filename),
+ filename,
@@ -146,7 +137,7 @@ extern void AssertImpl [[noreturn]] (const char* const filename, const char* con
extern void TraceImpl(const char* const filename, const char* const func, int line, const char* const fmt, ...) noexcept {
static bool init = false;
static char tracebuff[2048];
- const auto bytes = snprintf(tracebuff, sizeof(tracebuff), "%s:%s:%d> ", filename_only(filename), func, line);
+ const auto bytes = snprintf(tracebuff, sizeof(tracebuff), "%s:%s:%d> ", filename, func, line);
ASSERT(bytes > 0 && "trace buffer too small ?");
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
diff --git a/src/main.h b/src/main.h
index 012ac47..92b0032 100644
--- a/src/main.h
+++ b/src/main.h
@@ -12,12 +12,29 @@
#endif // !MODMENU_DEBUG
+constexpr const char* next_slash(const char* const path) {
+ return (!path)
+ ? nullptr
+ : (*path == '/' || *path == '\\')
+ ? path
+ : (*path == 0)
+ ? nullptr
+ : next_slash(path + 1);
+constexpr const char* filename_only(const char* const path) {
+ return (next_slash(path))
+ ? filename_only(next_slash(path + 1))
+ : path;
extern void DebugImpl(const char* const filename, const char* const func, int line, const char* const fmt, ...) noexcept;
extern void AssertImpl(const char* const filename, const char* const func, int line, const char* const text) noexcept;
extern void TraceImpl(const char* const filename, const char* const func, int line, const char* const fmt, ...) noexcept;
-#define DEBUG(...) do { DebugImpl(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, " " __VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
-#define ASSERT(CONDITION) do { if (!(CONDITION)) { AssertImpl(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, " " #CONDITION); } } while(0)
-#define TRACE(...) do { TraceImpl(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, " " __VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
+#define DEBUG(...) do { DebugImpl(filename_only(__FILE__), __func__, __LINE__, " " __VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
+#define ASSERT(CONDITION) do { if (!(CONDITION)) { AssertImpl(filename_only(__FILE__), __func__, __LINE__, " " #CONDITION); } } while(0)
+#define TRACE(...) do { TraceImpl(filename_only(__FILE__), __func__, __LINE__, " " __VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
#define DEBUG(...) do { } while(0)
diff --git a/src/std_api.cpp b/src/std_api.cpp
index a758bfb..bee3344 100644
--- a/src/std_api.cpp
+++ b/src/std_api.cpp
@@ -3,13 +3,14 @@
-extern const struct std_api_t* GetStdAPI() {
- static const struct std_api_t api {
- &malloc,
- &free,
- &snprintf,
- &memcpy,
- &memset
- };
+static constexpr struct std_api_t api {
+ &malloc,
+ &free,
+ &snprintf,
+ &memcpy,
+ &memset
+extern constexpr const struct std_api_t* GetStdAPI() {
return &api;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/std_api.h b/src/std_api.h
index 44231c0..0012357 100644
--- a/src/std_api.h
+++ b/src/std_api.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#pragma once
#include "../betterapi.h"
-extern const struct std_api_t* GetStdAPI();
\ No newline at end of file
+extern constexpr const struct std_api_t* GetStdAPI();
\ No newline at end of file