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Deployment Walk Through


The following instructions allow the deployment of NGSA application in AKS with Istio and Keda.

Azure Components in Use

  • Azure Kubernetes Service
    • Istio ServiceMesh
    • Keda
    • Prometheus
    • Kiali
    • Grafana
  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Application Insights
  • DNS Zone


  • Azure subscription with permissions to create:
    • Resource Groups, Service Principals, Cosmos DB, AKS, Azure Monitor
  • Bash shell (tested on Mac, Ubuntu, Windows with WSL2)
    • Will not work in Cloud Shell or WSL1
  • Azure CLI (download)
  • Docker CLI (download)
  • Visual Studio Code (optional) (download)
  • kubectl (install by using sudo az aks install-cli)
  • Helm v3 (Install Instructions)
  • Istioctl (Install Instructions)


Fork this repo and clone to your local machine

cd $HOME

git clone

Change into the base directory of the repo

cd ngsa

export REPO_ROOT=$(pwd)

Login to Azure and select subscription

az login

# show your Azure accounts
az account list -o table

# select the Azure account
az account set -s {subscription name or Id}

This walkthrough will create resource groups, a Cosmos DB instance, Azure DNS entry(if specified) and an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster. An automation script is available which can be used instead of this walkthrough. Script usage instruction is found here

# this will be the prefix for all resources
# do not include punctuation - only use a-z and 0-9
# must be at least 5 characters long
# must start with a-z (only lowercase)
export Ngsa_Base_Name=[your unique name]
# examples: pre, test, stage, prod, and dev
export Ngsa_Env=[your environment name]

# Set main resource name
export Ngsa_Name="${Ngsa_Base_Name}-${Ngsa_Env}"

### if true, change Ngsa_Name
az cosmosdb check-name-exists -n "${Ngsa_Name}-cosmos"

Create Resource Groups

When experimenting with this sample, you should create new resource groups to avoid accidentally deleting resources

If you use an existing resource group, please make sure to apply resource locks to avoid accidentally deleting resources

  • You will create 3 resource groups
    • One for AKS and Azure Monitor
    • One for Cosmos DB
    • One for Log Analytics
# set location
export Ngsa_Location=westus2

# resource group names
export Imdb_Name="${Ngsa_Name}-cosmos"
export Ngsa_App_RG="${Ngsa_Name}-app-rg"
export Ngsa_Log_Analytics_RG="${Ngsa_Name}-log-rg"
export Imdb_RG="${Ngsa_Name}-cosmos-rg"

# export Cosmos DB env vars
# these will be explained in the Cosmos DB setup step
export Imdb_Location=$Ngsa_Location
export Imdb_DB=imdb
export Imdb_Col=movies
export Imdb_RW_Key='az cosmosdb keys list -n $Imdb_Name -g $Imdb_RG --query primaryMasterKey -o tsv'

# create the resource groups
az group create -n $Ngsa_App_RG -l $Ngsa_Location
az group create -n $Ngsa_Log_Analytics_RG -l $Ngsa_Location
az group create -n $Imdb_RG -l $Imdb_Location

Create and load sample data into Cosmos DB

  • This takes several minutes to run

  • This reference app is designed to use a simple dataset from IMDb of 1300 movies and their associated actors and genres

  • Follow the steps in the IMDb Repo to create a Cosmos DB server, database, and collection and load the sample IMDb data

    • The repo readme also provides an explanation of the data model design decisions

    You can safely start with the Create Cosmos DB step

    The initial steps were completed above

Create Log Analytics

Add log analytics extension.

export Ngsa_Log_Analytics_Name="${Ngsa_Name}-log"

# Add Log Analytics extension
az extension add -n log-analytics

# create Log Analytics for the loderunner clients
az monitor log-analytics workspace create -g $Ngsa_Log_Analytics_RG -l $Ngsa_Location -n $Ngsa_Log_Analytics_Name -o table

Create the AKS Cluster

Set local variables to use in AKS deployment

export Ngsa_AKS_Name="${Ngsa_Name}-aks"

Determine the latest version of Kubernetes supported by AKS. It is recommended to choose the latest version not in preview for production purposes, otherwise choose the latest in the list.

az aks get-versions -l $Ngsa_Location -o table

export Ngsa_K8S_VER=1.19.6

Create and connect to the AKS cluster.

# this step usually takes 2-4 minutes
az aks create --name $Ngsa_AKS_Name --resource-group $Ngsa_App_RG --location $Ngsa_Location --enable-cluster-autoscaler --min-count 3 --max-count 6 --node-count 3 --kubernetes-version $Ngsa_K8S_VER --no-ssh-key

# note: if you see the following failure, navigate to your .azure\ directory
# and delete the file "aksServicePrincipal.json":
#    Waiting for AAD role to propagate[################################    ]  90.0000%Could not create a
#    role assignment for ACR. Are you an Owner on this subscription?

az aks get-credentials -n $Ngsa_AKS_Name -g $Ngsa_App_RG

kubectl get nodes

Install Helm 3

Install the latest version of Helm by download the latest release:

# mac os
OS=darwin-amd64 && \
REL=v3.3.4 && \ #Should be lastest release from
mkdir -p $HOME/.helm/bin && \
curl -sSL "${REL}-${OS}.tar.gz" | tar xvz && \
chmod +x ${OS}/helm && mv ${OS}/helm $HOME/.helm/bin/helm
rm -R ${OS}


# Linux/WSL
OS=linux-amd64 && \
REL=v3.3.4 && \
mkdir -p $HOME/.helm/bin && \
curl -sSL "${REL}-${OS}.tar.gz" | tar xvz && \
chmod +x ${OS}/helm && mv ${OS}/helm $HOME/.helm/bin/helm
rm -R ${OS}

Add the helm binary to your path and set Helm home:

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.helm/bin
export HELM_HOME=$HOME/.helm

NOTE: This will only set the helm command during the existing terminal session. Copy the 2 lines above to your bash or zsh profile so that the helm command can be run any time.

Verify the installation with:

helm version

Add the required helm repositories

helm repo add stable
helm repo add kedacore
helm repo add jetstack
helm repo update

Install Istio Service Mesh into the cluster

Specify the Istio version that will be leveraged throughout these instructions. Note: If using a macOS device, make sure to set ARCH to osx.

export ISTIO_VERSION=1.7.3
export ARCH=linux-amd64
curl -sL "$ISTIO_VERSION/istioctl-$ISTIO_VERSION-$ARCH.tar.gz" | tar xz

Copy the istioctl client binary to the standard user program location in your PATH

sudo mv ./istioctl /usr/local/bin/istioctl
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/istioctl

Install the Istio Operator and Components on AKS

istioctl operator init
kubectl create namespace istio-system
kubectl apply -f $REPO_ROOT/IaC/AKS/cluster/manifests/istio/istio.aks.yaml

# the istio resources will take about a minute to be installed

Validate the Istio installation

kubectl get all --namespace istio-system

You should see the following components:

  • istio* - the Istio components
  • tracing - tracing addon
  • prometheus - metrics addon
  • grafana - analytics and monitoring dashboard addon
  • kiali - service mesh dashboard addon

Enable automatic sidecar injection in the ngsa namespace:

kubectl create namespace ngsa
kubectl label namespace ngsa istio-injection=enabled

Get the public IP of the Istio Ingress Gateway.

export INGRESS_PIP=$(kubectl --namespace istio-system  get svc -l istio=ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')

# Check that istio has an ingress IP. If not, wait a few seconds and run the above command again.

# set application endpoint
export Ngsa_App_Endpoint="${INGRESS_PIP}"

Install KEDA

KEDA autoscales the NGSA pods by assessing metrics for incoming requests, which are captured by Istio and stored in Prometheus.

export KEDA_VERSION=2.0.0
kubectl create namespace keda
helm install keda kedacore/keda --namespace keda --version $KEDA_VERSION

Deploy NGSA Secrets

kubectl create secret generic ngsa-secrets \
  --namespace ngsa \
  --from-literal=CosmosDatabase=$Imdb_DB \
  --from-literal=CosmosCollection=$Imdb_Col \
  --from-literal=CosmosKey=$(az cosmosdb keys list -n $Imdb_Name -g $Imdb_RG --query primaryMasterKey -o tsv) \

Deploy NGSA with Helm

The NGSA application has been packed into a Helm chart for deployment into the cluster. The following instructions will walk you through the manual process of deployment of the helm chart and is recommended for development and testing. Alternatively, the helm chart can be deployed in a GitOps CICD approach. GitOps allows the automated deployment of the application to the cluster using FluxCD in which the configuration of the application is stored in Git.(NGSA-CD).

cd $REPO_ROOT/gitops

export CHART_REPO=$(pwd)

cd $CHART_REPO/charts/ngsa

# Use the helm-config.yaml file to configure the deployment
envsubst < helm-config.example.yaml > helm-config.yaml

The helm-config.yaml file can be used as an override to the default values during the helm install.

cd $CHART_REPO/charts/

# create an istio gateway

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n ngsa -f -
kind: Gateway
  name: ngsa-gateway
    istio: ingressgateway
  - port:
      number: 80
      name: http
      protocol: HTTP
      - "${Ngsa_App_Endpoint}"

# Install NGSA using the upstream ngsa image from GitHub Container Registry
helm install ngsa-aks ngsa -f ./ngsa/helm-config.yaml --namespace ngsa --set cert.enabled=false --set
# Note: Above command creates a ngsa cosmos deployment named ngsa-aks

# check the version endpoint
# you may get a timeout error, if so, just retry

http ${Ngsa_App_Endpoint}/version

Run the Validation Test

For more information on the validation test tool, see Lode Runner.

# run the tests in a container
docker run -it --rm --server "http://$Ngsa_App_Endpoint" --files baseline.json

Smoke Tests

Deploy Loderunner to drive consistent traffic to the AKS cluster for monitoring.

cd $REPO_ROOT/IaC/AKS/cluster/charts

kubectl create namespace ngsa-l8r

cp ./loderunner/helm-config.example.yaml ./loderunner/helm-config.yaml

helm install l8r loderunner -f ./loderunner/helm-config.yaml --namespace ngsa-l8r --set region=$Ngsa_Location

# Verify the pods are running
kubectl get pods --namespace ngsa-l8r


Observability is enabled through a combination of Fluent Bit to forward logs to Azure Log Analytics and queries directly to Log Analytics or via Azure Dashboards.

Fluent Bit Log Forwarding

Deploy Fluent Bit to forward application and smoker logs to the Log Analytics instance.

cd $CHART_REPO/charts/

kubectl create namespace fluentbit

kubectl create secret generic fluentbit-secrets \
  --namespace fluentbit \
  --from-literal=WorkspaceId=$(az monitor log-analytics workspace show -g $Ngsa_Log_Analytics_RG -n $Ngsa_Log_Analytics_Name --query customerId -o tsv) \
  --from-literal=SharedKey=$(az monitor log-analytics workspace get-shared-keys -g $Ngsa_Log_Analytics_RG -n $Ngsa_Log_Analytics_Name --query primarySharedKey -o tsv)

helm install fluentbit fluentbit --namespace fluentbit --set log.region=DEBUG --set

# Verify the fluentbit pod is running
kubectl get pod --namespace fluentbit

Querying Log Analytics

Navigate to the Log Analytics resource in the Azure portal and go to General -> Logs to explore the logs with KQL queries.

Sample queries:

# View the latest logs from the ngsa app

| where k_container_s == "app"
   and LogName_s == "Ngsa.RequestLog"
| project TimeGenerated, CosmosName_s, Zone_s, CVector_s, Duration_d, StatusCode_d, Path_s

# Calculate the 75th and 95th percentiles for the ngsa app response time and compare by app type (in-memory or cosmos) and zone

| where k_container_s == "app"
   and k_app_s == "ngsa-aks"
   and LogName_s == "Ngsa.RequestLog"
| summarize percentile(Duration_d, 75), percentile(Duration_d, 95) by Zone_s, k_app_s
| extend Zone=Zone_s, 75th=round(percentile_Duration_d_75,2), 95th=round(percentile_Duration_d_95,2), AppType=k_app_s
| project AppType, Zone, 75th, 95th
| order by AppType, Zone asc

AKS Cluster using automated script

With this script a cluster can be deployed in AKS (uses the same steps above). The script is self-contained, meaning, it won't change the user-environment (e.g. selected Azure Subscription or ubernetes context) unless it's explicitly specified. It is located here. Script Usage:

    ./create-cluster-env.bash --ngsa-prefix basename123 [Optional Args/Flags]
    ./create-cluster-env.bash -s azure-subs -n basename123 [Optional Args/Flags]

Required args:
    -n | --ngsa-prefix BASE_NAME    This will be the NGSA prefix for all resources
                                    Do not include punctuation - only use a-z and 0-9
                                    must be at least 5 characters long
                                    must start with a-z (only lowercase)
Optional args:
    -s | --subscription AZ_SUB      Azure Subscription Name or ID
    -e | --env ENVIRONMENT          Environemnt Type. Default: dev (See for other values)
    -d | --domain DOMAIN_NAME       Registered Domain Name. Default: (Requires --email)
    -m | --email EMAIL_DOMAIN       Required Email if a '--domain' is given
    -l | --location LOCATION        Location where the resources will be created. Default: westus2
    -k | --k8s-ver K8S_VERSION      Kubernetes version used. Default: 1.18.8
                                    Use 'az aks get-versions -l westus2 -o table' to get supported versions
    -c | --node-count NODE_COUNT    Cluster Node Count. Default: 3
    -r | --dns-rg DNS_RG            DNS Resource group name. Default: dns-rg
    -i | --cosmos-key COSMOS_KEY
    -u | --cosmos-url COSMOS_URL    In case users want to use their own CosmosDBBoth Key and URL are empty by default.
Optional Flag:
    -x | --set-k8s-context          Sets the kubernetes context for current user in /home/kushal/.kube/config
    -h | --help                     Show the usage

Example usage:

  • Create a cluster with selected Azure subscription

    ./create-cluster-env.bash --ngsa-prefix basengsa

  • Create a cluster with specific Azure subscription

    ./create-cluster-env.bash -s azure-subscription-name -n basengsa

  • Create a cluster in a specific location

    ./create-cluster-env.bash -n basengsa -l centralus

  • Create a cluster and set the current k8s context

    ./create-cluster-env.bash --subscription "az-sub" -n basengsa --set-k8s-context

  • Create a cluster with specific environmen type

    ./create-cluster-env.bash --subscription "az-sub" -n ultrangsa -d abcd.efg --email [email protected] --env stage

  • Create a cluster with specific domain name

    ./create-cluster-env.bash --subscription "az-sub" -n basengsa -d abcd.efg --email [email protected]

  • Create a cluster with existing CosmosDB

    ./create-cluster-env.bash -s az-sub -n ngsatest -d -l centralus -i AkI=FAKE=KEY=oGk=SOME=FAKE=KEY=Zh7Iad703gWwBb0P=YET=ANOTHER=FAKE=KEY=w0Zubg== -u

  • Create a cluster with specific node count

    ./create-cluster-env.bash --subscription "az-sub" -n basengsa -c 6 -x