- id: UUID representing this person for this data set. required
- name: Full Name. required
- given_name: First name.
- family_name: Last name.
- middle_name: Middle name or initial.
- suffix: Name Suffix.
- gender: Male/Female/Other
- email: Email address.
- biography: Official biography text.
- birth_date: Birth date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
- death_date: Death date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
- image: URL to official photo.
- ids: nested dictionary of additional ids
- twitter: username of official Twitter account
- youtube: username of official YouTube account
- instagram: username of official Instagram account
- facebook: username of official Facebook account
- legacy_openstates: legacy Open States ID (e.g. NCL000123)
- openstates: alternate Open States ID (results from duplicates that have been merged)
- party: list of parties that the legislator has been a part of, each may have the following fields:
- name: Name of the party. required
- start_date
- end_date
- roles: list of legislative & executive roles held by this individual, each may have the following fields:
- type: upper|lower|legislature|governor|lt_governor|mayor required
- district: name/number of district required if upper|lower|legislature
- jurisdiction: ocd-jurisdiction identifier required
- start_date required if not upper|lower|legislature
- end_date required if not upper|lower|legislature
- end_reason: reason this role ended, such as resignation/death
- contact_details: role-specific contact details (see below for schema)
- contact_details (see below)
- links (see below)
- other_identifiers (see below)
- other_names (see below)
- sources (see below)
- id: UUID representing this organization. required
- name: Name of Organization. required
- jurisdiction: ocd-jurisdiction identifier required
- parent: Parent of this organization, can be:
- upper
- lower
- legislature
- ID of a parent committee in the case of subcommittee required
- classification: Classification, can be:
- committee required
- memberships: list of memberships, each may have the following:
- id - ocd-person ID if known
- name - name of person required
- role - role that person fills on committee, if not 'member'
- start_date
- end_date
These sections can have a list of objects, each with the following fields available.
- note: "District Office" or "Capitol Office" required
- address: Mailing address.
- voice: Phone number used for voice calls.
- fax: Fax number.
- note: description of the purpose of this link
- url: URL associated with legislator required
- scheme: origin of this identifier (e.g. "votesmart") required
- identifier: identifier used by the given service/scheme (e.g. 13823) required
- start_date: optional date identifier started being valid for this person
- end_date: optional date identifier ceased to be valid for this person
- name: alternate name that has been seen for this person required
- start_date: optional date name started being valid for this person
- end_date: optional date name ceased to be valid for this person
- note: description of the usage of this source
- url: URL used to collect information for this person required
These fields should only be set by the automated processes, but may also be present.
- sort_name
- extras